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  1. #22376
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    Quote Originally Posted by taxexile View Post
    Even lacklustre Britain is outperforming failing EU economies
    Yep, I’d hate to be German now.

    The fourth largest single GDP in the world, an economy founded on a manufacturing base contributing over 30% of its total, a healthcare system where folk with cancer get treatment quickly, where education is valued and resourced, where the environment is respected, where 90% of its lakes, rivers and coastal waters were of excellent quality meeting EU standards and where transport is reliable, clean and functioning.
    Despite this pundit’s Tory influenced view, the German economy is scheduled to return to growth in 2025.

    Britain in contrast is a shabby shithole of a country where medical care is denied to thousands, where education is failing with schools literally collapsing, starved of funds and with teachers leaving in droves fleeing violence and a dismal future, where all its waterways, rivers, lakes and coastal waters are polluted with millions of gallons of sewage daily, a country where 4.7 million people are in food poverty and 7 millions are in fuel poverty, a country where half its local authorities are facing bankruptcy, where GDP growth since 2016 has been the lowest in the G7 consistently, an economy which is hampered by the lowest rate of productivity compared to other developed countries eg France, Germany, US etc., and a country which has the distinction of being the only state to have left the planet’s single most successful and wealthiest socio economic association, the envy of the world, and as a consequence is haemorrhaging £100 billions annually in lost trade.

    Tax, you’re so myopic you’d probably kill yourself base jumping from the pavement.

  2. #22377
    Thailand Expat taxexile's Avatar
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    where transport is reliable, clean and functioning.
    You really are an idiot. germany, france, italy and greece are all afflicted with the same post covid meltdowns and disatisfactions as the uk.

    Shortages of labour, both manual and professional e.g. doctors, nurses, high prices, health care waiting lists, the work from home disease and so on. Germany is closing factories daily due to high energy costs and the implementation of ridiculous net zero commitments. The EU is as fucked as we are in the UK. The era of the west is over. Watch your back SA, The chinese, the bobbleheads, the mohammedans and the africans are coming. We are doomed.

    Germany expected to grind to a halt during country’s longest train strike

    GDL union, which has 40,000 members, prepares for industrial action in dispute over pay and hours

    Much of Germany is expected to grind to a halt on Wednesday when train drivers begin a six-day strike – the longest industrial action in the national railway’s history.

    The strike, which will start at 2am on Wednesday for passenger trains and on Tuesday evening for freight, is taking place amid tensions and scenes of unrest across the country.

    Farmers supported by transport companies have blocked thoroughfares in towns and cities with their tractors, ostensibly over government proposals to phase out subsidies on fuel, while an estimated 1 million people have taken to the streets to campaign against the far right after revelations members of the AfD discussed plans for the mass expulsion of foreigners and German passport holders with a migrant background.

    Tractors drive down a street in Berlin
    Farmers have brought tractors into Berlin to protest against the government phasing out of fuel subsidies. Photograph: Tobias Schwarz/AFP/Getty Images
    The GDL trade union, which includes train drivers and other rail workers, has said it was forced into the strike, which is set to continue until 2pm on Monday, after bosses at Deutsche Bahn (DB), the national rail operator, “tried to trick” the workers over their demands for improved pay and conditions.

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    DB has accused GDL, which has about 40,000 members, of “holding the country hostage”, insisting its demands would increase the company’s wage bill by 50%.

    Neither side in the railway dispute has sat together around a negotiating table since November and the chancellor, Olaf Scholz, has said it would “not be appropriate” for him to involve himself in labour disputes when called on to arbitrate.

    But the deadlock in talks has only deepened disgruntlement at Germany’s leadership, on top of a cost of living crisis that critics have said is fuelling the rise of the AfD as key regional elections loom in the autumn.

    Industry bosses have estimated that the strike will cost Europe’s biggest economy, which recently fell into recession, about €100m (£85m) a day and warned of the reputational damage the strike would do to German business. Industry is already under strain over supply chain issues linked to the Red Sea attacks on shipping, with some companies having had to reduce production.

    Six out of 10 of Europe’s freight corridors go through Germany, so a considerable knock-on effect across mainland Europe is also inevitable, not to mention the effect on continental train connections.

