I'm trying to educate myself about these smart phones.

What I want is a device which has wifi, 3g internet, GPS, a decent camera and phone service.
I'm read to toss my 6 year old Nokia 6610's an the 5 year old CrackBook.

I went through the whole Adroid thing thread.
Still I'm confused.
Samsung seems like the leader here.

I went shopping today and a one retailer they had 38 different Samsung phones with such a confusing melange of features is made my head spin.

The Galaxy S seemed like the best one but fark at 18k baht I'm going to wait until this is less confusing.

In reality when looking at all these options the tried and true 13" MacBookPro looks mighty good along with the Iphone 4

I'm not hopelessly hooked on Apple shit but they still represent a decent value.

This market is changing so fast that I feel like I'm getting lost in the dust.

The Samsung 7" Galaxy pad is very interesting too but it doesn't really replace the Phone or the laptop for me. Seems like it's opening a whole different market.
An interesting market at that!

At this point I can't decide, so I'll soldier on until something quits, at least I'm still holding on to my money. Fuck Apple and Fuck Samsung.