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  1. #1
    Thailand Expat
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    11-04-2024 @ 11:13 AM

    Air travel with a small dog

    Does anyone have experience with travel between the U.S. and Thailand with a smallish dog say 20 pounds?

    After our Boston Terrier woody died back in February I've been toying with the idea of getting another dog but we're hoping to make a more permanent move to Thailand in about five years. So not sure how it would work out with travel. I have seen people with small dogs at the airport at Suvarnabhumi but Washington DC to Bangkok as one long stretch.

    Any experience would be appreciated.

  2. #2

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    09-05-2021 @ 03:25 AM
    Dont buy one of these breeds...
    certain breeds of dogs with short-snouts are not allowed to fly on planes because of respiratory issues that may make it particularly difficult for them to breathe. If you’re an owner of one of these breeds, you may want to consider traveling by train instead:

    French Bulldog
    Japanese Chin
    Neapolitan Mastiff
    Lhasa Apso
    Shih Tzu
    Brussels Griffon
    English Toy Spaniel

  3. #3
    Thailand Expat
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    ^ It's a difficult train journey.

    I used to know an American guy in Korat who travelled back and forth between the States and Thailand with his small dog. I can't remember what type it was but probably something like a Pekingese. He used to put it in a carry box and take it in the cabin. Sorry, I can't remember details of airlines etc but if possible I think that would be far preferable than transported in the hold. Also, if taken in the cabin the respiratory problems Dillinger mentions above may not be an issue. I guess it depends how small the dog is.

  4. #4

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    09-05-2021 @ 03:25 AM
    Surely no airline would allow any dog in a cabin on a 20 hour flight?

    Kids are bad enough, imagine sitting next to some yapping lapdog who's just done a big runny shit in its cage?

  5. #5

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    09-05-2021 @ 03:25 AM
    It seems Lufthansa is your best bet if you want a dog in the cabin with you long haul, in any class, but maximum pet weight is 17.6 pounds.

    Ive just crossed them off my flight list on skyscanner

  6. #6
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    05-02-2022 @ 08:29 AM
    nakhon ratchasima
    as dill have posted regarding breeds not suited to thailand.
    i sugest going to the pet section,and reading about the dangers and the service of local vetinary hospitals before bringing a pure breed dog into thailand as there is a BIG TICK problem here aswell as 100's of thousands of stray dogs,many with rabies.its almost 18months since we lost our dog [a siberian husky]who we rescued from a life of misery.
    i still feel the pain and will never get another one because i have lost the trust of them that are suposed to care about the welfare of a beloved one,most except 1 out of many many who we trusted and took whatever it cost us so as to feed their GREED.if i was to recomend to you getting a loved one,get a thai dog from eg.the soi dog foudation here in thailand,as most thai dogs can put up with the heat which doesnt afect their imune please before you decide on getting a dog,take into consideration,where your going to live,that includes are there are a lot of stray dogs in that area,walking in a safe area,eg.snakes,parasite's,those who are willing to poison your beloved if it pisses near their home [not that farangs are not liked] only them that love their dogs.i do know there are some good people here that look after strays and try to get them rehomed that I would check out first.although my wife feeds 4homeless dogs she has been hurt so much,here brain rules the heart.
    good luck and hope you understand all what has been posted.

  7. #7
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    11-04-2024 @ 11:13 AM
    Thanks for all the replies. I know Korean air has a row in the back of business class for pets as I usually pick my seat as far from it as possible. And a few other airlines offer in cabin pets.

    As Headhunter points out we will probably be better just waiting and finding a dog in Thailand. We'll be in BanTak which believe it or not doesn't really have many stray dogs around. I have seen dogs around over the years that would have made great companions.

    I suppose for now I will hold off.


  8. #8
    Thailand Expat misskit's Avatar
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    ^ I’ve flown with two dogs CNX-ATL twice and once ATL-CNX. Putting your beloved pooch in a cage to be put under the cabin with the cargo is stressful for you and the dog. The three times I’ve flown with dogs it has been on Korean Air because they offer the most direct route. They didn’t offer to fly the big dogs in the cabin!

    Last time I flew with one 4lb chihuahua in a carry bag. ‘Twas a breeze for that one. They sit with you in the cabin. You can’t take them out in the plane but you can walk them during transfers.

    Dill, the dogs don’t poop and pee everywhere. The poor things hold it for all that time.

  9. #9
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    05-02-2022 @ 08:29 AM
    nakhon ratchasima
    Quote Originally Posted by naptownmike View Post
    Thanks for all the replies. I know Korean air has a row in the back of business class for pets as I usually pick my seat as far from it as possible. And a few other airlines offer in cabin pets.

    As Headhunter points out we will probably be better just waiting and finding a dog in Thailand. We'll be in BanTak which believe it or not doesn't really have many stray dogs around. I have seen dogs around over the years that would have made great companions.

    I suppose for now I will hold off.

    a very good decision,if you love dogs like I do,a greyhound trainer for 20yrs.and an owner till feb.2018 but with over Thailand,i have seen some horrendous heart wrenching abuse's of MANS BEST FREIND.

  10. #10
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    11-04-2024 @ 11:13 AM
    ^^Thanks for the first hand experience. It's a tough decision about getting another dog.

    5 years a long time and a lot can happen spending your time waiting, but I also realize it would be stressful trying to get back with a dog. I've read some tragic stories about it. Wasn't there one a few years ago on Korean air where a dog got loose during transfer in Seoul and they shot the dog on the runway. F that it would be bad enough sticking your best pal down in the cargo area.

    ^I have seen plenty of horrors with dogs in Thailand to and it's sad but I can't save them all. I have also seen plenty of Thais being kind to dogs as well. So just try to be kind with the ones I can.

  11. #11
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    05-02-2022 @ 08:29 AM
    nakhon ratchasima
    we live on a gated mooban,only 50houses which are top of the range,so there are only a few dogs on site.behind us there is a rubbish collecting area where morning and evening a lot of dogs congregate,starving,fighting,some old dears do come and give them some food,myself included.but they are so scared of strangers even when you give them around 500grms.of good food as soon as its gone they go too.after 2yrs,the wife can only get near one of the ones she feeds,with food that they can only dream about.
    one thing i have always joked about is when i had my boy if i was ever faced with the choice THE WIFE OR MY DOG after 30yrs.of loving marriage my answer would be
    GIVE ME HIS LEASH.oh by the way I love your avatar.

  12. #12
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    Well... if you decide to get a dog on arriving in Thailand in five years time please check my 'Puppies!' thread in the Isaan forum. That litter is long gone and homed, but I'm sure there will be more litters in the future. Its a work in progress... I guess in fairness I should also recommend to you 'The Puppy Thread', elsewhere, although it won't help you find a dog.

  13. #13
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    11-04-2024 @ 11:13 AM
    ^ Ha thanks I've seen it.

  14. #14

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    09-05-2021 @ 03:25 AM
    Could be dead in 5 years mate. Get a dog and worry about it when the time arrives

  15. #15
    Thailand Expat
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    11-04-2024 @ 11:13 AM
    That's what I was thinking. I already pissed away the last 10 years working my ass off only to think back about was it all worth it.

    Come to think of it our time should be our most valuable commodity, probably creeping up to 50 has got me thinking. Seeing my parents getting much older and friends starting to die off.

    Best not to spend life waiting to do things later. Shame Thailand is so damn far away.

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