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  1. #376
    Thailand Expat OhOh's Avatar
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    Two hats willy is backtracking, warrior clinton still calls for war, the Russians and Chinese retain their optimism. Full UNSC support for Kofi Annan's efforts.

    UN Council members endorse Annan's Syria mission - Xinhua |

    "UNITED NATIONS, March 12 (Xinhua) -- Members of the UN Security Council in a ministerial-level meeting on Monday overwhelmingly endorsed efforts by the joint UN and Arab League special envoy for Syria, Kofi Annan, to end the violence and bloodshed in Syria.

    Annan, former UN secretary-general, was appointed last month to that position by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and Arab League Secretary-General Nabil al-Araby.

    Annan had two meetings with Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad over the weekend. Annan said that he left a series of proposals with Assad on ending the violence.

    The Council meeting was called by this month's president of the panel of 15, Britain, and was presided over by its Foreign Secretary William Hague.

    But Ban led off the list of speakers.

    The secretary-general said that his predecessor also addressed the humanitarian crisis and called on Assad to join in an inclusive, Syrian-led political process.

    "I appeal to the Security Council to unite strongly behind ending the violence and supporting Annan's mission to help Syria pull back from the brink of a deeper catastrophe," Ban said.

    He commended the individual efforts of China and Russia, but added that from now "It will be essential for the Council to speak with one voice," something Annan also advocates.

    Both Beijing and Moscow vetoed on Feb. 4 the latest proposed Council resolution which would have asked President al-Assad to step down on the ground of its opposition to any foreign interference in the internal affairs of a sovereign nation -- a long-standing policy of both nations.

    They defended their positions during the meeting but endorsed Annan's mission.

    Hague took advantage of his position and spoke first after the secretary-general, an unusual turn since the presidency usual waits until last before speaking in its national capacity.

    The Arab Spring "raises the prospect of the greatest enlargement of human freedom since the end of the Cold War and of a Middle East that in 20 years' time could be made up of open, prosperous and stable societies," he said, but adding that if the scenario included peace between Israelis and Palestinians.

    Hague echoed the Beijing and Moscow line of non-interference saying, "We cannot dictate change from the outside."

    "There is no one model of democracy and so it is for the people of each country in the region to determine their future in accordance with their different cultures, traditions and political systems," the foreign secretary said.

    For her part, U.S. Secretary of state Hillary Clinton said, " The international community should say with one voice -- without hesitation or caveat -- that the killings of innocent Syrians must stop and a political transition must begin."

    Li Baodong, Chinese permanent representative to the United Nations, said that his country "has no selfish interests in the Syrian issue. We do not shield anyone, or intentionally oppose anyone."

    Reiterating Beijing's position of non-interference, he said, " No external forces should interfere in Syria by force, or push for 'regime change.'"

    Li said that China supports the UN in playing a leading role, in coordinating humanitarian relief efforts and helping to improve the humanitarian situation, adding, "China will provide 2 million U.S. dollars in emergency humanitarian aid to the Syrian people through the International Committee of the Red Cross."

    He vowed China would fulfill its UN obligations, and "engage in equal-footed, patient and full consultations with other parties to push for an early political solution of the Syrian crisis."

    Also speaking at the Security Council, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said, "Making hasty demands for regime change, imposing unilateral sanctions designed to trigger economic difficulties and social tensions in the country, inducing the opposition to continue its confrontation with authorities instead of promoting dialogue, making calls to support armed confrontation and even to foreign military intervention .. are risky recipes of 'geopolitical engineering' that can only result in the spread of conflict."

    "There is no doubt whatsoever that the Syrian authorities bear a huge share of responsibility for the current situation," he said. "But no one can ignore the fact that for a long time now they've been fighting not unarmed men, but combat units, such as the so- called Free Syrian Army and extremist groups including al-Qaeda which have lately committed a series of murderous terrorist acts."

    Al-Assad has long said that the nearly a year violence resulted from insurgents or foreign "terrorists" rather than by Syrians.

    Lavrov, who recently visited Damascus, met with the Arab league two days ago and said that there was an agreement to "ending the violence from all sources; two, Impartial monitoring mechanism; three, No outside interference; four, Unimpeded access for humanitarian assistance to all Syrians (and) five, Strong support for Kofi Annan's mission to launch political dialogue between the government and all opposition groups as mandated by the terms of reference endorsed by the UN secretary-general and the Arab League. ""
    A tray full of GOLD is not worth a moment in time.

