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    Somebody's getting nervous.....

    Paul Manafort Sues Mueller and Asks a Judge to Narrow the Russia Investigation

    WASHINGTON — President Trump’s former campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, sued the special counsel on Wednesday and asked a federal court to narrow his authority, escalating Republican efforts to discredit an investigation that has stretched longer than the White House expected.
    The unusual move comes as Mr. Trump tries to portray the investigation as a politically motivated witch hunt that has cast a dark cloud over his administration and, in his view, the country.

    The president said last week that he hoped the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, would treat him fairly. Mr. Trump’s lawyers have advised against directly criticizing Mr. Mueller, a Republican former F.B.I. director who is regarded as one of the premier law enforcement officials of his time. But with four former Trump campaign aides facing charges and no end to the investigation in sight, some of Mr. Trump’s allies have stepped up their attacks.

    Mr. Manafort’s lawsuit gives voice to one of the common grievances Mr. Trump’s supporters have with Mr. Mueller: None of the charges he has brought answer the central question of his inquiry. Mr. Mueller is investigating the Russian government’s meddling in the 2016 presidential election and whether anyone close to Mr. Trump was involved.


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    Quote Originally Posted by uncle junior View Post
    Mr. Manafort’s lawsuit gives voice to one of the common grievances Mr. Trump’s supporters have with Mr. Mueller: None of the charges he has brought answer the central question of his inquiry. Mr. Mueller is investigating the Russian government’s meddling in the 2016 presidential election and whether anyone close to Mr. Trump was involved.
    But his mandate included "and anything that arises out of the enquiries".
    Odd to ask a judge to order an investigator to not investigate any illegal activity he finds. So, if Mueller found a literal skeleton in a closet he's supposed to ignore it?

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    Jared Kushner and Donald Trump Can't Read Well, Former Employees Say

    President Donald Trump doesn't do much reading, Michael Wolff reported in his book Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House, which was adapted for New York Magazine on Wednesday.

    According to former deputy chief of staff Katie Walsh, Trump’s ability to carry out his plans seemed questionable, hindered largely by a lack of skills—including reading comprehension.

    “Here, arguably, was the central issue of the Trump presidency, informing every aspect of Trumpian policy and leadership: He didn’t process information in any conventional sense,” Wolff wrote. “He didn’t read. He didn’t really even skim. Some believed that for all practical purposes he was no more than semi-[at]literate.”

    When asked during the presidential campaign if he’d read any presidents’ biographies, Trump said, “I never have. I’m always busy doing a lot. Now I’m more busy, I guess, than ever before,” The Washington Post reported in July 2016.

    In interviews, Trump stated that he doesn’t feel the need to read much. His reason was that he can make decisions correctly “with very little knowledge other than the knowledge I [already] had, plus the words ‘common sense,’ because I have a lot of common sense and I have a lot of business ability,” The Washington Post reported.

    Jared Kushner, senior adviser to Trump, also is reportedly not much of a reader. Kyle Pope, a former employee for the New York Observer during Kushner’s time as publisher there, reported that Kushner wasn’t interested in reading his own paper, nor did he read other publications frequently, Newsweek reported in October. Pope revealed this in a tell-all piece written for the Columbia Journalism Review, of which he is currently the publisher and editor-in-chief.

    “I never knew him to discuss a book, a play, or anything else that was in the Observer’s cultural wheelhouse,” Pope wrote.

    Last month, Wolf Blitzer of CNN asked Michael Anton, a national security spokesman, whether Trump had read the entire 55 pages of a national security strategy document that had recently been given to him. Anton responded that he was unsure, The Hill reported.

    “I can't say that he’s read every line and every word. He certainly had the document... and has been briefed on it,” he said.

    This was a little more than a month after Trump said that he doesn’t get much time to watch television because he is “reading documents,” as reported by Newsweek in November.

    Jared Kushner and Donald Trump Can't Read Well, Former Employees Say

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    The juiciest lines from Michael Wolff’s upcoming Trump book ‘Fire and Fury’

    A bombshell book about Donald Trump and his first year in office paints an unflattering portrait of a man who never wanted to be President.

    Fire and Fury,” a stunning expose from author Michael Wolff obtained by the Daily News, details inner-circle secrets from Trump’s campaign and White House aides. It officially hits the shelves Jan. 9 — but early excerpts released Wednesday created an immediate furor.

    Based on more than 200 interviews with current and former Trump confidantes and staff, “Fire and Fury” showcases the President as a fame-hungry dilettante wholly uninterested in the complexities of his job.

    White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders dismissed the book as a work of fiction “filled with false and misleading accounts from individuals who have no access of influence with the White House.”

    Here’s a look at some of the juiciest claims peppered throughout “Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House.”

    Trump didn't expect to win the presidency

    Trump's "ultimate goal” had never been to win the Oval Office, Wolff said. But he was excited about the exposure and opportunities to develop his brand.

    With encouragement from his longtime pal and former Fox News head Roger Ailes, Trump even flirted with the idea of starting his own television network.

