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  1. #1
    Thailand Expat
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    Viewpoint: Thailand revolt will inspire other nations


    Thailand revolt will inspire other nations where government is a burden, including our own

    Thomas Johnson
    December 27, 2013

    Thai anti-government protest leader Suthep Thaugsuban gestures as he addresses supporters during a rally at Democracy Monument in Bangkok, Thailand Dec. 18, 2013. Anti-government protests aimed to topple Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawartra continued in the capital.

    The Thai Tourist Authority promotes tourism using the slogan “Amazing Thailand.” Recent political events prove again that Thailand is amazing. The recent people's protests are aimed at the disliked, inefficient, greedy, and clumsy Taksin Shinawatra government. Disliked in his promotion of his and his gangs' personal glory and enrichment, greedy in looking for money in every possible nook and cranny. Clumsy in its use of power and inability to run the nation. The widespread flooding in Bangkok for six months during 2011 resulted from poor decisions by the Minister of Dams and Irrigation in a country where the rainy season has been known for centuries.

    The present protests toppled the government run by his sister, Yingluck, since his leaving Thailand being charged with concealing money and failing to report it when he was in office. The BBC estimates that 5 million people are participating in the protests in Bangkok alone. The U.S. Vietnam War protest brought about 1 million to Washington, D.C. If compared to this present peoples' revolt on the same scale as the U.S. today would have resulted in 25 million persons taking part in a D.C. protest. Eight percent of the population protesting in any country is a big event.

    The present protest is amazing for other reasons. Only a few persons were injured or killed by over zealous policemen or members of the Taksin political party, “For Thais.” No violence at all from the protestors' side. His government was over turned in 2006 by a peaceful military coop which propagated a new constitution that passed a national referendum, a first in Thai history. In 2011, his party, For Thais, gained a majority and appointed Taksin's sister as the prime minister. Other parties charged widespread vote buying.

    Where did Taksin get his money to take over the government by buying votes in 2011? At the time he joined the Chavalit government, he declared his worth at $100 million USD. These monies came from his father who was involved in the drug trade. When he joined the Banhan government a few years later his declared assets were $2.4 billion USD. His rapid increase in wealth was gained though government monopoly licensing for satellite TV and mobile telephone services. In order to meet Taksin's political achievement time table, the new international terminal at Suwanaphum (1) was reduced in scale and design and resembles in size a regional airport in the U.S.

    Besides an interesting history, culture and architecture, Thais employed elephants in war designing tactics and strategies that preceded and out did those of the German military in World War II some 500 years earlier. In the 1700s, Ayutthaya, the then capital of the country, was the largest seaport and city in the world with a population of 1 million. London was about one-half this size.

    I believe this popular people-oriented peaceful revolt will trigger other such revolts in most if not all countries where governments are or are becoming a burden on the population. In my estimate that includes our local, state and federal government.

    Thomas Eric Johnson, Ph.D. lives in North Muskegon. Dr. Johnson received degrees from William & Mary; University of Exeter, England; University of Michigan; and a Ph.D in Sociology and Asian Studies at the University of Hawaii. His dissertation was on Thai Social Structure. He has been a lecturer, consultant, and home builder since leaving high school. He has lived in Thailand a total of 15 years during the period 1966 to 2012 analyzing Thai census and other social and economic data.

    (1) English pronounciation for Suvarnabhumi.

  2. #2
    Thailand Expat
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mid
    The recent people's protests are aimed at the disliked, inefficient, greedy, and clumsy Taksin Shinawatra government.
    Well of course you know the article is a piece of trash once you read this outright lie. While he is indeed hated by some, Thaksin remains the only elected PM to complete a full term in office, to be re-elected by an absolute majority, and furthermore his party has safely won every Thai national election since he was first elected PM in 2001. Even ignoring the fact the current protests are against the Yingluck government (thaksin puppet, b'waah), the fact remains that, as reported even in the notion & Bpaste, her government was enjoying buoyant popularity ratings prior to the latest attempt to unseat the government by rebellion- and it would win a national election tomorrow, hands down.

    So whilst one can question, even denigrate, the reasons for the popularity of the takkie political machine, describing it as the opposite is an outright lie.
    Last edited by sabang; 28-12-2013 at 07:27 AM.