  2. #377
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    Clinton is a mad cow, they should put her to sleep

  3. #378
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    Syrian activists say pro-government gunmen have killed at least 16 people, including some children, in a rebel stronghold recaptured by the government, fuelling concerns the government is carrying out reprisals in territory it has taken back.
    State media in Damascus on Monday confirmed the latest killings in Homs but blamed "armed terrorists," as they frequently call those behind the year-long uprising against President Bashar Assad's regime.

    Syria killings spark reprisal fears

    This is what's going on in Syria.


    "Government is instituted for the common good; for the protection, safety, prosperity, and happiness of the people; and not for profit, honor, or private interest of any one man, family, or class of men; therefore, the people alone have an incontestable, unalienable, and indefeasible right to institute government; and to reform, alter, or totally change the same, when their protection, safety, prosperity, and happiness require it." - John Adams, Thoughts on Government 1776

  4. #379
    Thailand Expat harrybarracuda's Avatar
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    Well I'm off down under for a week, so I won't be posting. In the meantime, I hope something concrete happens because all that's happening while Kofi runns around being all diplomati is Assad's murder count is rising ever higher.

    It would be tragic in this day and age if they let him beat his Dad's record.
    The next post may be brought to you by my little bitch Spamdreth

  5. #380
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    This what's going on in Homs, ordinary people, just like you and I.


  6. #381
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    The only fate I desire for Assad is that he be taken, hung, drawn and quartered, a fate totally befitting such a world leader.

    Have a good trip Harry, let's hope my above mentioned desire comes into effect shortly.

    If the Druze move with the Sunni, as seems to be the possibility now, the end could be quite near for Assad.

    Clinton, Annan, Russia and China have a common interest in the situation, and realistically only one, oil.

    Their hypocritical mouthings about humanitarian needs are nothing but a show.

    If they cared for the people, this horror would have ended yesterday, but as usual, no, it can not be, for the pice has yet not been decided, the murdering bastards.
    Last edited by ENT; 13-03-2012 at 04:38 PM.

  7. #382
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    Quote Originally Posted by ENT
    Russia and China have a common interest in the situation, and realistically only one, oil.
    I believe Russia has oil, and gas, coming out of the ground in it's own backyard. China can buy oil wherever it wants at a price it desires.

  8. #383
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    Russia's running out of oil and Syria is locked into that patchwork of countries that does have the oil and gas that China is assiduously courting them for.
    If Syria goes tits up then Iran's situation could worsen, causing her to drift further under the protection of China.
    The second reason for being in there is for strategic advantage, as all three superpowers involved have military bases surrounding the area.

    US doesn't want Syria to fall under either Chinese or Russian control, it would compromise its ring of bases in Turkey, Iraq and Afghanistan set up since 9/11.
    Last edited by ENT; 13-03-2012 at 07:42 PM.

  9. #384
    Thailand Expat OhOh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ENT
    Russia's running out of oil

  10. #385
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    MOSCOW — An ominous Russian state study warned the government Tuesday that it faced a light crude oil shortage that meant it could only sustain its world-topping production rates for another 15 years.

    AFP: Russia running out of easy oil: state study

  11. #386
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    Oil is a finite, not infinite resource, and oil companies plan up to 400 years ahead, not 4 or 40 years.
    What we see as "soon" may meam 4-10 years, while big company futures look at 100s of years.

    The US fears that Saudi Arabia, the world's largest crude oil exporter, may not have enough reserves to prevent oil prices escalating, confidential cables from its embassy in Riyadh show.

    The cables, released by WikiLeaks, urge Washington to take seriously a warning from a senior Saudi government oil executive that the kingdom's crude oil reserves may have been overstated by as much as 300bn barrels – nearly 40%.

    WikiLeaks cables: Saudi Arabia cannot pump enough oil to keep a lid on prices | Business | The Guardian

  12. #387
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    25-03-2014 @ 05:29 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by ENT
    Russia's running out of oil
    Quote Originally Posted by ENT
    it faced a light crude oil shortage
    getting more accurate but still not perfect

  13. #388
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    Read the articles.

  14. #389
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    Looking deeper into the situation, since no one's actually doing anything to stop the fighting, the destabilisation of Syria will eventually benefit America.
    Having bases in Syria would complete a semi-circle of US bases established since 9/11.

