Today looked like it was going to be a write off, grey and wet, not a day to be going out and not much to do indoors, couldn't even find a decent argument on TeakDoor. But mid afternoon the rain stopped and the clouds cleared, so I jumped in the car and headed to the Malvern Hills, first time I've been there, but as I'm in the area it's an opportunity not to be wasted.
So off through the country lanes and headed for Little Malvern.
Left the car there and headed up the hills.
Up onto the ridge a good view and the weather was holding up.
Now then which way to go..
Along the ridge and up and down the hills
Or the other way toward what looks like an Iron Age fort...
Iron Age fort! I love those.. no competition.
You are here...
This will be of interest to anyone wanting to know a bit of the history
And this will be a welcome sign for any Welsh people that are feeling homesick
So up the hill I go...
Looking East back toward Worcestershire
And West the other way over Herefordshire, with Wales in the distance
Now that is magnificent, still a way to go...
Up to the top
And what a view...
I love these ancient sites, walking around them you know you are treading the same paths that have been used for thousands of years.
Some tracks are newer than others...
I wonder if Mulder and Scully know about this...
I'm a size 10 btw.
So it was a great day in the end.
Walking about up there.
Taking in the views.
Well time to head back.
On the drive home I spotted this... from the distance it looks like a ruined monastery
But on closer inspection it was obviously a fake, although a rather old one...
Luckily it had a label attatched...
An 18th century 'Sham Castle' no less, and I thought follies where a Victorian pastime.
Very Goth...
Must have thrown some good parties here.