  3. #3
    Thailand Expat
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    Quote Originally Posted by sabang

    Well of course you know the article is a piece of trash once you read this outright lie.
    Indeed , rather amazed that someone apparently so eminate would pen such shite

  4. #4
    Bettyboo's Avatar
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    29-05-2024 @ 11:24 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by Mid
    The present protest is amazing for other reasons. Only a few persons were injured or killed by over zealous policemen or members of the Taksin political party, “For Thais.” No violence at all from the protestors' side.
    Quote Originally Posted by Mid
    Clumsy in its use of power and inability to run the nation. The widespread flooding in Bangkok for six months during 2011 resulted from poor decisions by the Minister of Dams and Irrigation in a country where the rainy season has been known for centuries.
    Quote Originally Posted by Mid
    The BBC estimates that 5 million people are participating in the protests in Bangkok alone.
    Quote Originally Posted by Mid
    Where did Taksin get his money to take over the government by buying votes in 2011?
    This is just lie after lie, hard to imagine an academic would write such utter nonsense..

    Having a viewpoint is one thing, but knowingly writing lie after lie...
    Last edited by Bettyboo; 28-12-2013 at 03:33 PM.

  5. #5
    I am in Jail

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    12-05-2022 @ 08:33 AM
    Indeed , rather amazed that someone apparently so eminate would pen such shite
    Indeed, too. And similarly amazed that someone bothered reposting it.

  6. #6
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    31-10-2021 @ 03:34 AM
    Have to agree with that comment...

  7. #7
    Thailand Expat Boon Mee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mid View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by sabang

    Well of course you know the article is a piece of trash once you read this outright lie.
    Indeed , rather amazed that someone apparently so eminate would pen such shite
    Khun Banharn should sue that author for defamation of character/slander. If there ever was a great populist PM, it was Banharn Silpa-archa.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Boon Mee
    If there ever was a great populist PM, it was Banharn Silpa-archa. Boon Mee is online now Add to Boon Mee's Reputation Report Post Digg this Post!Add Post to del.icio.usBookmark Post in TechnoratiTweet this Post!
    No, if there was ever a politician that was true to his constituents it would be him. He made Barnham Buri from nothing, and it really is a neat small city and province.

    But he is also the guy that has an MA written in French. Sadly he cant even speak a word of English let alone French, but he will die defending he did not plagiarize that paper. Sadly again the true writer came forth years ago.

  9. #9
    I am in Jail

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    12-05-2022 @ 08:33 AM
    I would but this forum is full of illiterates who can't read the language of the country they live in so - since I'm not going to waste my days translating for their pleasure - there's not an awful lot of point, is there. Still, in the spirit of the season, ask and you shall receive:

    I've just been reading some of the stuff on the สมัชชาปกป้องประชาธิปไตย Facebook page and they had this letter to Ajarn Kasian about the สปป campaign.

    เขียนที่ทุ่งนาตำบลวังกรด จังหวัดพิจิตร
    วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 12 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2556

    กราบเรียนท่าน ศ.เกษียร และคณะส.ป.ป. ด้วยความเคารพยิ่งนัก

    พวกฉันมีความสุขใจมาก น้ำตาร่วงเลยเมื่อรู้ว่าคณะส.ป.ป.และท่านร่วมกันยึดม ั่นในหลักการประชาธิปไตย ได้ทำหน้าที่อย่างดี ที่ตั้งมั่นในความเป็นผู้มีความรู้ เป็นกลาง มีเหตุ มีผล เพื่อคนรุ่นต่อๆไปได้รู้จักที่จะคิดก่อนทำ รู้จักวางตนในสถานการณ์ให้เหมาะสมกับความเป็นนักวิชา การ พวกฉันไม่มีเฟซบุค มือถือ หรือเครื่องมืออื่นใดที่จะติดต่อเพื่อเป็นกำลังใจคณะ ของท่าน นอกจากเขียนมาจากสมองและหัวใจ อยากดไล้ให้คณะส.ป.ป.และท่านกันทั้งหมู่บ้านกัน เลยนะ

    ถึงพวกฉันจะเป็นชาวบ้าน บ้านนอกต่างจังหวัดแต่ก็มีหัวใจ มี1สิทธิ์1เสียง และมีสติ รู้จักคิด กรุณาอย่าเหยียดกันเลย พวกฉันอยากบอกว่าถ้าไม่มีพวกเราปลูกข้าว ปลูกผัก ท่านผู้เจริญจะกินอะไร หรือนายสมบัติ ธำรงค์ธัญวงศ์ นายสุรพล นิติไกรพจน์ นางเสรี วงศ์มณฑา จะกินหญ้า กินหมา ท่านเหล่านี้คงลืมไปหรือไม่ได้มีความรู้เรื่องสิทธิม นุษยชน ที่ทั่วทั้งโลกบอกว่าเท่าเทียมกัน