    “Once he lost, Trump would be both insanely famous and a martyr to Crooked Hillary. His daughter Ivanka and son-in-law Jared would be international celebrities. Steve Bannon would become the de facto head of the tea-party movement. Kellyanne Conway would be a cable-news star. Melania Trump, who had been assured by her husband that he wouldn't become president, could return to inconspicuously lunching,” Wolff said.

    First daughter for Pres

    Ivanka Trump followed her dad to the White House as an unpaid adviser with husband, Jared Kushner.

    The (couple) had made an earnest deal: If sometime in the future the opportunity arose, she’d be the one to run for president,” Wolff wrote. “The first woman president, Ivanka entertained, would not be Hillary Clinton; it would be Ivanka Trump.”

    The Constitution

    “I got as far as the Fourth Amendment before his finger is pulling down on his lip and his eyes are rolling back in his head,” former aide Sam Nunberg told Wolff about the time he was sent to explain the Constitution to Trump early in the campaign.


    “Trump did not enjoy his own inauguration. He was angry that A-level stars had snubbed the event, disgruntled with the accommodations at Blair House, and visibly fighting with his wife, who seemed on the verge of tears,” Wolff wrote.

    Bannon and the Russia probe

    President Trump’s former chief strategeist, Steve Bannon, described a controversial meeting between Donald Trump Jr., Jared Kushner, Paul Manafort and a Russian lawyer as “treasonous” and “unpatriotic” to Wolff.

    The former Breitbart head also told Wolff he expected investigators in the Russia probe to “crack Don Jr. like an egg on national TV.”

    Bannon also believed that Don Jr. had taken the Russian lawyer — who was peddling dirt on Hillary Clinton — up to the 26th floor of Trump Tower to meet his dad, Wolff wrote.

    "Steve Bannon was certain that after the [July 2016 Trump Tower] meeting, Trump, Jr. had taken the participants to see his father,” Wolff said.

    The President has said he was unaware any meeting with Russians took place.

    Sally Yates

    Trump called his former Acting Attorney General a “c---” when she refused to have the Justice Department uphold his travel ban on seven majority-Muslim countries, Wolff said.

    “Trump conceived an early, obsessive antipathy for Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates. She was, he steamed, ‘such a c---,’” the journalist’s book said.


    Trump had a trick he used when he wanted to pursue friend’s wives, according to Wolff.

    “Trump liked to say that one of the things that made life worth living was getting your friends’ wives into bed. In pursuing a friend’s wife, he would try to persuade the wife that her husband was perhaps not what she thought. Then he’d have his secretary ask the friend into his office; once the friend arrived, Trump would engage in what was, for him, more or less constant sexual banter. ‘Do you still like having sex with your wife? How often? You must have had a better f--- than your wife? Tell me about it. I have girls coming in from Los Angeles at three o’clock. We can go upstairs and have a great time. I promise ...’ All the while, Trump would have his friend’s wife on the speakerphone, listening in,” Wolff wrote.

    Doubtful Aides

    Top Trump staffers expressed their doubts about his intelligence with colorful adjectives, Wolff said.

    Secretary of State Rex Tillerson reportedly called Trump a “moron” last year.

    “For (Treasury Secretary) Steve Mnuchin and (former Trump White House chief of staff) Reince Priebus, the president was an ‘idiot.’ For (former Goldman Sachs exec) Gary Cohn, he was ‘dumb as sh-t.’ For (National Security Adviser) H.R. McMaster he was a ‘dope.’ The list went on,” Wolff said.

    Horrified Allies

    Wolff had a lot to say about the head of Trump’s National Economic Council and quoted from an email “purporting to represent the views of Gary Cohn” that circulated in the White House in April.

    “It’s worse than you can imagine. An idiot surrounded by clowns. Trump won't read anything — not one-page memos, not the brief policy papers; nothing. He gets up halfway through meetings with world leaders because he is bored. And his staff is no better. Kushner is an entitled baby who knows nothing.

    Bannon is an arrogant p---k who thinks he’s smarter than he is. Trump is less a person than a collection of terrible traits ... I am in a constant state of terror and shock,” the email said, according to “Fire and Fury.”

    Even media mogul Rupert Murdoch, a Trump supporter, hung up the phone after a conversation with the President about H-1B visas for select immigrants and said, “What a f---ing idiot,” Wolff wrote.

    Trump didn't know who John Boehner was

    Ailes, who often whispered advice in Trump's ear, encouraged him to pick a “son of a b---h as” his chief of staff, offering former Speaker of the House John Boehner as a suggestion.

    Trump reportedly responded: "Who's that?"

    Trump eats fast food out of fear

    "He had a longtime fear of being poisoned," Wolff wrote, "one reason why he liked to eat at McDonald's — nobody knew he was coming and the food was safely premade."

    Wolff said the fear also has Trump stripping down his own bed and he’s ordered housekeeping not to touch his toothbrush and other personal belongings.

