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  1. #651
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    ^ Indeed, he wanted to return there. Actually i feel for the chap, i'd feel more if he wasn't such a nasty curmudgeon who takes pleasure from others misfortune. There but by the grace of God go I

  2. #652
    Isle of discombobulation Joe 90's Avatar
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    Party outside Downing st today..
    Prime Minister Boris Johnson-20220114_214640-jpg

  3. #653
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    Let me see if I have this right. The only reason he doesn't get the boot is noone is qualified to replace him? Unbelievable lack of foresight innit.

  4. #654
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    21-10-2023 @ 08:08 AM
    Way, Way South of the border now - thank God!
    Quote Originally Posted by taxexile View Post
    oh jesus. it lives.
    Better him than you, taxidriver . . . at least he writes well
    Quote Originally Posted by taxexile View Post
    i though they put you out of your misery, disconnected the colostomy bag and turned your oxygen off months ago.
    Quote Originally Posted by malmomike77 View Post
    Actually i feel for the chap, i'd feel more if he wasn't such a nasty curmudgeon who takes pleasure from others misfortune. There but by the grace of God go I
    Quote Originally Posted by malmomike77 View Post
    He's enjoying the zephyrs whistling round his saggy ball sack,

    Amazingly unaware of your own idiocy. Tax, Backspit, Npt/strglshit/mike etc

    Why not address the issue instead of hurling abuse in this thread

    Boris Johnson news - live: PM launches ‘Operation Save Big Dog’ to keep his job as 70% of voters want him gone

    Boris Johnson launched “Operation Save Big Dog” to try and save his job on a day the Downing Street parties scandal continued to dominate Westminster.
    Mr Johnson is understood to be drawing up a list of officials who can offer their resignation after the publication of Sue Gray’s findings on the various gatherings at No10.

    It comes as an exclusive survey for The Independent indicates that 70% of voters want the prime minister to quit and a staggering 68% did not consider his apology over a No10 party as “genuine”.
    The dire survey numbers were revealed on the same day as Downing Street has been forced to apologise to Buckingham Palace following reports of two No 10 parties held on the eve of Prince Philip’s socially-distanced funeral – but officials will not say if Boris Johnson knew about them.
    The PM’s spokesman is also refusing to clarify whether it was acknowledged to the Palace that the gatherings were “social events”, which would have been in breach of Covid rules at the time.
    It is understood the apology was made by a government official, in a telephone call – rather than in a conversation involving Mr Johnson.

  5. #655
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    ^^It isn’t true.

    Others (notably Sunak) want him kept in place for the moment and suffer for the shitshow that is BREXIT exacerbated by COVID - the former problem is largely down to bojo so som num naa.

    The problem is that if they wait too long then election chances are dented.

    It’s all about timing.

  6. #656
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    BoJo is a clown whose sociopathic, all consuming, vainglorious need to be loved by all who stupidly fall within his orbit of egocentricity is his greatest flaw, apart from pratfall buffoonery masking a sly deviousness, and incipient alcoholism, oh and his sexual addiction. He was never, ever suited for any post in national government and in all honesty he is a self-confessed dilettante with no capacity for hard work and tires easily when confronted with complex issues requiring the studious application of a serious mind. He is essentially dishonest.

    So how did the jackass become PM? That ridiculous birth was midwifed by the greatest lie in modern British political history perpetrated by a cynical loony masterminding a coup that hoodwinked a credulous and stupid electorate into believing that Britannia would regain its Empire once unshackled from the dastardly evil Dark Force that was the EU. But as with all bogus doctrines overblown with drivelling rhetoric they needed a champion and that was our old friend BoJo whose deceit, dishonesty and propensity for deception, self and otherwise, made him a natural fit. The stupid English love a loveable rogue and with BoJo they got one in spades.

    The thing is, and this was spotted by Gove who spent a month with BoJo closeted together in that stupid Brexit battle bus as they peddled their lies up and down the country, BoJo is simply no good. He has no work ethic, he cannot manage anything more than an erection, he has no interest in society, he despises ordinary people and he doesn't believe the standards of social convention and accepted morality apply to him.

    But in order to get this far he has had to surround himself with mediocrity and craven, talentless lickspittles whose only qualification for a cabinet post was their declared belief in the vacuous dogma of Brexit. They really are a collection of the tenth rate who would never have served in any government in living memory.

    The country is in a mess and in truth there is no prospect before an election of a government worth diddly.

    At present, there is simply no-one in the Brexitory party worth a shit.

