1. #18326
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    Last but who gives a shit.
    Quote Originally Posted by Seekingasylum View Post
    Shock! Horror! 67% of the Italian lower class are as fucking stupid as the British untermenschen.

    Prag, eat it up, nowt more repulsive than the stupid, the dull and the merely ignorant.

    86% of the British Army, eh?
    If you say so.

  2. #18327
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    Quote Originally Posted by squirrel View Post
    Oh hi squirrel, good to see you're on the ball.

  3. #18328
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seekingasylum View Post
    Shock! Horror! 67% of the Italian lower class are as fucking stupid as the British untermenschen.

    Prag, eat it up, nowt more repulsive than the stupid, the dull and the merely ignorant.

    86% of the British Army, eh?
    You have a world of details at your fingertips; aren't you a lucky boy, so many distractions from the serious business of EU survival, which is looking even more precarious now than it was a couple of months ago. No need to fret about it, countries and empires come and go, no big deal, just feeling sorry for those hundreds of millions that were herded into that evil structure.

    Of course it won't be pretty, never is when wealth and power are stripped from those used to wielding it, but I'm sure you'll get over it, eventually, maybe, and if not you can blame 67% of the Italian lower class, or 52% of racist Brits, or the virus, all fair game to the deluded, just not the goons that caused it to fail.

  4. #18329
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    Quote Originally Posted by jabir View Post
    EU survival, which is looking even more precarious now than it was a couple of months ago.
    The survival of every developed nation is looking precarious at the moment. The UK is at least a week behind the curve (as usual) and has a PM in ICU.

    The fuckwittery that is spread on the internet, such as 5G causing coronavirus, is the same fuckwittery that led to Brexit...

    Time to believe those experts that the politicians decided to ignore...only it's too fooking late now!

  5. #18330
    Hangin' Around cyrille's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Troy View Post
    The survival of every developed nation is looking precarious at the moment.
    That won't put jabby off from his crass turkey-lurkey wittering.

  6. #18331
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    Quote Originally Posted by Troy View Post
    The fuckwittery that is spread on the internet, such as 5G causing coronavirus, is the same fuckwittery that led to Brexit...
    Mmm i rather think the 5G fuckwittery resides with the Millennial SocMedia Muppets who as i recall are staunch remainers

  7. #18332
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    Quote Originally Posted by Troy View Post
    Time to believe those experts
    Like, Catherine Calderwood.

  8. #18333
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    Quote Originally Posted by jabir View Post
    Some suckers still laugh at us in our rickety row boat, while their make believe luxury liner is going splosh.

    Nuttier than a squirrel turd.

  9. #18334
    Thailand Expat jabir's Avatar
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    Is that 38% of squirrel turds, 26, 63...?

  10. #18335
    last farang standing
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    Nobody takes the parliamentary toilet cleaner's irish lunch boy seriously. Interesting to see who is going to bail out the eastern and southern EU. They couldn't agree on who they can bleed more now the UK is gone. Imagine what it will be like after most of the E.U. is in recession.

  11. #18336
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hugh Cow View Post

    Interesting to see who is going to bail out the eastern and southern EU. They couldn't agree on who they can bleed more now the UK is gone.
    The sheer stupidity enshrined within this crass comment is positively bovine in its depth.

    In order to participate in the unfettered market that is the EU club, the UK paid a membership fee of around £13 billions reduced by a further £4 billions it received in grants and subsidies in respect of the more parlous local economies viz Wales, Cornwall and the ghastly northern oiks in their unspeakable tyke squalor.

    This fee, a discounted sum disproportionately small given Britain's GDP but obtained as a concession by Thatcher, a committed Europhile, permitted free access to a socio-economic trading bloc that generated over £250 billion in annual trade, around 13% of Britain's entire GDP, and accounted for over 48% of its manufacturing sector's contribution to GDP of 10%.

    So, one wonders just what it was that the EU bled from the UK that it no longer can, Mr. Huge Cowpat?

    PS. Corresponding with you morons is really quite satisfying in the sense one is continually reminded of one's ineffable superiority.

  12. #18337
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    Right, all things considered since even EU gods cannot brush aside the effects of the virus, the EU is doing as well as can be expected economically, politically, socially, and once this dies off we can look forward to business as usual with all systems go toward full Union.

