1. #26826
    Thailand Expat harrybarracuda's Avatar
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    No wonder he's so desperate to screw the election....

    (Bloomberg) -- Deutsche Bank AG handed over detailed records related to dealings with U.S. President Donald Trump’s family business after receiving a subpoena from prosecutors last year, the New York Times reported.
    The subpoena demanded documents that Trump and the Trump Organization had provided to the lender, the newspaper reported, citing four people familiar with the matter. The German firm complied, turning over records including financial statements and other materials it had received as Trump sought loans, the paper said.
    It’s part of an investigation by New York prosecutors into the president’s business affairs, the paper said. The lender has worked with Trump for two decades, providing him and his company with more than $2 billion in loans, the Times reported.
    Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr. suggested in a court filing earlier this week that his office may be investigating potential bank and insurance fraud by the Trump Organization. He asked a federal judge on Monday to throw out the president’s latest effort to block a subpoena for documents from his accounting firm, Mazars USA LLP.
    Spokespeople for Deutsche Bank and Vance’s office declined to comment on the reported subpoena when contacted by Bloomberg. A representative for the Trump Organization didn’t respond to a message seeking comment.
    Deutsche Bank Gives Up Trump Records Under Subpoena, NYT Reports - BNN Bloomberg

  2. #26827
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    01-06-2024 @ 11:26 PM
    Ooh, this is a good one.

  3. #26828
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  4. #26829
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    01-06-2024 @ 11:26 PM
    I read somewhere Trump doesn't lie. good grief he's the President for fucks sake.

    Trump Announced, Then Canceled, a Yankees Pitch. Both Came as a Surprise.
    The president’s announcement that he would pitch at Yankee Stadium on Aug. 15 startled the team’s officials, who had not scheduled such an event.

    WASHINGTON — An hour before Dr. Anthony S. Fauci threw the first pitch at the season opener between the New York Yankees and the Washington Nationals, President Trump stood on the briefing room stage at the White House and declared that he, too, had been invited to throw out his own opening pitch.

    “Randy Levine is a great friend of mine from the Yankees,” Mr. Trump, referring to the president of the baseball team, told reporters on Thursday as Dr. Fauci was preparing to take the mound. “And he asked me to throw out the first pitch, and I think I’m doing that on Aug. 15 at Yankee Stadium.”

    There was one problem: Mr. Trump had not actually been invited on that day by the Yankees, according to one person with knowledge of Mr. Trump’s schedule. His announcement surprised both Yankees officials and the White House staff.

    But Mr. Trump had been so annoyed by Dr. Fauci’s turn in the limelight, an official familiar with his reaction said, that he had directed his aides to call Yankees officials and make good on a longtime standing offer from Mr. Levine to throw out an opening pitch. No date was ever finalized.
    After the president’s announcement, White House aides scrambled to let the team know that he was actually booked on Aug. 15, although they have not said what he plans to do. Over the weekend, Mr. Trump officially canceled.

    “Because of my strong focus on the China Virus, including scheduled meetings on Vaccines, our economy and much else, I won’t be able to be in New York to throw out the opening pitch for the @Yankees on August 15,” Mr. Trump wrote on Twitter on Sunday, using a racist name for the coronavirus. “We will make it later in the season!”

    Thanks for reading The Times.
    Subscribe to The Times
    And so continues the tense relationship between Mr. Trump, a president who hates sharing media attention, and Dr. Fauci, a renowned infectious disease expert who doesn’t mind the spotlight. He appeared this month in a spread in InStyle magazine, lounging (fully clothed) poolside.

    To be sure, there are bigger problems on either man’s plate: Mr. Trump is struggling to explain his administration’s missteps on a pandemic that has killed more than 148,000 Americans. Dr. Fauci is trying to assert himself as a public health-minded voice of an administration that seems to have little interest in science and sometimes even less interest in him.

    Both men are baseball fans. Mr. Trump grew up playing the sport, and Dr. Fauci, with his Washington Nationals-themed coronavirus mask, has nearly reached alternate mascot status. Both are ostensibly too busy to be bogged down with baseball rivalries, but this is not the first time Mr. Trump has made such a request to fend off a potential upstaging.

    Trump Announced, Then Canceled, a Yankees Pitch. Both Came as a Surprise. - The New York Times

    What a sad sad terrible unbelievable situation that this pathetic manchild is actually President of the United States of America.
    Just sad and shocking.
    “If we stop testing right now we’d have very few cases, if any.” Donald J Trump.

  5. #26830
    Thailand Expat harrybarracuda's Avatar
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    It seems the baldy orange cunto campaign has put out an ad mocking Joe Biden for praying, using a doctored image.

    Oh dear.