    Brokendownbrexitbritain is now the laughing stock of the developed world and its greatest jester and leading jackass is its PM who has appointed a cabinet from a cast of idiots performing a farce in the theatre of the absurd.

    Actually, it's quite fun but when the stagflation currently under way (I warned people two years ago this would happen) deepens further and disposable incomes are whittled away because of the Brexit induced economic losses then BoJo and his Brexitory party will be obliterated.

    But, really, are folk in Britain not ashamed they have elected this sack of irresponsible, lying shit?

  7. #657
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    Quote Originally Posted by cyrille View Post
    Others (notably Sunak) want him kept in place for the moment and suffer for the shitshow that is BREXIT exacerbated by COVID

  8. #658
    Hangin' Around cyrille's Avatar
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    You seem to have reverted to your previous persona lately. Adding nothing and just being a dick.

  9. #659
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    ^ And you think you comment carries any shred of reality you kin idiot, read what you typed again every time you try to enter your opinion on anything political you come off as some 13 YO who's sucked up his parents socialist background hook line an sinker

  10. #660
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    I will say the Beeb has really got it in for Boris, and whilst he deserves all the shit he gets, the Beeb is supposed to be unbiased. Their reporting of the "Parties" has been anything but, If Boris survives this i think the Beeb is in for a really hard time with further calls for it to be de-funded and broken up.

  11. #661
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    Er, so, in what sense has the lying sack of drunken shit not broken his own government's rules in maintaining social distancing, etc ?

    The entire fucking world is reporting the news that he's a total cvunt and unfit to lead even a fucking egg 'n spoon race, never mind the UK. Why should the BBC be any different. It's the fucking truth or are you so dimwitted you cannot see that?

  12. #662
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    ^ i'm not denying any of it if you read what i said, its an observation on the way their reporting will come across to a Govt who its obvious have the knives out for the Corp.

  13. #663
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    “Actually, it's quite fun but when the stagflation currently under way (I warned people two years ago this would happen) deepens further and disposable incomes are whittled away because of the Brexit induced economic losses then BoJo and his Brexitory party will be obliterated.”

    Happy to see you back again. Less so that you are still peddling lies. Parity with the dollar you said. Please check the exchange rates.

    As I said earlier in this conversation. Boris has surrounded himself with sycophants and even the favourites to replace him are inexperienced lightweights. The bloody awful Labour Party is headless and in no position to run for a bus, much less a growing economy.

    The BBC is better equipped to run the country, but they cannot stick to their remit for even handedness. Kuessenberg listed Johnson’s failings but came up short of the truth with her denouement, which failed to expose any real weaknesses.

    There you have it. No conservative wants the job, Starmer has failed to oppose the government leadership, despite being gifted plenty of opportunity to do so, and the media are left playing games.

    The CS must be wondering what comes next.
    Apart from your dragging up blatant lies, welcome back.

  14. #664
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    Er, so, in what sense has the lying sack of drunken shit not broken his own government's rules in maintaining social distancing, etc ?
    oh do stop it. when the police were out in force in 2020 arresting people for breaking social distancing rules the press and the public were quick to vilify them for overkill. there is not one person in the country who has not broken those rules. how could you even buy a loaf of bread without coming into close contact with other shoppers...... and as for the nonsense about "my mum was dying in hospital alone whilst boris was boozing" , gimme a break. is the whole country expected to go into mourning for every death. life is unfair, thats how it is and the unfairness affects some more than others, thats what unfair is.

    for all boris’s faults, faults that have been so obvious for years and faults that both conservative mps and the electrate knew when they chose him, his record of advancing his party is second to none.

    he managed to become mayor of london twice, no mean feat in a city about as un tory as you can get, he then won the eu referendum, thus accumulating the electoral momentum to lead his party when teresa may failed, then he won a commanding majority at the general election on the mandate that he would get brexit done and despatch corbyn and his marxist cohorts to the dustbin.

    no one else could have done that.

    gratitude is not a strong emotion in politics, and the polls are bad now, but tory mps should recognise that such skills are not easily replicated.

    the leading contenders if boris falls, sunak, truss and gove, are all decent enough politicians, but none of them has shown anything like boriss reach. he has come close to political death before – when gove stabbed him in the back after the referendum and when he failed as foreign secretary.

    he has also come close to actual death – when he got the covid in the early days of the plague. but he seems to have a way of surviving phoenix like, these skills deserve respect from the party he leads.

    if they try to kick him out, they will create a split for no benefit whatsoever, possibly provoking the third general election in five years ... no thanks. who stands to benefit from kicking him out.

