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  1. #76
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    26-09-2021 @ 10:28 PM
    Why to impeach just Trump only?

    Rebel alliance plots to impeach prime minister
    Boris Johnson is facing an unprecedented motion by opponents over his unlawful suspension of parliament

  2. #77
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    26-09-2021 @ 10:28 PM
    Impeach him!


    A selfie taken by Boris Johnson sparked national security concerns after he did so using a Huawei smartphone.

    The Chinese company has been at the centre of an argument over whether its hardware is safe given its close relationship with the country's government. Such worries have led to questions over whether it should be allowed to help build the UK's internet infrastructure, and those concerns have been endorsed by Mr Johnson.

    But the prime minister was spotted using one of the firm's smartphones to take a selfie alongside the presenters of ITV's This Morning presenters Phillip Schofield and Holly Willoughby. Following an interview with the pair, Mr Johnson used what seemed to be a Huawei P20 to take a selfie.

    A Conservative spokesman subsequently denied the phone was the Prime Minister's.

    But on the show Willoughby said Mr Johnson reappeared after his interview and "he whipped his phone out and he took a selfie" to which Schofield replied: "But he didn't know he had to press the button..."

    The resulting image was later shared to Mr Johnson's personal Instagram feed.
    he use of the phone comes in the midst of a heated debate around the company and allegations of its close links to the Chinese state - critics have argued that Huawei's telecoms equipment could be used to spy on people in the West - something the company has always denied.

    It insists it abides by the laws of each country in which it operates.

    The United States, which has placed trade restrictions on the firm, has previously suggested that future co-operation with other members of the Five Eyes intelligence-sharing partnership - the UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand - could be jeopardised if the Chinese company was given a role in the UK's 5G infrastructure.

    On Wednesday, Mr Johnson said he would not compromise Britain's national security over whether to give the telecoms firm a role in building the UK's 5G network.

    Speaking at the end of the Nato 70th anniversary leaders' meeting in Watford, he said: "On Huawei and 5G, I don't want this country to be unnecessarily hostile to investment from overseas.

    "On the other hand, we cannot prejudice our vital national security interests, nor can we prejudice our ability to co-operate with other Five Eyes security partners, and that will be how - that will be the key criterion that informs our decision about Huawei."

    The Conservative Party refused to comment on the incident.

    Huawei also remains the subject of a Government review into whether it should be allowed into "non-essential" parts of UK 5G infrastructure.

    That decision is expected after the General Election.

  3. #78
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    26-09-2021 @ 10:28 PM
    Naughtiest sin? PM Johnson admits cycling on the pavement

    LONDON (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said on Sunday that the naughtiest thing he was prepared to admit to was breaking the law by cycling on the pavement.

    When asked by Sky what the naughtiest thing he was ready to admit to was, Johnson initially asked advisers for suggestions before saying: “I think, I, you know, I may sometimes, when I was riding a bicycle every day, which I used to do, I may sometimes have not always have obeyed the law about cycling on the pavement.”

    “I want you know how firmly and how strongly I disapprove of people who cycle on the pavement and I think it is wrong and I feel bad about it. But I might sometimes have scooted up onto the pavement rather than dismounting before.”

    Asked if he was nervous about narrowing polls, Johnson said: “Of course, we are fighting for every vote. I think that this is a critical moment for this country.”

  4. #79
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    26-09-2021 @ 10:28 PM
    Johnson pledges transformative Brexit as nerves are rattled by UK polls

    LONDON (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said he was nervous about his narrowing lead in opinion polls ahead of Thursday’s election but pledged to deliver a “transformative” Brexit that will allow lower immigration.

    The Dec. 12 election will decide the fate of Brexit and the world’s fifth-largest economy with a stark choice between Johnson’s pro-market Conservatives and the socialist-led opposition Labour Party.

    “Brexit is the most radical and profound change to the management of this country,” Johnson told Sky, adding that he would lead the United Kingdom out of the European Union on Jan. 31 if he wins a majority in the 650-seat parliament.

    “Brexit is indispensable - you can’t move forward without Brexit,” said Johnson, the face of the leave campaign in the 2016 referendum before winning the top job in July after Prime Minister Theresa May failed to deliver Brexit on time.

    Johnson called the snap election after more than three years of political crisis over the United Kingdom’s most significant geopolitical move since World War Two.

    Voting takes place from 0700 and 2200 GMT on Thursday, with Johnson likely to need more than 320 seats to ensure he can remain prime minister and ratify the Brexit deal he struck with the EU in October.

    Opinion polls put Johnson ahead of Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn, though his lead has narrowed in recent weeks and such polls largely failed to predict the 2016 referendum result or May’s loss of her majority in the 2017 snap election.

    Asked if he was nervous about narrowing polls, Johnson said: “Of course, we are fighting for every vote. I think that this is a critical moment for this country.”

