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  2. #18977
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    Marcon takes a great shot...

    Quote Originally Posted by Macron
    "Patriotism is the exact opposite of nationalism," he said through a translator. "Nationalism is a betrayal of patriotism. By saying our interests first, who cares about the others, we erase what a nation holds dearest, what gives it life, what makes it great and what is essential: its moral values."
    "I know there are old demons which are coming back to the surface. They are ready to wreak chaos and death," he said. "History sometimes threatens to take its sinister course once again."

  3. #18978
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    Gave me a chuckle...

  4. #18979
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    Quote Originally Posted by CSFFan View Post
    Originally Posted by Macron
    Cannot find that hon. TD member

    Anyway, once he said it he'd better ...

  5. #18980
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    26-06-2024 @ 09:55 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by bsnub View Post
    That is being too generous he never served in the military and has not earned the right to be called a Corporal. It should be...

    Cadet Bone Spurs.
    Cadet it too high of rank for his capabilities. Inmate Bone Spurs would be about right.

  6. #18981
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    24-04-2023 @ 02:34 PM
    Macron pic ?

  7. #18982
    Thailand Expat harrybarracuda's Avatar
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    Baldy orange cunto is whinging on behalf of the Koch Brothers because a federal judge has blocked Keystone XL again.


  8. #18983
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    Trump's Rising Debts Will Soon Force the U.S. To Spend More on Interest Than Medicaid


    U.S. government spending on the interest costs of rising federal debt will soon force lawmakers to choose between competing spending on health care and education programs, according to the Wall Street Journal.

    Interest costs on the 2017 federal debt of $263 billion accounted for 6.6 percent of all U.S. government spending and a 1.4 percent share of the country's GDP. But the Congressional Budget Office predicts interest spending will spike to $915 billion by 2028, or about 3.1 percent of the gross domestic product. Guided by Congress' federal spending boost of $300 billion earlier this year and the Trump administration's individual income tax cuts, a divided Congress will soon be forced to spend more on interest than Medicaid, national defense and a host of other government programs.

    Analysts note the $1.5 trillion tax cut enacted last year and the two-year budget agreement to boost federal spending by $300 billion is pushing up deficits. But at the same time, interest expenses on the federal debt are climbing as bond yields rise.

    By 2020, the government is on track to spend more on interest than it spends on Medicaid, and by 2023, more than on national defense, and by 2025, the government will spend more on debt interest than every nondefense discretionary federal program combined.

    In the next five years, about 70 percent of federal debt will mature and need refinancing at higher interest rates.

    “The fact that interest is the fastest growing part of the budget and is on track to eclipse other important pieces of the budget—for instance, spending on children—is going to cause more hesitation just to charge every single item,” Maya MacGuineas, the president of the Committee for the deficit watchdog group, Responsible Federal Budget, told the Journal.

    Debt is rapidly becoming a larger share of the country's GDP and federal debt as a share of the country's gross domestic product is expected to rise over the next decade. The current share of 78 percent at the end of this year is the highest since the end of World War II and CBO projections show this share will balloon to 96.2 percent by 2028.
    According to borrowing estimates, the U.S. Treasury is set to issue twice as much debt in 2018 as it did last year.

    The Treasury Department announced last month it also expects to issue $1.34 trillion in debt by the end of 2018, the most issued since 2010. The agency said increased spending this year was prompted by outlays for net interest on the public debt rising 20 percent in the 2018 fiscal year.


  9. #18984
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    ^ Trump; "I know, who's that guy who is Chair of the Fed? That guy, he's not doing his job properly. He's got interest rates too high, too high. He doesn't know what he's doing. He needs to lower the rates. If rates were lower we wouldn't have a problem. He's a loser. I'm an economic genius. I've got the employment rate down. Hispanics are working and interest rates are too high. That guy doesn't know what he's doing. Loser."
    Aide; "But sir, you appointed him."
    Trump: "I know, yes I did. I appointed him. He's a great guy, great guy, he's done a lot of good things. But interest rates have to come down because our military, our great military, brave soldiers, all of them, they need interest rates to come down....."

  10. #18985
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    16-07-2021 @ 10:31 PM
    not bad, not bad at all, I could hear him say it

    except would have been much more crazy the way he would say it

  11. #18986
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    The White House just put out the REAL reason the cocksucker skipped the WW1 cemetery ceremony in France. He DID have a back-up plan to travel by road if the weather grounded the chopper. He opted not to use it as he feared it would create YUGE traffic disruption for the cheese-eaters.

    Glad they put that out. Nice to know he's so sensitive to the needs of others.

  12. #18987
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dragonfly View Post
    except would have been much more crazy the way he would say it
    ...don't be modest: you do a good crazy yourself...

