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  1. #726
    Thailand Expat taxexile's Avatar
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    People died alone and could not be mourned while this fat drunken sot got pissed at a party he authorised,

    sad that relatives were unable to be with their loved ones but was the whole country supposed to go into mourning every time someone passed away?

    and were you putting your pork scratchings and box o'wine away last year every time a thai death was announced you sanctimonious self righteous shroud waving old loon?

  2. #727
    Thailand Expat taxexile's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cyrille View Post
    Switch is so stupid he wants Novak Djokovic to take over as coach of England's cricket team.

    Because it took the Australians two weeks to get him out.
    did a 10 year old send you that on whats app?

  3. #728
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    Quote Originally Posted by taxexile View Post
    did a 10 year old send you that on whats app?
    Why does he need the mind of a 10year old when he has the mind of a socialist.

    I literally 'hear hear' someone for the style of their retort on this thread and he lists it as one of my evils on another thread along with my apparent support for Boris when a couple of pages back I said what a great statesmen Starmer would make. Hilarious this one.

  4. #729
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    Quote Originally Posted by taxexile View Post

    sad that relatives were unable to be with their loved ones but was the whole country supposed to go into mourning every time someone passed away?

    and were you putting your pork scratchings and box o'wine away last year every time a thai death was announced you sanctimonious self righteous shroud waving old loon?

    Tax, old bean, I'm sorry to see that your incipient dementia seems to be developing into a more worrying phase and that rationalising data put before you is increasingly a challenge overwhelming what remains of your intellectual acuity.

    In May 2020 the entire country was placed into a lockdown regime that prohibited social interaction. This health protection regulation was imposed by the government. There were no exceptions. Boris Johnson is the leader of that government. Anyone who breached the regulations was punished. On the 20 May the PM held a party for a departing colleague that took place in his back garden to which over a hundred guests were invited but only 40 turned up. Johnson has variously sought to claim that this was not a party even though the invitation stated the recipient should bring a bottle and has now said that he wasn't told about the party and attended it thinking it was a working meeting despite the photographs of him drinking and laughing with his wife. Subsequently, in 2021 during the period of official mourning on the death of the Duke of Edinburgh, he had two more parties in the basement of 10 Downing St which then moved out to the garden because of numbers and the heat, even though no social gatherings indoors were permitted under the law and any outdoor gatherings were limited to six people.

    In seeking to deny any culpability he has lied to parliament, to the media and to the country.

    Clearly, the man is unfit to hold office and if were to have any sense of decency he would resign in the face of the overwhelming evidence he is a complete tosser.

    I suggest you follow the twitter link by the Led by Donkeys pressure group publishing the very humorous Line of Duty interrogation of BoJo that is now everywhere. An excellent pastiche which also illuminates the issues in a manner that even the stupidest BoJo Brexiter might comprehend.

  5. #730
    Thailand Expat taxexile's Avatar
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    twitter link by the Led by Donkeys pressure group .... An excellent pastiche
    a childish and predictable "comedy" sketch, hardly biting satire, but i'm sure it will raise a few titters around the dinner tables of the "intelligentsia" in islington and hampstead.

    and laughing with his wife.
    oh dear. laughing as well was he now. how dare he.

    shared a joke with his wife 2 years ago, off with his head!!

    look. if these rules he broke were of such gravity, why did cummings wait 2 years before snitching.

    not so long ago dominic cummings was branded a snivelling liar by everyone in the country, the press, the public and politicians of every colour were saying that they could not believe one word that came out of the devious creeps mouth, now, suddenly, his word has become gospel and they are lining up to suck his cock, not least raynor the gobby manc fishwife and that fat jock blackford.

    The whole thing is a farce, yes boris is an undisciplined bounder, but this whole furore is nothing more than a witch-hunt led by a disgruntled ex-employee enveloped in the red mist of revenge. he should remember that boris did his best to support him.

    the country is being played by cummings, egged on by the media and the opposition who seek any excuse to bring boris down.

    as i have said, its not a hanging offence.

    laughing with his wife indeed.

    and its you and your brexit fixation, 5 years and counting, that need medical help. not me.

  6. #731
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seekingasylum View Post
    Surely, you cannot be that stupid?
    You are deliberately spinning it better than the BBC.
    Your version states he was drunk, but there seems to be no proof of that, other than your hatred of him, telling everyone that it was so.
    You are trying too hard with assumptions instead of fact.
    He made mistakes, yes. He is a flawed personality, yes. Try not to extrapolate any further than that old boy.
    Most unbecoming if you wish to be taken seriously. The BBC coverage is a biased joke. You have gone a stage further with your vitriol.
    Do try to keep a civil tongue in your head.

