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  1. #176
    Thailand Expat misskit's Avatar
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    AOC accuses conservatives of making up stories about her so Fox News will have something to talk about

    On Thursday, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) accused conservative groups of spreading fake news about her so that Fox News will continue to share negative stories about her.

    According to a report from NBC, a conservative group accused her of violating campaign finance law.

    “The National Legal and Policy Center filed a complaint with the Federal Elections Commission on Tuesday, alleging that the New York Democrat and her allies used a corporation to skirt campaign finance reporting laws,” the report said.

    However, on Twitter Ocasio-Cortez said that it was a “conspiracy” to fuel fake news about her.

    “In case you saw the conspiracy theory running around, conservative groups have now taken to spamming us by filing bogus ethics complaints so that Fox News can report on alleged’ untrue scandals,” she

    Adding, “This is how the misinformation machine works, folks.”

    Its all they have left. Screaming louder and louder lies about awful lefties while their orange god goes down in flames, just like the Hindenburg.

  2. #177
    Thailand Expat harrybarracuda's Avatar
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    You kinda wish this republitard "National Legal and Policy Center" would put as much effort into squealing about baldy orange cunto's bent tax returns or banking fraud.

  3. #178
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    Quote Originally Posted by misskit View Post
    “In case you saw the conspiracy theory running around, conservative groups have now taken to spamming us by filing bogus ethics complaints so that Fox News can report on alleged’ untrue scandals,”
    take a wild guess as to who has been copy and pasting that nonsense here on TD.

  4. #179
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    What do real socialists think of AOC? Not much...

    The political fraud of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s “Green New Deal”

    By Will Morrow
    23 November 2018

    Last week, newly-elected Democratic Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez released a proposal for an addendum to the rules of the US House of Representatives, to create a new congressional committee that would draft legislation for a “Green New Deal.” Nine Democrats have already put their names to the proposal, including Rashida Tlaib, who like Ocasio-Cortez is a member of the Democratic Socialists of America.

    The document includes the call for a transition to 100 percent renewable energy within 10 years, and actions to “virtually eliminate poverty in the United States and to make prosperity, wealth and economic security available to everyone.” It calls for “a job guarantee program to assure a living wage to every person who wants one”; “massive investment in the drawdown of greenhouse gases,” and “upgrading every residential and industrial building for state-of-the-art energy efficiency, comfort and safety.”

    The document, as with Ocasio-Cortez’s politics, is characterized by a massive political fraud. It includes various left-sounding rhetoric, but is entirely directed to and dependent upon the Democratic Party. In particular, the members of the committee would be selected by the Speaker of the House, who is likely to be Nancy Pelosi, the stalwart of the Democratic Party establishment who has received the support of Ocasio-Cortez herself.

    Any serious measures to stop global warming, let alone assure a job and livable wage to everyone, would require a massive redistribution of wealth and the reallocation of trillions currently spent on US imperialism’s neo-colonial wars abroad.

    Ocasio-Cortez’s document, however, excludes any encroachment on the fortunes of the ruling class. It calls instead for “innovative public and other financing structures,” including a “new public bank,” or system of banks, or “public venture funds,” which in concrete terms means nothing more than new avenues for providing cheap credit to private corporations. Everything is phrased as part of consultation with “business” leaders.

    Several of her proposals are explicitly aimed at promoting the interests of different sections of capital, including the call to “promote opportunities” for “entrepreneurship,” and “promote economic security, labor market flexibility and entrepreneurism.”

    “Labor market flexibility”—that is, the ability of corporations to fire and hire at will. Such is the character of Ocasio-Cortez’s great left-wing reform!

    The original “New Deal,” which included massive public works infrastructure projects, was introduced by Democratic President Franklin Roosevelt in the 1930s amid the Great Depression. Its purpose was to stave off a socialist revolution in America. It was a response to a militant upsurge of strikes and violent class battles, led by socialists who were inspired by the 1917 Russian Revolution that had occurred less than two decades before.

    American capitalism could afford to make such concessions because of its economic dominance. The past forty years have been characterized by the continued decline of American capitalism on a world stage relative to its major rivals. The ruling class has responded to this crisis with a social counterrevolution to claw back all gains won by workers. This has been carried out under both Democratic and Republican administrations and with the assistance of the trade unions.

    Since the 2008 crash, first under Bush and Obama, and now Trump, the ruling elites have pursued a single-minded policy of enriching the wealthy, through free credit, corporate bailouts and tax cuts, while slashing spending on social services.

    To claim as does Ocasio-Cortez that American capitalism can provide a new “New Deal,” of a green or any other variety, is to promote an obvious political fiction.

