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    Biden on the campaign trail

    With an eye on a 2024 reelection bid, President Joe Biden takes his economic message to union workers in Wisconsin

    If President Joe Biden wants a second term, the path could start in Wisconsin where his tiny victory in 2020 over former President Donald Trump sparked a two-year war in this evenly split battleground state over the state's system of elections.

    Now, following his State of the Union address and ahead of a potential 2024 announcement, Biden made his first stop in Dane County — a voting powerhouse for Democrats that also is one of the only areas of the state with consistent population growth — to promote his economic plan that he argues will address the challenges of an aging population and a stagnant workforce.

    He arrives at a time when most of Wisconsin voters don't approve of the way Biden is handling the presidency and as voters nationally are sour on the idea of a 2020 rerun between Biden and Trump, according to recent polling by the Marquette University Law School that showed 34% wanting Biden to run in 2024 and 29% backing a Trump campaign for president.

    On Wednesday, Biden pressed an economic message in an appeal to blue-collar workers who have in recent years diverted their support to Republican candidates.

    "A typical middle-class family for decades was the backbone of America. The middle class has been hollowed out — it's been hollowed out," Biden said at the Laborers' International Union of North America training center in DeForest, 14 miles north of Madison.

    "You saw it Janesville," he said, referring to the 2008 closure of a General Motors plant that had employed 7,000 workers at the peak of its 89-year lifespan.

    "Once-thriving cities and towns became shadows of what they used to be. When those towns were hollowed out, something else was lost: pride, self-esteem, a sense of self-worth. But now we're going to turn that around and build an economy where no one's going to be left behind."

    To a crowd of Democratic officials, donors, and dozens of union workers, Biden touted the hundreds of thousands of manufacturing jobs under the American Rescue Plan, Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, CHIPS and Science Act, and Inflation Reduction Act. He spent hours afterward meeting with workers at the facility honing those skills.
    Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

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    Quote Originally Posted by bsnub View Post
    Bullshit! He said it was not the majority of the caucus. There are more than a few who want to defund SS. Stop watching fox news.

    Scott doubles down on sunsetting all federal programs after Biden’s jab | The Hill

    List of Republicans Who Have Suggested Cutting Medicare, Social Security
    Biden advocated cutting Social Security and Medicare in the 70's and as late as 1995. Then turned around and spread the same lie in Wisconsin.

    By the way Biden plagiarized the State of Union Speech and turned MAGA.

  3. #3303
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    This one hit a soft spot

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    Biden at his worst in DC's latest BS battle

    Opinion by Byron York • 1h ago

    BIDEN AT HIS WORST IN DC'S LATEST BS BATTLE. One of the most commented-upon moments of President Joe Biden's State of the Union address happened when Biden accused some Republicans of wanting Medicare and Social Security to "sunset." In other words, Biden said, those Republicans want Medicare and Social Security, the twin foundations of the safety net for the retired, to go out of existence

    The weird thing about what Biden said was that just the day before, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) had declared, in a much-watched speech, that "cuts to Medicare and Social Security are off the table." McCarthy clearly anticipated Biden's attack and made sure that in the coming debt ceiling negotiations, House Republicans' position would be clear: no cuts to Medicare, no cuts to Social Security.
    Nevertheless, during the State of the Union, Biden went on the attack. "Instead of making the wealthy pay their fair share, some Republicans — some Republicans — want Medicare and Social Security to sunset," the president said as boos began to rise from the GOP side of the floor. "I'm not saying it's the majority," Biden continued, to more boos. "Let me give you — anybody who doubts it, contact my office. I'll give you a copy — I'll give you a copy of the proposal."
    The "proposal" to which Biden referred was an election agenda released last year by Sen. Rick Scott (R-FL), who was in charge of the 2022 GOP Senate midterm election effort. Like any Republican, Scott called for fiscal responsibility. He wanted to reduce the size, scope, and expense of government. To that end, Scott advocated all sorts of measures, such as drastically simplifying the tax code, "eliminating the advantages of those who can afford tax lawyers and lobbyists," moving much of the federal government out of Washington, and "selling off nonessential government assets, buildings, and land, and us[ing] the proceeds to pay down our national debt."
    And then Scott added this: "All federal legislation sunsets in five years. If a law is worth keeping, Congress can pass it again." To which Democrats immediately screamed: All legislation? That would include Medicare and Social Security! Look! Republicans want to kill Medicare and Social Security!
    The fact is, Democrats have long accused Republicans of wanting to kill Medicare and Social Security. In 2012, they made an ad depicting then-Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI), at the time Sen. Mitt Romney's vice presidential running mate, pushing a terrified grandmother in a wheelchair off a cliff. They really did that. You can watch it today — it's actually funny. But it was only a tiny bit more extreme than the accusations Democrats have actually leveled at Republicans over the years.
    So when Scott proposed a five-year sunset on legislation, and Democrats began yelling that that must surely include Medicare and Social Security, nearly all Republicans began to run away from Scott — including Scott himself, who loudly proclaimed that he had no intention of cutting Medicare and Social Security. "No one that I know of wants to sunset Medicare or Social Security," Scott said. Senate Minority leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) repeatedly told the press that Republicans most emphatically did not support Scott's plan. In addition, the Washington Post

    fact-checker gave the Democratic charge "Four Pinocchios," which the paper defined as a "whopper."
    Nevertheless, Democrats kept up the attack because accusing Republicans of wanting to kill Medicare and Social Security is what they do. So no one was surprised when Biden did what he did in the State of the Union.