    lord adonis, a gargoyle like remainer whose frankness is so helpful to the other side, said this week “if boris goes, brexit goes.”

    and that is the idea. that is the constant motivation of a minority of unreconciled tory mps and a majority of the great and the good in the civil service, (who should, as servants of the state be working for the state, but frequently work to their own agenda thereby gumming up the process of putting into practice government policy) academia, the law, and of course that perpetual fly in the ointment, the fucking bbc, which is carefully managing this current story for the political effect it has always wanted.

    boris is a flawed character, just like the rest of us, and if he is destroyed by the hand wringing mob who conveniently hide their imperfections behind a facade of virtue signalling hypocrisy, then it will be a sad day indeed.

    his so called crimes, his schoolboy attempts at contrition and his cartoonish persona are certainly not hanging offences, and certainly not of a magnitude to remove him from office.
    Last edited by taxexile; 15-01-2022 at 04:12 PM.

  15. #665
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seekingasylum View Post
    Er, so, in what sense has the lying sack of drunken shit not broken his own government's rules in maintaining social distancing, etc ?

    The entire fucking world is reporting the news that he's a total cvunt and unfit to lead even a fucking egg 'n spoon race, never mind the UK. Why should the BBC be any different. It's the fucking truth or are you so dimwitted you cannot see that?
    It’s so easy to reply ‘it was just a few drinks’.

    That response completely ignores the context of the time, but it’s an easy troll.

  16. #666
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    Quote Originally Posted by taxexile View Post
    if they try to kick him out, they will create a split for no benefit whatsoever, possibly provoking the third general election in five years ... no thanks. who stands to benefit from kicking him out.
    One thing i'm waiting for given the pressure Boris is under is when Cummings is going to release the real stuff on Boris he walked out with, if he really wants to damage Boris, now would seem to be the time.

  17. #667
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    That response completely ignores the context of the time,
    go on then ..... what exactly was " the context of the time"?

    that because poor old fred was struggling for breath in hospital the whole country should be putting on sackcloth and ashes, flagellating themselves with thorns and gnashing their teeth.

  18. #668
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    It is utterly ridiculous to suggest that the BBC’s reporting of this grim farce might help hasten the BBC’s break up.

    How did Farage’s ‘Union Jack News’ work out?

  19. #669
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    Thank you for your civility but really, you do trip out some absolute drivel.

    BoJo and his Brexitory party won a majority on the the basis of several lies: that Brexit was necessary and a benefit, that he could deliver this benefit and that he would make Britain great again by ruling the waves with his new economic deal that would yield a harvest of wealth for all.

    The economy has contracted, the export processed food industry has been decimated, the beef cow farming industry is threatened with extinction, the fishing industry is in a state of near collapse, inflation is running at 6%, food, fuel and energy costs are increasing across the board, the loss of unfettered trade with 450 million consumers 22 miles distant from the British border has incurred losses so far of over £40 billions in trade and these losses are set to increase as over a million SMEs struggle to overcome the burden of UK imposed trade barriers, N.I. has reverted to a conflict zone because BoJo signed up to a deal that he now says he didn't understand and wants to dismantle, and the £ remains devalued by 10% + against a basket of currencies.

    My forecast of £ parity with the USD was predicated on a Brexit without a negotiated deal, a forecast shared with most economic pundits. Even though a deal was agreed subsequent reneging by the Brexitories has led to its continued devaluation compared to pre-2016 values.

    However, my forecast that post Brexit the UK would enter into a period of stagflation in which disposable incomes would be reduced by inflation, an erosion exacerbated by increased taxation, imposed to fund public expenditure compensating for reduced revenues and the cost of servicing a higher national debt, and the increased tightening of wage controls has proved stunningly accurate.

    The economic plight will only worsen but unlike difficult times of yore, the UK now has a drunken jackass for a leader.

    The rest of your post suggests you have returned to your practice of daytime drinking.

  20. #670
    Isle of discombobulation Joe 90's Avatar
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    There's a lot of negativity from our non UK residents on here.
    Boris is doing a decent enough job under difficult ,unprecedented circumstances.
    Although he's not everyone's cup of tea,there's no suitable replacement candidate.
    If only Nigel Farage was in the running

  21. #671
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    Quite amusing though that there are those who actually think lying to the public and the House of Commons is simply a common trait in the human condition and as such no bar to public office.

    The suggestion that the election of BoJo as mayor of London, notwithstanding the now known facts he actually had no hand in its affairs but delegated all responsibilities to his underlings and in his free time spent £120,000 of public money in the pursuit of an illicit sexual dalliance with his American slapper, is some sort of ringing endorsement of his future competence as national leader is quite amusing on so many levels but in the context of current events I rather think its exponents, here and elsewhere, probably still think Elvis is living on the Moon.