    None of the signatories to the bill believes that any of its proposals—except those directly tailored to corporate interests—will ever be implemented. Its purpose is rather to promote illusions that the Democratic Party, a party of the corporate and financial elite no less than the Republicans, can be transformed into an agency of social progress.

    The document states that the newly-formed committee would be required to complete its plan by January 2020 and publish its draft legislation by March 2020, immediately prior to the next presidential elections. Any such documents would be wholly aimed at providing some popular appeal to the Democrats’ election campaign. They would be permanently shelved immediately after the election, regardless of the outcome.

    Ocasio-Cortez’s promotion of the “Green New Deal” is also aimed at distracting attention from her own rapid rightward shift after her primary victory.

    She has backtracked on her earlier criticisms of Israeli slaughters of Gaza protesters; hailed the late Republican Senator and war criminal John McCain as an “unparalleled example of human decency and American service;” called for securing US borders, dropped her previous calls to “Abolish ICE [Immigration and Customs Enforcement],” and declared that this slogan “does not mean abolish deportations” of immigrants. Over the weekend, she declared her support for Nancy Pelosi as the speaker of the House.

    The “Green New Deal” is another example of the political function of Ocasio-Cortez and the DSA in seeking to provide a “left” political veneer for the capitalist politics of the Democratic Party. The latter is campaigning against the billionaire demagogue Trump on a right-wing basis, attacking him not for his militarist threats, fascistic rants, attacks on immigrants and efforts to build up an extra-parliamentary extreme-right movement, but for being insufficiently deferential toward the American intelligence agencies and aggressive toward Russia.

    A socialist response to climate change cannot take place through the Democratic Party or within the framework of capitalism. It requires the organization of production according to a rational, scientific plan on a global scale. This requirement is fundamentally incompatible with both the private ownership of humanity’s productive forces (and the subordination of production according to the profit interests of the capitalist class), and the continued division of the world into rival national states, who compete on behalf of their own capitalist class for markets, profits and geostrategic control.

    What is needed is not empty promises of a new “New Deal” bestowed from above by the capitalist class—which in any case is impossible—but socialist revolution by the working class and a fundamental transformation of society.

    Ocasio-Cortez and Sanders praise McCain: An object lesson in the politics of the pseudo-left

    28 August 2018

    Amidst the outpouring of praise from all sections of the political establishment for Republican Senator John McCain, who died on Saturday, two statements stand out.

    The first was from Vermont senator and former presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, who tweeted: “John McCain was an American hero, a man of decency and honor and a friend of mine. He will be missed not just in the US Senate but by all Americans who respect integrity and independence.”

    The second was from Democratic Socialists of America member and New York congressional candidate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who tweeted: “John McCain’s legacy represents an unparalleled example of human decency and American service. As an intern, I learned a lot about the power of humanity in government through his deep friendship with Sen. Kennedy. He meant so much, to so many. My prayers are with his family.”

    Ocasio-Cortez posted with her tweet the editorial from the Washington Post on McCain’s death, “John McCain, the irreplaceable American,” which praised McCain for his work on “national defense and deterrence of foreign aggression” and for “[rising] above party politics to pursue what he honestly saw as the national interest.”

    What, one is compelled to ask, are these two individuals, who present themselves as figures of the left and even socialists, talking about? What is McCain’s legacy of “human decency and American service?” What made him an “American hero?”

    Was his human decency on display when he was dropping bombs on the Vietnamese people, or when he was acting as one of the earliest supporters of the 2003 invasion of Iraq, which led to the deaths of one million people? Was his heroism expressed in his call for the bombing of Iran, his visit with Islamic fundamentalist organizations spearheading the CIA-backed civil war in Syria, or his demands, up to his last day, for stepped-up aggression against Russia?

    The list of countries McCain advocated bombing is a long one, and there is no war launched by the US that he did not support. Political positions have consequences, and McCain had the blood of many hundreds of thousands of people on his hands. A genuine socialist would not praise his “human decency,” but demand, were he still alive, his prosecution for war crimes.

    The praise for McCain by Ocasio-Cortez and Sanders is a calculated political decision. It reveals everything about the politics of the Democratic Party and the particular role played by these figures and the organizations that promote them.

    On the part of Sanders, his declaration of solidarity with McCain is in continuity with his own Democratic Party election campaign in 2016. Sanders proclaimed his support for the foreign policy of the Obama administration, including its wars in the Middle East, and said that a Sanders administration would utilize Special Forces and drone strikes—“all that and more.” After losing the primaries, Sanders endorsed Hillary Clinton, seeking to channel the social opposition reflected in support for his campaign behind the candidate of the military-intelligence establishment.

