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  1. #2076
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    So will every Muslim related attack in the US now be claimed by ISIS, or is the government just trying to make a bigger case against them?

    Gunman pledged allegiance to ISIS before Florida gay club massacre | New York Post

  2. #2077
    Thailand Expat misskit's Avatar
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    US Efforts Doing Little to Dent Islamic State's Global Reach

    Despite losing critical ground in Iraq and Syria, the Islamic State terror group has no intention of slowing fading away, and instead it has been shifting its focus to ensure it remains the world's top terror organization, according to a top U.S. intelligence official.

    CIA Director John Brennan painted a bleak picture for lawmakers Thursday on the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee, warning that even a considerably degraded IS has the resilience, the manpower and the financial resources to strike at enemies both in the Middle East and in the West.

    "Our efforts have not reduced the group's terrorism capability and global reach," Brennan said. "As the pressure mounts on ISIL, we judge that it will intensify its global terror campaign to maintain its dominance of the global terrorism agenda."

    A key part of that effort will be additional attempts to strike at Western targets in the hopes of replicating the deadly plots that stung Paris and Brussels, as well as inspiring attacks like the shooting in Orlando, Florida, earlier this week.

    "ISIL is training and attempting to deploy operatives," Brennan said, using an acronym for the group, and warning that its leadership in Iraq and Syria has a "large cadre of Western fighters" at its disposal for such infiltrations.

    Dire warning

    The CIA director underscored that even as the U.S. and its allies have managed to crack down on the travel of foreign fighters to join IS in places like Iraq and Syria, there are still plenty of avenues for fighters to return. He said likely options include joining the flow of refugees, taking advantage of smuggling routes and even sending terrorists back to the West using "legitimate methods of travel."

    Brennan's stark warning comes even as other U.S. officials have been touting progress against IS, telling VOA the terror group "is at its weakest point" since rapidly advancing across Syria and Iraqi in 2014.

    Military officials have also pointed to an IS fighting force visibly on its heels in its self-declared caliphate, having lost 50 percent of the terrain it once held in Iraq and upwards of 20 percent of what it once controlled in Syria.

    “There is no way you can look at ISIL today and look at the geographic territory they control, look at their leadership, look at their ability to communicate and judge they are in a better position today then they were a year ago,” Pentagon spokesman Peter Cook told reporters Thursday.

    Defense Department officials have also pointed to diminishing financial resources and low morale among the IS ranks, highlighting reports of some IS leaders stealing gold and trying to flee.

    IS forces themselves have also been increasingly depleted. Brennan himself told lawmakers the CIA estimates the group is down to 18,000 to 22,000 fighters, slightly lower than other recent estimates and down significantly from an estimated high of 33,000 fighters last year.

    Financial resources and morale are also a concern, with military officials pointing to reports of some IS leaders stealing gold and trying to flee.

    "This is an organization that has some very rocky roads ahead despite the adaptations," said Daveed Gartenstein-Ross, a senior fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies who has warned the group "could be looking at a death spiral that will destroy the organization."

    Long-term threat

    U.S. officials agree the self-declared caliphate is in trouble and that outside of Libya and Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula, IS’ branches have struggled to gain traction.

    Yet the Pentagon acknowledges it may not be enough.

    “The military effort to defeat ISIL is absolutely necessary but it is not sufficient to deal with this threat in full,” Cook said. “That’s why we want to accelerate our efforts,” he said.

    And intelligence officials believe the group has more than enough resources to pose a long-term threat.

    "This is a global challenge," said the CIA's Brennan. "The numbers of ISIL fighters now far exceeds what al-Qaida had at its height. We're talking about tens of thousands of individuals."

    According to U.S. estimates, often criticized for being too conservative, there could be as many as 40,000 IS fighters and operatives in just Iraq, Syria, Libya, Egypt, Nigeria, Yemen, Afghanistan and Pakistan.

    And despite losses in Iraq, Syria and Libya, Brennan warned that the terror organization continues to attract new adherents, with terror groups in Southeast Asia specifically "increasing their interactions and connections with ISIL."

    "I don't think strategically they're losing," said Jessica McFate, a former U.S. Army intelligence officer now with the Institute for the Study of War.

    "The competition is literally global and literally extending to places where al-Qaida has been trying to penetrate, and ISIS is actually penetrating faster," she said. "ISIS has even more opportunity to demonstrate outsized effects just by starting operations in a new place."