    Republicans, knowing that McCarthy had just the day before declared that "cuts to Medicare and Social Security are off the table," booed and catcalled. That is simply not their position, many of them suggested, although in not so many words. Biden engaged. "I tell you, I enjoy conversion," he said, suggesting that Republicans had somehow come over to his side. But he continued: "You know [sunset] means if Congress doesn't keep the programs the way they are, they go away. Other Republicans say — I'm not saying it's a majority of you, I don't even think it's even a significant — but it's being proposed by individuals. I'm politely not naming them, but it's being proposed by some of you."
    The person Biden "politely" did not name was, of course, Rick Scott. And then Biden concluded: "So folks, as we all apparently agree, Social Security and Medicare is off the books now, right? They're not to be touched? All right. We got unanimity!" Democrats and their allies in the media cheered. Biden may be 80 years old, but he sure outfoxed those Republicans!
    It was a perfect Washington BS moment. But here's the thing. Everybody knows that Congress will have to make significant changes to Medicare and Social Security for those programs to remain solvent. And the government can't just keep spending more and more on the programs lest they someday consume the entire federal budget.
    That is just a fact. Republicans have been the only ones to attempt to address the coming crisis, and for their troubles, Democrats have beaten the hell out of them. So now, McCarthy has come to an understandable conclusion. He still knows the programs' expense will rise out of control, but he can't

    come out and address it because the Democratic attacks, amplified in media reports, will mean another debacle for Republicans. So he will have to look for other ways to approach the problem, if there are other ways.
    Now, Biden is staying on the offensive, cheered on by those partisans in Congress and the media. The day after the State of the Union, he headed to Wisconsin, where he again accused Republicans of wanting to do away with Medicare and Social Security. "They seemed shocked when I raised the plans of some of their members and their caucus to cut Social Security," Biden told the crowd in DeForest, Wisconsin. "And Marjorie Taylor Greene and others stood up and said, 'Liar! Liar!' It reminds of that 'liar, liar, house on fire.'" Everybody laughed. A moment later, Biden was holding up a copy of the Scott proposal and reading aloud from it. On Thursday, Biden headed to Florida to do more of the same.
    Meanwhile, the problem grows. Just Google "Medicare insolvency date" — you'll find out it is about 2030 under a best-case scenario — and "Social Security insolvency date" — it's about 2035. If the programs continue unreformed, the government will have to devote increasingly large amounts of money to pay for old age and healthcare. The result could be fiscal calamity. Something must be done. Given Washington's habit of not addressing problems until they become crises, any action will probably come closer to 2030 and 2035 than to today.
    Everybody knows this. Republicans have been, at times, honest and bold enough to say it. Now, in the face of continued attacks from Biden, Democrats, and their media allies, GOP lawmakers are taking a different approach. Let's try to work around the edges of the problem, they say, until it gets too bad to ignore, and then, maybe, Democrats will work with us on fixing Medicare and Social Security. Until then, Biden will keep playing the game. It has worked reliably for the many decades of his career in government and Democratic politics. Why change now?

    Quote Originally Posted by bsnub View Post
    For four decades, since Ronald Reagan re-invented the modern State of the Union address, television audiences have become accustomed — arguably to the point of tedium — to presidents putting the spotlight on ordinary Americans invited to the House chamber to be hailed for some extraordinary act.

    At last, in 2023, came a new twist on the old ritual. This time, it was ordinary Republicans putting the spotlight on themselves — through extraordinary rudeness. With boos, taunts, groans, and sarcastic chortles, the opposition party effectively turned themselves into prime-time props for President Joseph Biden.

    The performance definitely broke through the tedium. Let’s remember to check Biden’s next campaign disclosure forms — the Republican honking amounted to an in-kind contribution, one he sorely needed.

    The gift paid dividends at both the stylistic and substantive levels.

    In terms of pure theater, the jeers helped Biden come alive.

    At the beginning of the address, Biden ambled through the House gallery, an 80-year-old president who didn’t look a day over 80, nor a day under. A politician who overcame a boyhood stutter, yet who has never been particularly strong with formal speeches, had his usual mix of garbled phrases and you-know-what-he-means sentence fragments. Would this be a painful evening?

    Soon enough, it became an entertaining one. At least, Biden was having fun, looking at booing Republicans with a smile. He accused “some of my Republican friends” of wanting to “sunset Social Security and Medicare,” even as he acknowledged that, “I am not saying this a majority” who backs a proposal last year from Sen. Rick Scott (R-Fla.).

    Amid shouts of “liar!” Biden responded, “Anybody who doubts it contact my office and I will give you a copy of the proposal.” As audible protests continued, Biden returned the volley, in seemingly spontaneous fashion. “So folks, as we all apparently agree, Social Security and Medicare off the books now, right? All right. We got unanimity.”

    Beyond enlivening the evening, the boisterousness in the gallery was a reminder of something more consequential. Even in a polarized era, the modern presidency gives its occupants unmatched ability to define and hold the political center. This might be easy to forget, after years in which Donald Trump — practicing a politics of contempt aimed mostly at mobilizing supporters — seemed indifferent to this reality.

    Biden, formed by a different era, and advised by veterans of Bill Clinton’s and Barack Obama’s presidencies, was plainly using the speech to achieve more traditional aims. He sought to present himself as a common-sense realist, in touch with the everyday concerns of voters — inviting the opposition to choose between joining him to solve problems or risk being portrayed as obstructionists and extremists. It may not be the most novel of strategies, but for the past couple generations it has been the one that most two-term presidents have followed — typically using State of the Union addresses as major events in making the case.

    Biden also showed that it is not such a difficult feat — at least not with the presidential platform — to unify different wings of his party, despite some commentary asserting they are irreconcilable.
    No reason they need to be. On policing reform, for instance, Biden introduced the parents of Tyre Nichols — killed in a beating by police in Memphis last month — and trumpeted his proposals to reduce police violence. But he steered far clear of the anti-police rhetoric embraced by some on the left, and exploited by Republicans, after the George Floyd murder in 2020: “I know most cops are good, decent people — the vast majority.”

