1. #3526
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    03-04-2024 @ 08:29 PM
    ^ She is the one who brought it up. Part of her riposte to Sanders about her enormous funding from wall street was that she gets money from women. How is that even relevant? Its merely trying to divert attention from her wall street links to her vagina. She does it herself.

    I think she should be called vagina 9/11 from now on.

  2. #3527
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    03-04-2024 @ 08:29 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by AntRobertson View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by longway
    But then she does have a vagina so its all good.
    A fact that you're apparently obsessively fixated on.

    Do you spend as much time considering, say, Donald Trumps penis?
    No but I am sure you have.

  3. #3528
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    Quote Originally Posted by longway
    No but I am sure you have.
    OK... So what you're saying is that Hillary's vagina is a relevant factor to you but Trump's penis isn't?

  4. #3529
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    Way, Way South of the border now - thank God!
    Misogynists usually go down that path

  5. #3530
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    ^&^^ they are so dull

  6. #3531
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    03-04-2024 @ 08:29 PM
    Hillary Clinton's Libya[at]|[at]David Bromwich

    In the Democratic debate on November 14, Clinton got away with saying this unchallenged:
    CLINTON: Well, we did have a plan, and I think it's fair to say that of all of the Arab leaders, Gaddafi probably had more blood on his hands of Americans than anybody else. And when he moved on his own people, threatening a massacre, genocide, the Europeans and the Arabs, our allies and partners, did ask for American help and we provided it. And we didn't put a single boot on the ground, and Gaddafi was deposed. The Libyans turned out for one of the most successful, fairest elections that any Arab country has had. They elected moderate leaders. Now, there has been a lot of turmoil and trouble as they have tried to deal with these radical elements which you find in this arc of instability, from north Africa to Afghanistan. And it is imperative that we do more not only to help our friends and partners protect themselves and protect our own homeland, but also to work to try to deal with this arc of instability, which does have a lot of impact on what happens in a country like Libya.
    Hillary Clinton overrode US intelligence, outmaneuvered the Pentagon (the secretary of defense, Robert Gates, had opposed the NATO bombing unreservedly), mobilized liberal-humanitarian and conservative pro-war opinion in the media, and talked Obama into committing the US to effect regime change in a third Middle East country.
    Gaddafi was not "deposed." He was tortured and murdered, very likely by Islamists allied with NATO forces. The "radical elements" that are causing "a lot of turmoil and trouble" in "this arc of instability" are, in fact, Islamists whom Clinton picked as allies in the region, and she has pressed to supply them with arms in Syria as well as Libya. She really rates mention as an American mover of the "instability" in the region second only to Bush and Cheney.
    Sanders cant let opportunities like this pass, he wont have many more chances.

  7. #3532
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    Bernie Sanders Just Delivered ‘The Most Important Speech’ Of His Presidential Campaign

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    Where are my two favorite teabaggers, Bowie and Longshot? I have a weekend update for you both.

    Bowie you’ve been missed.

    Quote Originally Posted by bowie View Post
    But, he forgot to be politically correct. Interesting thought though - he, uhm... alienates the, uhm, oh yea "illegal immigrants" oops, I meant to say "undocumented immigrants", at the very beginning of the campaign - then, perhaps, as we near the point where the votes count - he will clarify his statement in such a way as to garner Latino votes.
    What’s up? You recognize now The Donald hasn’t a chance with the Latinos (American Muslims either) and isn’t going to clarify his statement?

    On the side opposing former first lady Clinton is magnate Donald Trump, who hopes to be the Republican Party's nominee but who got a thumbs down from 71 percent of the Hispanic electorate, compared with 15 percent in favor.
    The FOX poll above has a margin of error of plus or minus 4.7 percent. It’s a FOX poll so I would guess the real number would be closer to a 10 percent in favor of The Donald.

    2015 Latin Grammys Get Political As Artists Urge Latinos: 'Don't Vote For Racists'

    Quote Originally Posted by verylongshot View Post
    feeling damn good on the bet, im surprised at how well trump is holding up......
    Longshot how you do you feel about that bet you made today?

    Doesn’t look good for you.

    Our next president,…….

    Last edited by S Landreth; 21-11-2015 at 06:42 AM.
    Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

  9. #3534
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    03-04-2024 @ 08:29 PM
    The mcclatchy/marist is an outlier and old, in the last poll by ppp there is only 1 point in it. On top of thst trump has extended his lead in the primaries, so all looking good for now.

    2016 General Election: Trump vs. Clinton - Polls - HuffPost Pollster

    If you look here you will see that all the newest polls show the 2 as neck and neck, with clinton having the slimmest of leads at best.
    Last edited by longway; 21-11-2015 at 06:57 AM.

