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  1. #1
    blackgang's Avatar
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    08-07-2010 @ 08:33 PM
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    Religion of peace is training kids for suicide bombers

    Washington Times - EXCLUSIVE: Taliban buying children for suicide bombers
    EXCLUSIVE: Taliban buying children for suicide bombers
    Pakistan's top Taliban leader, Baitullah Mehsud, is buying children as young as 7 to serve as suicide bombers in the growing spate of attacks against Pakistani, Afghan and U.S. targets, U.S. Defense Department and Pakistani officials say.
    A Pakistani official, who spoke on the condition that he not be named because of the sensitive nature of the topic, said the going price for child bombers was $7,000 to $14,000 - huge sums in Pakistan, where per-capita income is about $2,600 a year.
    "[Mehsud] has turned suicide bombing into a production output, not unlike [the way] Toyota outputs cars," a U.S. Defense Department official told reporters recently. He spoke on the condition that he not be named because of ongoing intelligence efforts to catch Mehsud, a prime target for a U.S. and Pakistani anti-Taliban campaign.
    An apparent U.S. effort to kill Mehsud last week failed. On Sunday, the Pakistani government offered a reward of about $615,300 for information leading to the capture of Mehsud, dead or alive. The U.S. State Department has offered a bounty of $5 million for Mehsud, who is thought to be hiding in the tribal areas near the Afghan border.
    Suicide bombings have become frequent in Pakistan in the past year, including high-profile attacks on hotels frequented by Westerners, as well as on Pakistani police and military installations. There has also been a spate of such attacks directed at U.S.-led forces in Afghanistan.
    The U.S. official said the price depends on how quickly the bomber is needed and how close the child is expected to get to the target.
    "[Mehsud] produces these suicide bombers, which are sold or bartered, which can be used by [Afghan Taliban leader Mullah] Omar's Taliban or ... other groups," the U.S. official said.
    In some cases, he said, the children are kidnapped and then sold to Mehsud.
    Using child suicide bombers "is the grim reality of the Taliban Frankenstein that now threatens to overwhelm the Pakistani state," said Bruce Riedel, a Brookings Institution scholar who chaired a review of Pakistan-Afghanistan strategy for President Obama.
    Efforts to reach a spokesman for Mehsud were not successful.
    The use of children in war is not unusual in Afghanistan or the tribal regions of Pakistan. During the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan, many pre-adolescent boys became mujahedeen or freedom fighters.
    There is a different cultural perspective here about the age at which a boy becomes a man, said Sher, a former Afghan freedom fighter who asked to be identified only by his first name to protect himself against Taliban retribution.
    "Fighting is not the issue," Sher, who took up arms against the Russians at age 13, told The Washington Times by phone.
    "What is unusual is making these young fighters into suicide bombers," he said. "That was not common in Afghanistan, not even in the past. These children are brainwashed to believe things that are not even true. It is a crime against God."
    In other conflicts, such as that between Israel and the Palestinians, suicide bombers are generally older, at least in their late teens or early 20s.
    Suicide attacks mounted by Mehsud have killed prominent officials and politicians, including former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto, and hundreds of civilians. The attacks have begun to shift sentiment among Pakistanis against the Taliban. The government has mounted an offensive to clear militants from areas close to the capital, Islamabad, although Pakistani authorities have failed to catch local Taliban leaders.
    Pakistani officials have said their next target is the rugged region along the Afghan border where al Qaeda and the Taliban fled after U.S.-led forces toppled the Afghan Taliban government in Kabul in 2001.
    Last week, Mehsud narrowly escaped a U.S. drone attack that killed approximately 80 people who were attending a funeral in South Waziristan in Pakistan's tribal region. U.S. officials were watching the funeral by video feed from the drone, which flew high above the scene, concealed by clouds. The drone strike was the closest the U.S. had come to killing Mehsud in the past year, U.S. officials said.
    Pakistani officials told The Times that Taliban commander Qari Hussain, who was a close aide to Mehsud, was killed in the attack.
    Hussein was one of the main trainers and recruiters of suicide bombers, a Pakistani government official said.
    "He was a very important figure to Mehsud," said the official, who asked to remain anonymous because of the nature of his work. "However, Mehsud escaped the attack. Believe me, there will be no tears for Mehsud in Pakistan when he is killed."
    The Taliban is a formidable enemy to the Pakistani people and government, Mr. Riedel said.
    He said the Pakistani government's current military strategy against Mehsud is promising, but only time will tell whether it will succeed.
    A second U.S. Defense Department official with expertise regarding the Taliban told reporters that al Qaeda and other Pakistani militant groups created by the Pakistani government to fight rival India have helped Mehsud stage suicide attacks.
    The official, who also asked not to be named because of the nature of his work, said there had been a "convergence" of militants based in the tribal areas "supplemented, financed, probably trained, inculcated, by al Qaeda elements" and also "Punjab-based Pakistani terrorist groups."
    "It's the relationship between the three elements that is producing effective suicide bombers and sustaining a suicide-bomb campaign inside Pakistan," the official said.