    Biden congratulated new House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, joking that, “I don’t want to ruin your reputation, but I look forward to working with you.” At the same time, he well knew Republicans would have little interest in working with him on proposals to raise taxes on corporations and the wealthy, and to expand government rules on business from everything from drug prices to airline fees.

    It’s little wonder that Republicans in the crowd were irritated. The whole evening was evidence that even a president with low approval ratings has a much louder voice and more potent ability to frame the debate than they do.

    For the historical-minded, it was also evidence of how standards of decorum are highly fluid. Recall the big fuss in 2009 when Republican Joe Wilson of South Carolina interrupted President Obama’s speech to Congress by shouting, “You lie.” Even many Republicans were embarrassed, and Wilson apologized.

    This time, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene shouted out at least nine times, by the count of a POLITICO reporter in the gallery, that Biden was a liar. No one was surprised — certainly not Biden, who recognized an opportunity when it is delivered gift-wrapped before a nationwide audience.

    Republicans Turn Themselves Into Props for Biden - POLITICO

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    The Biden administration will protect some 225,000 new acres in a northeastern Minnesota wilderness area from mineral leasing, Interior Department officials confirmed on a call with reporters Thursday.

    The protections will be effective for 20 years, officials said, and will protect parts of the Rainy River watershed, including lands ceded to the Chippewa Bands of Native Americans in 1854 and the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness. The department asserted authorities granted to Interior Secretary Deb Haaland under the Federal Land Policy and Management Act to issue the restrictions.

    The Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness was the site of a proposed copper-nickel mine in the adjoining watershed. In an October 2021 order, the U.S. Forest Service called for a full study of the potential impacts of the proposed Twin Metals project. The company said it was “deeply disappointed” by the move at the time. In August, Twin Metals sued to reclaim federal mining leases in the area, calling Interior’s moves “arbitrary and capricious” and saying they would hinder the development of necessary supply chains to transition away from fossil fuels.

    Separately, in June 2022, the Forest Service issued a draft assessment proposing a 20-year ban on copper mining on federal lands in the watershed, determining that the activity would contaminate local waterways. The Interior Department also canceled two mining leases in the area that had been granted in 2019, saying the Trump administration renewed them improperly.

    “Twin Metals Minnesota is deeply disappointed and stunned that the federal government has chosen to enact a 20-year moratorium on mining across a quarter million acres of land in northeast Minnesota,” a Twin Metals spokesperson told The Hill in a statement. “This region sits on top of one of the world’s largest deposits of critical minerals that are vital in meeting our nation’s goals to transition to a clean energy future, to create American jobs, to strengthen our national security and to bolster domestic supply chains.”

    “The Biden-Harris administration has been clear in our commitment to ensuring that they can mine for the minerals that are necessary to help us shift to a clean energy economy. But we have to do so in a responsible manner,” an Interior Department official said on the call. “That includes balancing our commitment to ensure we protect some of our country’s most spectacular outdoor places for future generations.”

    The administration based the decision on over 225,000 public comments, three public meetings and two tribal consultations, according to the official.

    In a statement, Rep. Betty McCollum (D-Minn.) praised the move, saying, “The freshwater in this area is pristine, and contamination from heavy metals and sulfuric acid from mine tailings would cause irreparable harm that would quickly spread through the Boundary Waters’ 1.1 million acres of interconnected lakes and streams.”

    “This would damage the unique wildlife, hurt the region’s tourism industry and recreation-based economy, and preclude hundreds of thousands of visitors from Minnesota and across the country from enjoying this wilderness. Once damaged, it cannot be restored,” McCollum added.

    The Minnesota Democrat has separately introduced legislation that would make the protections permanent rather than subject to reversal by a future president.

    The National Mining Association, however, blasted the decision as running counter to the Biden administration’s decarbonization goals.

    “At a time when demand for minerals such as copper, nickel and cobalt are skyrocketing for use in electric vehicles and solar and wind infrastructure, the administration is withdrawing hundreds of thousands of acres of land that could provide U.S. manufacturers with plentiful sources of these same minerals,” NMA President and CEO Rich Nolan said in a statement.

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    Quote Originally Posted by CalEden View Post
    Biden at his worst in DC's latest BS battle
    Quote Originally Posted by CalEden View Post
    Washington Examiner
    The Examiner is not a credible news source on any level, it is a rag owned by evangelical wack jobs.

  7. #3307
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    Well, I just found out what a quinceanera pinata is.

    Last edited by cyrille; 10-02-2023 at 09:17 AM.

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    Thailand Expat harrybarracuda's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CalEden View Post
    BIDEN AT HIS WORST IN DC'S LATEST BS BATTLE. One of the most commented-upon moments of President Joe Biden's State of the Union address happened when Biden accused some Republicans of wanting Medicare and Social Security to "sunset." In other words, Biden said, those Republicans want Medicare and Social Security, the twin foundations of the safety net for the retired, to go out of existence

    The weird thing about what Biden said was that just the day before, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) had declared, in a much-watched speech, that "cuts to Medicare and Social Security are off the table." McCarthy clearly anticipated Biden's attack and made sure that in the coming debt ceiling negotiations, House Republicans' position would be clear: no cuts to Medicare, no cuts to Social Security.
    Did you miss the bit where the looney tunes brigade of the GQP have McCarthy by the bollocks then?

    He can say what he likes, but when they say jump, he has to jump.

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    Quote Originally Posted by bsnub View Post
    The Examiner is not a credible news source on any level, it is a rag owned by evangelical wack jobs.
    Wait, wait, wait.