    Trump also has his own bedroom at his D.C. lodgings, marking "the first time since the Kennedy White house that a presidential couple had maintained separate rooms,” Wolff said.

    That Hair

    Dutiful daughter Ivanka wasn’t above a chortle with her friends about her father’s infamous orange comb-over.

    “She often described the mechanics behind it to friends: an absolutely clean pate -- a contained island after scalp reduction surgery — surrounded by a furry circle of hair around the sides and front, from which all ends are drawn up to meet in the center and then swept back and secured by a stiffening spray.

    The color, she would point out to comical effect, was from a product called Just for Men — the longer it was left on, the darker it got. Impatience resulted in Trump’s orange-blond color,” according to page 79 of “Fire and Fury.”

    Last edited by bsnub; 04-01-2018 at 09:29 AM.

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    Trump is really losing it over this book. He has sent out 16 tweets in the last day. All completely crazy. The craziest one threatening nuclear war...

    Trump taunts North Korea: My nuclear button is 'much bigger,' 'more powerful'

    Last edited by bsnub; 04-01-2018 at 09:56 AM.

  6. #13906
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    He sure is! Triteness has been turned up to Defcon 5!

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    Miserable fuckers....all of them.

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    This is shaping up to be one of the biggest scandals yet for this administration. I do not think you lot overseas have caught on to how big this is. It is really blowing up over here.

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    ^i thought you're a Brit

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    Quote Originally Posted by bsnub View Post
    The former Breitbart head also told Wolff he expected investigators in the Russia probe to “crack Don Jr. like an egg on national TV.”
    Quote Originally Posted by bsnub View Post
    This is shaping up to be one of the biggest scandals yet for this administration.
    Great. Bring it on.

    Quote Originally Posted by bsnub View Post
    Trump had a trick he used when he wanted to pursue friend’s wives,
    It just gets better.

    If it was Britain, Wolff for a kinghthood.

  11. #13911
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    Quote Originally Posted by uncle junior View Post
    i thought you're a Brit
    I have all my teeth.

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    LOL, I hope Bannon takes up Trump's challenge...

    Trump's Threat of Lawsuit Against Bannon is 'Stupid' and Could Hurt the President, Says Lawyer

    If I was Bannon, I'd be saying "Sue Me, Bitch!" that way our conversations become public knowledge.

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    Another one that gives me a laugh...

    Trump dissolves voter fraud commission - CNNPolitics

    I guess exposing all those illegal voters that prevented Trump from winning the popular vote aren't that important to him or his supporters any more.

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    He's such a doofus.
    Incredibly so.

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    Trump is on a roll....narcissism at it's finest

    With all of the failed “experts” weighing in, does anybody really believe that talks and dialogue would be going on between North and South Korea right now if I wasn’t firm, strong and willing to commit our total “might” against the North. Fools, but talks are a good thing!
    I guess the size of trump's "button" scared Kim....

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    ^ I've drawn parallels between our resident narcissist liar and Trump a few times.
    Every time Trump opens his mouth, or Lulu posts on TD, the similarities get stronger.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Maanaam View Post
    Every time Trump opens his mouth, or Lulu posts on TD, the similarities get stronger.
    There's a couple of differences, at least to me....

    trump is baiting an equally insecure little fuck that has nuclear weapons, while luigi is simply having a piss take with insecure fucks to liven this place up, without the threat of thermonuclear destruction or a upset hooker showing up at their next meeting with a "meat" cleaver.

    luigi can take the piss, trump needs to strike back to show he's got the bigger "button" like a little pussy whipped bitch.

    That's just my take....
    "I was a good student. I comprehend very well, OK, better than I think almost anybody," - President Trump comparing his legal knowledge to a Federal judge.

  18. #13918
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maanaam View Post
    I've drawn parallels
    You are tilting at straight bananas

    No body really gives a.fcuk if Lulu says he is shagging soi dogs

    Except for you and AO.

    Laugh . Ignore . Move on .

    Else most of us are actually laughing at you

    He is a twat . But he is our twat

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    Who wants to bet that trump will take sole credit for the stock market breaking 25k...that it couldn't have been done without his leadership, his business savvy and his simple ability to comprehend

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    The GOP's finished.

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    Quote Originally Posted by baldrick View Post
    He is a twat . But he is our twat
    I'm surprised you want possession of a twat, especially a nasty, conniving one.
    But each to his own.

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    I'm wondering how Trump's business is being affected by the news over the last few days....

  24. #13924
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    Quote Originally Posted by uncle junior View Post
    The GOP's finished.
    as much as i'd like that to be true, i don't think it will be.

    once this all implodes, they'll retreat for a cycle or two and be back with new leadership....who will go back to the tried and true GOP turnout motivator...fear mongering about gays, muslims and abortion.

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    Quote Originally Posted by CSFFan View Post
    I'm wondering how Trump's business is being affected by the news over the last few days....
    The growing idea (mooted long ago) thatt he's mentaly incapable of holding office?

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