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  1. #376
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    01-06-2024 @ 11:26 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Rigger View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Humbert View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by longway
    Rioting is generally not considered an acceptable form of democratic protest, especially as they are protesting the result of a long standing electoral process mutually agreed upon by all parties.
    It's protesting and it's free speech and it's a right. Sorry but your proto-fascist view of the world doesn't apply here.
    What we see on the news and internet is more than protesting ?
    That must be all them smart non redneck type people
    Even watching the left spit their tampons out in talk back shows bloody great stuff.
    That is funny but I still wouldn't say go Trump.

  2. #377
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cujo View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Rigger View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Humbert View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by longway
    Rioting is generally not considered an acceptable form of democratic protest, especially as they are protesting the result of a long standing electoral process mutually agreed upon by all parties.
    It's protesting and it's free speech and it's a right. Sorry but your proto-fascist view of the world doesn't apply here.
    What we see on the news and internet is more than protesting ?
    That must be all them smart non redneck type people
    Even watching the left spit their tampons out in talk back shows bloody great stuff.
    That is funny but I still wouldn't say go Trump.
    Go Putin
    Go Pauline
    Grab them on the pussy

  3. #378
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    08-01-2024 @ 01:10 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by longway
    It's all become rather too much for you hasn't it. And there I was thinking it would be landreth who would snap. He is still clinging to sanity somehow.
    I've got a big heads up for you tough guy. I'm going to be around here for a long time making life miserable for you and your moronic, proto fascist Trump brigade. Because the guy is going to be a massive failure and he is going to be skewered relentlessly. Har, har..
    This post has not been authorized by the TeakDoor censorship committee.

  4. #379
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    08-01-2024 @ 01:10 AM
    Spike in hate crimes prompts special NY police unit

    An "explosion" in hate crimes since Election Day has prompted the creation of a special police unit to fight the uptick in New York, Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Sunday.

    The announcement coincided with an address at Harlem's Abyssinian Baptist Church, where Cuomo called for an end to the divisiveness that has gripped the country.

    "The ugly political discourse of the election did not end on Election Day. In many ways it has gotten worse, [turning] into a social crisis that now challenges our identity as a state and as a nation and our people," he said.

    President-elect Donald Trump wasn't specifically mentioned in his church address, but Cuomo has in the past criticized Trump and vowed in a New York Daily News op-ed that he would "reject the hateful attitudes that pervaded throughout the 2016 campaign."

    The Southern Poverty Law Center has counted more than 700 incidents of hateful harassment and intimidation since the election.

    Cowardly bigots inspired by Donald Trump are coming out from under their rocks.

    Spike in hate crimes prompts special NYPD unit -

  5. #380
    fcuked off SKkin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Humbert
    special NY police unit
    The Snowflake Safety Patrol?

  6. #381
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    03-04-2024 @ 08:29 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Humbert View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by longway
    It's all become rather too much for you hasn't it. And there I was thinking it would be landreth who would snap. He is still clinging to sanity somehow.
    I've got a big heads up for you tough guy. I'm going to be around here for a long time making life miserable for you and your moronic, proto fascist Trump brigade. Because the guy is going to be a massive failure and he is going to be skewered relentlessly. Har, har..

    But remember our russian navy seals will be there with us.

  7. #382
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    Quote Originally Posted by Humbert View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by longway
    It's all become rather too much for you hasn't it. And there I was thinking it would be landreth who would snap. He is still clinging to sanity somehow.
    I've got a big heads up for you tough guy. I'm going to be around here for a long time making life miserable for you and your moronic, proto fascist Trump brigade. Because the guy is going to be a massive failure and he is going to be skewered relentlessly. Har, har..
    I think you rank yourself to high as if you could do anything that could effect his or anyone's life lol. I am going to get years of enjoyment watching the left wing fags crying and winning like little bitches
    Go Trump
    Grab them on the pussy

  8. #383
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    01-06-2024 @ 11:26 PM
    Here's a fun, if irrelevant, fact. I'd cut and paste the article but I'm on the phone and it's s bit mafan.

  9. #384
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cujo
    it's s bit mafan
    mei guanxi tongzhi

  10. #385
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cujo
    I'd cut and paste the article but I'm on the phone
    Here's an excerpt from that...and an accompanying pic:

    A historian has discovered a royal decree issued to Donald Trump’s grandfather ordering him to leave Germany and never come back.

    Friedrich Trump, a German, was issued with the document in February 1905, and ordered to leave the kingdom of Bavaria within eight weeks as punishment for having failed to do mandatory military service and failing to give authorities notice of his departure to the US when he first emigrated in 1885.