    They got this right

    will mean another debacle for Republicans

  10. #3310
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    Quote Originally Posted by cyrille View Post
    Well, I just found out what a quinceanera pinata is.
    I just found out that twitter allows up to three insults.

    The cunty fucking wankers

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    Quote Originally Posted by bsnub View Post
    The Examiner is not a credible news source on any level, it is a rag owned by evangelical wack jobs.
    this one also

    Biden may be 80 years old, but he sure outfoxed those Republicans!

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    "I know that a lot of Republicans, their dream is to cut Social Security and Medicare," Biden said during a trip to the Republican stronghold of Florida, which has one of the highest number of people without health insurance.

    "Well, let me say this: if that's your dream, I'm your nightmare."

    In Tampa, Biden pledges to protect Medicare, Social Security

    Fresh off of Tuesday’s State of the Union address, President Joe Biden traveled to the Sunshine State to focus on his efforts to protect Medicare and Social Security and lower health care costs for Americans.

    "Today, I’ve come to Florida to talk about a critical piece of that plan giving families and seniors just a little more breathing room to lower your healthcare costs," Biden told the crowd in Tampa, Florida.

    "Too many Americans lay in bed at night staring at the ceiling wondering what happens if I get sick, if I get cancer," the president continued, pointing to legislation he signed into law last year to help lower health care costs for Americans.

    Biden said that he "signed the Inflation Reduction Act" – Democrats' sweeping health care, climate change and tax reform measure – "to bring health care costs down, so you could have a better night’s sleep."

    The measure includes a monthly cap of $35 for insulin, the life-saving diabetes treatment, for Medicare recipients.

    “We capped the cost of insulin at $35 for seniors on Medicare, but there are millions of Americans not on Medicare who need this insulin to save their lives," Biden said. "Let's finish the job and cap the cost of insulin at $35 a month for everyone who needs it.”

    "Finish the job" was the central, recurring theme of Biden's State of the Union address on Tuesday, where the president called for Republicans and Democrats to come together on repairing the economy and other key issues.

    Biden’s trip to Tampa is part of a post-State of the Union blitz to at least 20 states by the president, Vice President Kamala Harris and members of the Cabinet to promote his policies and themes from the speech. It also represents an opportunity for the president to lay the groundwork for a possible 2024 presidential run in a deep-red Republican state with a growing retiree population.

    "We’re finally giving Medicare the power to negotiate drug prices," Biden said Thursday. "Bringing down prescription drug costs doesn’t just save seniors money, it will cut the federal budget by hundreds of billions [of] dollars.”

    The president's trip to Florida comes one day after a trip to electoral battleground Wisconsin, where he pledged to block any Republican efforts to block Medicare and Social Security.

    “Look, a lot of Republicans, their dream is to cut Social Security and Medicare," Biden told the crowd in Wisconsin. "Well, let me just say this: it’s your dream, but I’m gonna have my veto pen make it a nightmare."

    “All of you have been paying into the system every single paycheck you’ve had since you started working,” the president said. "These benefits belong to you, the American worker. You earned it, and I will not allow anyone to cut them. Not today, not tomorrow, not ever, period.”

    Biden continued his line of attack on Republicans Thursday, vowing to veto any GOP-led efforts to cut either of the entitlement programs.

    "I know that a lot of Republicans, their dream is to cut Social Security and Medicare," Biden told the crowd in Tampa. "Let me say this, if that's your dream, I'm your nightmare."

    One of the most notable parts of Biden's State of the Union speech was his contentious exchange with Republicans on Medicare and Social Security. In his remarks calling for lawmakers to raise the debt ceiling, Biden slammed the proposals of some Republicans who want to sunset Medicare and Social Security on a five-year basis, or want to cut the programs entirely.

    “Instead of making the wealthy pay their fair share, some Republicans want Medicare and Social Security to sunset every five years. That means if Congress doesn’t vote to keep them, those programs will go away,” the president said. “Other Republicans say if we don’t cut Social Security and Medicare, they’ll let America default on its debt for the first time in our history.

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    Joe's Gotta Go: Concerned Democrats Feeding FBI Info About President Biden's Classified Documents Scandal To Sabotage His 2024 Run

    Story by Radar Online • 13h ago

    resident Joe Biden has been stabbed in the back by Democrat Party turncoats, who are ratting out where he illegally stashed classified documents to trigger an embarrassing scandal that will derail his plans to run again in 2024, has learned.

    After Biden's approval rating plunged to an anemic 40 percent with new polls showing him losing to Republican rivals Donald Trump and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, nervous party bosses took matters into their own hands and lit a fire under his classified documents crisis to torpedo his changes and guarantee a different candidate will top the Democratic ticket in two years, Washington insiders dished.

    "You have to admire the elegance of their strategy. All it took was a well-placed whisper in the ear of the correct person at the Department of Justice to set the wheels in motion," spilled a party insider. "Now the president is faced with a scandal from which he's unlikely to escape."
    Sources said the dirty plot against #46 was hatched after his personal attorneys discovered classified documents in early November in a Washington, D.C., office he used following his tenure as Barack Obama's Vice President.

    As reported, additional batches were later found in the garage and library of Biden's personal mansion in Wilmington, Delaware.

    "It was at this point in mid-January that party officials tipped off the Justice Department about more files being held at Biden's home," the source explained. "That information led to the Jan. 20 FBI search of his mansion and the discovery of an additional six documents as well as several handwritten notes."

    While embarrassing, these discoveries appear to be a far cry from Trump's document scandal, insiders claimed. While Biden, Mike Pence (who also had classified documents at his home), and their aides appeared to instantly report and give back the documents to federal officials, Trump refused, battling the government for 18 months, defying a subpoena, and forcing the FBI to obtain a search warrant to recover the hush-hush materials at his Palm Beach, Florida, mansion, Mar-a-Lago.