    Fertile recruiting grounds

    U.S. intelligence officials also worry that continued instability in the Middle East and elsewhere is providing IS, as well as other terror groups, plenty of fertile ground for new recruits.

    "More and more individuals, because of their feelings of being disenfranchised from their governments are now identifying with subnational groups, whether it be with an ISIL, or a [Jabhat al] Nusra or Boko Haram or others," said Brennan.

    "They're not identifying themselves as Somalis, Nigerians or Yemenis," he said. "They're identifying themselves as part of a confessional group or a terrorist organization. That is a very, very disturbing trend."

    US Efforts Doing Little to Dent Islamic State's Global Reach

  3. #2078
    Thailand Expat OhOh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rickschoppers
    So will every Muslim related attack in the US now be claimed by ISIS, or is the government just trying to make a bigger case against them? Gunman pledged allegiance to ISIS before Florida gay club massacre | New York Post
    It seems to be working so well in the rest of the world. I look forward to the crusader coalition droning and slaughtering their own citizens. Not only in the Middle East/Asia/Africa/..... but on the "homeland", what a quaint expression - one of many used to create the "mom's apple pie" lost memory again.

    Lets see what the crusader coalition start doing when their citizens/neighbours/communities are being obliterated with "no due cause" - another quaint expression from the past when laws were applied/upheld and people voted on a moral basis instead of trashy internet videos.

    It might possibly cause some to pull the scales from the eyes and relish the responsibility of adulthood.
    A tray full of GOLD is not worth a moment in time.

  4. #2079
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    What's with this "lone wolf" misnomer and euphemism?

    Why the ‘lone-wolf’ terrorist is a mythBy Paul Sperry June 18, 2016

    President Obama says don’t worry, the Orlando terrorist was just another “lone actor” operating in isolation, unconnected to any larger group of supporters. In fact, these so-called “lone wolves” are running in packs, and suggesting otherwise gives the public a false sense of security.

    Yet Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson echoed Obama, saying Omar Mateen was “self-radicalized” without any religious, ideological or operational support from friends, family or others in the Muslim community.

    “What we do know at this point is it appears this was a case of self-radicalization,” Johnson said. “He does not appear to have been part of any group.”

    A more accurate picture is that Mateen, an Afghan-American, was part of a disturbingly large Muslim family of sympathizers, supporters and even co-conspirators.

    For starters, his wife could face criminal charges in the attack on the gay Orlando nightclub, the deadliest act of terrorism in the US since 9/11. Noor Zahi Salman, who wed Mateen in 2011, reportedly told the FBI she knew about her husband’s planned attack and even drove him to the site of the massacre as part of a scouting operation. She also is said to have helped him case the Disney Springs shopping complex. What’s more, Salman allegedly was with Mateen when he bought ammo and a holster used in the attack.

    Prosecutors have convened a grand jury to present evidence against Salman, a Palestinian immigrant, who ultimately could be indicted as an accessory to the murders of 49 people and the attempted murders of 53 others. Possible other charges include failing to report a terrorist attack and lying to federal agents.

    It appears the seeds of Mateen’s hatred were planted at home.

    His Afghan immigrant father, who founded a nonprofit group to support the Taliban, preached gays should be punished. In a video Seddique Mir Mateen posted on the Web, he expresses gratitude toward the Afghan Taliban, who stone homosexuals to death, calling them “our warrior brothers.”

    Other statements make it clear the elder Mateen could have passed anti-gay views onto his son.

    “God will punish those involved in homosexuality,” the elder Mateen said in the wake of his son’s rampage. He seemed to rationalize the targeting of gays by pointing out that his son was offended by two gay men kissing in front of his 3-year-old son during a recent family trip to Miami.

    Why the ?lone-wolf? terrorist is a myth | New York Post
    Last edited by Cold Pizza; 19-06-2016 at 06:33 AM. Reason: EU

  5. #2080
    Thailand Expat OhOh's Avatar
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    ^How many "lone wolf" terrorist acts does it take, to become an ISIS inspired violent terrorist act?

    Disregarding the length of the lone wolf's life in Ameristan, what does it take for terrorists in Ameristan to be labelled as ISIS inspired and as such the Ameristani politicians admit that the ISIS inspired terrorists acts are now home grown.

    The ability to accept that a terrorist act was committed and should be labelled as an ISIS terrorist act appears to be somewhat fluid. Some have been so labelled by actions such as, visiting an extremist web site, some by holding telephone conversations with a known terrorist of member of a terrorist group and further some have be labelled as an ISIS terrorist purely by visiting certain countries on holiday.