    I think you need help.

  13. #18338
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    You fail to understand economics my dear lunch boy and that unfortunately is your downfall. The virus which will mean a stagnant euro economy for the near future at least. UK exports would take a dive regardless. The EU which has a more favourable trade balance with the UK will now be subject to competition with other countries. Something the EU is absolutely shite at.
    Your constant whine about it being a small amount of euro GDP shows your economic ignorance. Otherwise you would know only some euro countries have large trading volumes with the U.K. I doubt the UK will be sweating over Lithuania, Latvia Romania and the other bumfuck nowhere countries who have two tenths of SFA. Many Euro economies will fail without help from the ECB a victim of their own currency artificially inflated by stronger economies and unable to devalue to help get themselves out of the mire they are now in. We'll see how unity goes when the Nth european taxpayers get sick of being drained to prop them up.
    Many food products such as wheat currently source from the EU, (over one million tonnes) can be sourced easily from other countries such as USA and Australia, both large produce exporting countries, which should have FTAs in the near future. The U.K. will have access to the world market no longer hobbled by the E.U.
    Countries will be falling over themselves to export to the U.K. market. Finding alternatives for the EU is dependant on export countries fulfilling EU regulations (something I have had a little experience with) and is as quick as a trip to Alpha centauri by rocket.

  14. #18339
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    The EU has signally failed to rise to the economic and political challenges posed by the virus, preparation for its imminent recession which alone could tip it over, and of course let's not forget German refusal to bail out its poor southern consumers, which its own courts agree would have been unconstitutional, leaving no room for the block as a Union to recover without a severe limp and a few missing organs.

    But on the plus side the ECB is there to provide first a trillion and then unlimited funding to whoever wants it as long as it's Germany, led by a woman that's been convicted for her part in questionable payments to favoured political supporters.

    UK got out in the nick of time, Greece is a basket case, as are Italy and Spain whose leaders have had enough as second class members of 'le club', Spain confesses the EU is on the verge of crumbling, Macron says if we don't change we die, but SA says all is well because his impeccable sources inform him that 84% of Italians in the northernmost region of Lombardy don't speak Esperanto.

    Meh, ffs squirrel stop dawdling, we need your view on life as we know it.

  15. #18340
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    16-07-2021 @ 10:31 PM
    bad news for the EU, Brexit is the new model

    Coronavirus: EU could fail over outbreak, warns Italy's Giuseppe Conte - BBC News

    Italy's prime minister has told the BBC that the European Union risks failing as a project in the coronavirus crisis.

    Giuseppe Conte says the EU must act in an adequate and co-ordinated way to help countries worst hit by the virus.

    Mr Conte says the European Union needs to rise to the challenge of what he calls "the biggest test since the Second World War".

    This was his first interview with the UK broadcast media since the pandemic exploded in Italy seven weeks ago.

    He was speaking as Italy and some other EU countries try to push more frugal members of the bloc to issue so-called "corona bonds" - sharing debt that all EU nations would help to pay off. The Netherlands in particular has opposed the idea, leading to a clash between finance ministers of the eurozone.

  16. #18341
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    16-07-2021 @ 10:31 PM
    we need to follow the Brexit model and start kicking out some countries that are long term liabilities

    First, the UK, and that is a major win for the EU

    next is Greece, and all those shitty Eastern Europe countries

  17. #18342
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    Don't worry, Paps, your dream will come true - the EU will be "kicking-out" Italy, Portugal, Spain and France soon. Many others will choose to be "kicked-out" as well...

  18. #18343
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    I think it's a good time to re-focus on Brexit and review its significance in the light of not only its adverse impact upon both British and EU citizens, the economy and Strling but also in the context of a real catastrophe that is COVID and not the imaginary peril of an overbearing EU confabulated by the Brexit numpties.

    So, where are we at?

    Well, despite four years of nothing but vapid and vacuous rhetoric from the Brexit mob and their successive governments of increasing mediocrity, we have yet to register anything of value that might constitute a gain from the whole sad and very sorry enterprise. Nothing at all. Not a scintilla of measurable worth. Da nada. Zilch. Ne rien. Zero. Not even a sausage.