    The belief that Sunak, Truss and Gove are " decent enough politicians " is merely more evidence that insanity comes in many forms.

    Truss is a known shagger and piss artist who in her brief career has been a Labourite, Libdemmer and now a rightwing proto-nazi Brexiteer even though in 2016 she made an emotional plea for the sake of children that Britain should never leave the EU. Gove is a wordsmith who cannot relate to anyone normal and was declared by Cameron, his best mate, to be possibly clinically certifiable as insane. And Dishy Rishi " An extra poppadom for me " Sunak is nowt but a precocious boy man fawning over his masters as they present themselves but is now firmly under the control of his permanent secretary.

    Next thing they'll be rooting for Raab C Brexit again, the man who negotiated Brexit on behalf of May who was so fucking ignorant he didn't know 3 million lorries travelled through Dover every fucking year to the EU.

    Or, heaven forfend, that streak of paralysed piss, Mogg the Fogg, could put himself forward, the man so fucking inept and divorced from reality he was shut up by Cummings in the first week of the election campaign.

    Quite simply, there is no-one in the current Brexitory government fit to be there.

  22. #672
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    Quote Originally Posted by Norton View Post
    Let me see if I have this right. The only reason he doesn't get the boot is noone is qualified to replace him? Unbelievable lack of foresight innit.
    My dear Norton, Brexit destroyed British politics and we are now left with a pantomime in which there are no leading protagonists, only clowns, buffoons and hapless pratfall merchants acting as shills for private hedge fund carpetbaggers looking to make a killing.

    We are firmly in The Age of The Stupid and the credulous, ignorant and dull-witted English are in the majority.

    The only thing that will rouse them from their torpor of imbecility is the certainty that they will become poorer the longer BoJo and Brexiteers reign.

  23. #673
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    The economy has contracted .....

    and actually, at the moment the uk economy is in better shape than most.

    although it certainly looked lousy in mid-2020, when the uk seemed to be suffering the worst economic contraction of any of the major western economies, even as it was recording (or seemed to be recording) one of the worst tolls of excess deaths from covid (another of the illusions of the way data was misused as we now know)

    the uk downturn looked to be an outlier because of the way that the ons measured the public sector output, same as the french data office, which made france look a lot worse than it was.

    The uks coiled-spring recovery (and the french recovery) was the flip-side of this misuse of statistics. the british economy has grown 8pc over the last year, more or less as predicted.

    output in november was 0.7pc higher than before the pandemic. omicron will take a bit back in december, but the response of the government, vindicated by booster vaccination and widespread immunity from past t cell memory, ensures that any economic hiccup will not seriously hold back recovery.

    you also might want to have a look at how the "recovery" is progressing in germany.

    the export processed food industry has been decimated
    more nonsense......

    cry me a river. now we brits can have the world class cold water fish and seafood that previously was sent abroad. the wet markets here are heaving with seafood these days. i live inland and can order and have fresh produce delivered to my home within 4 hours of it being landed on the east coast, thanks to the entrepreneurship and excellent delivery services that have sprung up during the pandemic.

    inflation is running at 6%,
    worldwide. this is not peculiar to the uk.

    However, my forecast that post Brexit bla bla bla bla bla has proved stunningly accurate.

    still relying on the old crystal ball i see.

    are you still in pattaya, er sorry jomtien, or did you manage to make it back to cholmondeley salterton?

    happy new year btw.

  24. #674
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    21-10-2023 @ 08:08 AM
    Way, Way South of the border now - thank God!
    Quote Originally Posted by taxexile View Post
    now we brits can have the world class cold water fish and seafood that previously was sent abroad. the wet markets here are heaving with seafood these days. i live inland and can order and have fresh produce delivered to my home within 4 hours of it being landed on the east coast, thanks to the entrepreneurship and excellent delivery services that have sprung up during the pandemic.
    There you go . . . probably just hyperbole, but enjoy eating that wonderful fish that was previously kept from you, delivered by the newly uneomployed.

    Well done you . . . now go join chico in the "The UK is booming" train.

  25. #675
    Isle of discombobulation Joe 90's Avatar
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    House prices have risen, second hand car prices have risen.
    Jobs are in abundance.
    The futures bright for Brexit Britain.
    With Boris at the helm it can only get better.

    One things for sure, no one in their right mind would vote Labour in again.

    People have to get past this media party witch hunt and look at the bigger picture.

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