
Yeh, I know, the last thing we need is another Trump thread ... apologies

Donald Trump makes a gesture during his inaugural address

Roll credits.

Season two of our very own global reality show is drawing to a close and what a series of episodes it has been here in Donald Trump's America 2017.

Episode 1:

  • "Biggest inauguration crowd ever" was followed by
  • "Fake News. SAD!",
  • "Flynnished",
  • "The Trumbull Transcript",
  • "Lordy I hope there are tapes",
  • "Someone bring me a Covfefe" and
  • "Go jump, Rocket Man" to name a few Emmy-worthy episodes.

Strap in, as we deliver you America in review, 2017.

Top tweets

1. Cov-fe-fe
It's the tweet that stopped the nation.
3. Puerto Ricans want everything done for them
Donald Trump seemed to grapple with the fact that although they don't live on the US mainland, Puerto Ricans are Americans.

Top sackings

1. National Security Adviser Michael Flynn

The first key scalp in the new administration, Michael Flynn lasted just 25 days but his influence lingers.

Republicans who have turned their backs on the President

1. Jeff Flake
An early critic of Mr Trump, senator Jeff Flake from Arizona took to the floor in late October to declare he was retiring at
the end of the Senate term in 2018.

Top TV moments

1. Drinking Water: The 'sippy cup grip' has set the internet alight repeatedly. Donald Trump drinking water is a thing,
especially because he chose to tease then presidential hopeful Marco Rubio for poor water drinking technique during the campaign.

Top attacks on the media

The war on 'fake news' has been unrelenting since the President took office.
He's been critical of almost all of the media (sans Fox and Friends), going as far as the "enemy of the people".
Here are some of the administration's favourite targets:

Top international news moments

Donald Trump came to office promising an American First agenda but he's repeatedly being drawn on international issues.
1. Fewer than 100 days into his administration, the President gave the go-ahead to a missile strike against the Assad regime in Syria.

A rollback of legacy

If there's been one common thread in Mr Trump's ideology it's, "If Obama did it, I want it gone".
Here are some of the key rollbacks from the last Administration:

— The Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program was introduced to protect the children of those who had illegally crossed into America, from deportation.

Top 5 nicknames

1. "Al Frankenstein"
The President couldn't help himself when sexual misconduct allegations arose against the Minnesota senator and former funny man Al Franken.

Weird handshakes (My personal favourite)

And finally, a marathon, 29-second standoff shake with French President Emmanuel Macron on Bastille Day:

We'll call that a wrap for this season

Season 3 is currently in the works.
We're thinking Moscow will make a nice backdrop for several episodes.

These's 5 in each category, I've just shown a sampling