    Are there any guidelines that the Ameritani's adhere to, when deciding, when an act of terror is "terrorist" or when the act can be attributed to an extremist group such as ISIS? Or can one select whatever phrase happens to match your political stance at that particular minute in time when one is asked to make a, non-binding and probably "misspoken", statement?

  6. #2081
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    Short & informative.

    As most members know on this thread, all of these videos showing ISIS moving in jeeps, and tanks, with modern weapons, these are all American weapons.

    Pretty smart, Americans. Instead of taking all of these vehicles and tanks, or destroying them, they just left them.

    ISIS got a good deal: free.

    And John McCain, being the imbecile he is, publicly advocated arming the Syrian opposition to Assad which of course included, al-Nusra (and bits of ISIS).

  7. #2082
    In Uranus
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    ^ More garbage...

  8. #2083
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    Quote Originally Posted by bsnub View Post
    ^ More garbage...
    Say how it's garbage.

    Do you disagree with any of the points?

  9. #2084

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    02-09-2018 @ 07:55 PM

    Why Isis has just made a potentially calamitous mistake

    Savage attacks in Turkey, Bangladesh, Iraq and Saudi Arabia should convince Muslim nations and the West that they share a common enemy

    In the global revulsion at the past week’s terror attacks in four Muslim countries, the United States and its allies have a new opportunity to build a unified command against Isis and other extremists.

    But as the US seeks to broaden this counter-terrorism alliance, it should be careful about partnering with Russia — unless Moscow distances itself from a Syrian regime that many Sunni Muslims despise.

    The savage attacks in Turkey, Bangladesh, Iraq and Saudi Arabia should convince Muslim nations and the West that they share a common enemy in extremist groups such as Isis.

    What they need now is a shared command-and-control structure, like what the US and Britain forged in December 1941, after the shock of Pearl Harbor. Merging military and intelligence resources wasn’t easy, even for longstanding partners in Washington and London. But Prime Minister Winston Churchill knew that once America had fully joined the battle, the allies’ eventual victory was certain.

    Similar confidence would be inspired by a command structure that truly fuses the resources of the US, Europe, Turkey, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, Pakistan and the many other nations that have been targeted by Islamic State terrorists.

    A sign of how unpopular these attacks are with Muslims is that Isis isn’t taking credit for the attacks in Turkey and Saudi Arabia — even though it’s widely seen as the likely perpetrator — and that other Islamist groups are condemning the violence, especially the bombing in the holy city of Medina.

    On Tuesday the SITE Intelligence Group gathered some of the online ripostes from rivals of Isis. An Australian cleric named Abu Sulayman, who is a member of Al Qaeda affiliate Jabhat al-Nusra, tweeted: “The #MedinaBlast is a criminal act that Muslims must condemn.” Another pro-Al Qaeda account tweeted: “[I]f Isis is not behind the attacks in Istanbul and Medina they should deny their involvement.”

    Saudi Arabia had a similar wake-up call several years after Sept. 11, 2001, when the kingdom’s leaders realized that Al Qaeda terrorists were targeting the House of Saud, too. That led to joint operations against Al Qaeda by the kingdom’s counter-terrorism service and the CIA. Monday’s attacks in Medina, Jeddah and Qatif should deepen that cooperation—and draw in other Arab partners, such as Jordan, Egypt, Morocco and the United Arab Emirates.

    The US has a chance to hit the “restart” button with Turkey, too. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has been straddling the issue — condemning Isis but failing to close his border with Syria because of pique over U.S. support for Syrian Kurdish fighters. Now that Erdogan can see the jihadist dagger at his throat, he should want closer military and intelligence links with Washington. He should also think about reopening negotiations with the Kurdish Workers Party, or PKK, so that he’s not fighting a two-front war against terror.

    What about Russia? Should Moscow and Washington join forces against terrorism? On one level the answer is obviously yes. Foreign fighters have been streaming from Russia and its former republics to join Isis. Two of the three attackers in Istanbul appear to have been Russians. Real cooperation would be useful, so long as it doesn’t condone and reinforce Russian bad behavior.

    Syria is the test case: The Russians have been asking the U.S. for months to share targeting information about Isis and Jabhat al-Nusra positions in Syria, so that Russian forces can attack the jihadists and avoid hitting groups that, in theory, are working with the U.S.