    Trump's latest ad has doctored images--and mocks Biden for praying

  6. #26831
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    President Donald Trump-tim200817_pandemic-cover_-jpg
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  7. #26832
    Thailand Expat helge's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by harrybarracuda View Post
    put out an ad mocking Joe Biden for praying
    Well looking at it the rationale way,religious folks shouldn't be allowed to run for office.....or vote.

    World would be way better of, if decision makers, weren't influenced by old nighty- nighty stories, written down by some stoned cave inhabitants by the Dead Sea, some thousands of years ago.

    They'd probably laugh their asses off, if they knew the furore they have stirred up.

    And then lit another bong

  8. #26833
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  9. #26834
    Thailand Expat AntRobertson's Avatar
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    Twitter is delivering on that one:

    "Thighland is my favorite country after Assganistan."

    'thighland and hondurass are nice but I’m more into titaly"

    "A little afternoon trivia: The chief executive of Thighland is the Lord of the Thighs, not the prime minister."

  10. #26835
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    Trump advisers hesitated to give military options and warned adversaries over fears he might start a war

    Amid escalating tensions with both North Korea and Iran, President Donald Trump's advisers hesitated to give him military options fearing the President might accidentally take the US to war and deliberately informed their counterparts in both countries that they did not know what the President would do next, multiple former administration officials tell me. These accounts are contained in my upcoming book, "The Madman Theory: Trump Takes on the World," which will be published August 11 by Harper Collins.

    Trump's relationship with Kim Jong Un has blown hot and cold throughout his presidency but in 2017 as the President dubbed Kim "little rocket man" and the North Korean dictator responded by calling Trump a "dotard," there was a very real fear amongst senior members of the administration that the war of words might culminate in the President launching military action against Pyongyang.

    "We used to only think of Kim Jong Un as unpredictable. Now we had Trump as unpredictable," Joseph Yun, who served as President Trump's special representative for North Korea policy until 2018, told me. "And I would communicate that."

    Yun recalled that during the worsening standoff with North Korea in 2017, the Pentagon hesitated to give the President a broad range of military options, concerned that he might indeed order a major military attack on the North.

    "You had to be careful what options you gave him," he said. "We were being very cautious, because any options you put out there, he could use them."

    That frustrated the White House. "The White House viewed it as 'Goddamnit! The President is looking for all options!'" Yun recalled. But the Pentagon, under Defense Secretary James Mattis at least, didn't budge.
    Later Trump decided diplomacy was the way forward and met for two historic summits with Kim, even telling a 2018 rally in West Virginia that the "two fell in love."

    A senior White House official told CNN that on North Korea "it was the President who at every turn has encouraged diplomacy over escalation. He took the historic step of meeting with KJU in person to encourage de-escalation."

    'Is this a joke?' Pentagon dumbfounded by Iran military options request

    Again in 2019, as the President and his team were considering military options against Iran in response to escalating attacks in the Persian Gulf, senior Pentagon officials made clear both to US partners in the region and to Tehran that they could not predict how and where Trump would respond, or if he would respond at all.

    "We told allies that we did not know what the President would be willing to do against Iran," Mick Mulroy, the deputy assistant secretary of defense for the Middle East until 2019, recalled. "It was possible he could make a decision that would lead to an escalation of the conflict, and that escalation could lead to war, so they needed to relay that to Iran so they realized not even his staff knew what would happen if they attacked another oil facility, for instance."

    These warnings were part of a longer-term effort to contain some of the President's worst impulses when confronted with military action abroad. Earlier, in September 2018, when a handful of mortar shells struck near the US Embassy in Baghdad's fortified Green Zone causing no casualties or serious damage, Pentagon officials were surprised when they received a call from a senior official on the National Security Council demanding military options for the President to retaliate against Iran. That NSC official said the President wanted to know immediately how and when the United States could respond.

    "The NSC called us in on a Sunday," a former senior US official told me. "[The NSC official] was basically telling us we had to have military options against Iran, today, on that day."

    Pentagon officials were dumbfounded. On a conference call with the White House, which included the vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Paul Selva, and Undersecretary of Defense for Policy John Rood, Selva muted the line on the Pentagon's end and turned to his colleagues in disbelief.

    "He said, 'Is this a joke? They really want us to propose direct military action into Iran, against Iran, based on this?'" the same former senior US official told me." And I said, 'No, we've been dealing with this all morning. Have they spent any time in Iraq?' This is a constant thing."

    When they got off the call, General Selva and Secretary Rood made it clear to their colleagues they would not be providing the White House with any military options unless directed explicitly by the President himself.

    "There's no way we're going to provide the NSC military options for this," the former senior US official recalled their saying. "It just doesn't make sense."

    That "urgent" request from the White House did not last. "It just died after that," the official remembered.

    A handful of mortars. One forceful demand for military options. Then silence. It was just the first of many times the NSC would reach out to the Pentagon for military options against Iran, without warning and without the normal interagency process to determine if a military response was warranted or wise.