    US pulling out of Afghanistan as is being demanded now, only cedes the territory to Chinese influence who are already contracting to secure oil from Afghanistan.

  15. #390
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    Quote Originally Posted by ENT
    MOSCOW — An ominous Russian state study warned the government Tuesday that it faced a light crude oil shortage that meant it could only sustain its world-topping production rates for another 15 years
    Russia has a foreseeable supply of light crude oil for 15 years. It also has a great deal of oil and gas which it can't sell, as they don't have the necessary pipelines. How much Heavy oil and gas has it to sell?

    That is not a worry, IMHO. There is a worldwide glut of gas available now, if only the producers could sell it!!

    But if it matches your opinion of the Syrian situation go with it.

    Quote Originally Posted by ENT
    only cedes the territory to Chinese influence who are already contracting to secure oil from Afghanistan.
    And copper and coal and rare earths and ..........

    Quote Originally Posted by ENT
    no one's actually doing anything to stop the fighting
    The Russians and the Chinese have called for the past few months to stop ALL fighting. Unfortunately the crusader coalition along with the PGCC have tried to create an even worse solution by financial warfare/sanctioning Syria, calling for regime change, supplying arms, trainers and propaganda. At the last UNSC meeting, yestrday, two hats willy is softening but the warmongering bitch clinton is still calling for, as you are, Assads head.

    Both you and harry rely on unsubstantiated reports from "activists" who by definition have an agenda to continue this terrorist uprising. If Issan, supported by China/Laos, tried to leave Thailand would you agree that it' a fair and proper thing and support China/Laos or would you try and resolve the matter peacefully by political dialogue?
    When the crusader coalition and the PGCC start to put pressure on the "terrorists" to accept a political dialogue, then I will believe that the "world" wants peace, until then your blowing it out of your arse.
    Last edited by OhOh; 13-03-2012 at 09:03 PM.

  16. #391
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    Yup, the big players along with the smaller ones are all yelling on the side lines and wringing their hands, but not a move made.
    All talk and bullshit, no intervention.

    The "Oh how awfulls1" are loud and clear, and plenty of guilt slinging and excuses being made.

    Assad is on the offensive, murdering his people, but that's the norm for Russia, China and the US, ain't it?
    So just going by their own home internal policies, it's cool to murder civilians for the supposed greater national good.

    All the leaders in power are corrupt, not a single one of those loud mouthed hypocrites are innocent of murder.
    This is why the situation continues to exist.
    It's normal for them to abuse their citizens.
    So that lot are extremely tolerant of abuse at home, the bastards.

    Contrast this situation to the walk-ins and walk-overs exercised by the west in Libya, Iraq and Afghanistan, the African states and S. America, where largely US led "interventions" were instigated to supposedly bring democracy to the regions.

    All bollocks.

    There's money involved.
    Last edited by ENT; 14-03-2012 at 04:51 AM.

  17. #392
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    UN Security Council extends mandates of two Libya task forces - People's Daily Online

    "UNITED NATIONS, March 12 (Xinhua) -- India said here Monday that there is no one-size-for-all solution to the crises in the Middle East, where the situation varies from country to country. However, it warned against foreign "intervention through military force or arming of the civilian populations."

    Hardeep Singh Puri, Indian permanent representative to the United Nations, made the statement at a high-level meeting of the UN Security Council on the Middle East situation.

    "In dealing with developments in West Africa and North Africa, the international community needs to use all the tools of diplomacy at its disposal and be there to assist the concerned countries in transiting to an inclusive and participatory policy while maintaining social stability and cohesion," Puri said.

    He noted that since the exact nature of grievances varies from country to country, "there cannot be one set of measures that can be applied to all of them."

    "The solutions of the problems in each country have to take into consideration the society's particular circumstances and the genius of its people," he said. "However, what is certain is that solution cannot include intervention through military force or arming of the civilian populations.""


  18. #393
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    U.S. against further militarizing Syrian situation - People's Daily Online

    "WASHINGTON, March 12 (Xinhua) -- The United States said on Monday that it does not believe further militarizing the situation in Syria is a good idea, as Syrian opposition was calling for urgent international military intervention.

    White House spokesman Jay Carney dismissed media reports about more discussions over possible military intervention and arming of the opposition forces in Syria as part of the development of contingency plans, but not as a policy decision.

    "Our policy remains absolutely what it was, which is our belief that contributing to the further militarization of Syria is not a wise course of action right now," he said at a regular news briefing.

