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  1. #101
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    Nice little side-step.

    So you decided to put your thumb in the way of a second hand electric chainsaw.

    Your thumb must have been extended towards the saw along the bendy little branch you were hacking at, then.

    Now that'sreally moronic.

  2. #102
    I'm in Jail

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    14-12-2023 @ 11:54 AM
    Go to that thread and read my description of the incident again.

  3. #103
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    Why did you decide to use only one hand to operate a chainsaw in the first place?

    Do you also hold the nail with one hand as you hammer it?

  4. #104
    In Uranus
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    Drumpf really reinforced the title of this thread last night.

  5. #105
    Thailand Expat VocalNeal's Avatar
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    02-06-2024 @ 03:10 PM
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    Quote Originally Posted by ENT View Post
    Why did you decide to use only one hand to operate a chainsaw in the first place?

    Do you also hold the nail with one hand as you hammer it?
    Sorry. Failed analogy

    Lots of chainsaws are designed to be used with one hand.

    This as you can see is Husqvarna

    This one is Stihl

    How did I know? Used to own the Stihl before they changed it to one handed. 14" bar, 3/8 chain.

    and just for fun here is a one handed hammer.

    Better to think inside the pub, than outside the box?
    I apologize if any offence was caused. unless it was intended.
    You people, you think I know feck nothing; I tell you: I know feck all
    Those who cannot change their mind, cannot change anything.

  6. #106
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    The electric chainsaw Lapdancer used sure wasn't designed for him to use with one hand, while the other held the branch!

    As daft as holding the nail while belting it with a hammer, slip and "Waaaaah! Mama!"

  7. #107
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    Quote Originally Posted by VocalNeal View Post
    Used to own the Stihl before they changed it to one handed. 14" bar, 3/8 chain.

    and just for fun here is a one handed hammer.

    Pull the other one mate, it's got bells on it!

    Ya must come from 'Strylia, where under-arm bowling, two handed hammering and one handed chainsawing is the norm, eh?

    No way would any safety conscious forestry worker or farmer use a chainsaw 'one handed', except in exceptional circumstances.

    In fact most if not all chainsaw manufacturers tell you not to do so at all, and I don't think there's a chainsaw manufactured as a one handed model.

    If the saw bites into the wood and kicks back, it'd take two hands to control it, so your body's got to be out of the way, unless it's a lady's little electric hedgecutter, which even our intrepid Latindancer couldn't control safely.

    It takes more than the average bloke to use a chainsaw one handed. it can be done, at the risk of compromising safety.

  8. #108
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    Sorry for derailing the thread, but have you guys heard about the dangers of solar panels? I was up all night ripping mine off the roof after I read this.

    Phew! That was a close one I tells ya.

    US town rejects solar panels amid fears they 'suck energy from the sun', cause cancer - and will harm house prices | The Independent

  9. #109
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    Only in the USA!!

  10. #110
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    I bet the school teacher in the article's a creationist too!

  11. #111
    Thailand Expat VocalNeal's Avatar
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    02-06-2024 @ 03:10 PM
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    Quote Originally Posted by ENT
    No way would any safety conscious forestry worker or farmer use a chainsaw 'one handed', except in exceptional circumstances.
    Don't shoot the messenger

  12. #112
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    01-06-2024 @ 11:26 PM
    Quite incredible really, the level of ignorance in some places in the U.S.
    You'd think they'd all be educated enough. Oh wait. This is a fucking SCIENCE teacher.
    Kind of leaves you dumbfounded doesn't it.

  13. #113
    Thailand Expat VocalNeal's Avatar
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    Jane Mann, a (retired) retarded science teacher

    There fixed.

  14. #114
    Thailand Expat CaptainNemo's Avatar
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    18-07-2020 @ 11:25 PM
    in t' naughty lass
    A simpler version, that covers what is in more academic papers:
    Desert damage: the dark side of solar power?
    I think what she is alluding to is that when you cover an area with solar panels you disrupt the land around it and under it, casting shade, deflecting rainwater, damaging plants and other surface organisms that hold the soil together.
    Apparently, you then end up with dessication and dust which coats plants and interferes with photosynthesis - according to papers you can google yourself; there are also papers about reflection from solar farms not just burning plants but also animals, such as birds.
    As for "sucking energy from the sun" from her husband, I'm going to be generous to him and assume he meant the panels would be displacing the plants in receiving the sunlight; I doubt he was alluding to any albedo effects added into the solar energy budget of the earth system modelled for his locale, but you never know.

