Woke up this morning to troll some vegans on a vegan forum, and Ol' Trusty our faithful PC of unknown make was as dead as a dodo.

Switched power cables with a computer I use to argue with meself on said vegan forum, still as dead as dill's old account.

Giving it a bit of a shake, there is a rattle in the power supply box thing.

Gonna have to risk a computer shop run.

1. Don't want them getting into and fleecing me Exodus crypto wallet that contains about 27 baht of Decred (thanks for that Baldy)

2. Definitely don't want them seeing our internet search from 12:30am last night.

3. Would rather not have them go through our folders of religious photos and videos.

ATX-580w, according to the sticker on it. 250-370 baht online. Rather not wait 3 days, plus it might be something else. Can computers catch Covid?

The RAM slots are full, don't think there's anything else that could be upgraded while there.

Pray for the power box.