    The U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland has promised a vigorous criminal investigation of Trump, and now Biden, 80, and Pence, 63, face similar scrutiny from Garland's appointed special counsel, U.S. Attorney Robert Hur.
    Political sources say Biden's humiliating episode is a ticking time bomb that has already claimed its first administration casualty — White House Chief of Staff Ron Klain.
    "Klain is no fool. He saw the writing on the wall and decided to jump ship," an insider shared.

    Sources say the decision by party bosses to sabotage Biden was an "easy one." According to a recent poll, a full 65 percent of Americans want someone other than him to run for president in 2024 on the Democratic side.
    "Biden can't be allowed to run," added an insider. "He must be made to step aside by any means possible!"

    Last edited by CalEden; 11-02-2023 at 06:23 AM.

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    Brave kid

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    President Joe Biden-330153073_585699896392929_7867911449215749593_n-jpg

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    Biden administration proposes more stringent efficiency standards for refrigerators, clothes washers

    The Energy Department on Friday proposed to require new household refrigerators and clothes washers to meet a more stringent sets of energy efficiency standards.

    It said that the move will save energy and money for consumers.

    Consumers who use appliances meeting the proposed standards will save about $425 on utility bills over the life of the appliances, the department said in a statement.

    The two rules would also cut carbon dioxide emissions by 233 million metric tons over 30 years, according to the administration. This is equal to about the total emissions of 29 million homes over the course of a year.

    The rules would be expected to take effect in 2027.

    The proposals come amid a broader effort to address what the administration has described as a “vast backlog of outdated energy efficiency standards” and to “remedy the rollbacks and procedural roadblocks left by the prior Administration.”

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    Roy Wood Jr. named entertainer at 2023 White House Correspondents' dinner

    Roy Wood Jr., the stand-up comedian known for his work on Comedy Central’s “The Daily Show,” will be the featured entertainer at the 2023 annual White House Correspondents’ dinner, the Correspondents’ Association announced on Thursday.

    “It will be a great night that will go down in the history books, or not, depending on which state you live in,” Wood said in the announcement.

    The dinner, set for April 29, is typically attended by numerous Washington VIPs, including the president and first lady. The annual event, attended for decades by presidents from both parties, became a political flash point during the Trump administration when then-President Donald Trump refused to attend the event amid his frequent tirades against the Washington press corps. The dinner was canceled amid the Covid pandemic in 2020 and 2021 but returned last year with President Joe Biden in attendance.

    Wood, who studied journalism at Florida A&M University in 1998 before shifting to stand-up comedy, is the son of a pioneer radio and television journalist. Roy Wood Sr. covered topics like the Civil Rights movement and the South African Soweto race riots — work that helped him earn a lifetime achievement award from the National Association of Black Journalists.

    “It’s an honor to be a part of a long-running tradition of celebrating those members of the media, who work so hard to uncover the truth, and hold our government accountable,” Wood said in a press release.

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    Schumer: Biden ‘rope-a-doped’ Republicans into ‘trap’ on Social Security, Medicare

    Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) on Wednesday praised President Biden over his back-and-forth with Republicans on Social Security and Medicare during the State of the Union address one night earlier, saying that they walked into a “trap” he laid for them.

    “Joe Biden was so deft. He let them walk into his trap. He rope-a-doped them,” Schumer told “Morning Joe.” “And now all of America has seen the Republican Party say, ‘No, we’re not going to cut Social Security and Medicare.’ He did a service.”

    During one of the most contentious points in the speech, Biden accused some Republican lawmakers of pushing to sunset the two entitlement programs, prompting head-shakes and boos from the GOP side of the aisle. Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) was seen visibly shaking his head at Biden’s statement, while Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) shouted that Biden was a “liar.”

    After continued jeering by Republicans, Biden noted that it seemed as though all of the lawmakers were singing the same tune on the pair of entitlement programs.

    “So, folks, as we all apparently agree, Social Security and Medicare is off the books now, right?” Biden said. “All right,” he said, adding a thumbs-up.

    McCarthy has said in recent weeks that cuts to the two programs are off the table in talks to raise the debt limit by early summer, even though some lawmakers called for reforms to them earlier in January.

    In addition, the White House found itself in another brouhaha with Sen. Rick Scott (R-Fla.), whom Biden and Democrats have highlighted repeatedly over the last year for his call to sunset all federal legislation after five years, which would include Social Security and Medicare.

    After the address, Scott called Biden a “liar” on the issue.

    “If they think they can shut me up or intimidate me by lying … I’m here for it,” Scott tweeted Wednesday morning. “I will not be silenced by the Washington establishment.”

    Scott doubled down on his sunset proposal later on Wednesday, criticizing the president as “confused” in response to Biden mentioning during his address that some Republicans want to do just that.

    “In my plan, I suggested the following: All federal legislation sunsets in five years. If a law is worth keeping, Congress can pass it again,” Scott said in a statement after the speech.

    Senate Republican leaders, headlined by Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (Ky.), have distanced themselves from Scott’s plan, which Democrats used in a number of ads leading up to the 2022 midterm elections.

  19. #3319
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    Biden and Brazil's Lula find common ground against violent extremism

    Brazil's new leader, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, is paying a quick visit to the White House on Friday.

    His trip to Washington is being billed as a celebration of democracy — but economic development and migration will also be discussed, a senior administration official says. The two leaders have lofty goals, including tackling climate change. And they have a lot in common after recent events in both countries.

    It was just over a month ago that hundreds of supporters of Brazil's former President Jair Bolsonaro stormed the capital and ransacked the Congress, Supreme Court and the presidential offices.