    What have we lost? Recent estimates reckon around £100 billion in lost investment, FDI and domestic, suffered a contraction in manufacturing, stagnated the housing market and crippled the retail sector, and of course the actual mechanics of Brexit as a process has cost £4 billions. Then we have the diminution in status as the world downgraded the country in mounting disbelief it could be so stupid as to forsake its important role in the European project for nothing other than a fatuous re-invention of itself as a cod reprise of a tawdry Empire garbed in the tattered rags of jingoistic nationalism posturing itself in evermore mawkish and xenophobic rhetoric.

    So, for even the dumbest Brexiteer, the narrative has now changed. Gone is the bullshit reason it was for economic gain, gone is the equally stupid mantra it was for more control and a greater sovereignty, gone even the need to keep out foreigners as the produce in the arable farms and market gardens rot for lack of labour to reap harvests.

    So how are the bone-achingly stupid Brexit monkeys sustaining their crass creed of not-so-splendid isolation, marginalised by an ever increasing dislocation from the civilised sophistication of mainland Europe?

    Well, after all said and done it is, ........... ladies and gentlemen ............I give you .......Armageddon! Yep, it's that same old schtick when there's nothing left in the locker, the new catechism is now the supposed realisation that plucky little Blighty, cannily and with great cunning, has had a narrow escape by jettisoning itself from Europe which is doomed to wallow in the ruins of total economic and social destruction precipitated by free movement of its goods, services, capital and its labour. And if that was insufficient then COVID will surely do for it because as we all know Johnny Foreigner can't handle adversity like those plucky Brits.

    Fucking silly wankers.
    Last edited by Seekingasylum; 09-04-2020 at 04:48 PM.

  19. #18344
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dragonfly View Post
    we need to follow the Brexit model and start kicking out some countries that are long term liabilities

    First, the UK, and that is a major win for the EU

    next is Greece, and all those shitty Eastern Europe countries
    Nice try, though if truth be known your gods resorted to lower than usual tactics to keep us in; there may have been a reason for that, can't imagine what that might be, but however you, correction, a reasonable person looks at it the EU failed, QED.

    Imho Greece screwed up badly by rejecting Germany's offer of 50bn to leave, which was supposed to tide them over the early years though I don't know if that was with a debt write off or reduction. Now they are welded to the waterline.

    I didn't realise you also wanted to get rid of the easterners, that would be nice, you could end up with something like a Common Market or whatever with a handful of rich countries that can't so easily be bullied; great, then you could fill the top posts with like minded individuals, start recruiting non competitive southern and eastern countries and while everyone's distracted with what a wonderful project this is you could sneak through some ambitious agenda for a fully unified Europe.

  20. #18345
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seekingasylum View Post
    I think it's a good time to re-focus on Brexit and review its significance in the light of not only its adverse impact upon both British and EU citizens, the economy and Strling but also in the context of a real catastrophe that is COVID and not the imaginary peril of an overbearing EU confabulated by the Brexit numpties.

    So, where are we at?

    Well, despite four years of nothing but vapid and vacuous rhetoric from the Brexit mob and their successive governments of increasing mediocrity, we have yet to register anything of value that might constitute a gain from the whole sad and very sorry enterprise. Nothing at all. Not a scintilla of measurable worth. Da nada. Zilch. Ne rien. Zero. Not even a sausage.

    What have we lost? Recent estimates reckon around £100 billion in lost investment, FDI and domestic, suffered a contraction in manufacturing, stagnated the housing market and crippled the retail sector, and of course the actual mechanics of Brexit as a process has cost £4 billions. Then we have the diminution in status as the world downgraded the country in mounting disbelief it could be so stupid as to forsake its important role in the European project for nothing other than a fatuous re-invention of itself as a cod reprise of a tawdry Empire garbed in the tattered rags of jingoistic nationalism posturing itself in evermore mawkish and xenophobic rhetoric.

    So, for even the dumbest Brexiteer, the narrative has now changed. Gone is the bullshit reason it was for economic gain, gone is the equally stupid mantra it was for more control and a greater sovereignty, gone even the need to keep out foreigners as the produce in the arable farms and market gardens rot for lack of labour to reap harvests.