    Four opinion polls published on Saturday put the lead of Johnson’s Conservative Party over the Labour Party at between eight and 15 points.

    The Conservatives are certainly in pole position, but not necessarily so far ahead that they’re guaranteed to win, polling expert John Curtice told the BBC.

    With the United Kingdom still split over Brexit, the election has largely been dominated by rhetoric over the EU exit and an array of expensive spending promises on public services by both major parties.

    Beyond Brexit, the main foreign policy issue has been Corbyn’s claim that Johnson would sell off the much-cherished National Health Service (NHS) to U.S. corporations in a post-Brexit deal with U.S. President Donald Trump.

    Johnson has repeatedly denied that claim and Trump last week said he wouldn’t want the NHS if it was offered on a silver platter, but Corbyn has used leaked British-U.S. trade documents to argue that Johnson is a threat to the NHS.

    The leak of the classified documents online is tied to a previous Russian disinformation campaign, social media site Reddit said on Friday, fuelling fears that Moscow is seeking to interfere in the British election.

    The Kremlin, which says the West is gripped by anti-Russian hysteria, has denied it meddles in Western democracies.

    The UK government said it is looking into the matter with support from the National Cyber Security Centre, part of the GCHQ signals intelligence agency.

    No major poll predicts victory for Corbyn, a socialist who wants to bring swathes of the British economy into state ownership, but Labour could yet lead a minority government given that few other parties are willing to prop up a Johnson government.

    Labour proposes negotiating a new deal and then holding another EU referendum.

    Johnson dodged a question on whether he would resign if he failed to win a majority and dismissed questions suggesting that, after nearly a decade of Conservative rule, he was offering voters little beyond Brexit.

    Echoing the Leave campaign pledges of 2016, Johnson promised lower immigration with a Australian-style points system.

    When asked by Sky what the naughtiest thing he was ready to confess, Johnson initially asked advisers for suggestions before saying: “When I was riding a bicycle every day, which I used to do, I may sometimes have not always have obeyed the law about cycling on the pavement.”

  5. #80
    A Cockless Wonder
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    Yesterday @ 11:34 PM
    Good acceptance speech.

    'Lets get Brexit done and lets get breakfast done'

    Australian style points system for immigration is eminently sensible. I did not even realise that the UK did not have one.

    There should be a ladder of immigration.

    Shithole country migrants should only be able to migrate to 3rd tier countries, and 3rd tier migrants to 2nd tier countries etc.

    With exceptions made for extremely promising prospects on a points basis.
    Last edited by Looper; 13-12-2019 at 09:16 PM.

  6. #81
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    01-06-2024 @ 11:26 PM
    Seekingass must be having conniptions.

  7. #82
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    04-06-2024 @ 10:20 PM
    Death to the snowflakes , long live the boomers.8

  8. #83
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    25-02-2024 @ 11:45 PM
    Queens speech next week and indications are that BoJo will look to table abolishing the Fixed Term Parliament Act which Camoron brought in and created some of the deadlock issues. Could be an interesting speech.

  9. #84
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    In the EU
    Well, the fixed term act has proved to be a disaster so good of him to get rid of it.

  10. #85
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    25-02-2024 @ 11:45 PM
    Agreed Troy, there are a number of things in Govt that the Brexit hiatus has highlighted need review.

    Personally i'd love to see the House Of Leeches go.

  11. #86
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    Quote Originally Posted by NamPikToot View Post
    Agreed Troy, there are a number of things in Govt that the Brexit hiatus has highlighted need review.

    Personally i'd love to see the House Of Leeches go.
    With no credible opposition in HoP, the Lords should be appointed, based on proportional representation of the current vote.
    It satisfies the need for greater democracy, and provides a better antidote than the current shower ever could.

  12. #87
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    Uncertainty over, Sterling and the stock exchange both soared- so much for the doomsayers. Just get Brexit done Boris, as per the Referendum and your campaign mantra. The People have spoken, again.

  13. #88
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    25-02-2024 @ 11:45 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Switch View Post
    With no credible opposition in HoP, the Lords should be appointed, based on proportional representation of the current vote.
    It satisfies the need for greater democracy, and provides a better antidote than the current shower ever could.
    I should have been less direct, of course there needs to be a legisalive body to perform the role but properly elected or as you say propertional in its representation and size instead of the bloated group of over 800 unelected neerdowells. Staggering that its bigger than the HOC and nobody seems willing to do anything about it.

  14. #89
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    I can see a few slots being reserved for the Judiciary, but please keep the church out of it.

  15. #90
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    25-02-2024 @ 11:45 PM
    Reading today that Mr Sausages favourite SpecAd Dom Cummings is going to undertake a review of the Civil Service... i am going to enjoy this immensely.

  16. #91
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    Quote Originally Posted by sabang View Post
    Uncertainty over, Sterling and the stock exchange both soared- so much for the doomsayers
    It's like a paraplegic following a road accident being pleased his cold has cleared up.