    Roland Paul, a historian from Rhineland-Palatinate who found the document in local archives, told the tabloid Bild: “Friedrich Trump emigrated from Germany to the USA in 1885. However, he failed to de-register from his homeland and had not carried out his military service, which is why the authorities rejected his attempt at repatriation.”

    The decree orders the “American citizen and pensioner Friedrich Trump” to leave the area “at the very latest on 1 May ... or else expect to be deported”. Bild called the archive find an “unspectacular piece of paper”, that had nevertheless “changed world history”.

    Trump was born in Kallstadt, now in the state of Rhineland-Palatinate, in 1869. He emigrated to the US aged 16 initially to escape poverty, attracted by the gold rush.

    He quickly turned his attention to catering for the masses of other gold hunters in Alaska, later allegedly running a brothel for them, and there made his fortune. He habitually sent the gold nuggets with which his customers regularly paid for their food to his sisters who had already emigrated to New York and had started trading in property.

    Donald Trump in the 1987 with his father, Fred, son of Friedrich. Photograph: NY Daily News via Getty Images
    So the Trump fortune originated from a brothel...

  11. #386
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    That so Thai.

  12. #387
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    Quitaly had Bunga Bunga
    Trumps just a monger
    A mere fanny boy
    Selling girls as a toy
    Unsated lust hunger

  13. #388
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    Quote Originally Posted by SKkin View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Cujo
    I'd cut and paste the article but I'm on the phone
    Here's an excerpt from that...and an accompanying pic:

    A historian has discovered a royal decree issued to Donald Trump’s grandfather ordering him to leave Germany and never come back.

    Friedrich Trump, a German, was issued with the document in February 1905, and ordered to leave the kingdom of Bavaria within eight weeks as punishment for having failed to do mandatory military service and failing to give authorities notice of his departure to the US when he first emigrated in 1885.

    Roland Paul, a historian from Rhineland-Palatinate who found the document in local archives, told the tabloid Bild: “Friedrich Trump emigrated from Germany to the USA in 1885. However, he failed to de-register from his homeland and had not carried out his military service, which is why the authorities rejected his attempt at repatriation.”

    The decree orders the “American citizen and pensioner Friedrich Trump” to leave the area “at the very latest on 1 May ... or else expect to be deported”. Bild called the archive find an “unspectacular piece of paper”, that had nevertheless “changed world history”.

    Trump was born in Kallstadt, now in the state of Rhineland-Palatinate, in 1869. He emigrated to the US aged 16 initially to escape poverty, attracted by the gold rush.

    He quickly turned his attention to catering for the masses of other gold hunters in Alaska, later allegedly running a brothel for them, and there made his fortune. He habitually sent the gold nuggets with which his customers regularly paid for their food to his sisters who had already emigrated to New York and had started trading in property.

    Donald Trump in the 1987 with his father, Fred, son of Friedrich. Photograph: NY Daily News via Getty Images
    So the Trump fortune originated from a brothel...
    I read all this stuff in a Canadian magazine article about 2 years ago....the only difference that I can recall is that they had the brothel in Whitehorse, Yukon territory and not Alaska.

    Anyway lets put a positive spin on this revelation about Grandad Trump and agree that the Trump family has for generations been providing service to the them what they want and need.

    Perhaps Grandson Donald will open up the whole brothel business in America; along the lines of the fast food industry perhaps. Fast, efficient and affordable. Donald is a businessman after all.....might hurt Thailand a bit......

  14. #389
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    Quote Originally Posted by koman
    I read all this stuff in a Canadian magazine article about 2 years ago....the only difference that I can recall is that they had the brothel in Whitehorse, Yukon territory and not Alaska.
    Right you are...excerpt:

    Donald Trump's grandfather ran Canadian brothel during gold rush, author says - Canada - CBC News

    'Liquor and sex'

    In his three years in Canada, Trump opened the Arctic Restaurant and Hotel in two locations with a partner — first on Bennett Lake in northern B.C., and then moving it to Whitehorse, Yukon.

    Their two-storey wood-framed establishment gained a reputation as the finest eatery in the area, Blair said — offering salmon, duck, caribou, and oysters.
    It offered more than food.

    "The bulk of the cash flow came from the sale of liquor and sex," Blair wrote. She cited newspaper ads referring obliquely to prostitution — mentioning private suites for ladies, and scales in the rooms so patrons could weigh gold if they preferred to pay for services that way.
    'He had made money; perhaps even more unusual in the Yukon, he had also kept it and departed with a substantial nest-egg.' - Gwenda Blair, author
    One Yukon Sun writer moralized about the backroom goings-on: "For single men the Arctic has the best restaurant," he wrote, "but I would not advise respectable women to go there to sleep as they are liable to hear that which would be repugnant to their feelings and uttered, too, by the depraved of their own sex."