  13. #18988
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    01-06-2024 @ 11:26 PM
    Here's how it went down.
    The weekend away in Paris should not have been hard. For most politicians, events like the armistice commemoration represent an opportunity to project themselves as greater than the sum of their soundbites, above the political fray, sombre yet at their ease among world leaders as they look out across the century gone by. There are lofty prepared remarks and no questions.
    For Donald Trump, that was a bridge too far. The trip to France got off to a bad start and kept getting worse. He landed with a tweet, directed against his host, Emmanuel Macron, and based on a mangling in the US press of something the French president had said, to make it sound like he wanted a European army to fend off the US, as well as China and Russia.
    It was not what Macron said, but Trump fulminated anyway. “Very insulting,” he declared.
    In a way, the US president had come to France by mistake. He had announced the trip in August after he declared that Washington’s municipal leaders wanted to over-charge for the military parade he had demanded.
    He would go to the big parade in Paris, where he had been inspired by the display of military pageantry on 14 July festivities last year. But the French do parades for Bastille Day, not Armistice Day. This time there were no tanks and no marching bands.
    After a few hours in a Paris hotel, the White House called off Trump’s attendance at the first memorial event of the weekend, at Belleau, where 2,000 US marines were killed. The ostensible reason for the sudden cancellation: rain.
    As an alibi, this was almost instantly undermined by footage of Macron, Angela Merkel, Justin Trudeau, and Trump’s own staff attending ceremonies around the country, evidently under the lightest of drizzles. Trump stayed in his hotel room, watching cable news and tweeting. Back in Washington, the White House officially dubs this ‘executive time’. It has become the norm in the president’s daily routine.
    In France, on Veteran’s Day weekend, it came across as a snub to America’s war dead by a president who had avoided military service in Vietnam, claiming to suffer from “bone spurs”.
    In the ensuing storm of tweeted derision, there were countless video clips of other leaders standing in the rain at important ceremonial events, including Trudeau in Dieppe the year before remembering the Canadian dead from the second world war, and deliberately folding his umbrella away and comparing his mild discomfort to those of soldiers for whom “the rain wasn’t rain, it was bullets”.
    Former officers weighed in to note that the military had helicopters quite capable of flying in light rain. Veterans of the White House recalled they always had a contingency plan for getting the president to an important event in case of inclement weather.

    Once again, Trump had demonstrated his knack for making global events of historic significance telescope inwards until they become frenzied debates over his own quirks.

    A display of leadership solidarity in the face of the scourge of war became once more an exercise in isolation. As other leaders walked in a phalanx along the Champs Élysées on Sunday, Trump travelled separately, by armoured limousine. On early occasions he had managed a show of bonhomie in meetings with Macron but at his Élysée Palace meeting this time, he sat glumly like a pupil made to stay after school and did not respond when Macron patted him on the arm.
    When the French president spoke under the Arc de Triomphe, no one had any doubt whom he was speaking to when he said: “Patriotism is the antithesis of nationalism. Nationalism is inherently treasonous. In saying ‘our interests first, and forget the others’, we lose the most important part of the nation: its moral values.”
    Trump looked on grimly throughout. The only moment he brightened up was when he saw Vladimir Putin approach. He flashed a goofy smile, all the more noticeable alongside Macron and Merkel who had switched their demeanour to steel resolve on spotting the Russian leader.
    Putin solemnly shook hands with them and then gave Trump a big thumbs up.
    Merkel looked on in astonishment and then turned back with a smile on her face that suggested that she had come up with a vignette to start the chapter on the Trump-Putin axis in her memoir.
    There had been much speculation – fed by the Kremlin and half-denied by the White House – over whether Trump and Putin would meet at the world war one commemorations.
    It turned out they had been slated to sit next to each other at Sunday lunch, but the French hosts switched the seating arrangement to place Trump next to Macron and across from Putin, making personal asides considerably more difficult.
    After lunch, Trump had a second chance at public remembrance of his country’s war dead, at a cemetery in the Parisian suburb of Suresnes. He delivered respectful remarks in the rain this time, remembering those who had given their last breath in the mighty struggle. But he could not resist an aside observing he was being “drenched” while veterans were watching from under cover. “You look so comfortable up there, under shelter,” he joked, “as we’re getting drenched. You’re very smart people.”
    From Suresnes, the presidential entourage went straight to the airport. Trump did not take part in the “peace forum” Macron had arranged with the intention that his fellow leaders ruminate on the murderous follies of the Great War and compare it to the rise of nationalism today.
    The whole weekend was supposed to be a show of western solidarity, and ended up proving its absence. Trump showed himself ill at ease with most of his European counterparts and the fleeting encounter with Putin was a reminder of his much greater affinity for autocrats.
    He has claimed warm, even affectionate, relations with Putin, Kim Jong-un, Xi Jinping, Mohammed bin Salman, Rodrigo Duterte and now Brazil’s president-elect, Jair Bolsonaro.
    Trump may have cut a lonely figure in Paris, but on the world stage, he is less and less isolated.

  14. #18989
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    ...^few who need to read this will read this...