    ด้วยเหตุนี้พวกฉันจึงสุดแสนจะนับถือในอุดมการณ์ที่ยื นยันมั่นคงในหลักการประชาธิปไตยที่คณะส.ป.ป.และท่านด ำรงไว้ จึงขอเป็นกำลังใจ กำลังเสียง หรืออื่นๆเพื่อช่วยคณะของท่านที่ช่วยกันรักษาประชาธิ ปไตยให้อยู่ตลอดไป ส่วนเราจะปรับปรุงเปลี่ยนแปลง ปฏิรูป ให้เข้ากับพวกเรา สิ่งเหล่านี้ควรใช้เวลาทำความเข้าใจ การเปลี่ยนปรับปรุงตัวบุคคล สำคัญกว่าเปลี่ยนสิ่งอื่น ท่านผู้มีความรู้เป็นนักการเมืองผู้ยิ่งใหญ่ ต้องปรับปรุงเปลี่ยนแปลงปฏิรูปตนเองก่อน ก่อนจะไปเปลี่ยนอย่างอื่น

    ที่เขียนมาก็เพราะเห็นด้วยอย่างยิ่งกับความมั่นคงในห ลักประชาธิปไตยที่ถูกต้องเหมาะสมของคณะของท่าน ขอบรรดานักวิชาการผู้มีมันสมอง มีคุณธรรม จริยธรรม ทั้งหลายได้มีที่รวมกัน ได้มากขึ้น ให้มากขึ้น เจริญขึ้น มีคุณค่ามากขึ้น มีเกียรติมากขึ้น ไม่มาแถข้างๆคูๆ พยายามหารูช่องของกฎหมายไหลออกกินอาจม หาเหตุ หาผล หาหลักเกณฑ์หลักการอะไรไม่ได้ จึงขอนับถือในการออกมาของท่านทั้งคณะส.ป.ป.

    นางธนาวรรณ และคนในวังกรด พิจิตร

    Lovely handwriting.

    Pretty moving, wouldn't you say? How do you think people who support กปปส respond to stuff like that?
    Last edited by Zooheekock; 28-12-2013 at 06:04 PM.

  10. #10

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bettyboo View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Mid
    The present protest is amazing for other reasons. Only a few persons were injured or killed by over zealous policemen or members of the Taksin political party, “For Thais.” No violence at all from the protestors' side.
    Quote Originally Posted by Mid
    Clumsy in its use of power and inability to run the nation. The widespread flooding in Bangkok for six months during 2011 resulted from poor decisions by the Minister of Dams and Irrigation in a country where the rainy season has been known for centuries.
    Quote Originally Posted by Mid
    The BBC estimates that 5 million people are participating in the protests in Bangkok alone.
    Quote Originally Posted by Mid
    Where did Taksin get his money to take over the government by buying votes in 2011?
    This is just lie after lie, hard to imagine an academic would write such utter nonsense..

    Having a viewpoint is one thing, but knowingly writing lie after lie...
    It's not that difficult to comprehend as to his motive.....more than likely has an agenda.

    This ideal that academics and scholars hold a reasoned and balanced thought process, isn't always cut in stone.

  11. #11
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    28-10-2019 @ 03:54 AM
    Just seeing the OP title My answer was "No Thailand does not inspire any country" then I read the article and it was just a pompous statement made by politician. Politicians all over the world come out with nonsense. No,Thailand does not inspire other nations. Somebody should tell this guy that the world has never heard of him.

  12. #12
    Thailand Expat taxexile's Avatar
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    the thai letter is just a plea for common sense and decent behaviour written by an ordinary person from a village who wants her voice heard, we hear the same stuff on a daily basis from all sections of society, the poor dont have a monopoly on common sense. it was well written until her distasteful comment towards the end, the power and nuances of which were probably lost on me.

    How do you think people who support กปปส respond to stuff like that?
    probably grateful that she wasnt asking for donations to pay off her brothers gambling debts.

  13. #13
    I'm in Jail
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    12-06-2021 @ 11:13 PM
    as long as Thaksin is trying to play God with the poor, he will give an excuse for the yellow nutters to revolt

    where are the reds leaders ? why can't they take over PT and engage a real discussion about the merit of changes ? Is Thilda waiting in the shadow for the right time to do her "communist people coup" ? is Jutha waiting for the right moment to become a natural leader ala Che Guevara against the evil "Thaksin" ?

    quite interesting times,

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