    The Mounties initially tolerated the rowdiness. There were exceptions, according to the legendary Canadian writer Pierre Berton. People faced forced labour or banishment from town if they cheated at cards; made a public ruckus; or partied on the Lord's Day.

    "Saloons and dance halls, theatres and business houses were shut tight one minute before midnight on Saturday," Berton wrote in "Klondike Fever."

    "Two minutes before twelve the lookout at the faro table would take his watch from his pocket and call out: 'The last turn, boys!"'

    'I wouldn't call him a pimp'

    Trump acted as cook, bouncer, waiter.

    But Blair cautions: "I wouldn't call him a pimp."

    She said backroom ribaldry was part of the restaurant package in those towns, and it's not clear how the arrangement worked: "As somebody trying to attract business to his restaurant, of course he would have liquor. Of course he would arrange easy access to women. A pimp is, I think, a different business model."

    By early 1901, trouble was brewing.

    The Mounties announced plans to banish prostitution, and curb gambling and liquor. Trump quarrelled with his partner. Gold strikes were getting scarcer.

    "The boom was over, Frederick Trump realized," Blair wrote. "He had made money; perhaps even more unusual in the Yukon, he had also kept it and departed with a substantial nest-egg."

    He returned to Germany with US$582,000 in today's currency, and found a wife. But he was greeted as a draft-dodger for being away and becoming a U.S. citizen during his military years.

    So he was deported from his own country. He boarded a ship for New York, his wife pregnant with Donald's dad.
    The Kennedys got their start from bootlegging...I guess Trump will fit right in.

  15. #390
    Pronce. PH said so AGAIN!
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    Behind a slipping mask of sanity in Phuket.
    At least the grandfather earned his money unlike the whiny entitled cheeto.

  16. #391
    fcuked off SKkin's Avatar
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    Fuck me...I love this guy. USA, who's yer Daddy? Obama's carefully prepared shit sandwich...

    Boo Hoo - KUNSTLER

    America didn’t get what it expected, but perhaps it got what it deserved, good and hard. Daddy’s in the house and he busted straight into the nursery and now the little ones are squalling in horror. Mommy was discovered to be a grifting old jade who ran the household into a slum and she’s been turned out to solemnly await the judgment of the courts, nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. The kids on campus have gone temporarily insane over this domestic situation and some wonder if they’ll ever get over it.

    Trump as The USA’s Daddy? Well, yeah. Might he turn out to be a good daddy? A lot of people worry that he can’t be. Look how he behaved on the campaign trail: no behavioral boundaries… uccchhh. He even lurches as he walks, like Frankenstein. Not very reassuring — though it appears that somehow he raised up a litter of high-functioning kids of his own. Not a tattoo or an earplug among them. No apparent gender confusion. All holding rather responsible positions in the family business. Go figure….

    Judging from the internal recriminations among Democratic Party partisans playing out in the newspapers, it’s as if they all woke up simultaneously from a hypnotic trance realizing what an absolute dud they put up for election in Hillary Clinton — and even beyond that obvious matter, how deeply absurd Democratic ideology had become with its annoying victimology narrative, the incessant yammer about “diversity” and “inclusion,” as if pixie dust were the sovereign remedy for a national nervous breakdown. But can they move on from there? I’m not so sure.

    For all practical purposes, both traditional parties have blown themselves up. The Democratic Party morphed from the party of thinking people to the party of the thought police, and for that alone they deserve to be flushed down the soil pipe of history where the feckless Whigs went before them. The Republicans have floundered in their own Special Olympics of the Mind for decades, too, so it’s understandable that they have fallen hostage to such a rank outsider as Trump, so cavalier with the party’s dumb-ass shibboleths. It remains to be seen whether the party becomes a vengeful, hybrid monster with an orange head, or a bridge back to reality. I give the latter outcome a low percentage chance.

    Mommy is all about feelings and Daddy’s role is action and that is another reason that Hillary lost and Trump won. We’ve heard enough about people’s feelings and it just doesn’t matter anymore. You’re offended? Suck an egg. Someone appropriated your culture? Go shit in your sombrero. What matters is how we’re going to contend with the winding down of Modernity — the techno-industrial orgy that is losing its resource and money mojo. The politics of sacred victimhood has got to yield to the politics of staying alive.