  15. #18990
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    16-07-2021 @ 10:31 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Davis Knowlton View Post
    The White House just put out the REAL reason the cocksucker skipped the WW1 cemetery ceremony in France. He DID have a back-up plan to travel by road if the weather grounded the chopper. He opted not to use it as he feared it would create YUGE traffic disruption for the cheese-eaters.

    Glad they put that out. Nice to know he's so sensitive to the needs of others.
    well actually, thank god he didn't go with that plan too

    and Melania must be quite happy, she would have been stuck in the rain while he kept the umbrella

    I bet the idea of not having an umbrella to mimic what other leaders were doing in solidarity was the real reason behind him cancelling it

    Hollande set the precedent in 2014 when it was pouring and didn't take the umbrella, probably the only honorable thing he did in his whole 5 year term

  16. #18991
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    Quote Originally Posted by tomcat View Post
    few who need to read this will read this...
    Of course they won't. They never do.

  17. #18992
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    08-01-2024 @ 01:10 AM
    Such an evil lowlife. How did they ever fall for him and why do they still support him?

  18. #18993
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    Quote Originally Posted by Humbert View Post
    How did they ever fall for him and why do they still support him?
    ...white folks grieving over the loss of white privilege and uppity brown folks; "Christians" who want to impose their idiosyncratic belief systems on as many folks as possible because Jesus; poorly educated white folks frustrated that work in the coal mines and dying industries is evaporating and they're unprepared to become anything but "American"...
    Majestically enthroned amid the vulgar herd

  19. #18994
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    Take a gander at this... Then take a look at Trump's cabinet..

  20. #18995
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    Quote Originally Posted by tomcat View Post
    "Christians" who want to impose their idiosyncratic belief systems on as many folks as possible because Israel
    FTFY...you're welcome.

  21. #18996
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    26-09-2021 @ 10:28 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Cujo View Post
    After a few hours in a Paris hotel, the White House called off Trump’s attendance at the first memorial event of the weekend, at Belleau, where 2,000 US marines were killed. The ostensible reason for the sudden cancellation: rain.
    US diplomats fall for parody North Korean account in their rush to pick on Trump

    Published time: 12 Nov, 2018

    Obama-era UN envoy Samantha Power and former US ambassador to Russia Michael McFaul have been caught falling for a parody of North Korea's official Twitter account, retweeting its praise of Kim Jong-un to spite the US President.

    It's a reasonable expectation that two experienced diplomats would be able to tell parody from news, but politicians never fail to surprise: Power and McFaul were apparently a little too eager to unload on Donald Trump to double-check if the @DPRK_News account they retweeted was actually real.

    As Twitter users from all over were sneering at Trump's refusal to attend a ceremony commemorating US Marines in France due to light rain, "DRPK News Service" published a tweet which read: "Supreme Leader Kim John-Un does not fear rain."

    McFaul, who has repeatedly bashed Trump for cozying up to the "dictator" Kim, thought the North Korean leader was now "trolling" his American BFF, and promoted the parody with a now-deleted re-tweet.

    Chuck Ross
    So I guess it's safe to say that he....McFell for it?
    2:14 AM - Nov 12, 2018

    Outspoken Kremlin critic and Newsweek foreign policy columnist Jeff Stein also fell for the gag:

    Some welcome level-headedness was provided by AP's Matt Lee. In a series of tweets, the veteran reporter informed the "victims" they had been played by a fake news agency.

    All three have since deleted the tweets – but not before the screenshots had been taken.

    Adding to the embarrassment, the account in question has been around for years and has been known to be a fake since at least 2015.

    The parody has claimed a long list of victims over the years, including Newsweek, BuzzFeed, Fox News, The Verge and The Washington Post. The most recent casualty among high-profile news outlets was the New York Times.

    Last year, the Daily Beast even conducted an extensive interview with the two men behind the account, a data analyst and an attorney, after The New York Times quoted @DPRK_News in its piece about July 2017's missile launch.

    Twitter was ruthless in mocking Power and McFaul, with commentators calling the former UN ambassador "ignorant" and unfit for the job, and saying that McFaul was blinded by his anti-Trump bias.


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    16-07-2021 @ 10:31 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by tomcat View Post
    ...don't be modest: you do a good crazy yourself...
    trouble in paradise with Pierre ?

    lunch and wine was not to your liking ?

    having your period ?

  23. #18998
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    Quote Originally Posted by aging one View Post
    Take a gander at this... Then take a look at Trump's cabinet..
    Disgraceful. What’s next ? Legal pot ? How dare they think logically.
    This is what happens when nations are polite and civilised. Pffft.

  24. #18999
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    Quote Originally Posted by SKkin View Post
    FTFY...you're welcome.

    I take it you don't realise it woz the Joos what done Jesus in.

  25. #19000
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    ^Whatever 'arry...however I do know what makes those "christians" tick. I was raised by and lived among them for 20 + years.

    Have a listen to VP Mike Pence on the subject of Israel sometime...

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