    The comparison with the attack by supporters of former President Donald Trump on Jan. 6 are often made. As well as the fact that both Trump and Bolsonaro, close allies, continue to spread false claims of electoral fraud.

    Bolsonaro is currently in Florida. He came to the U.S. just before Lula's inauguration on New Year's Day. It's unclear how long he will stay away from Brazil, where he is under investigation for his role in the attacks last month. Lula is unlikely to bring up the former president's stay in the U.S.

    President Biden has shown his support for Lula as he deals with Bolsonaro and extremist supporters. Immediately after the attacks of Jan. 8, Biden called Lula and invited him to the White House. He also was one of the first leaders in the world to congratulate Lula on his close electoral victory last October. Relations between Brazil and the U.S. had been strained during the last two years of Bolsonaro's far-right administration.

    The visit is an important "milestone" in restarting U.S.-Brazil ties, says Thiago de Aragāo, a political risk consultant in Brasilia and Washington. A photo with Biden in the White House is what Lula is looking for at this early point in his administration says Aragăo, especially when it comes to his role tackling climate change. "Biden will legitimize Lula as one of the most important opinion makers among world leaders in the environmental agenda," he said.

    Lula also met with Democratic lawmakers, including Sen. Bernie Sanders on Friday, where they discussed how to increase international cooperation to protect the Amazon and preserve the environment for future generations. Lula also met with Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who has been a staunch voice against the U.S. granting refuge to Bolsonaro

    Lula has promised to reverse Bolsonaro's catastrophic environmental record, in which much of Brazil's deforestation enforcement was dismantled. Lula has launched a massive operation to rid the country's largest indigenous reserve of illegal miners.

    Hundreds of federal agents have been sent to the Yanomami reserve in the northern Amazon to root out the illegal operations that have polluted the local rivers and land.

    Biden had pledged to create a global fund for Amazon protection. Lula wants the US to contribute to the existing Amazon Fund, which he has restarted after its demise under Bolsonaro. The $1.3 billion fund is supported mainly by Norway and Germany and provides money to deforestation prevention and sustainable development projects in the rainforest.

    The two leaders don't see eye to eye on everything, especially when it comes to foreign policy. Lula backs away from condemning Russia in the current war in Ukraine. In fact, the Brazilian leader has proposed leading a so-called "Peace Club" of non-aligned states, including India, to help mediate an end to the conflict.

    He also doesn't take sides in recent tensions between the U.S. and China. China is Brazil's top trading partner. It does nearly double the amount of trade with China than with its second largest partner, the United States. Lula has a trip planned to China next month.

  20. #3320

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    11-06-2024 @ 07:40 AM
    Biden the Liar and Hypocrite.

    Biden first proposed cutting Soci
    al Security in 1975 then again in 1995.

    Last edited by CalEden; 13-02-2023 at 03:55 AM.

  21. #3321
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    ^ still hurting


    Biden traveling to Poland to mark one year since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine

    President Biden will travel to Poland on Feb. 20 to 22 to mark the one-year anniversary since Russia invaded Ukraine, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre announced on Friday.

    Jean-Pierre said Biden will deliver remarks ahead of the one year anniversary of the invasion, which will involve “addressing how the United States has rallied the world to support the people of Ukraine as they defend their freedom and democracy, and how we will continue to stand with the people of Ukraine for as long as it takes.”

    National security spokesman John Kirby said he did not have “any additional stops to preview” during the Poland trip when asked about a potential stop in Ukraine.

    Biden will meet with Polish President Andrzej Duda on the trip, as well as leaders of the Bucharest Nine, which is a group of eastern flank NATO allies.

    Kirby would not preview any announcements on further aid to Ukraine during the trip, but said that Biden “will certainly make clear that additional security assistance, additional financial assistance, additional help for Ukraine will be coming from the United States.”

    The announcement comes after Biden told reporters on Thursday that there’s “a possibility” he will travel to Poland for the anniversary.

    The president visited Poland in March, one month into the invasion. On that trip, the president said that Russian President Vladimir Putin can’t stay in power, a major moment that sparked the White House to try to walk back the comment.

    Biden, earlier this week, said that Putin has “already lost Ukraine,” in an interview with PBS. He also stressed his support for Ukraine amid Russia’s invasion during the State of the Union on Tuesday and recognized Oksana Markarova, Ukraine’s ambassador to the U.S., in the audience.

  22. #3322

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    11-06-2024 @ 07:40 AM
    No, obviously you are.

    The Wall Street Journal

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    Biden Appears Set to Run in 2024, but Many Democratic Voters Have Doubts

    Story by Catherine Lucey, Ken Thomas • 9h ago

    Washington—As President Biden prepares for an expected re-election bid, Democratic leaders are increasingly enthusiastic about his candidacy. Many of his party’s voters aren’t on board.

    Concerns about Mr. Biden’s age and abilities are front of mind for some Democrats, even those who think the 80-year-old president has done well during his first two years in office, according to recent polling and Wall Street Journal interviews with more than two dozen people around the country who voted for Mr. Biden in 2020.

    “I think he’s too old,” said Kelly Spencer, 35, of Flatonia, Texas, a Democrat who voted for Mr. Biden in 2020. “And maybe that’s a little ageist on my part, but I think he’s too old. I worry about cognitive decline. I worry about a stroke, anything like that.”
    Mr. Biden’s standing among Democratic officials has strengthened, with many citing the legislative wins of his first two years and better-than-expected midterm election results. During last week’s meeting of the Democratic National Committee, members approved a resolution expressing its “full and complete support” of the president’s re-election. He isn’t expected to face a major primary challenge.