    The aftermath of those wayward mortars in September 2018 began a months-long policy-making seesaw with Trump and Iran, alternating between urgency and inaction, threat and retreat. On which side would Trump emerge? And did he have a strategy?

    In June 2019, President Trump would balk at retaliation for Iran's shootdown of a US drone over international airspace, calling off military action with US warplanes already in the air. That September, he also decided against retaliation after an Iranian attack on oil facilities in Saudi Arabia which temporarily shut down half of Saudi oil production.

    "'Well, [the President] didn't want to do it, so we're done,'" Mulroy recalled. "The first time that happened, I think there was kind of a sigh of relief. The second time, I think there was shock. So it's like 'What do you mean, we're not doing anything? I mean, we've got to do something.'"

    Chuck Hagel, a former Republican senator who served as Defense Secretary under President Barack Obama said the situation was unprecedented.

    "In all my years dealing with national security and intelligence and foreign policy I've never heard any senior military leaders express concern about a president's decision-making," Hagel said.

    "When I was Secretary of Defense my Pentagon colleagues and I always knew that President Obama had studied the issues, was well informed and wanted our opinions and recommendations. He listened to those charged with national security experience," he added.

    "The President's foreign policy -- particularly in the Middle East, has been defined by taking strong action when necessary (see strikes in Syria in 2018), deescalating to avoid protracted conflicts (draw down in Afghanistan, taking a lesser response to Iran.) However, make no mistake -- the President will take decisive action when it warrants to protect US interests," the senior White House official said.

    Trump did eventually take military action against Iran, ordering the killing of the country's most senior General Qasem Solemaini in a drone strike on Baghdad airport in January of this year. Iran retaliated by striking a US base in Iraq, injuring dozens of US service members, but at least up until now tensions have alleviated. Had the US launched an attack on Iranian soil, many feared an all-out war was possible.

    'It wasn't a ploy'

    Trump's unpredictability is something that permeated official US interactions with the leaders of countries across the globe—from Iran to Syria to North Korea to Canada and Mexico to NATO allies.

    "The general concept was discussed, not as a strategy we deliberately adopted, but rather as something we pointed out as a matter of fact," said Mulroy. "The thing is, it wasn't a ploy," he explained. "I think both allies and enemies realize that his decision process was unpredictable even to those advising him up to and including the secretary of defense and national security adviser."

    Trump's capriciousness left the advisers responsible for virtually every corner of the globe guessing.

    "I had many meetings where my counterparts would ask, 'Can we really believe what you're saying? On whose behalf are you speaking?'" said Fiona Hill, President Trump's former senior director for European and Russian affairs on the National Security Council and key witness during the impeachment investigation of the President in November 2019. "This makes the US a capricious partner for anyone who is interacting with us as a collective."
    Trump's unpredictability was not a national secret. US adversaries were keenly aware that his own advisers and the institutions and agencies they lead were often in the dark about the President's intentions and therefore sought to take advantage, said Susan Gordon, who served as the United States' second-highest-ranking intelligence official as principal deputy director of national intelligence.

    "Our partners, adversaries, and competitors know we don't know the next play," Gordon said.

    With any other president or any other administration, such deliberate unpredictability might be seen as a flaw, identifying it as a criticism. But in the view of Trump and his most devout supporters, his unpredictability is a keen negotiator's strength to be lauded.

    "For him, the unpredictability is a card that he liked having," said Yun.

    Advisers to President Trump hesitated to give military options and warned adversaries over fears he might start a war - CNNPolitics

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    And to think they are worried about Biden....

    WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump turned heads on Tuesday when he mispronounced the word "Yosemite" at a White House event to sign a bipartisan conservation bill.
    "When young Americans experience the breathtaking beauty of the Grand Canyon, when their eyes widen in amazement as Old Faithful bursts into the sky, when they gaze upon Yosemite's — Yosemite's towering sequoias, their love of country grows stronger and they know that every American has truly a duty to preserve this wondrous inheritance," Trump said.
    But he stumbled over Yoh-sem-it-ee, pronouncing it YO-se-MIGHT, and then adding a syllable, "YO-se-min-NIGHT."
    Apparently some enterprising young four by two is already selling "Yo! Semite!" T-shirts.

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    01-06-2024 @ 11:26 PM
    Sorry for the slightly off topic intrusion. But just compare this to Trumps "No, I didn't go to his funeral. He didn't come to my inauguration"

  15. #26840
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    Even my dementia stricken mother said, “Donald Trump is a small, small man” when she heard him say that about Lewis.

  16. #26841
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cujo View Post
    ...just compare this to Trumps "No, I didn't go to his funeral. He didn't come to my inauguration"
    It really amplifies what a pitiful excuse for a human being he is.