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    Earlier this month DB failed in its attempts to get a court to halt the strikes.

    GDL is calling for a reduction in employees’ working week from 38 to 35 hours with no drop in pay. It also wants an extra €550 a month for workers plus an inflation compensation package to be renegotiated after 12 months.

    A protest against the AfD party in Soest, Germany
    Many thousands of people have protested against the far-right party AfD. Photograph: Anadolu/Getty Images
    DB has offered workers an average 4.8% pay increase starting from August, and an additional 5% from spring 2025. An inflation compensation package would be paid for a fixed period of 32 months.

    It said that from 2026, employees would have the chance to reduce working time from the average 38 hours a week to 37, with extra pay for those who stuck to their current working week. DB has said further cuts in working time would exacerbate an already extremely burdensome worker shortage.

    Environmentalist groups have expressed concern about the impact of the strike on CO2 emissions as well as consumers’ long-term trust in rail travel. Domestic flight routes by the national carrier Lufthansa have been increased to plug the gap, and car hire companies have reported a massive increase in bookings as people look for alternative ways to travel.

    Germans who cannot work from home are legally obliged to make their own alternative travel arrangements.

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    DB is under considerable strain because of a sustained poor record on punctuality and reliability due to what it puts down to long-term underfunding in infrastructure and a labour shortage.

    Gitta Connemann, the chair of MIT, the business wing of the conservative CDU/CSU parties, has called for changes to laws governing strikes in areas of critical infrastructure.

    “Strikes are a part of free collective bargaining, and an expression of democracy, but in this case it is not only affecting railway employees, but millions of people from commuters to travellers, businesses, the economy, here and elsewhere in Europe,” she told the broadcaster DLF.

    “We need industrial action laws like other countries have to ensure that critical infrastructure isn’t threatened in this way.”

    DB has an unusual ownership structure: it was privatised in the 1990s after German reunification but remains in government hands, with the state its sole shareholder. Claus Weselsky, the head of GDL, who is on the verge of retirement, said the government’s decision to privatise was to blame for a lot of its current woes.

    He said he was sorry for every individual affected by the strike: “But we made our announcements 48 hours in advance, giving people the opportunity to make alternative arrangements,” he
    Uu the Guardian

  3. #22378
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    It’s called democracy and the Germans are exercising it.

    Tax, quite why that should deflect you from facing the unpalatable reality of a Britain resembling a freshly laid turd is mystifying.

    Germany, France, Belgium, Holland and Spain, in comparison to squalid, shabby, grubby BrokendownbrexitedBritain, are veritable paradises.

  4. #22379
    Isle of discombobulation Joe 90's Avatar
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    You paint an awful picture of Blighty SA.

    The reality imhe is one hour waiting time for a hospital appointment.
    7 day wait for a new black Brexit passport.
    All three offsprings in Ofsted outstanding schooling or University.
    A living wage.
    Two foreign holidays booked.

    Yeah the cost of living has risen and the weather is crap.

    But we have our homegrown food, culture, best Ales in the world, Best sports on the planet.

    No complaints here, from someone living in BrokendownbrexitedBritain

  5. #22380
    Thailand Expat taxexile's Avatar
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    SA is brexophobic for one reason and one reason only, and that is because it put paid to his hippy pipedream of a retirement in portugal, or was it spain, and has whinged non stop for the past 6 years about how shitty the uk has become, neglecting to consider for one moment that most of the problems causing government run systems, including the NHS, to malfunction are due entirely to the obstructive behaviour of the civil service, a civil service that SA himself was once part of, and their reluctance to carry out government policy and of course the socialist supported unions.

    The left leaning media like to portray a picture of a broken tory run britain, but wait until the kneeler gets the keys to no.10, and the marxists, the unions and the jew hating mps of colour get a sniff of power. Then you will see what a broken britain really looks like. Take a look at scotland or wales to get a glimpse of the future.

    Brexit will be seen as a masterstroke in 10 years time.