    Still, a recent poll from the Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs showed that 62% of Democrats didn’t want Mr. Biden to seek a second term, while 37% did.
    A Washington Post-ABC poll showed that 58% percent of Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents would prefer to nominate someone other than Mr. Biden, while 31% favored nominating Mr. Biden.
    Andrew Dickerman, 72, a Democrat and retired video engineer from Pacific Palisades, Calif., credited Mr. Biden for ushering in a “return to something somewhat normal,” but called the president’s age a hurdle for many voters.

    “He’s got some effects of aging which is obvious. But it is a problem for some people. It’s not a plus, but who is going to replace him?” Mr. Dickerman said. “I’m anxious that he can hold up through a campaign—that he can do it.”

    In a hypothetical matchup of Mr. Biden and former President Donald Trump, 48% of overall voters in the Washington Post-ABC poll favored Mr. Trump, while 45% preferred Mr. Biden. The difference was within the poll’s margin of error.

    Julián Castro, another 2020 primary candidate who served as a cabinet secretary in the Obama administration, tweeted the poll results, saying the survey “undermines Biden’s central argument for renomination.”

    Faced with a matchup between Mr. Trump and Mr. Biden, Democrats clearly support Mr. Biden. Roughly 9 out of 10 Democrats said they would back Mr. Biden. A similar number of Republicans said they would support Mr. Trump. Among independents, 50% preferred Mr. Trump and 41% Mr. Biden.
    John Anzalone, who served as the lead pollster for Mr. Biden’s 2020 campaign and conducts polling for the Journal, said some past presidents have contended with questions about their support at this point in their first term. He also argued that a key question was Mr. Biden’s support among Democrats when facing an opponent. “That shows you the true support and enthusiasm,” he said.
    Mr. Biden, in an interview this week with Telemundo, questioned the accuracy of polling and said he felt “good about the reception I get.” He added: “It may be that I run and I get clobbered, and if I run, I win.

    That’s not my motive. That’s not the basis upon which I make the judgment.”

    White House spokesman Andrew Bates said Mr. Biden’s experience is helping him succeed as president, and that “the American people support his agenda for the middle class and his standing up for mainstream values over dangerous conspiracy theories.”

    Mr. Biden has sought to keep the focus on his record. He previewed his campaign message this week in his State of the Union address, stressing the economic gains over the past two years and his efforts to invest in jobs and infrastructure.

    Many Democratic lawmakers were pleased with the speech, during which he jousted with House Republicans in the audience. Asked in a recent interview with PBS if he thought his age was an issue, Mr. Biden said: “Watch me.”

    He said he was a “great respecter of fate” and would be honest with the American people if he thought his health might prevent him from doing the job as president.

    Mr. Biden will complete his physical examination on Feb. 16, and the White House has promised to publicly disclose the results. Details of his previous physical were released in November 2021, and Mr. Biden’s doctor said he was fit to serve. It said the president’s gait had noticeably stiffened and that his coughing and throat clearing was largely due to gastroesophageal reflux.

    Republicans have repeatedly cited Mr. Biden’s age in questioning his abilities.
    “At 40 I’m the youngest governor in the country, and at 80 he’s the oldest president in American history,” Arkansas Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders, who served as Mr. Trump’s press secretary, said during the GOP response to the State of the Union.

    Mr. Trump, who has announced he will seek the Republican nomination in 2024, is 76, but some other Republicans considering bids, including Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, are decades younger. That potential generational contrast is a worry for some Democrats.

    “I shouldn’t but I really struggle with his age. I don’t know. Sometimes he seems out of touch and I worry about his health,” said Keri De Deo, 54, a Democrat from Kingman, Ariz.

    Susan Rusch, 72, of Waukesha, Wis., said she didn’t think the president was getting enough credit for his work on the economy and other issues.

    But on a potential re-election bid, she said: “I’m up in the air about it. The only thing that makes me unsure is his age. I do think it probably should be a younger person. But if he was a candidate I’d definitely vote for him.”

    Others were comfortable with another bid.

    “To me, he’s the person who can relate on any level with anyone. I think it just comes natural for him,” said Cynthia Johnson, 67, a retired teacher from Laurinburg, N.C., who wants Mr. Biden to seek re-election.
    Another factor in Mr. Biden’s decision is the party’s views of Vice President Kamala Harris, whose approval ratings tend to be slightly lower than Mr. Biden’s.
    Renee Rogers, 46, a registered nurse from Yuma, Ariz., said she has always had a “soft spot” for Mr. Biden because he served as vice president to former President Barack Obama. She said she was less certain about Ms. Harris’s role. “I’m just waiting for her to show me something. She is just so in the background,” Ms. Rogers said.

    James Brown, 73, of Saludo, S.C., said he would like Mr. Biden to retire and for Ms. Harris to run. “I think she can win over anybody,” he said.

    Democratic pollster Jeff Horwitt said that, age aside, Mr. Biden could focus on convincing voters he has the experience and ability to handle a crisis to stay in the job.

    “There’s nothing he can do to change his age and every day he gets a day older,” he said. “What really does matter are these other qualities where he has taken a hit.”

    Write to Catherine Lucey at [email protected] and Ken Thomas at [email protected]

    Bidens poll numbers:

    ____Overall_____Democrat Voters


    Last edited by CalEden; 13-02-2023 at 05:47 AM.

  23. #3323
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    ^if he runs,.....he wins


    ^ Why don’t explain Sen. Rick Scott (R-Fla.) newest plan to increase funding for Social Security and Medicare?

    And then maybe explain why Republicans want to increase the US’s national debt and let tax cheats get away without paying their fair share?

  24. #3324

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    11-06-2024 @ 07:40 AM
    One spy balloon shot down; 3 UFO's shot down 3 consecutive days.

    Biden is hiding like he campaigned. A real President would be speaking to the nation. The Homeland being threatened. the Hot line on Block!

    Nixon, it was Lies and Coverup!