  2. #2
    Thailand Expat Jesus Jones's Avatar
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    22-09-2017 @ 11:00 AM
    We don't need suicide bombers. We have superior technology for killing innocents! Tell me, what is the difference? They sacrifice a 7 year old, we just murder them.

    It's wrong either way.

  3. #3
    blackgang's Avatar
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    We try to choose who we kill and sometimes we do good and sometimes to much collateral damage for the unknowing, I say if we kill one bad guy it is worth 100 others along with him. save more in the long haul.
    The way they do it is just what ever crowd a 7 year old wants to walk into and torch his vest off.

  4. #4
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    7 year old

    How is the 7 year old suicide bomber going to cope with the 72 virgins in the afterlife; or do they just tell them the will get sweeties?

  5. #5
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    21-10-2023 @ 08:08 AM
    Way, Way South of the border now - thank God!
    Quote Originally Posted by blackgang
    I say if we kill one bad guy it is worth 100 others along with him
    The same tired olf Hiroshima and Nagasaki / carpet-bombing / napalm spewing arguments . . .

    So, say the 100 innocents were Blackgang family . . . you would be happy in the knowledge that 'maybe' one bad guy was killed.

    Thailand: Bangkok Post: An elderly Caucasian was reported to have allegedly raped a 10-year old. Police are now shooting elderly Caucasians on sight.

    In Blackgang's world this would be permissible.

    Good grief.

  6. #6
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    Surely it's allha's will if they die by any means, be it by suicide bomb or military action.

  7. #7
    blackgang's Avatar
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    But you are a peacenik and know fuck all about a world in conflict.
    How many innocent people do you think the Taliban kill in a year?
    There are a great many, just the other day they shot and killed a girl because she was walking with a man not her husband, so if they kill one high taliban with a rocket then there is justice in some collateral damage, if you can get your head out into the daylight and think.

  8. #8
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    21-10-2023 @ 08:08 AM
    Way, Way South of the border now - thank God!
    Quote Originally Posted by blackgang
    But you are a peacenik and know fuck all about a world in conflict.
    And you know nothing about me, so making a statement like that is pure nonsense

    Quote Originally Posted by blackgang
    so if they kill one high taliban with a rocket then there is justice in some collateral damage,
    Ok, so if they kill one girl it is horrible (which it is) but:

    Quote Originally Posted by blackgang
    just the other day they shot and killed a girl because she was walking with a man not her husband
    Killing dozens is ok . . . including little girls.

    Your form of argumentation simply makes no sense justifying. Far easier to say that collateral damage is terrible, simply terrible. . . not making excuses or justifying it on those grounds

  9. #9
    Excommunicated baldrick's Avatar
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    the hollywood educated frat boy hierarchy is too incompetent to be trusted

  10. #10
    I'm in Jail
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    12-06-2021 @ 11:13 PM
    people like Blackgang or Jet would have been Gestapo in 1930s,

    it's to be expected in a population, plenty of cowards and characters of questionable morale

  11. #11
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    Young Muslims today-they blow up so quickly.

  12. #12
    blackgang's Avatar
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    Yes PH, any colloratel death is bad, but sometimes necessary to accomplish a goal.
    and there were Taliban in that group so how many were not just innocent civilians and how many are the bombing runs of the paki airplanes killing too.
    Seems like everything the USA does is somehow bad.
    What do you imagine would have happen had the Taliban gotten to the Nukes?
    and how many would they have actually killed if left taking over the country?
    There is a lot to do with tactical planning and what will have an impact on the best way to go and the most lives saved.
    You nor I either one can make a good comment or prediction on what is happening there as we are not there and have not been there in sometime, art least I have not been so I can only guess which means diddelty shit.
    I will just have to stand behind the ones doing the fighting and hope that they do not kill lots of folks just for fun, as I have never seen anyone do that.

  13. #13
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    14-05-2014 @ 05:06 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by blackgang
    How many innocent people do you think the Taliban kill in a year?
    How many innocent people has the US been responsible for being killed in South and Central America and Laos and God know what other countries whose politics they meddled in for their own political, but mainly economic purposes? And they were not even at war with those countries.