    It's reminiscent of when people say lets just lay tidal barriers and wind farms everywhere, as if it won't have any effect on ecosystems or chemical cycles and physical systems - of course it does, and you have to do a cost-ben analysis.

    Don't let a bit of considered googling behind a headline kill off a good ol knuckledragger-bashing story.
    Lazies and genitalmen, I give you...

    The left-wing moron thread?

    There fixed.

  15. #115
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    ^ Lets just build more coal power plants! Damn liberals and their kookie clean energy. Durn global warmin is a dat gum fraud too!

  16. #116
    Thailand Expat harrybarracuda's Avatar
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    Just to remind people that Republican stupidity doesn't start and end with elections. It is a national sport.

    Texas Republican Pushes Bill To Jail Teachers Who Claim That Humans Emerged From Africa
    Written by Alex Stevan October 22nd 2016

    A group of white students walked out of a college classroom Tuesday after an anthropology professor said all humans were descended from Africa. As they left, other students in the class began chanting, “Black lives matter,” in recognition of the social justice movement protesting racial injustice across the United States. Other students who stayed in the classroom told the professor they were offended and began arguing with their classmates, according to media reports.

    Such an incident has once again sparked disagreement and vigorous debates in the traditionally red state, and the news did not go unnoticed by the governor Greg Abbott. “I’ve looked into this issue thoroughly and I can say that it represents a common problem we’ve had before, throughout the state of Texas,” Abbott told El Paso Daily in an exclusive interview Saturday. “It is shameful that we today have college professors that have the audacity to argue that all humans come from Africa when we were clearly designed by God in his image and put on this earth from the heavens above.”

    Abbott argued that college professors knew their anthropology “the right way” during his years in college. “Back when I was at University of Texas at Austin, our professors knew their stuff to the letter,” the governor revealed. “Knowing where we think we come from is nice, to say the least; it’s good to explore every nook and cranny of every theoretical standpoint that people have the misfortune of imagining, but at the end of the day, even they knew that the only reason why there are human beings on this earth today is Our Lord, Jesus Christ. And they didn’t try to keep that a secret, I’ll tell y’all that much, too.”

    “And that’s why I was so surprised to learn about this so-called professor who’s trying to teach our kids that we all come from the same place as black people,” he continued. “I don’t know who he thinks he is, but I can promise you one thing: that sorry excuse for a college professor is going to jail very soon. Because those who dare to mislead our children on purpose deserve the harshest of punishments. And that goes for all other professors, teachers, mentors, and guidance councilors who feel an urge to lie to our children about where we as a species come from,” Abbott said.

    “In addition to being sacrilege, it’s also incredibly offensive for white people,” he opined. “Because, I don’t know about other states – well, I can pretty much guess how California fells about it – but when it comes to citizens of Texas, I can guarantee they all feel the same way I do. I didn’t come from Africa, my ancestors didn’t emerge there. I am a white, conservative American and I was put in the great state of Texas to celebrate the Lord and serve his flock. And as far as anthropology professors go – we don’t need them in Texas, like, at all. At least not the ones who are Democrats at the same time,” the governor concluded.

    Texas Republican Pushes Bill To Jail Teachers Who Claim That Humans Emerged From Africa

  17. #117
    Hangin' Around cyrille's Avatar
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    And some people think Trump has no chance...

  18. #118
    Thailand Expat CaptainNemo's Avatar
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    18-07-2020 @ 11:25 PM
    in t' naughty lass
    Quote Originally Posted by bsnub View Post
    ^ Lets just build more coal power plants! Damn liberals and their kookie clean energy. Durn global warmin is a dat gum fraud too!
    "dat gum"?
    There is no such thing as "global warming" per se, what there is is "anthropogenic climate change", which is not the same thing - it is what you put at the start of papers. Climate change always happens, and always has happened, and there is no particular set of climatic conditions that are normal - we don't have any special right to exist; but it is in our interests to manage our inputs into and outputs from the global climatic systems to ensure our survival - and of course address the problem that there are simply too many of us to be sustained on the planet with current technology and infrastructure conditions.

