Just so you know, teakdoor is the best Thailand Forum, anyway I thought I would add some day time pictures of Pattaya every now and again of the common stuff that we get to see everyday.

So first up whats the commonest site in Pattaya apart from prostitutes and bars? Motorbike accidents, and with motorbike accidents you quite often get dead people, this couple, mother and daughter I assume, didn't have a crash helmet between them, they were on their way to Sukhumvit Road when a minivan decided to do a uturn in front of them, the old lady looked pretty dead and quite a reasonable amount of blood was on the road from a head wound, luckily they are Buddhist so get to live again unlike us heathens, still prefer the idea of a crash helmet over a broken skull though.

Of course with death comes religion and what better than a photo of the Buddha tree on Walking Street, suprised nobody has chopped it down yet as it takes up most of the pavement.

I liked this Pattaya speedboat, it's probably not used at the moment but the name is good, Hi Tech Submarine Co. Ltd.

Yes this hole should help it's submarine abilities