  7. #732
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seekingasylum View Post
    Tax, old bean, I'm sorry to see that your incipient dementia seems to be developing into a more worrying phase and that rationalising data put before you is increasingly a challenge overwhelming what remains of your intellectual acuity.

    In May 2020 the entire country was placed into a lockdown regime that prohibited social interaction. This health protection regulation was imposed by the government. There were no exceptions. Boris Johnson is the leader of that government. Anyone who breached the regulations was punished. On the 20 May the PM held a party for a departing colleague that took place in his back garden to which over a hundred guests were invited but only 40 turned up. Johnson has variously sought to claim that this was not a party even though the invitation stated the recipient should bring a bottle and has now said that he wasn't told about the party and attended it thinking it was a working meeting despite the photographs of him drinking and laughing with his wife. Subsequently, in 2021 during the period of official mourning on the death of the Duke of Edinburgh, he had two more parties in the basement of 10 Downing St which then moved out to the garden because of numbers and the heat, even though no social gatherings indoors were permitted under the law and any outdoor gatherings were limited to six people.

    In seeking to deny any culpability he has lied to parliament, to the media and to the country.

    Clearly, the man is unfit to hold office and if were to have any sense of decency he would resign in the face of the overwhelming evidence he is a complete tosser.

    I suggest you follow the twitter link by the Led by Donkeys pressure group publishing the very humorous Line of Duty interrogation of BoJo that is now everywhere. An excellent pastiche which also illuminates the issues in a manner that even the stupidest BoJo Brexiter might comprehend.
    You speak with such authority. It’s almost as if you believe every word of it. Is it because you have a face for radio?

  8. #733
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    The truth is that although Johnson has behaved badly, and surrounded himself with sycophants, there is no one to replace him on either side of the house. How many would like to deal with the aftermath of Brexit and the pandemic?
    Unless you would personally like to volunteer for the job, I suggest you keep your opinions to yourself, you foul mouthed old curmudgeon.

  9. #734
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    Quote Originally Posted by taxexile View Post
    a childish and predictable "comedy" sketch, hardly biting satire, but i'm sure it will raise a few titters around the dinner tables of the "intelligentsia" in islington and hampstead.

    oh dear. laughing as well was he now. how dare he.

    shared a joke with his wife 2 years ago, off with his head!!

    look. if these rules he broke were of such gravity, why did cummings wait 2 years before snitching.

    as i have said, its not a hanging offence.

    laughing with his wife indeed.
    You truly do miss the point. Have you had some sort of 'event'?

    He broke laws that his government formulated which he expected the country to obey on pain of punishment, and then sought to conceal his cavalier and arrogant irresponsibility by lying about it to parliament, the media and the country.

    That's the issue.

    And it seems most of the country, and half the Tory party now see that.

    Are you isolated up in that ghastly northern tyke dystopia populated by the obdurate and thickheaded?

  10. #735
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    And it seems most of the country, and half the Tory party now see that.
    what they see is a media led witch hunt brought about by his admittedly cavalier attitude.

    most people couldnt give a fuck about the so called party at downing street or the tsunami of false virtuosity pouring out of his detractors.

    and who hasnt broken lockdown rules. what they are bothered about is his abandonment of conservative values, resulting in higher taxes and the approaching disaster of carbon neutrality which, if pursued will bankrupt the country. with boris out those policies can be abandoned or at least watered down and that is why he needs to go. a labour government would be even more disastrous for the country.

    so boris has to go, purely to re set the conservative agenda and the downing street knees up is certainly a handy peg to hang him on.

    Are you isolated up in that ghastly northern tyke dystopia populated by the obdurate and thickheaded?
    north yorkshire is glorious at the moment, its a paradise. certainly better than sitting on a balcony in pattaya watching the turds floating by.

  11. #736
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    ^Hey he had a front row seat to the jetski world cup. Im sure he was thrilled to hear it.

  12. #737
    On a walkabout Loy Toy's Avatar
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    I wonder how Winston Churchill or Maggie Thatcher would have handled this Covid event.

  13. #738
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    nakhon ratchasima
    from a once staunch labour supporter [WAS] give me boris any day of the week,after what the 3BS.BLAIR,BROWN AND THAT FAT B.PRESCOT done to GB.

  14. #739
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    ^^ By declaring war on someone mate.