    President-elect Trump may not know it yet, but events are now in charge, not personalities, not even his super-sized persona. Global trade and economic activity have been winding down all year and it’s finally affecting financial markets kept aloft on borrowed money, sending a strong signal through bonds that the borrowed money may never be paid down, and that additional borrowing will cost a whole lot more — so much more that it will bankrupt the nations that issue it.

    That alone will make it difficult for a President Trump to scare up the ready cash for the infrastructure-rebuilding fiesta so many expect. And if he does manage to flush the funding out of the banking thickets, it is liable to carry an inflationary bird flu that will end up killing money all around the world. We won’t be worrying about Trans Pacific Partnerships anymore because letters-of-credit will be unavailable to move large shipments of anything from Point A to Point B. How long after that will it be before the supermarket shelves empty down? And in the event, what will the dollar buy?

    It looks like the shit sandwich President Obama has carefully prepared and left in the White House pantry for his successor will take the form of inflation, the dying of your money — or, at least, paper currency. Or, if it doesn’t die outright, prepare for the possibility that you might not be able to get your hands on it, as money markets gate their exits and banks restrict cash withdrawals.

    Though it’s clearly a loser strategy now, I suspect that the ragged remains of the Democratic Party will persist in amping up their sacred identity grievances to the point of civil strife without ever understanding the economic dynamics in motion. They don’t know what else to do. Plus, they are captives of the poverty policy racketeers. I also suspect that neither Mr. Obama or Mr. Trump will get around to pardoning Hillary Clinton for the racketeering operation of her foundation, of which the private email server was the least issue — rather, the arrant sale of influence and access to the State Department is the heart of the matter, and anyone paying attention knows it, including the incoming Attorney General. If that circus comes to town, Trump could benefit from the distraction it offers the public.

    There’s a lot of talk on the Net about Strauss and Howe’s “Fourth Turning” taking stage now. That excellent book, published twenty years ago, posits the turbulent end of 80-year generational cycles in history. (Blogger Jim Quinn lays it out nicely this week at The Burning Platform). Previous Fourth Turning presidents Lincoln and Franklin Roosevelt took the nation through epic bloodbaths and economic dislocation. Donald Trump in terms of demeanor is no Lincoln and no FDR. But he did raise up those children of his somehow, and that’s all we’ve got to go on for the moment.

  17. #392
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    01-06-2024 @ 11:26 PM
    Obama urges Trump against realpolitik in relations with Russia
    Outgoing US president voices hopes during Berlin visit that his successor will defend democratic values and rule of law
    Barack Obama met Angela Merkel in Berlin to discuss sanctions on Russia, the fight against Islamic State and EU-US trade.

    Barack Obama has warned the US president-elect, Donald Trump, against taking a purely “realpolitik approach” to relations with Russia and encouraged his successor to continue standing up for American values.

    “I’ve sought a constructive relationship with Russia but what I have also been is realistic in recognising there are some significant differences in how Russia views the world and how we view the world,” Obama said at a press conference with the German chancellor, Angela Merkel, in Berlin.

    While not expecting Trump to “follow exactly our blueprint or our approach”, Obama said he was hopeful that his successor would pursue constructive policies that defend democratic values and the rule of law.

    Trump camp tries to claim that he never called for a Muslim registry – as it happened
    Follow along for the latest updates from the day in politics as Trump’s transition team continues and Obama visits German chancellor Angela Merkel
    Read more
    Trump, he said, should not “simply take a realpolitik approach and suggest … we just cut some deals with Russia – even if it hurts people or violates international norms or leaves smaller countries vulnerable or creates long-term problems in regions like Syria”.

    Asked about Trump’s behaviour during the week following the election, Obama said the role itself would make him a fit president.

    “What makes me cautiously optimistic about my successor and the shift from campaign to governance is there is something about the solemn responsibilities of that office, the extraordinary demands that are placed on the United States not just by its own people but by people around the world, that forces you to focus,” Obama said.

    “That demands seriousness. And if you’re not serious about the job, then you probably won’t be there very long.”

    Meeting for the final time as peers, Obama and Merkel had a series of bilateral meetings, which involved talks about Russian sanctions, the fight against Islamic State, and the future of the EU-US trade agreement in the aftermath of Trump’s election victory.

    German Chancellor Angela Merkel and US President Barack Obama have dinner at the Hotel Adlon in Berlin. Photograph: Guido Bergmann/AFP/Getty Images
    Merkel, who has been one of the drivers behind the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), came closer than ever to admitting that negotiations over the deal had stalled, saying she was “sure that we will one day come back” to talks about the agreement. TTIP was already in doubt following Trump’s election success and protests across Europe.

