The two year old girl is playing with chock to paint the floor, the mamy is brushing the fallen leaves, the sun is knocking hard and hot over the concrete and


here falls a brown one meter snake on the bamboo hut and then down to the concrete just a few meters from the baby

ksss kkss and goes back upto the tree, the just baby laughs looking a this think nd the mother sees it and start to scream, take the girl and runs away closed in the house.

This was the third appearance of this squatter, first few month ago there we found hanging on the bamboo hut a dried empty skin ....

Second time it was also a fall down case splootsh on the concrete and goes back to the tree, again the kid was near impact point...

I have a long bambo stick with a device to catch the mangoes and was active doing this catching last days as the mango falling is another threat, but i never spotted this intruder and now i have no idea where he is hiding...

How to do ? to peacefully make friendship with him and just ask him to leave and go some where else ?