    "It could potentially lead down a dangerous road," he added.

    The Turkish-based Syrian National Council, an opposition umbrella group, on Monday called for the imposition of a no-fly zone in Syria and the arming of the Free Syrian Army, the opposition forces made of government defectors.

    State Department spokesman Mark Toner said Washington's primary focus is how to end the ongoing violence in Syria and get humanitarian assistance in.

    "We don't believe further militarizing the situation in Syria is a good idea," he told reporters at a regular news briefing.

    "That said, we never take any option off the table," he said. " But right now, our immediate efforts are aimed at ending the violence, having al-Assad pull back his forces, and trying to get humanitarian assistance in where it's desperately needed."

    Washington and its European allies are seeking to press Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to step down for a peaceful transition in the country.

    "At this point we're not looking to militarize the situation any more than it already has been. We don't believe that that's gonna ameliorate the situation," Toner said."

  19. #394
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    Syrian Arab news agency - SANA - Syria : Syria news ::

    "DAMASCUS, (SANA) - Syria's Permanent Representative at the United Nations Bashar al-Jaafari on Tuesday sent a message to the UN Secretary-General and Heads of the UN General Assembly and UN Security Council on the hostile stances made by the Head of the Assembly, Qatar's Ambassador Nasser Bin Abdulaziz Al-Nassr.

    In the message, al-Jafari said that the statements of al-Nassr don't accord with the role of the Assembly's presidency, which should comply with the UN Charter and be neutral and objective.

    The message stipulated that " According to UNGA Rules of Procedures, the head shouldn't be affected by the stances of his country as he is elected to be the head of the Assembly with all of its members. He shouldn't use his position to pass his country's political stances,"

    Al-Jafari added that the statements of al-Nassr go along with the stances of some countries which are enemies to Syria, adding that al-Nassr's statements ignored the stances of other countries which oppose foreign intervention in the Syrian internal affairs and stress the need to hold dialogue and preserve Syria's interests.

    The message included proofs on such violations, among them are the rejection of al-Nassr to had a legal assessment on holding a public official session in February, 13th and neglecting the information documented by Syria as official documents issued by the UN on the comprehensive reforms and the terrorist attacks committed by armed groups funded and supported by external sides.

    The message stipulated that "The UNGA head should be totally independent from his country's political stances. He should work on encouraging dialogue,"

    "In a statement in February 24th, al-Nassr welcomed the so-called "Friends of Syria meeting'' without the approval of the member states. This statement undermines the role of the UN as it supports only some member states' stances paying no attention to the stances of other countries that refused to participate in the meeting,"

    Al-Jafari pointed out that al-Nassr ignored the undergoing reforms in Syria and the acts of the armed terrorist groups against the civilians and soldiers in addition to the public and private properties, adding that al-Nassr also ignored the aspirations of the Syrian people in reforms, prosperity, stability and rejection of foreign intervention.

    " Al-Nassr stance sends a wrong message to the armed terrorist groups and those who sponsor them to continue their acts against the Syrian state and people." The message concluded."

  20. #395
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    Syrian Arab news agency - SANA - Syria : Syria news ::

    "MOSCOW, (SANA)- Russian Foreign Minister, Sergei Lavrov, on Tuesday stressed the necessity of getting the Syrian opposition that has been completely rejecting dialogue and includes armed groups using armed violence to be convinced that it has no choice but that of dialogue, and that this issue is in the power of the UN envoy Kofi Annan and his team.

    "It is incomprehensible how to speak to the largely non-harmonious and inconsistent opposition groups that are using arms in various Syrian cities, especially when there are those who can speak to the leadership in Syria," said Lavrov in a statement reported by Russia Today website.

    The Russian Foreign Minister expressed hope that Annan will be able to present preliminary assessments on paper about the situation in Syria in the near future.

    "We all agreed that on this basis we will be ready to talk about the means to support Annan's efforts and cast an official character onto the ideas he will propose," said Lavrov.

    He affirmed that the first and top priority task is halting the violence and finding a monitoring mechanism acceptable to all parties that helps declaring a ceasefire in a way that it can not be used by either party for its benefit. The second task has to do with ensuring access of humanitarian aid into Syria, Lavrov added.

    He continued that the third task is associated with Annan's mission and lies in preparing the atmosphere to start the Syrian national dialogue.