    Echoing a joint op-ed the two leaders had published in the German magazine Wirtschaftswoche on Wednesday, Merkel insisted there was “no going back to a time before globalisation”.

    Obama made an appeal for citizens around the world not to take democracy for granted. “One of the great things about our democracy is it expresses itself in all sorts of ways, and that includes people protesting … I would not advise people who feel strongly or are concerned about some of the issues … to be silent. What I would advise … is that elections matter, voting matters, organising matters, being informed on the issues matters.”

    “Do not take for granted our systems of government and our way of life. I think there’s a tendency, because we live in an era that’s been largely stable and peaceful … to assume that that’s always the case. And it’s not. Democracy is hard work. In the United States, if 43% don’t vote, then democracy is weakened. If we are not concerned about facts, and what’s true and what’s not … if we can’t discriminate between serious arguments and propaganda, then we have problems.”

    Asked whether he expected Merkel to run again at next year’s federal elections, Obama said he made a rule of not meddling with other nations’ affairs, but said: “If I was a German, I would support her”, adding: “But I am not sure whether that helps.”

    The US president praised the chancellor as a “veteran”, who was “the only figure left” of those global leaders with whom he had worked most closely during his eight years in office.

    While acknowledging that they have not always been on the same page on every issue, he cited Merkel’s “integrity, her truthfulness [and] her thoughtfulness” among the traits he appreciated.

    Responding to the rumours that she has already decided to run for a fourth term in 2017, Merkel said she would comment on the matter “at an appropriate time, and that time is not now”.

    The final leg of Obama’s last trip to Europe began on Wednesday night with a three-hour dinner at Hotel Adlon with the German chancellor.

    On Friday, they will be joined by the British prime minister, Theresa May, the French president, François Hollande, the Italian prime minister, Matteo Renzi, and Spain’s Mariano Rajoy.

    On Thursday morning, the French prime minister, Manuel Valls, warned that Europe was in danger of breaking apart unless Germany and France developed a new basis on which to show their strength.

    At an event in Berlin organised by the newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung, Valls said France must continue to make reforms, including lowering corporate tax, but the country needed Germany to make efforts regarding investment.

  18. #393
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    01-06-2024 @ 11:26 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by SKkin View Post
    Fuck me...I love this guy. USA, who's yer Daddy? Obama's carefully prepared shit sandwich...

    Boo Hoo - KUNSTLER

    America didn’t get what it expected, but perhaps it got what it deserved, good and hard. Daddy’s in the house and he busted straight into the nursery and now the little ones are squalling in horror. Mommy was discovered to be a grifting old jade who ran the household into a slum and she’s been turned out to solemnly await the judgment of the courts, nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. The kids on campus have gone temporarily insane over this domestic situation and some wonder if they’ll ever get over it..................
    Well that was crap.

  19. #394
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  20. #395
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    The Donald is backing out of quite a few campaign promises already. He sat for an interview with the New York Times. Very nice how they softened the headline instead of stating the obvious.

    Donald Trump Seems to Retreat on Some Promises

    President-elect Donald J. Trump on Tuesday tempered some of his most extreme campaign promises, dropping his vow to jail Hillary Clinton, expressing doubt about the value of torturing terrorism suspects and pledging to have an open mind about climate change.


  21. #396
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    01-06-2024 @ 11:26 PM
    I wonder what wrongway et al think about his decision not to go after Clinton.
    And not to pull out of the Paris accord.
    "Lock her up" still the refrain is it?

  22. #397
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    19-03-2020 @ 02:26 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by Humbert
    I'm going to be around here for a long time making life miserable for you and your moronic, proto fascist Trump brigade
    Yep, you're just too stupid to realize Teakdoor is supposed to be something we do for recreation, and anyone who vows to make another member "miserable" for any reason needs to be kicked off it.

  23. #398
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    Quote Originally Posted by Humbert View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by longway
    It's all become rather too much for you hasn't it. And there I was thinking it would be landreth who would snap. He is still clinging to sanity somehow.
    I've got a big heads up for you tough guy. I'm going to be around here for a long time making life miserable for you and your moronic, proto fascist Trump brigade. Because the guy is going to be a massive failure and he is going to be skewered relentlessly. Har, har..

    That's funny. Threats, from the progressive, tolerant left. Nothing new of course!
    You bullied, you laughed, you lied, you lost!

  24. #399
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    The options were to vote for a woman who will delete her email history and a man who will delete all history.


  25. #400
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jesus Jones
    Threats, from the progressive, tolerant left.
    Ya because that really was such a vicious threat. Stop spouting nonsense.

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