  6. #22381
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    He doesn't whinge about the pensions he gets every month from the UK taxpayer, ones he never contributed to

  7. #22382
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    Quote Originally Posted by taxexile View Post
    SA is brexophobic for one reason and one reason only, and that is because it put paid to his hippy pipedream of a retirement in portugal, or was it spain, and has whinged non stop for the past 6 years about how shitty the uk has become, neglecting to consider for one moment that most of the problems causing government run systems, including the NHS, to malfunction are due entirely to the obstructive behaviour of the civil service, a civil service that SA himself was once part of, and their reluctance to carry out government policy and of course the socialist supported unions.

    The left leaning media like to portray a picture of a broken tory run britain, but wait until the kneeler gets the keys to no.10, and the marxists, the unions and the jew hating mps of colour get a sniff of power. Then you will see what a broken britain really looks like. Take a look at scotland or wales to get a glimpse of the future.

    Brexit will be seen as a masterstroke in 10 years time.
    I’m Irish, you silly old tooth puller.

    Its truly extraordinary that in your ever increasing dotage you now persist in regurgitating the utterly vacuous rhetoric that the ills of modern day Brexitonia are not the consequence of fourteen years of Tory governance but because of a secret coterie of Whitehall mandarins who control the management of every government department, quango, local authority and council.

    You really are slipping away rather quicker than you have led us to believe Tax. Surely, the fact that the imbecilic ditch digging oik Numfuktwat echoes your foolishness must be some sort of insight into the realisation you are moondancing, yes?

    Brexit was inflicted on Britain by 17.6 million assorted credulous morons, dimwits, ignoramuses, bigoted retards and deluded nincompoops.
    How’s that second home in France going for you?

    Har, har, you fucking eejit.

  8. #22383
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    There seems to be some dissatisfaction in France at the moment with the EUs love of strangling production with ever more onerous regulations and red tape all in the name of the stupidest, impossibly expensive and most unattainable goal imaginable, net zero !!! and the protests have already spread to Italy. Looks like the start of another long game as the idiocy of the one rule for all EU is at last becoming apparent to the French.
    I wont even mention the punishment beating Brussels is threatening Hungary with if it doesnt start seriously sucking EU cock pronto.

    We Brits, ahead of the game as always, saw this years ago and got out before it was too late.

    Strikes in Germany, Farmers bringing France to a standstill, factory closures, discontent, recessions hitting the eurozone left right and centre and the EUs thug neighbour putin stockpiling arms like nobodys business.

    The unravelling of the EU is beginning. Slowly at first, but unravel it will. Long game and all that. Eh SA?????

    P.S. Har Har.

  9. #22384
    Hangin' Around cyrille's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by taxexile View Post
    There seems to be some dissatisfaction in France at the moment

    You BREXITer dumbarses have been combing the news in the hope of this for years now.

    Hate to break it to you, but It does not make BREXIT any less idiotic.

    Quote Originally Posted by mysticmong View Post
    The unravelling of the EU is beginning.

  10. #22385
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    Net zero was embraced by all European countries including UK following international agreements.

    Britain left the EU by accident when a coterie of demagogues and shady shysters following Russian inspired rhetoric churned out a load of propaganda comprising half truths and down right lies that convinced 17.6 million stupid, ignorant, credulous, bigoted and deluded fuckwits, mostly the lower classes and the ageing, to vote for it.

    What you are witnessing in Europe is democracy at work when the electorate are dissatisfied. The British of course are too stupid and idle to protest, they merely follow bullshit from demagogues.

    The EU comprises 27 countries, each governed democratically and represented by parliaments that send apparatchiks to the EU civil service to promulgate measures agreed by a democratically elected EU forum.

    Hungary has sought to blackmail the EU by blocking aid etc to Ukraine as their leader continues to suck Putin’s cock.mThis week he was finally told that any more of his shite and Hungary will effectively be suspended from its EU benefits. Orban has predictably caved in.

    The UK continues to lose £100 billions annually thorough Brexit and movement will be further restricted as it assumes evermore third country status.

    Britain’s agriculture is falling apart, manufacturing is constrained by Brexit bureaucracy, and the City continues to lose out to the US and Europe.

    That, together with the erosion of our infrastructure including transport, education and health, means Labour will be in government by year’s end,hopefully.

    The Day of The Gammon is reaching its end.

    Har har.