    Lavrov noted that the UN envoy had commanded one of its staff to urge the opposition to come together on the basis of getting ready for the dialogue, considering that Annan's mission is accepted by all the parties concerned in the situation in Syria.

    Lavrov Expresses Surprise at Qarari Prime Minister's Calls for Foreign Interference in Syria's Affairs

    Later, in a press conference, the Russian Foreign Minister expressed surprise at Qatar's calls for foreign interference in the Syrian affairs.

    " We agreed on five principles that have to be fulfilled to settle the crisis in Syria, the most important of which provides for the inadmissibility of any foreign interference in the Syrian affair, said Lavrov.

    He added that he was totally shocked when he knew that the Qatari Prime Minister Sheikh Hamad bin Jassim al-Thani called in public to form Arab-international forces to be sent to Syria upon his arrival in New York.

    He stressed that this stance completely contradicts what has been agreed upon and jointly announced with the Qatari Prime Minister."

  21. #396
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    Syrian Arab news agency - SANA - Syria : Syria news ::

    "BAGHDAD, (SANA) - Iraqi Premier Nouri al-Maliki on Tuesday rejected any attempt to bring weapons into Syria.

    United Press International quoted al-Maliki as saying during a phone call with US Vice President Joe Biden that tightening measures and putting the Syrian-Iraqi joint borders under control come in light of Iraq's commitment to find a peaceful solution to the situation in Syria as well as to stop the bloodshed.

    He called for intensifying efforts in order to find peaceful resolutions to the crises in the Middle East"

  22. #397
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    The recommendations made by Hardeep Singh Puri, India's UNO representative, are the sanest made so far about the Syria crisis.

    There is no one set formula applicable to all the situations that I pointed out above.

    The super powers are attempting to control the events via "diplomatic" means, while the anti-Assad forces are resisting him.

    Internally, the political complex is dominated by the Sunni/Shia divide, but likely to be controlled in the end by the minority factions swinging away from Assad to align with Sunni.

    Saudi doesn't want that, neither does US, Saudi's backers.

    It's all oil.
    Last edited by ENT; 14-03-2012 at 08:33 AM.

  23. #398
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    Syrian Arab news agency - SANA - Syria : Syria news ::

    "CAPITALS, (SANA)- Iran's Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi criticized the US and some Western countries double standard policies against Syria through concentrating on interfering in Syria's internal affairs and ignoring the Israeli continued aggression against the unarmed Palestinian people.

    Meeting Assistant Secretary of Russian Security Council Yevgeny Lukyanov in Tehran on Tuesday, Salehi pointed to Iran and Russia's joint understanding and stances towards some regional and international issues, including Syria, asserting the possibility of adopting a balanced and constructive stance to help Syria overcome the current situation and continue the development process and the political and economic reforms it has launched.

    For his part, Lukyanov slammed the accelerated trends and double policy of the Western countries in dealing with the latest regional developments, expressing his country's readiness to enhance cooperation with Iran to the regional and international levels."

    "In the same context, Bolivian President Evo Morales said that his country voted a resolution on Syria last February at the UN General Assembly because it considered the Syrian crisis an internal affair, asserting that the call for military intervention in Syria hides commercial motives.

    In a statement following a meeting with his Austrian counterpart, Heinz Fischer, in Vienna, Morales said that the crisis in Syria is fed for other goals, affirming that his country recognizes all the government elected democratically."

  24. #399
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    Quote Originally Posted by OhOh View Post

    "In the same context, Bolivian President Evo Morales said that his country voted a resolution on Syria last February at the UN General Assembly because it considered the Syrian crisis an internal affair, asserting that the call for military intervention in Syria hides commercial motives.

    In a statement following a meeting with his Austrian counterpart, Heinz Fischer, in Vienna, Morales said that the crisis in Syria is fed for other goals, affirming that his country recognizes all the government elected democratically."
    I agree with Evo Morales' above evaluation of the situation, and I think that this one point is going to be expanded upon by political leaders as negotiations continue.

    China is strangely quiet about this angle, more because she stands to win a large stake in the oil industry in the ME region overall.

  25. #400
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    25-03-2014 @ 05:29 PM
    On the topic of propaganda

    from both the BBC and Aljazeera

    "Syrian government forces have laid minefields in the path of escaping refugees"

    with pics of injured people, of course

    the implication being that Syria is deliberately trying to kill the refugees

    It may be, of course, the minefields were laid to stop the illegal supply of weapons to the rebel forces, but they didn't mention that
    I have reported your post

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