Why do people think that hired mercenaries (which is exactly what The Troops are) are so sacred that we are not allowed to point out bad things about them? Everywhere you go, people and the media worshipping them just because they are a Hired Murderer of the state. Apparently it makes you a "traitor" if you talk about their murderous psychopathic killing sprees around the globe in the name of "democracy".

The West has been indoctrinated to worship a gang of people whose "job" it is to go to the other side of the world and blow up, rape, maim and kill people! Heaven forbid that you criticize the people, individuals, who do that!

Imagine if they did it in your actual country? Chatting to a bloke in a bar and you tell him there is a bad bloke in the next town. The response that he gets a war plane out, strafes the town for a month, kills a few hundred civilians who happen to be in the street, sends out troops in armed vehicles kicking down doors in the burbs and dragging people like you out to torture in some place a thousand miles away, oh and and got the bad guy! No one would say "thanks pal". You would say "you're a fucking lunatic! Stop doing that!". Not in your back yard but if its a load of brown people on the other side of the world.. then that's fine?

As for the "veterans" and people opining "but my son is a marine how can you disrespect him" blah blah well maybe you should have taught your son Morality instead of blindly obeying the most evil people in the world, politicians, military leaders, unCivil Servents and the Elite when they send you and your kids to be mercenaries on the other side of the world.

"But they are fighting for out freedom" - Horseshit. Does anyone actually think that an Afghan chicken farmer is going to enslave your country?

If the troops were interested protecting the freedoms and rights of the people they would be invading Washington DC, London, Paris, and all these other capitals of the countries that start this shit. So Fuck the Troops.