  11. #22386
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    Net zero was embraced by all European countries including UK following international agreements.
    and therein lies the problem. as we and the eu slowly hogtie and bankrupt ourselves with taxes, red tape and ever more ridiculous restrictions in order to achieve the impossible, the rest of the world takes no notice and sensibly takes advantage of our foolishness. The UK under labour will only make things worse.
    In 20 years our women will be in burkhas and will be warming ourselves with candles and any scraps of energy the chinese will let us have.

    The west is fucked.

  12. #22387
    Thailand Expat Pragmatic's Avatar
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    Last but who gives a shit.
    I agree.

  13. #22388
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    In the EU
    My word, mindless drivel from Tax isn't going to hide the fact that Brexit has been a total failure.

  14. #22389
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    Quote Originally Posted by taxexile View Post
    and therein lies the problem. as we and the eu slowly hogtie and bankrupt ourselves with taxes, red tape and ever more ridiculous restrictions in order to achieve the impossible, the rest of the world takes no notice and sensibly takes advantage of our foolishness. The UK under labour will only make things worse.
    In 20 years our women will be in burkhas and will be warming ourselves with candles and any scraps of energy the chinese will let us have.

    The west is fucked.
    You really are quite stupid these days, Tax.

    The world as it is, is a function of capitalism and as such is utterly dependent upon the West. If the West falls, then the world falls.
    Your silly neurotic screeching echoing the bombastic drivel spouted by Trumpian demagogues and English dinosaurs is of no consequence.
    Labour under Brown and Darling in 2008/9 combined effectively with the world’s global leaders and saved the banking system from its collapse under the weight of the CDO scam. They saved the RBS and the Halifax books and stabilised the economy. Can you imagine the utter disaster that would have befallen us all if BoJo the Clown/Truss and Kwarteng had been at the helm?

    Tax, you are the worst type of idiot, your imbecility is doctrinal.

    Poor old Prag can’t help himself isolated in boonies surrounded by halfwits.

  15. #22390
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seekingasylum View Post
    Labour under Brown and Darling in 2008/9 combined effectively with the world’s global leaders and saved the banking system from its collapse under the weight of the CDO scam. They saved the RBS and the Halifax books and stabilised the economy.

    saint Brown and world leaders 555555, i love the myopic way you view events and select them to suit your agenda. Keep them coming Mystic, priceless.

  16. #22391
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    The contribution of Messrs. Brown and Darling to resolving the aftermath of the CDO bankster scam was acknowledged globally.

    Brown was chancellor for ten years and Darling was a superb successor. They played a blinder and were praised by most institutions for their work in staving off disaster.

    But how would you know Numfuktwat, you were digging ditches at the time and reading The Sun.

    You oikish blue collar yobbo.

  17. #22392
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seekingasylum View Post
    The contribution of Messrs. Brown and Darling to resolving the aftermath of the CDO bankster scam was acknowledged globally.
    Hmmm the aftermath

    Quote Originally Posted by Seekingasylum View Post
    Brown was chancellor for ten years and Darling was a superb successor. They played a blinder and were praised by most institutions for their work in staving off disaster.
    So they were in post presiding over the gradual weakening (or as they liked to see it relaxation) of financial regulation in the years running up to the financial crises. I prefer to see it as them standing by while Rome burnt, not that they were the cavalry that rode in to save us all but you carry on you utter clown.

  18. #22393
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    I'm not quite sure where to put this, but at least one of these people is a Brexit voter.

  19. #22394
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    ^^Why do you oikish, blue collar, ditch digging ignoramuses insist on posting on issues beyond your ken?

    Greenspan, in delivering his post bankster crash valedictory eulogy, expressed his disbelief and regret that financial institutions could have acted with such moral hazard in precipitating the CDO inspired crash. It was not a failure of a regulatory framework as such but a circumventing of it in the sphere of risk analysis. That was not a failure in executive control by central government, you pitiful little microbe.
    Now fuck off to your drink whorefest threads.

  20. #22395
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seekingasylum View Post
    ^^Why do you oikish, blue collar, ditch digging ignoramuses insist on posting on issues beyond your ken?
    Quote Originally Posted by Seekingasylum View Post
    ou pitiful little microbe.Now fuck off to your drink whorefest threads.
    i'm not blue collar, i don't and have never dug ditches for a living and i certainly don't and never will live in a centre of prostitution in any country i have formerly or will in future reside.