  10. #3535
    Thailand Expat Black Heart's Avatar
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    Hillary adopts a Southern Accent again.

    Listen to her words as well. She's so petty and shallow.

    Her fake Southern Accent starts at 50 seconds:

    VIDEO: Hillary adopts southern accent for Memphis crowd | The American Mirror

  11. #3536
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    Way, Way South of the border now - thank God!
    Quote Originally Posted by Black Heart
    She's so petty and shallow.
    Yes, milkman - petty and shallow -

    How long did she live in Arkansas?

  12. #3537
    The Fool on the Hill bowie's Avatar
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    Controversy over comedy club's Hillary Clinton 'roast' video - AOL

    hmm... seems Hill has a serious side.

    Imagine that, comedians no less, making fun of a presidential nominee wanna be...

    jeezz - thin skin - who'da thunk...

  13. #3538
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    More Mexicans Leaving Than Coming to the U.S. | Pew Research Center

    NOVEMBER 19, 2015

    More Mexicans Leaving Than Coming to the U.S.

    In addition, stricter enforcement of U.S. immigration laws, particularly at the U.S.-Mexico border (Rosenblum and Meissner, 2014), may have contributed to the reduction of Mexican immigrants coming to the U.S. in recent years. According to one indicator, U.S. border apprehensions of Mexicans have fallen sharply, to just 230,000 in fiscal year 2014 – a level not seen since 1971 (Krogstad and Passel, 2014). At the same time, increased enforcement in the U.S. has led to an increase in the number of Mexican immigrants who have been deported from the U.S. since 2005 (U.S. Department of Homeland Security, 2014).

    A majority of the 1 million who left the U.S. for Mexico between 2009 and 2014 left of their own accord, according to the Mexican government’s ENADID survey data. The Mexican survey also showed that six in ten (61%) return migrants – those who reported they had been living in the U.S. five years earlier but as of 2014 were back in Mexico – cited family reunification as the main reason for their return. By comparison, 14% of Mexico’s return migrants said the reason for their return was deportation from the U.S.

    Interesting "increased enforcement in the U.S. has led to an increase in the number of Mexican immigrants who have been deported from the U.S. since 2005" and yet they continue to vote democrat... Hey, maybe we can blame Bush for this?

    Perhaps, The Donald and his Wall?... y'think?...

  14. #3539
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    Quote Originally Posted by bowie
    jeezz - thin skin - who'da thunk...
    Certainly not you - had you dug a bit deeper you would know that the complaint came from someone claiming to be on Hillary's staff.

    Quote Originally Posted by bowie
    Perhaps, The Donald and his Wall?... y'think?...
    Yet again your headline-depth comments are just that little bit sad.

    No. Everyone with half a brain knows that the following:
    From 2009 to 2014, 1 million Mexicans and their families (including U.S.-born children) left the U.S. for Mexico,
    from your link means it has nothing to do with Donald and his wall.

    Quite a sad attempt on your part

  15. #3540
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    03-04-2024 @ 08:29 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by longway View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by misskit View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by longway
    and i am pointing out that shillary's campaign is based on sexism, ie people should vote for her simply because she is a woman, you yourself pointed out she is supposed to bring something different than a man, if that is not sexsim then what is?

    If she is using sexism to gain votes, is it not hypocritical to call out people who use her sex against her for sexsim. both sides are sexist, that is my point.
    Her campaign is not based on sexism. She pushes for agenda important for women and families which men do not see as important. If she were a man doing the same, she would get women's votes.

    Quote Originally Posted by longway
    as for your poor old grandmother, men did do something about it, the equal pay act was enacted in 1972 and it has been illegal ever since then for any company to discriminate on pay based on sex or race.

    the so called gender (actually gender is the wrong word) pay gap has been debunked a long time ago, its one of shillary's fake problems she will pretend to solve, it doesnt exist. there is however a 'gender' work gap that explains the entire issue.
    Not my grandmother, my mother and this was around 1972 and continued beyond in the US South where it is very conservative and slow to change. What you or Sowell state is not what I and other women actually experienced. I will not go into anecdotal evidence here only to say I left the parochial South for California and there was a world of difference in how women were paid and treated at work.

    There is evidence of a 'gender' gap now presented on this thread. Until last year many employers had wage secrecy clauses on their employment contracts to keep employees from discussing their pay. This protected employers from law suits brought up by women for unequal pay.