    As for Ocasio-Cortez, her evolution is an example of the general rule of bourgeois politics that the deeper the crisis, the more rapidly political tendencies and individuals are exposed for what they really are. It is only two months since Ocasio-Cortez defeated incumbent Democrat Joseph Crowley in the primary election for the 14th Congressional District of New York.

    How quickly this “socialist” has expressed her fidelity to establishment bourgeois politics! She has moved to distance herself from any association with socialism, backtracked on her previous criticisms of Israel, pledged her support for “border security,” stood beside Sanders as the latter endorsed the Democrats’ anti-Russia campaign, and now heaps gratuitous and obsequious praise on one of the most reactionary warmongers in American politics. And there are still two months to go before the election.

    At the time of Ocasio-Cortez’s primary victory, the World Socialist Web Site wrote that “anyone who suggests that her victory marks a shift to the left in the Democratic Party should be told, in no uncertain terms: Curb your enthusiasm! The DSA is not fighting for socialism, but to strengthen the Democratic Party, one of the two main capitalist parties in the United States.”

    Ocasio-Cortez’s comments have drawn criticism from many who backed her campaign. However, those who may have been attracted to the DSA based on the impression that it is a socialist or anti-war organization should draw the necessary conclusions.

    The Democratic Party is engaged in a ferociously right-wing campaign in its conflict with the Trump administration. Its focus is not on Trump’s fascistic policies or his own warmongering, but on the claim that Trump is insufficiently committed to war in the Middle East and aggression against Russia. The Democrats have utilized the death of McCain as part of a calculated strategy, elevating him—along with figures such as former CIA Director John Brennan—as political heroes.

    They, along with the corporate media and the Republican Party establishment, are seeking to use McCain’s death as an opportunity to shift public opinion in favor of war and political reaction.

    In the 2018 midterm elections, as the WSWS has documented, the Democrats are running an unprecedented number of former intelligence and military operatives as candidates. The promotion of groups such as the DSA is an integral part of this strategy. “The politics of the ‘CIA Democrats,’” the Socialist Equality Party noted in the resolution passed at its Congress last month, “is not in conflict with, but rather corresponds to, the pseudo-left politics of the upper-middle class, as expressed in organizations such as the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) and the International Socialist Organization (ISO).”

    The role of Ocasio-Cortez, Sanders, the DSA and the ISO, is to give a “socialist” label to politics that is entirely in line with the right-wing, militarist and imperialist character of the Democratic Party.

    The elevation of the DSA does not represent a movement toward socialism, but rather a defensive reaction by the ruling class against what it perceives to be an existential danger. The corporate-financial elite is well aware of polls that show growing support for socialism and opposition to capitalism among workers and particularly among young people. The DSA is therefore promoted by the media (the New York Times published yet another prominent article on Sunday boosting Ocasio-Cortez and the DSA) even as genuine left-wing and anti-war publications, above all the World Socialist Web Site, face ever more direct forms of Internet censorship.

    The politics of the DSA and the broader pseudo-left has far more in common with the politics of McCain than it does with genuine socialism. There can be no question as to what role these organizations would play if brought into positions of power. A similar path has already been trod by the Left Party in Germany, which has implemented austerity measures and promoted the anti-immigrant policies of the far-right AfD, and Syriza (Coalition of the Radical Left) in Greece, which since coming to power in 2015 has implemented the brutal austerity measures demanded by the European banks.

    The Socialist Equality Party is fighting to organize workers and youth on the basis of a socialist program. This means not mild and insincere reformist demands to provide cover for the right-wing, militarist Democratic Party, but the mobilization of the working class, in the United States and internationally, for the revolutionary overthrow of capitalism. The building of such a movement must be based on the exposure of and struggle against figures such as Ocasio-Cortez and Sanders and the treacherous politics they espouse.

    Joseph Kishore
    A more recent WSWS article on AOC here:

    The political role of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

    By Genevieve Leigh
    31 January 2019

    The second and more decisive factor is the conscious promotion and elevation of Ocasio-Cortez by the Democratic Party and the media. Ocasio-Cortez performs a critical political function—that of providing a left cover for a right-wing party, the better to block the development of a genuine movement against social inequality and capitalism.


  5. #180
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    26-03-2019 @ 11:28 AM
    across the street
    trumpos are afraid the US might end up like Norway......terrible thing apparently

  6. #181
    Thailand Expat harrybarracuda's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by uncle junior View Post
    trumpos are afraid the US might end up like Norway......terrible thing apparently
    Goddamn them and their free healthcare for all and their better GDP per capita and their better debt to GDP ratio!

    It would make the US like Venezuela or something!