    Quote Originally Posted by Seekingasylum View Post
    The chair of the Federal Reserve until from 87' until 06', a man under who's watch the crisis was allowed to develop, despite repeated warnings over repacked debt instruments and the circus of banking consolidation under which successively larger banks hid junk debt positions.

    Quote Originally Posted by Seekingasylum View Post
    delivering his post bankster crash valedictory eulogy, expressed his disbelief and regret that financial institutions could have acted with such moral hazard in precipitating the CDO inspired crash
    amazing, its almost as if it didn't happen on his watch, he's been publicly criticised and his "legacy" soiled over this matter. The fact is it took years for the junk debt crisis to come to head and Brown, Greenspan et al were too busy caught in the headlights of the banking miracle delivering ever higher profits and therefore taxes to their respective Govts. The golden goose could not be interfered with.

    You are the one who is talking out of his arse, as usual - you are nothing but former desk jockey, a tax payer funded over opinionated and frequently wrong, leech

  21. #22396
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    Bollocks. You’ve been using Swarfega to clean off the oil and dirt on your hands for years.

    Shovel jockey.

  22. #22397
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seekingasylum View Post
    Bollocks. You’ve been using Swarfega to clean off the oil and dirt on your hands for years.

    Shovel jockey.
    Poor little man. Railing at the world from his flat in whore central. Not long now.

  23. #22398
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    Last but who gives a shit.
    Quote Originally Posted by Seekingasylum View Post
    Poor old Prag can’t help himself isolated in boonies surrounded by halfwits.
    I'll have you know that I blend in very well.

  24. #22399
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    Quote Originally Posted by malmomike77 View Post
    Poor little man. Railing at the world from his flat in whore central. Not long now.
    Indeed. The traitorous ex civil servant, an angry brit hating mick and long term pattaya expat belching for the umpteenth time his nonsensical socialist bile. Its almost as if he is suffering from some kind of ptsd, probably brought on by brexit, and he just cant come to terms with the fact that the brits decided democratically to leave a decidedly undemocratic commune of countries.

    Countries spectacularly unsuited to join in a communal venture. They have been fighting each other for a thousand years and will fight again as they see their independence slowly being eroded and feel the jackboot of germanic federalism kicking them in the nuts.

    The uk may have its own self inflicted problems, (e.g. the misery brought on by a labour government intent on voraciously sucking union, trans, benefit recipient, black and muslim cock) but none of them will be down to brexit and we will thank our lucky stars in the future that we are out of this toxic club.

    Anyone with even the smallest nest egg should be working with their financial advisors to secure it before their hard earned is grabbed by starmer and used to fund some sick freaks sex change, a benefit increase for drug addicts, donations to hamas, colour tvs for jailed rapists and more mosques in manchester.

    The torys may have failed miserably, but socialism is most definitely not the answer. It never has been. And it will never will be.

  25. #22400
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    Europe is finished. It was once the worlds richest and most advanced continent, but its demise is all too obvious to the rest of the world, if not to the deluded sponges that complacently mop up the torrent of bilge pouring forth from the orifices of the leftist europhilic media on a daily basis.

    Its many wounds, e.g. economic failure, a migration crisis, a democratic deficit and a geo political irrelevance have condemned it to extinction. they are problems too widespread and too complex to correct by the selfish politicians presiding over this clusterfuck.

    even brexit, the ultimate warning sign, failed to change anything, dismissed by the penpushers of brussels as a mistake, an own goal by british loons hell bent on self harm.

    the eus high tax and over regulated model has caused years of under performance and now macron, the eu and the krauts are deliberately shutting down swathes of their agriculture and industry in the quest for net zero. it is suicide by any other name and will lead to a financial and brain drain to that country of opportunity, low taxes, and ambition, the usa.

    It beggars belief that so many brit remainers, the blinkered majority that wiĺl give labour a victory this year, are still so ignorant about the true state of the eu economy. blinded by anti tory hatred and memories of balmy evenings spent on the ramblas or the riviera they assume that things are always better over there. stupid people.

    so fuck the eu. it has become a doomed project, about to swept away as the world undergoes a massive realignment over the next few years.

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