    How does sterling compare now to the day before the BREXIT vote? What usually happens to shares when currencies are in the toilet?

  17. #92
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    16-07-2021 @ 10:31 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by sabang View Post
    Uncertainty over, Sterling and the stock exchange both soared- so much for the doomsayers. Just get Brexit done Boris, as per the Referendum and your campaign mantra. The People have spoken, again.
    not so fast, Boris, in true British style, has added a new shit amendment to approve a hard Brexit in December 2020

    the shitshow continues

  18. #93
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    26-09-2021 @ 10:28 PM
    (No champagne with billionaires for my ministers...)

    UK PM Johnson bans ministers from attending Davos: source

    LONDON (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has banned ministers from attending the World Economic Forum for the global elite in Davos next month, according to a Downing Street source.

    After leading his Conservative party last week to its biggest election win since Margaret Thatcher’s landslide victory of 1987, Johnson pledged to run a “people’s government” that would deliver Brexit and repay the trust placed in him by voters in former strongholds of his Labour opponents.

    “Our focus is on delivering for the people, not champagne with billionaires,” the source said on Tuesday, referring to the annual gathering in the Swiss ski resort of politicians, business leaders and celebrities.

    The move echoes U.S. President Donald Trump, who banned senior officials from attending Davos in 2017 shortly after he took office. The 2020 event will be held from Jan. 21 to 24.

  19. #94
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    25-02-2024 @ 11:45 PM
    So with Corbyn, a man whom the left have been telling everyone is honorable clinging on like the smell of stale paki after my last taxi ride, today the latest "candidate" for the Labour leadership has thrown their hat in the ring. None other than the MP for Totting David Lammy, a man who's bile and hate filled rhetoric against Brexit and its supporters is only eclipsed by our own Sausages. A candidate in the mould of the comedic Diane Abbott and i wish great things for him. Love it.

  20. #95
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  21. #96
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    01-06-2024 @ 11:26 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by NamPikToot View Post the smell of stale paki after my last taxi ride,
    Nice to see you've adopted the politically correct terms there toot.
    Wouldn't want to upset anyone.

  22. #97
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    Last but who gives a shit.
    Quote Originally Posted by NamPikToot View Post
    Diane Abbott
    I wish she'd stand and get elected. Now that would be fun.

  23. #98
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    26-09-2021 @ 10:28 PM
    Jan. 19, 2020 | 07:57 PM
    Britain's Johnson warns Putin over Skripal poisoning

    LONDON: British Prime Minister Boris Johnson Sunday used his first official meeting with Vladimir Putin to warn the Russian leader not to repeat the 2018 chemical attack that almost killed former spy Sergei Skripal.

    Downing Street said Johnson told the Kremlin chief on the sidelines of a summit on the Libya crisis in Berlin that ties between Moscow and London would not return to normal until Russia ended its "destabilising" activities.

    Johnson "was clear there had been no change in the UK's position on Salisbury, which was a reckless use of chemical weapons and a brazen attempt to murder innocent people on UK soil," Downing Street said in a statement.
    Britain's Johnson warns Putin over Skripal poisoning | News , World | THE DAILY STAR

    21 JAN, 01:43
    Boris Johnson sought contact with Putin in Berlin, says high-ranking source

    Earlier, the office of the British PM circulated a statement, quoting Johnson as saying during a brief contact with Putin that normalization of ties between the United Kingdom and Russia was impossible as long as Russia threatened the UK and its allies

    MOSCOW, January 20./TASS/. UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson sought contact with the Russian side on the sidelines of the conference on Libya in Berlin, and in his brief conversation with President Vladimir Putin he sounded quite conciliatory, a high-ranking source in Moscow told TASS on Monday.

    "We were surprised by commentaries from Downing Street about a meeting of Johnson and Putin. To begin with, it was Johnson himself who was seeking contact with the Russian side. Secondly, his tone was closer to conciliatory, there were no harsh statements whatsoever. Thirdly, the main message of the British prime minister was a bid to improve relations with Russia," the source said.

    Earlier, the office of the British prime minister circulated a statement, quoting Boris Johnson as saying during a brief contact with Putin that normalization of relations between the United Kingdom and Russia was impossible as long as Russia threatened the UK and its allies.

    "The Prime Minister said there will be no normalisation of our bilateral relationship until Russia ends the destabilising activity that threatens the UK and our allies and undermines the safety of our citizens and our collective security," the statement said.
    Boris Johnson sought contact with Putin in Berlin, says high-ranking source - World - TASS

  24. #99
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    Javid has resigned because BoJo wants him to basically take orders from Cummings

    Fun and Games.

  25. #100
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    25-02-2024 @ 11:45 PM
    ^ One interpretation, another is that the move was designed to force him out.

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