Couldn’t post two videos in one post, but I did want to show what the new Australian PM said about the global nature pledge. Extra,……..see underlined highlight.

Quote Originally Posted by S Landreth View Post

The Australian government has active a all-around agreement accustomed by further than 90 countries committing them to abandoning biodiversity accident by 2030.

The prime minister, Anthony Albanese, alien Australia had abutting the Leaders’ Pledge for Nature at an accident demography abode on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly in New York.

In a video message, he answered Australia’s access to ecology challenges had afflicted and the government accepted altitude change and the all-around accident of biodiversity were bifold crises.

“This highlights Australia’s reinvigorated access to maintaining our ambiance and altitude administration and signals our adherence with added apple leaders in our charge to demography able action on the bifold crises of biodiversity accident and altitude change,” he said.

The Leaders’ Pledge for Nature is the aforementioned certificate the Morrison government refused to assurance in 2020 because it alleged for commitments which were inconsistent with Australia’s behavior at the time, including greater appetence to decrease greenhouse gas emissions.

The agreement was once developed by the Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS), Belize, Bhutan, Colombia, Costa Rica, the EU, Finland, Kenya, Seychelles, the UK and an accord of organisations.

Countries which have accustomed the agreement have promised accomplishments including stronger all-around accomplishment to decrease deforestation, awkward unsustainable fishing practices, eradicating environmentally adverse subsidies, and alpha the alteration to acceptable aliment assembly systems and a annular abridgement all through the abutting decade.

The certificate promises action to decrease biodiversity accident and stop human-caused extinctions of added species.