    So how are the bone-achingly stupid Brexit monkeys sustaining their crass creed of not-so-splendid isolation, marginalised by an ever increasing dislocation from the civilised sophistication of mainland Europe?

    Well, after all said and done it is, ........... ladies and gentlemen ............I give you .......Armageddon! Yep, it's that same old schtick when there's nothing left in the locker, the new catechism is now the supposed realisation that plucky little Blighty, cannily and with great cunning, has had a narrow escape by jettisoning itself from Europe which is doomed to wallow in the ruins of total economic and social destruction precipitated by free movement of its goods, services, capital and its labour. And if that was insufficient then COVID will surely do for it because as we all know Johnny Foreigner can't handle adversity like those plucky Brits.

    Fucking silly wankers.
    Yes Yes Yes. Britain will sink beneath the waves while a united Europe steams full ahead into a bright economic future. Your Bog Irish prejudice always colours your opinion of Britain and it shows with your dull rhetoric using figures you dont understand to suit your narative. With your waxing lyrical about the wonders of the E.U. so tediously and repetitively one would wonder why you are not sunning yourself on the cote d'azur, rather than a concrete coffin in a 3rd world oversized brothel. Empires always over reach themselves eventually and start to erode or implode. This has been the case throughout history from ancient times to the British Empire. The E.U. will be no difference. Once it passed from an exclusive club to letting in all and sundry it became the architect of its' own demise. Its socialist policies may have worked for an exclusive few of the richer countries of Europe but its attempt at some pseudo socialist equalisation of Europe although laudable in theory is doomed to failure in practice. Brexit is symptomatic of a system that will eventually fail.
    The EU cannot even agree who is going to take up the shortfall of funding even though they have had 4 years to work out a plan. They still have to come to grips with the migrant crisis after at least five years of talks, with some countries diametrically opposed to resettlement.
    They're now currently squabbling over who foots the bill for Covid 19. If it spreads into Romania and other poor countries with their poor level of healthcare it will be a huge drain on E.U. resources.
    Three major issues causing a paralysis of policy two of which with no resolution after years.
    You think they would've learnt from the U.N. especially the security council and the paralysis that happens when countries have the power of veto, but apparently not.
    Last edited by Hugh Cow; 10-04-2020 at 07:40 AM.

  21. #18346
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    Way, Way South of the border now - thank God!
    Quote Originally Posted by Hugh Cow View Post
    Yes Yes Yes. Britain will sink beneath the waves while a united Europe steams full ahead into a bright economic future.
    Yup, thats about right . . . the EU will continue to function and prosper and though Britain won't sink, it will suffer for a while . . .

    Not quite sure where the anti-Irish stuff is coming from, but ok . . .

  22. #18347
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bettyboo View Post
    Irish folks are nice, but Mr Sausage, who claims to be Irish, is an angry weirdo who makes stuff up and shouts at everyone around him. He's not indicative of the Irish, but he is a total tool.

    &, at every point, every thing he says has been wrong; it's hilarious that he just keeps going...
    That's why I read every word, eventually he'll get something right and I want to tell my grandkids I was there.

  23. #18348
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    Has Britain sunk yet? Nope
    Brexit sunk yet? Nope
    SA still whining? Yup

    All is well then. Carry on Gents.

  24. #18349
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    As the intelligent and perspicacious among us ( not that many, true ) will now know, before the COVID epidemic became a pandemic, the UK's economy actually contracted in January/February such has been the roaring success of Brexit with its currency collapse and chronic lack of investment reflecting the depressed sentiment that pervades the country.

    Brexit was a triumph of stupidity championed by charlatans, scrimshankers, snake oil salesmen and tenth rate politicians seeking power in circumstances not otherwise available to them.

    Only the credulous and dull-witted could possibly celebrate this disaster.

    Which of course explains why the TD posting rump are in favour of it.

    COVID is the salt rubbed in the wound.

  25. #18350
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    In the EU
    Quote Originally Posted by sabang View Post
    Has Britain sunk yet? Nope
    Brexit sunk yet? Nope
    SA still whining? Yup

    All is well then. Carry on Gents.
    Has the EU sunk yet...nope.

    The UK are a couple of weeks behind with the coronavirus. The upcoming recession will delay Brexit by at least another year. That should give Boris time to get the required UK agencies up and running.

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