  15. #740
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    Way, Way South of the border now - thank God!
    Quote Originally Posted by taxexile View Post
    and its you and your brexit fixation, 5 years and counting, that need medical help. not me.
    Luckily you're not obsessed with Brexit . . . bit this is the Boris thread, which does have a side-bar of Brexit.

    Quote Originally Posted by taxexile View Post
    and who hasnt broken lockdown rules.
    Ah, the 'get out of jail free' card excuse . . . you're quite right, of course. No-one, especially leaders, need to stick to the laws . . . even when they created them.

    Good grief, the most piss-weak argument, tax

  16. #741
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    The poor chap's moral compass seems to be as skewed as his synaptic interstices are clogged with neurofibrillary tangles.

    It's not that he broke the law, it is the unedifying fact that he has lied about it to the House, the media and to the public, and any contrition he seeks to offer is slimy and disingenuous.

    Tax really cannot see that, which is quite sad really, not to say quite surprising, not least because he was apparently a professional man, ostensibly well educated and seized of a moral code requiring high standards dictated by his professional body. Perhaps he played fast and loose in his working life, who can say, but one thing is for sure, he clearly has no appreciation of the ministerial codes under which even a PM is subordinate.

    His only hope is that the investigating civil servant, Sue Grey (?), whitewashes the creep by concluding there is no evidence to substantiate the claim that he knew at the time his unlawful gatherings were illegal. Frankly, given he, by virtue of his position, was the fucking architect of those laws it is difficult to see how she could possibly arrive at such a deliberation.

    As the second in command of the Cabinet Office she is certainly in an invidious position. If she comes out on the side of decency and nails the fucker but he survives a vote of no confidence then she will almost certainly have to take retirement. If she lets him escape the consequences of his deceit the entire country will know she has been 'got at' and Britain will be seen, worldwide, for what many of us already know, that this Brexitory government is slime and its rule of law little better than that of a tinpot banana republic.

  17. #742
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    putin is on the brink of invading ukraine and threatening to turn off europes gas, the germans veto natos action, the uk sends arms to support ukraine, the chinese are infiltrating westminster, the pandemic is not yet over, inflation is going through the roof and the nhs is still inefficient and mismanaged , and yet all the opposition, the bbc, the press and of course a disgruntled ex paper shuffler from the civil service can find to bleat about, to obsess about, to scream about like a bunch of pitchfork wielding puritanical holier than thou zealots suddenly convinced of their own infallible virtuosity are some white lies the pm told about a leaving party during lockdown.


  18. #743
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    Quote Originally Posted by taxexile View Post
    and who hasnt broken lockdown rules.
    Quote Originally Posted by panama hat View Post
    the most piss-weak argument, tax
    He doesn't even mean it.

    He's like the rear end of a pantomime horse - just glad of the work.

  19. #744
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    And with that litany of grievous concerns, Tax, we're of course blessed to have as a leader a man whose inability to manage anything not concerned with his sexual needs is as profound as his arrogance and conceit that leads him to think he is not a total wanker.

    Tax, he lied to parliament and has continued to peddle his deceit and in his cotinuing arrogance he thinks we are all so naive and credulous as to believe him. The thing is, you can't blame him for hanging on, can you? aAfter all, 17.6 million lumpen Brits, ignoramuses, bigots, fools and simpleton halfwits believed his Brexit lies, so maybe thy'll believe him this time around - you do, you silly old sap, Tax.

  20. #745
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    England Ends All COVID Passports, Mask Mandates, Work Restrictions

    By Lily Zhou of the Epoch Times

    Restrictions including COVID-19 passes, mask mandates, and work-from-home requirements will be removed in England, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced on Wednesday. Johnson also suggested that self-isolation rules may also be thrown out at the end of March as the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus pandemic becomes endemic.

    Effective immediately, the UK government is no longer asking people to work from home. The COVID pass mandate for nightclubs and large events won’t be renewed when it expires on Jan. 26. And from Thursday, indoor mask-wearing will no longer be compulsory anywhere in England.

    The requirement for secondary school pupils to wear masks during class and in communal areas will also be removed from the Department for Education’s national guidance.
    Roaring cheers from lawmakers could be heard in the House of Commons following Johnson’s announcements on masks.

  21. #746
    Isle of discombobulation Joe 90's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Loy Toy View Post
    I wonder how Winston Churchill or Maggie Thatcher would have handled this Covid event.
    They would have handled it exactly the same way.