    The Obama administration is now debating whether to endorse such Russian-American sharing of targeting intelligence. The US military, seeing aggressive Russian behavior in Europe, is wary.

    Administration officials who favor cooperation argue that it should come with a warning — that if Syrian forces continue bombing US-backed opposition groups, the US will strike back against the Syrians and take their jets out of the sky.

    If Russia accepts such a real limitation on President Bashar al-Assad, then it should join the team. But if it continues unlimited support for Assad, Russia will only fuel the jihadists’ rage — and complicate American efforts to build a broader, unified command.

    The terrorists who struck Istanbul, Dhaka, Baghdad and Medina made a potentially disastrous mistake. It may not look that way, after last week’s encounter with the metastasizing virus of Isis.

    But the real goal of the jihadists has been to divide Muslims and the West. If the U.S. offers strong leadership now, it can repair that breach — and help organize a military and intelligence alliance against a common threat.

    Theres a load of shyte for you to pick over.

    Let me start : The US attacking Iraq was a major contributor to the start and rise of IS in the first place.

    There would be no war in Syria if the US had not armed and encouraged the rebels to attempt to oust the Assad Govt by force.

    IS were only able to enter Syria because of the war and the gaps it left in the administration of the country.

    Rather than Russia disengaging from Assad the US must stop attempting to destroy Assad and accept that his Govt is the Govt of Syria.

    The US must work with Syria and Russia in Syria rather than hampering them in the fight against IS by diverting Assad's forces by encouraging the rebels to attack Assad.

  10. #2085

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    02-09-2018 @ 07:55 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Cold Pizza View Post
    What's with this "lone wolf" misnomer and euphemism?

    Why the ‘lone-wolf’ terrorist is a mythBy Paul Sperry June 18, 2016

    President Obama says don’t worry, the Orlando terrorist was just another “lone actor” operating in isolation, unconnected to any larger group of supporters. In fact, these so-called “lone wolves” are running in packs, and suggesting otherwise gives the public a false sense of security.

    Yet Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson echoed Obama, saying Omar Mateen was “self-radicalized” without any religious, ideological or operational support from friends, family or others in the Muslim community.

    “What we do know at this point is it appears this was a case of self-radicalization,” Johnson said. “He does not appear to have been part of any group.”

    A more accurate picture is that Mateen, an Afghan-American, was part of a disturbingly large Muslim family of sympathizers, supporters and even co-conspirators.

    For starters, his wife could face criminal charges in the attack on the gay Orlando nightclub, the deadliest act of terrorism in the US since 9/11. Noor Zahi Salman, who wed Mateen in 2011, reportedly told the FBI she knew about her husband’s planned attack and even drove him to the site of the massacre as part of a scouting operation. She also is said to have helped him case the Disney Springs shopping complex. What’s more, Salman allegedly was with Mateen when he bought ammo and a holster used in the attack.

    Prosecutors have convened a grand jury to present evidence against Salman, a Palestinian immigrant, who ultimately could be indicted as an accessory to the murders of 49 people and the attempted murders of 53 others. Possible other charges include failing to report a terrorist attack and lying to federal agents.

    It appears the seeds of Mateen’s hatred were planted at home.

    His Afghan immigrant father, who founded a nonprofit group to support the Taliban, preached gays should be punished. In a video Seddique Mir Mateen posted on the Web, he expresses gratitude toward the Afghan Taliban, who stone homosexuals to death, calling them “our warrior brothers.”

    Other statements make it clear the elder Mateen could have passed anti-gay views onto his son.

    “God will punish those involved in homosexuality,” the elder Mateen said in the wake of his son’s rampage. He seemed to rationalize the targeting of gays by pointing out that his son was offended by two gay men kissing in front of his 3-year-old son during a recent family trip to Miami.

    Why the ?lone-wolf? terrorist is a myth | New York Post
    "His Afghan immigrant father, who founded a nonprofit group to support the Taliban"

    It appears to have been forgotten that the US also supported the Taliban by arming them to fight the Russians.

  11. #2086

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    02-09-2018 @ 07:55 PM
    Forgot to add a link to
    Why Isis has just made a potentially calamitous mistake

    Why Isis has just made a potentially calamitous mistake | Middle East | News | The Independent

  12. #2087
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    Quote Originally Posted by birding
    should convince Muslim nations and the West that they share a common enemy
    Quote Originally Posted by birding
    Theres a load of shyte for you to pick over.
    As you see I started but then read further.

    Another piece of news from Syria.