    Quote Originally Posted by longway
    btw did you ever wonder why an employer would pay one worker more than another worker, if they did the same job? do you really think they would fork out more cash unless there was a discernable difference between the 2? why not just hire another woman and pay her less too? why get an expensive man?
    No, I don't wonder why. I have heard the reasons straight from an employer's mouth.

    I have to laugh. One thing this exchange between you and I is doing is making me less distressed at having to vote for Clinton as a second choice to Sanders.
    Its a sexist campaign by any definition of the word

    She pushes for agenda important for women
    the only thing that makes me curious is why you deny something clearly obvious.

    So whats the reason pay diffferential?

    There is no evidence of a 'gender' pay gap, what there is is evidence of a 'gender' work gap.

    Vote for who you like, I was merely pointing out that Vagina™ is sexist and if you are comfortable with being a sexist, then don't call other people sexist as that makes you a hypocrite.
    My Verdict on Gender Bias in the Workplace | Scott Adams Blog

    A blog that goes into a lot of detail into the so called 'gender' pay gap.

    Claim 3: Women who have equal experience as men are paid about three-quarters of what men earn.
    Verdict: False. No one who is informed on this topic, including feminists, claim that women of equal talent and experience are paid about three-quarters of what men make, at least in the United States. The pay gap in this particular type of study is only telling us that women choose careers with lower pay. No attempt has been made to isolate how much of the gap, if any, is based on bias. Confidence: 100%
    There is not a shred of evidence that a 'gender' pay gap exists as stated by Vagina 9/11™ , but no matter its just sexist demagoguery aimed at women for their votes.

    Fixing the 'gender' pay gap is easy, just tell women who have children to work longer hours in more dangerous jobs, but not exactly a vote grabber is it?

  16. #3541
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    Another hope you have a nice weekend teabaggers post,..where things stand

    From Huffington

    From a recent MSNBC/Telemundo/Marist poll

    Clinton's biggest lead is against current GOP frontrunner Donald Trump: She's ahead of him by 11 points among all voters, 52 percent to 41 percent, and a whopping 42 points among Latino voters, 69 percent to 27 percent.

    Damn Latinos.

    our next president,……….

  17. #3542
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    Quote Originally Posted by longway View Post
    The mcclatchy/marist is an outlier and old, in the last poll by ppp there is only 1 point in it. On top of thst trump has extended his lead in the primaries, so all looking good for now.

    2016 General Election: Trump vs. Clinton - Polls - HuffPost Pollster

    If you look here you will see that all the newest polls show the 2 as neck and neck, with clinton having the slimmest of leads at best.
    If you look closely, Fox News have Trump winning by a landslide.

    And the average, even with their fairy tale, is still 47.5-43.5.

    Posting shit that contradicts your point?

    Booners, is that you?

  18. #3543
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    Quote Originally Posted by harrybarracuda View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by longway View Post
    The mcclatchy/marist is an outlier and old, in the last poll by ppp there is only 1 point in it. On top of thst trump has extended his lead in the primaries, so all looking good for now.

    2016 General Election: Trump vs. Clinton - Polls - HuffPost Pollster

    If you look here you will see that all the newest polls show the 2 as neck and neck, with clinton having the slimmest of leads at best.
    If you look closely, Fox News have Trump winning by a landslide.

    And the average, even with their fairy tale, is still 47.5-43.5.

    Posting shit that contradicts your point?

    Booners, is that you?

    With a margin of error of 4.5 is 47.5 to 43.5 not neck and neck.

  19. #3544
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    Quote Originally Posted by longway View Post
    There is not a shred of evidence that a 'gender' pay gap exists as stated by Vagina 9/11™ , but no matter its just sexist demagoguery aimed at women for their votes.
    There is plenty of evidence.

    One reason for the wage gap, experts say, is what is called "occupational segregation." Women more often than men work in jobs that pay low and minimum wages. The Institute for Women’s Policy Research says more than twice as many women than men have jobs with full-time wages under the federal poverty threshold for a family of four.

    Still, a wage gap exists for the most popular jobs pursued by women.

    The institute researched pay parity for the top 20 occupations for women in 2011 using median weekly earnings, finding that women were behind in almost every category (except for bookkeeping, accounting and auditing clerks, where there was basically no gap in pay). Occupations with the widest difference in pay were accountants (77 cents) and financial advisers (66 cents), while nurses (96 cents) and cashiers (90 cents) were closer.

    A wage gap exists in every part of the United States, PolitiFact Georgia found, ranging from a low of 66.6 cents in Wyoming to a high of 90 cents in Washington, D.C., in 2010. But if broken down by narrow groups, research shows single, childless women in their 20s in major metro areas outearned male peers, specifically in Atlanta by 21 percent and by 12 percent in Los Angeles.