  7. #182
    Thailand Expat David48atTD's Avatar
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    Related because we are discussing the cost/benefit relationship of 'free healthcare for everyone'.

    Finland's government falls after attempts to reduce healthcare spending fail

    AOC derangement syndrome is real.-10885716-3x2-700x467-jpg

    Finland's coalition government resigned on Friday a month ahead of a general election, saying it could not deliver on a healthcare reform package that is widely seen as crucial to securing long-term government finances.

    Key points:

    • Prime Minister Juha Sipila said he would resign if the reforms weren't carried
    • Demographic pressures have reduced Finland's capacity to pay for healthcare
    • Finland heads to the polls on April 14

    Healthcare systems across much of the developed world have come under increasing stress in recent years as treatment costs soar and people live longer, meaning fewer workers are supporting more pensioners.


    The 'free' healthcare model can work if it has an element of user pay attached so it's not abused.

    'free' as in free for the big stuff ... user pay as in a contribution by the user/patient for the smaller stuff and the high wage earners ... plus an option for private health insurance.

    Australia's model works well ... any other countries working well with a 'free healthcare for all' system?
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails AOC derangement syndrome is real.-10885716-3x2-700x467-jpg  
    Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago ...

  8. #183
    Thailand Expat Boon Mee's Avatar
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    13-09-2019 @ 04:18 PM

    Hypocrites - all of them & w/out double standards, these people would have NO standards at all.

  9. #184
    Thailand Expat misskit's Avatar
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    ^ Link or it isn’t so.

  10. #185
    Thailand Expat misskit's Avatar
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    AOC derangement syndrome is real.-9769351e-3a18-4ccc-af1d-6ed0160fab10-jpg
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails AOC derangement syndrome is real.-9769351e-3a18-4ccc-af1d-6ed0160fab10-jpg  

  11. #186
    Thailand Expat Boon Mee's Avatar
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    13-09-2019 @ 04:18 PM
    PRESS RELEASE: I have pulled my support from the Green New Deal after realizing when we save the planet we would inadvertently be saving Israel. (sarc)

    It's a parody Miss Kit. Don't get too angry! 555

  12. #187
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  13. #188
    Thailand Expat Texpat's Avatar
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    In your head
    Because links are PROOF positive that any assertion is TRUE!

  14. #189
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  15. #190
    Thailand Expat misskit's Avatar
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    Will you be turning yet another thread into a cartoon thread?

  16. #191
    Thailand Expat Boon Mee's Avatar
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    13-09-2019 @ 04:18 PM
    AOC Getting SCHOOLED in Congress on the Border Issues

    What a Maroon! 555

    Just reading a script her staff wrote for her. what a dumbass! LOL

  17. #192
    Thailand Expat Texpat's Avatar
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    In your head
    Quote Originally Posted by misskit View Post
    Will you be turning yet another thread into a cartoon thread?
    Better tell the girl gang in the orange cunto thread. There are several cartoons on there today.


    AOC is a rank, skank, greasy, worthless beaner.

  18. #193
    Thailand Expat AntRobertson's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Texpat View Post
    AOC is a rank, skank, greasy, worthless beaner.

    She wouldn't touch you with a barge-pole Fester. That's what bugs you most innit.

  19. #194
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  20. #195
    Thailand Expat harrybarracuda's Avatar
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    I'm not saying that trumpanzees are retarded or anything but....

    AOC derangement syndrome is real.-trumpanzeesareretarded-png

    AOC derangement syndrome is real.-trumpanzeesalsomasturbateexcessively-png
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails AOC derangement syndrome is real.-trumpanzeesareretarded-png   AOC derangement syndrome is real.-trumpanzeesalsomasturbateexcessively-png  

  21. #196
    Thailand Expat harrybarracuda's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by misskit View Post
    ^ Link or it isn’t so.
    Whether it is or not, I would expect she would have been told to take security measures to avoid bumping into weirdos like Booners.

  22. #197
    Thailand Expat Boon Mee's Avatar
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    13-09-2019 @ 04:18 PM
    The Brains Behind Donkey Chompers:

  23. #198
    I am in Jail

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    16-04-2019 @ 08:55 AM
    The future of the democratic party is looking bleaker all the time, it's mainly loud mouthed dumb woman to blame

  24. #199
    Thailand Expat Boon Mee's Avatar
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    13-09-2019 @ 04:18 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by britanicus View Post
    The future of the democratic party is looking bleaker all the time, it's mainly loud mouthed dumb woman to blame
    Listened to that oracle of all knowledge Cher lately?

  25. #200
    Thailand Expat raycarey's Avatar
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    bitter, old white guys working themselves into hysterics about the 28 year old woman who represents NY 14 in congress.

    same shit, different day.

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