  17. #26842
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cujo View Post
    Sorry for the slightly off topic intrusion. But just compare this to Trumps "No, I didn't go to his funeral. He didn't come to my inauguration"
    For GWB was it so easy, his presidency. He had got nightly an advice from God, so that's why his easy decisions about the WMD (of others) - and the dire consequences...

    But he surely could speak nicely on a funeral, he had been so famous with his speeches (once a month written by many others)

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    I'm fairly certain baldy's current lawyers already had the ink dry on the appeal.

    A federal appeals court has upheld a House subpoena for testimony from President Donald Trump’s former White House counsel Don McGahn.

    The U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit ruled Friday, 7-2, that McGahn must appear and testify, but the court left open the question of what questions the former close adviser to Trump will be required to answer from House Judiciary Committee lawmakers.

    The Trump administration could ask the Supreme Court to step in to put the ruling on hold, which would head off the political spectacle of McGahn being called before a Democrat-led Congressional panel before the November election.

    The Justice Department argued in the case that under the Constitution, the courts should not enforce House subpoenas demanding testimony or records from Executive Branch officials.

    But the D.C. Circuit majority rejected that position, drawing heavily on a Supreme Court ruling last month on separate cases involving House demands for the president’s financial records.

    Writing for the majority, Judge Judith Rogers noted that McGahn’s testimony was sought in connection with the House’s efforts to pursue its constitutional power to impeach the president.

    “To level the grave accusation that a President may have committed ‘Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors,’ the House must be appropriately informed. And it cannot fully inform itself without the power to compel the testimony of those who possess relevant or necessary information,” wrote Rogers, an appointee of President Bill Clinton.

    McGahn was a central witness in special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 election. He told investigators about Trump’s repeated attempts to sideline Mueller’s probe and create false records about it. That evidence became a key component of Mueller’s investigation into whether Trump obstructed justice.
    Appeals court rules McGahn must testify - POLITICO

  20. #26845
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    Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via Summit News,
    Remarks made by President Trump during a speech have prompted speculation after he referred to having a lot of rich enemies and told the audience, “This may be the last time you’ll see me for a while.”

    The comments were made during an address Trump gave at the Whirlpool Corporation Manufacturing Plant in Clyde, Ohio.
    The context of the remarks was an executive order that will mandate U.S. government agencies purchase all essential drugs from American sources.
    Trump blamed the American political class for the fact that drugs are cheaper to buy in other countries Canada even if they are made by the same company.

  21. #26846
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    ...drugs are cheaper to buy in other countries Canada even if they are made by the same company
    Do you have to fail a literacy and intelligence test to become a Trump supporter?

  22. #26847
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    Quote Originally Posted by Backspin View Post
    Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via Summit News,
    Ok then. Posting an article written by an infowars fuckwit.

    President Donald Trump-giphy-gif

  23. #26848
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    "The Trump Administration is warning people that it's dangerous to travel to New Zealand during the Coronavirus pandemic.

    And look, to be fair, it is dangerous... for people living in New Zealand."

  24. #26849
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    01-06-2024 @ 11:26 PM
    ^ Saw that. Fucking hillarious.
    Be bad for Trump supporters to find out that it CAN be controlled or what CONTROLLED even means, (not 1000 dead a day.)
    It might start them thinking
    He DEFINITELY doesn't want people thinking about going to NZ.
    Apart from which they aren't allowed by NZ anyway.
    Last edited by Cujo; 08-08-2020 at 07:53 PM.

  25. #26850
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    The orange one’s self sabotage continues.

    Trump antagonizes GOP megadonor Adelson in heated phone call

    When President Donald Trump connected by phone last week with Republican megadonor Sheldon Adelson — perhaps the only person in the party who can cut a nine-figure check to aid his reelection — the phone call unexpectedly turned contentious.

    The 87-year-old casino mogul had reached out to Trump to talk about the coronavirus relief bill and the economy. But then Trump brought the conversation around to the campaign and confronted Adelson about why he wasn’t doing more to bolster his reelection, according to three people with direct knowledge of the call. One of the people said it was apparent the president had no idea how much Adelson, who’s donated tens of millions of dollars to pro-Trump efforts over the years, had helped him. Adelson chose not to come back at Trump.

    When word of the call circulated afterward, Republican Party officials grew alarmed the president had antagonized one of his biggest benefactors at a precarious moment in his campaign. They rushed to smooth things over with him, but the damage may have been done.

    Adelson's allies say it’s unclear whether the episode will dissuade the Las Vegas mogul — long regarded as a financial linchpin for Trump’s reelection — from helping the president down the home stretch.

    The White House did not respond to a request for comment.

    MORE Trump antagonizes GOP megadonor Adelson in heated phone call - POLITICO

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