    In the United States, the average female's earnings have been cited as 78% of those of an average male. However, multiple studies from OECD, AAUW and the US Department of Labor have found that pay rates between males and females varied by 5-6.6% or females earned 94 cents to every dollar earned by their male counterparts
    There are plenty of other studies confirming the same thing, yet you take the word of one fucking blogger.

    You twit.

  20. #3545
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    03-04-2024 @ 08:29 PM
    ^ 94 cents in the dollar so you even admit vagina 911™ is lying about the extent of it, its tiny at most.
    Wage Gap Myth Exposed -- By Feminists[at]|[at]Christina Hoff Sommers

    Wage Gap Myth Exposed -- By Feminists
    One of the best studies on the wage gap was released in 2009 by the U.S. Department of Labor. It examined more than 50 peer-reviewed papers and concluded that the 23-cent wage gap "may be almost entirely the result of individual choices being made by both male and female workers." In the past, women's groups have ignored or explained away such findings. ....

    What the 2009 Labor Department study showed was that when the proper controls are in place, the unexplained (adjusted) wage gap is somewhere between 4.8 and 7 cents. .....

    Furthermore, the AAUW's 6.6 cents includes some large legitimate wage differences masked by over-broad occupational categories. For example, its researchers count "social science" as one college major and report that, among such majors, women earned only 83 percent of what men earned. That may sound unfair... until you consider that "social science" includes both economics and sociology majors. Economics majors (66 percent male) have a median income of $70,000; for sociology majors (68 percent female) it is $40,000. Economist Diana Furchtgott-Roth of the Manhattan Institute has pointed to similar incongruities. The AAUW study classifies jobs as diverse as librarian, lawyer, professional athlete, and "media occupations" under a single rubric--"other white collar." Says Furchtgott-Roth: "So, the AAUW report compares the pay of male lawyers with that of female librarians; of male athletes with that of female communications assistants. That's not a comparison between people who do the same work." With more realistic categories and definitions, the remaining 6.6 gap would certainly narrow to just a few cents at most......

    It will not be not easy for the AAUW and its allies to abandon the idea of systemic gender injustice. AAUW officials are trying mightily to sustain the bad-news-for-women narrative. According to "Graduating to a Pay Gap" publicity materials, "The AAUW today released a new study showing that just one year out of college, millennial women are paid 82 cents for every dollar paid to their male peers. Women are paid less than men even when they do the same work and major in the same field." Many journalists seem to have read and reported on the AAUW's press releases rather than its research.

    That is the hype. Look at the numbers.

    Its just politicians in general and Vagina 911™ being a sexist demagogue about it because women make the majority of the voting base and feminists trolling about its extent to keep the level of grievance up.
    Last edited by longway; 12-12-2015 at 11:01 PM.

  21. #3546
    Pronce. PH said so AGAIN!
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    Quote Originally Posted by longway
    Its just politicians in general and Vagina 911™ being a sexist demagogue about it because women make the majority of the voting base and feminists trolling about its extent to keep the level of grievance up.
    Well, now that you've mansplained it for them they can stop worrying their pretty little heads about it all and get busy voting for the GOP right?

  22. #3547
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    Quote Originally Posted by slackula View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by longway
    Its just politicians in general and Vagina 911™ being a sexist demagogue about it because women make the majority of the voting base and feminists trolling about its extent to keep the level of grievance up.
    Well, now that you've mansplained it for them they can stop worrying their pretty little heads about it all and get busy voting for the GOP right?

  23. #3548
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    03-04-2024 @ 08:29 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by slackula View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by longway
    Its just politicians in general and Vagina 911™ being a sexist demagogue about it because women make the majority of the voting base and feminists trolling about its extent to keep the level of grievance up.
    Well, now that you've mansplained it for them they can stop worrying their pretty little heads about it all and get busy voting for the GOP right?
    He said mansplain.

    You are so lost.

  24. #3549
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    Quote Originally Posted by longway View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by slackula View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by longway
    Its just politicians in general and Vagina 911™ being a sexist demagogue about it because women make the majority of the voting base and feminists trolling about its extent to keep the level of grievance up.
    Well, now that you've mansplained it for them they can stop worrying their pretty little heads about it all and get busy voting for the GOP right?
    He said mansplain.

    You are so lost.
    oh dear. Wrongway just made a silly

  25. #3550
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    ^ Mrs dull, as boring and cowardly as ever.
    Last edited by longway; 13-12-2015 at 09:02 PM.

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