    Dukakis, cartoonish photo of Dukakis in military costume riding a tank.

    Bush Senior, it was the out of touch what everyday grocery items cost the working class.

    The above were turning points in an election or presidency which all apply to Biden.

    Nobody thought Dukakis could be outdone. Biden falling several times on airstairs, and the White House proclaiming the wind blew him over. Then the several farting occasions, the Biden Papal pant pooping incident and the Easter Bunny rescuing him from reporters. How senile and unpresidential can Biden be?

    This balloon scandal could be a major turning point in American History. All America saw for themselves (first-hand) the slow-motion balloon scandal unfold, from a ordinary citizen photographing the balloon and a small-town paper breaking the story. The Government/military not being transparent, the woke decision process not to shot it down, instead allowing it to loiter for days over US airspace and flying over many of the US most sensitive strategic sites unmolested. The military saying it disrupted the balloons' ability to communicate, then later being told that it is not true.

    America and all the World witnessed the US being unashamedly mugged/molested by a Chinese Spy Balloon. All of America experienced/felt this personal violation, it's not a scandal that occurred someplace far away. Biden and the Military were frozen in woke inaction. The entry of the Spy Balloon was kept secret from US citizens almost a week, until an ordinary citizen photographed it and gave the photograph to the local paper.

    This led all Americans to ponder: What if? Why did they conceal the Balloon? And to question trust? Is this Administration as weak, dishonest, frail, woke, indecisive, delusional, and out of touch as the image Biden projects?

    The press/media, Tech Companies, The DC Swamp, The FBI/CIA, the Democratic Party cannot protect Biden or take this experience away from the American people. They got Basement Biden Magoo elected and it's obvious to all the US is vulnerable and Bomb Shelter Biden Magoo is incapable of speaking to the nation about this new threat. Biden tells the foreign press the balloon thing is nothing. Then two more somethings float into US Airspace. The Canada one the US was too slow to the draw to get it while in US Airspace.

    The Weak, Woke, delusional, out of touch, compromised and slow to the trigger leadership and Military. General Millie assured the PRC Military he would notify them before the USA launched an attack on the PRC. PRC won't even answer the Red Phone when US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin calls. The PRC doesn't need any warning.

    The Vice President is not an option.

    Change is needed and not the Obama type of Change, which helped propel Trump to the presidency in 2016.

    The latest revelation is the Pentagon has been giving the Ukraine targeting coordinates. The US is in a proxy war with Russia.

    While China pokes the sleeping tiger (Paper Tiger?) with no fear! New intelligence suggests the tiger has been poked many times without the tiger's knowledge.

    The PRC's window of opportunity for action on Taiwan and whatever plans for the USA is now until Inauguration Day 2025.

    US Homeland Security is reporting that people from the PRC crossing the US Southern border illegally have surged by 800% in a brief time, mainly individuals. (All male in the one news report with video I saw)

    The Minuteman III missile silos the Chinese spy balloon appeared to loiter nearby. The Minuteman missile system is well over 50 years old. The technological breakthroughs that have occurred in the last 50 years makes the Minuteman III ancient tech, akin to the Apes throwing the bone at the space station in 1968 classic:

    The PRC just recently tested a Hypersonic Missile by flying it around the world. The US just had its first successful Hypersonic Missile test.

    In Modern Warfare precise mapping/coordinates and intelligence are key. It appears the PRC may be preparing for WAR...

    Last edited by CalEden; 13-02-2023 at 06:34 AM.

  25. #3325
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    ^no answers to the questions above your last post


    Migrants and asylum seekers attempted to cross the U.S.-Mexico border 156,000 times in January — a 40% drop from December, which administration officials are crediting to new border policies rolled out last month.

    Why it matters: It's a good sign for the Biden administration on the border. The government has struggled to get a handle on record numbers of border crossings over the past two years, which have created humanitarian, logistical and political crises for President Biden.

    • January had the lowest number of U.S.-Mexico border crossings since the first full month of Biden's presidency — February 2021.
    • It comes after the administration rolled out new legal pathways through humanitarian parole for Venezuelans, Nicaraguans, Cubans and Haitians, along with an expanded use of rapid expulsions to Mexico for those nationalities.

    Between the lines: News of border crossing falling comes as House Republicans make border security a target of investigations — singling out Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas for potential impeachment inquiries.

    • Both the Judiciary and Oversight committees have already held hearings on the border, although there has been a focus on the rising amount of fentanyl being seized at the southern border.

    What they're saying: The drop in border officials' encounters with Cubans, Haitians, Nicaraguans and Venezuelans comes even as the numbers for other nationalities ticked up slightly as is usual for this time of year, one administration official told reporters on Friday.

    • "I think it points to the fact that the model we have put forward here... can really dramatically change migratory patterns and migratory behavior," the official said.

    By the numbers: The 156,274 total encounters includes both people crossing the border illegally as well as those seeking entry through legal ports of entry.

    • That's down from more than 251,000 in December.

    • The number of times people from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua and Venezuela attempted to cross the southwest border fell by 97% since the peak in mid-December, officials said.
    • The administration has also begun to roll out a new process to allow asylum seekers to schedule an appointment at a port of entry through an app. Because of this, Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has processed over 17,000 people at legal entry points along the border, according to an administraiton official.

    The big picture: New policies announced by Biden last month rely on a Trump-era policy called Title 42, which cites public health concerns about the pandemic to allow border officials to quickly return people to Mexico without the chance of seeking asylum.

    • The policy is expected to end in May with the public health emergency.
    • The administration has said they plan to continue the processes for Venezuelans, Nicaraguans, Cubans and Haitians even without Title 42, but have not detailed how that would work.
    Last edited by S Landreth; 13-02-2023 at 12:11 PM.

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