    It appears that a new election was recently held and new MPs were elected. The mix of different groups has widened even further.

    One has not heard much in the crusader coalition MSM but it was watched by may foreign agencies and they have commented that a true democratic election took place.

  13. #2088

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    02-09-2018 @ 07:55 PM
    One has not heard much in the crusader coalition MSM but it was watched by may foreign agencies and they have commented that a true democratic election took place.
    Somewhat different then from the set up in the US in order to get Hillary elected the next president.

  14. #2089
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    Don't finger just the Ameristanis, there are many others,

  15. #2090
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    19-11-2016 @ 07:57 PM
    John Kerry has said by August 1st.

    this situation in Syria is gonna be sorted
    in one way or another.

    20 days to a show-down.

  16. #2091
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    Russian Military Drops 15 Tons of Aid on Syrian City of Deir Ez-Zor

    Russian Military has dropped 15 metric tons of UN humanitarian aid on the Syrian city of Deir ez-Zor, besieged by terrorists, the Russian Defense Ministry said in a statement Tuesday.

    "MOSCOW (Sputnik) — The ministry also noted that low-income families in Latakia Province of Syria had received two metric tons of humanitarian cargos, including flour, rice, canned meat and fish.
    "Aircraft of the Abakan Air, Russian aviation company, has dropped 15 tons of UN humanitarian cargos (food products and grains) on Deir ez-Zor, which had been besieged by ISIS terrorists," the ministry said in a daily bulletin posted on its website."

    Yes that's right, aid not bombs and not on top of "hospitals".

    Hezbollah thumbs the nose at Israel ? Indian Punchline

    Hezbollah thumbs the nose at Israel

    "The successful mission by a Hezbollah drone entering Israeli air space in the Golan Heights and taking photographs is a significant development at various levels. At its most obvious, Hezbollah has mocked Israel’s vaunted air superiority. Three Israeli missiles, including one fired by an F-16, couldn’t bring down the drone which returned safely to Syria. For Israel, it amounts to a humiliating show of contempt by the Hezbollah."

  17. #2092
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    It appears that The LORD, along with some friends have taken a strategic decision.

    The Iranian and Russian governments have agreed that Russian planes will be able to be based at an Iranian airbase.. This obviously helps Russia to more effectively utilise it's air-force, less flying time, greater bomb loads etc. This will enable the Syrians and Russian air-forces to exterminate the terrorists more quickly.

    One assumes that the Russians will install defensive weapons to stop any possible attack on the airbase and it's planes. If so this creates further headaches for not only the Ameristani led crusader coalition but also Israel. The defensive weapons would also see any attacking planes hell bent on attacking Iran.

    Another example of the foresight of an enlightened group of people.

    "Russia's new partnership with Iran is a model kind of military cooperation which has been lacking so far in the West regarding the Syrian conflict, and is the type of action needed to defeat the menace of Islamic State, says political commentator John Wight.

    Russia bombed terrorist positions in Syria using an Iranian air base to launch its missions for the first time on Tuesday. Tu-22M3 and Su-34 bombers took off from the Hamedan air base, striking Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) and Al-Nusra Front facilities in the provinces of Aleppo, Deir ez-Zor and Idlib, the Russian Ministry of Defense reported on its website"

    How will the strutting pigeon react to this? They have already. Accusing Russia of breaking a UN sanctions not to supply weapons to Iran. The Russian would obviously reply they are not supplying anything TO Iran at all. The planes, radar, bombs and defensive missiles are for the defence the Russian forces.

    Any "intelligence" to assist Iran in defending it's sovereign country is not subject to any sanctions.

    You wonder why The Lord smiles so much.

    In other news the Chinese have suggested to the Syrian Government that some of it's "Peace Keepers" and "Trainers" are available to assist Syria in completing the job of ridding Syria of terrorists.

    A close up of 180 of the "Peace keepers". When zoomed out it shows 1500,000,000,000 citizens able to take on the job.

    China forms its first standing peacekeeping force in UN history - People's Daily Online

    A total of 180 officers from frontier forces across China are currently undergoing training for China’s first standing peacekeeping force in UN history. After passing a UN assessment, the squad is expected to be activated in October, ready to be charged with dangerous, challenging peacekeeping missions. As one of the major initiatives announced by President Xi Jinping at the summits marking the 70th anniversary of the UN last September, the squad is a demonstration of the Chinese government’s commitment to world peace, according to Vice Public Security Minister Meng Hongwei. Meng emphasized this point on Monday, Aug. 17 when he visited squad at the site of their training, as well as at the first seminar focusing on the peacekeeping ability of senior foreign officers."