    Here's an old, but much cited paper on how technology creates new ways of dealing with old problems:

    Here's a nice left-wing version for your unbiased good self:

    I actually know more than you might think about a UK CCS initiative in the North Sea - stuff that is a long way from being "kookie", though is probably "liberal" (in the American sense).

    It's odd how lefties seem to see things as a zero-sum game... that pollution is always going to gush out of whatever older worse solution to a previous problem (i.e.: fossil fuel solving industrial revolution energy needs), and that future technological solutions won't be able to solve these problems - it's very defeatist. It's as if you imagine that innovations stops with what you are most familiar with; it doesn't.
    Solar panels and wind farms are not the definitively benign solutions you imagine them to be - you put any technology anywhere and it has an impact on the environment around it; the very presence of humanity or any life form has an impact on its environment too, even without technology; and the environment is a dynamic myriad of systems within systems.

    You're criticising fossil fuels as though this is a black hat v white hat issue; it isn't.
    It's more complex, and this issue is more about how you manage what you can get and also the impact of getting it and using it.
    You get far more energy per unit fossil fuel, and countless other byproducts (e.g.: plastics, organic compounds, civil engineering materials) and it's moronic to suggest you abandon them. What you do is manage them better... reduce energy waste (e.g.: switching things off automatically when not in use; insulation; recycling or binary usages); find more efficient ways of using them (e.g.: micro power generators in cars to use the petrol to generate electricity); or restructure the economy and society to reduce the need for transport (e.g.: teleworking - which needs technology and reliable electricity and telecoms infrastructure and maintenance).

    It is so typically of the hysterical "religious" left to go for the ad hominem attacks and to try and conflate religious morons with legitimate scientific and industrially informed positions on the issue. The left tries to portray itself as intellectually superior, and those who challenge it as knuckedragging racist primitive religious untermensch - but remember Nazism is socialism, and statism, and of the left.
    You can carry on with your jihad against fossil fuels, whilst continuing to use them and benefit from them; or you can go and read a book, and check your facts.

  19. #119
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    That can't possibly be a real article. Even taking into account that Texans all share the same DNA, that is so stupid that even a Texas politician couldn't have said it.

  20. #120
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    09-10-2020 @ 04:23 PM
    Laughable topic.

    The insecurities and hypocrisies of an ultra liberal wing nut.....always can spare few minutes to read their rants. If nothing else, just to reconfirm how nice it is to be not one of them. I put this thread in the category of coffee break/boredom time fodder.

  21. #121
    Thailand Expat harrybarracuda's Avatar
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    Look, there's one.


    Quote Originally Posted by MikeyLikesU View Post
    Laughable topic.

    The insecurities and hypocrisies of an ultra liberal wing nut.....always can spare few minutes to read their rants. If nothing else, just to reconfirm how nice it is to be not one of them. I put this thread in the category of coffee break/boredom time fodder.

  22. #122
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    I think the main relevant point about the right wing nutjobs is why do we take them so seriously? OK, except when they go take their guns and shoot quite a few Americans en masse'. Perhaps we are bored.

    They are a declining, aging demographic. They mainly exist in the poorer, less progressive parts of the nation. They will never win a national election, and demographics makes that more true every year.

    They have always been there- something I hadn't really realised until the vociferous Teabaggers were puked out, more notable for their noise than their content. Y'know, "Reds under the Bed", survivalists who made and stocked nuclear bunkers in the 1960's, people who accused the USA's only five star General (and a Potus) of being a Communist. McCarthy witch hunts, NRA gun nuts and conspiracy theorists. Birthers.

    Are they really worth bothering about, in a larger sense? They represent way less of a threat now than they once did, and that gap is only increasing. RIP, Curtis le May et al.

  23. #123
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    Just so happens to coincide with the proliferation of today's media these folks get way too much media coverage even though there numbers are declining.

  24. #124
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    Quote Originally Posted by Davis Knowlton
    That can't possibly be a real article. Even taking into account that Texans all share the same DNA, that is so stupid that even a Texas politician couldn't have said it.
    I'd like to think so, too. However the depths of ignorance and blind faith some of these people have is scary and real.

  25. #125
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    As scary and real as the depths of ignorance Muslim beliefs display.

    They're another bunch of creationist flat earthers.

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