  22. #747
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seekingasylum View Post
    And with that litany of grievous concerns, Tax, we're of course blessed to have as a leader a man whose inability to manage anything not concerned with his sexual needs is as profound as his arrogance and conceit that leads him to think he is not a total wanker.

    Tax, he lied to parliament and has continued to peddle his deceit and in his cotinuing arrogance he thinks we are all so naive and credulous as to believe him. The thing is, you can't blame him for hanging on, can you? aAfter all, 17.6 million lumpen Brits, ignoramuses, bigots, fools and simpleton halfwits believed his Brexit lies, so maybe thy'll believe him this time around - you do, you silly old sap, Tax.
    Unfortunately for you, Johnson is not being investigated due to your perception of his personal frailties, cavalier attitude, or sexual largesse.
    The investigation must abide by the rules for civil service ethos, which requires them to remain impartial to personal political bias. The fact that you were clearly unable meet that remit, is the reason that you remained a minor functionary.

  23. #748
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    Truly, the deserved opprobrium being heaped on the head of Britain's worst PM, a man so unfitted for any high office and utterly lacking in any sense of honour, is now assuming almost Shakespearean proportions. Where is our Macduff?

    BoJo, a liar, a cheat, and an arrogant philanderer whose obsession with his own pathological egocentricity places him beyond any normal moral boundaries it seems, is now stooping to blackmail and coercion in order to keep his clammy, grubby hands on the chalice of power as he organises his Whips to destroy his opponents.

    How on earth can the English be so beguiled by the spurious charm of this hapless jackass, a man riven with a sly malice with which he seeks to crush those who are not so stupid as to be swayed by his corrupt practices.

    Remember his offer of help to organise a physical attack to intimidate the nemesis of his friend and crook, Darius Guppy, who eventually went to prison for his crimes? A more vivid insight into Johnson's deeply flawed character wherein he considers himself above any laws one could not hope to find. Except of course we do have more: his peculation of public funds used to further his slimy, sleazy illicit affair with his American slut, his willingness to lie to the leader of his party who in the end realised BoJo was without any scruple and dishonest to the core, the managing editor of the Times who sacked the creep for fabricating a story in a publication that never knowingly published an untruth in its 250 year old history, and of course, much more recently, the condemnation of his wife-to-be who was heard to scream in her tears " you don't care about anything".

    How true she was but evidently in her desire to benefit from her relationship to the swine she happily overlooked his pathological indifference to others, as indeed did many other folk not least his Brexitory sycophants who have sold themselves down the river to gain power and passage on his ship of fools.

    Quite simply, the man is corrupt to the core and in seeking to feed his monstrous ego he will sacrifice anyone and everyone.

    Britain's stature in the world has never been brought so low.

    Gove was right, back in 2016, when he realised BoJo was simply no damn good and lazy to boot and withdrew his support.

    The utter shame of it all is that the country's very commercial heart has been pierced by this fraudulent, corrupted, slyly malicious buffoon whose Brexit lies are now exposed for even the dimmest English halfwit to see.
    Last edited by Seekingasylum; 22-01-2022 at 02:07 PM.

  24. #749
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    And with each passing day even more opprobrium is to be heaped upon the clown's fat shoulders. It now seems that acting solely on behalf of his ghastly wife and her weird friends, BoJo ordered the evacuation of a bunch of fucking dogs from Kabul airport rather than Afghanis who had helped the British forces in their conflict with the Taliban and who were left behind, abandoned to their fate.

    But he delivered Brexit!

    As if laying a giant turd upon the nation was some sort of fucking achievement.

  25. #750
    Thailand Expat taxexile's Avatar
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    some of the gatherings he may have attended probably shouldn’t have happened, and if rules were broken by people at work indulging in a bit of relaxation outdoors with a bottle of wine as a break from their 19 hour days figuring out how to deal with an unprecedented virus sweeping the world then perhaps the organisers should be chided and even fined in order to placate the baying mob.

    but at the end of the day, the allegations against boris are only that he gave a speech to colleagues in his own garden and that he allowed his wife to give him a bloody birthday cake.

    if we have become a country where those are good enough reasons to remove a prime minister from office then we really have allowed our curtain twitching puritanism to overcome our casual jollity. the world is looking on with amazement as the holier than thou opposition and the media pursue him with the venality, hypocrisy, bitterness and indignation that marks them out as mentally scarred remainers that refuse to accept that brexit happened and find themselves, like the grievance marinated socialist they are, unable to rid themselves of their long held grudges.

    so fuck them.

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