    The Chines fairer sex is also in training to assist, if required.

    Female PLA soldiers train in Gobi Desert - People's Daily Online

    Maybe somebody with military training can advise me if that is the correct manner, that the soldier in the foreground, is holding her rifle.

  18. #2093
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    It appears that The LORD, along with some friends have taken a strategic decision.

    The Iranian and Russian governments have agreed that Russian planes will be able to be based at an Iranian airbase.. This obviously helps Russia to more effectively utilise it's air-force, less flying time, greater bomb loads etc. This will enable the Syrians and Russian air-forces to exterminate the terrorists more quickly.

    One assumes that the Russians will install defensive weapons to stop any possible attack on the airbase and it's planes. If so this creates further headaches for not only the Ameristani led crusader coalition but also Israel. The defensive weapons would also see any attacking planes hell bent on attacking Iran.

    Another example of the foresight of an enlightened group of people.

    "Russia's new partnership with Iran is a model kind of military cooperation which has been lacking so far in the West regarding the Syrian conflict, and is the type of action needed to defeat the menace of Islamic State, says political commentator John Wight.

    Russia bombed terrorist positions in Syria using an Iranian air base to launch its missions for the first time on Tuesday. Tu-22M3 and Su-34 bombers took off from the Hamedan air base, striking Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) and Al-Nusra Front facilities in the provinces of Aleppo, Deir ez-Zor and Idlib, the Russian Ministry of Defense reported on its website"

    How will the strutting pigeon react to this? They have already. Accusing Russia of breaking a UN sanctions not to supply weapons to Iran. The Russian would obviously reply they are not supplying anything TO Iran at all. The planes, radar, bombs and defensive missiles are for the defence the Russian forces.

    Any "intelligence" to assist Iran in defending it's sovereign country is not subject to any sanctions.

    You wonder why The Lord smiles so much.

    In other news the Chinese have suggested to the Syrian Government that some of it's "Peace Keepers" and "Trainers" are available to assist Syria in completing the job of ridding Syria of terrorists.

    A close up of some of the "Peace keepers". When zoomed out it shows 3,000,000 citizens able to take on the job.

    China forms its first standing peacekeeping force in UN history - People's Daily Online

    A total of 180 officers from frontier forces across China are currently undergoing training for China’s first standing peacekeeping force in UN history. After passing a UN assessment, the squad is expected to be activated in October, ready to be charged with dangerous, challenging peacekeeping missions. As one of the major initiatives announced by President Xi Jinping at the summits marking the 70th anniversary of the UN last September, the squad is a demonstration of the Chinese government’s commitment to world peace, according to Vice Public Security Minister Meng Hongwei. Meng emphasized this point on Monday, Aug. 17 when he visited squad at the site of their training, as well as at the first seminar focusing on the peacekeeping ability of senior foreign officers."

    The Chines fairer sex is also in training to assist, if required.

    Female PLA soldiers train in Gobi Desert - People's Daily Online

    Maybe somebody with military training can advise me if that is the correct manner, that the soldier in the foreground, is holding her rifle.

  19. #2094
    Thailand Expat harrybarracuda's Avatar
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    Wow. Russia and Iran working together to keep Assad in power.

    When the fuck did you realise that?

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  21. #2096
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    Where troubles melt like lemon drops
    Quote Originally Posted by harrybarracuda
    Wow. Russia and Iran working together to keep Assad in power.
    Care to show me your foresight? Either put up or shut up.

  22. #2097
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    Quote Originally Posted by OhOh View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by harrybarracuda
    Wow. Russia and Iran working together to keep Assad in power.
    Care to show me your foresight? Either put up or shut up.
    You're an imbecile, they've been doing it since the beginning.

  23. #2098
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    Quote Originally Posted by harrybarracuda View Post
    Tortured kiddie porn, that's your flavour? Your a sick person harry.

  24. #2099
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    Quote Originally Posted by harrybarracuda
    You're an imbecile, they've been doing it since the beginning
    Care to define the word "it".

  25. #2100
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    Quote Originally Posted by OhOh View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by harrybarracuda View Post
    Tortured kiddie porn, that's your flavour? Your a sick person harry.
    A victim of Putin and Iran's "war on terror".

    And probably now a prime candidate to join IS even if he wasn't before.

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