    Quote Originally Posted by blackgang
    Seems like everything the USA does is somehow bad.
    Yep. I agree you, it certainly does.

    Quote Originally Posted by blackgang
    I will just have to stand behind the ones doing the fighting and hope that they do not kill lots of folks just for fun, as I have never seen anyone do that
    In the sentence before this statement you said you were not there and didn't know what went on, so of course you could not have seen anyone do that!

  14. #14
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    21-10-2023 @ 08:08 AM
    Way, Way South of the border now - thank God!
    ^^ A good post, thank you, Blackgang

    We are in agreement on most of it . . . but despite what you think I do not believe that everything the US does is bad . . . the electing of Obama was a good thing.

    I would not want to imagine what the medieval camel-jockeys would do if they had one . . . the only bright spark in that scenario is that they wouldn't have any launch capability so they couldn't throw it very far . . . if indeed they had the launch codes.

  15. #15
    blackgang's Avatar
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    In the sentence before this statement you said you were not there and didn't know what went on, so of course you could not have seen anyone do that!Lily says=
    You silly old Bat, you know nothing about what you are claiming to be so well up on, I was an employee in some of that Central and South America shit that you seem to know so much about, you should shut the fuck up until you have been there and been doing something other than flick the clit.

  16. #16
    Thailand Expat Jesus Jones's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by blackgang View Post
    But you are a peacenik and know fuck all about a world in conflict.
    How many innocent people do you think the Taliban kill in a year?
    There are a great many, just the other day they shot and killed a girl because she was walking with a man not her husband, so if they kill one high taliban with a rocket then there is justice in some collateral damage, if you can get your head out into the daylight and think.
    So how many years is it going to to take to rid of these fictional terrorists. So far the world powers have done fuck all to cure what doesn't exist. Maybe that's the plan. Afterall terrorism is a big market!

  17. #17
    blackgang's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jesus Jones
    these fictional terrorists.
    Damn, kinda early in the day to have your head in that kind of a place aint it?

    Well belay that, I should not even attempt to reply to stupid comments. sorry

  18. #18
    I am in Jail
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    Quote Originally Posted by blackgang
    You silly old Bat,
    I am deafened by the clang of pots and kettles, you stupid old man.

  19. #19
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    Sometimes targets have been hit out of error, or even 'malicious intelligence'. These are tragic events, highly damaging to Nato's cause, and have happened too often- they really should be avoided at all cost, even if it means erring on the cautious sometimes.

    Other times however, a gathering is targeted because it is known to contain several senior Taliban or AQ militants. It is impossible to say that everyone there is an enemy combatant, or even Taliban sympathiser- but common sense says many are. The rest are, well, collateral damage.

    The lesson for the people of the tribal regions is obvious, and I hope is being transmitted- hang around with the Taliban and you are a potential target, and from something you will not see coming. So stay away from them.

  20. #20

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    03-06-2014 @ 09:01 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Jesus Jones View Post
    We don't need suicide bombers. We have superior technology for killing innocents! Tell me, what is the difference? They sacrifice a 7 year old, we just murder them.

    It's wrong either way.
    You'll never convince some circles.

  21. #21

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    Quote Originally Posted by blackgang View Post
    We try to choose who we kill and sometimes we do good and sometimes to much collateral damage for the unknowing, I say if we kill one bad guy it is worth 100 others along with him. save more in the long haul.
    The way they do it is just what ever crowd a 7 year old wants to walk into and torch his vest off.
    Ah, I see. Good killing. Selective genocide. Alright for us but not for them.

  22. #22

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    03-06-2014 @ 09:01 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Butterfly View Post
    people like Blackgang or Jet would have been Gestapo in 1930s,

    it's to be expected in a population, plenty of cowards and characters of questionable morale
    Only BG and Jet? Your examples {in reference to TD members} are terribly could easily add to this list.

  23. #23
    blackgang's Avatar
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    No he could not add to the list because it is all something he knows nothing about, 56 years old and still stupid.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by crippen View Post
    How is the 7 year old suicide bomber going to cope with the 72 virgins in the afterlife; or do they just tell them the will get sweeties?
    I read a good story a while back about a suicide bomber who went to heaven and was given his 72 virgins. Heaven had to honour the contract but it wasn't quite what the bmber expected. They were all 8 months old and he was forced to spend eternity changing their nappies and making up their feeding bottles.
    The Above Post May Contain Strong Language, Flashing Lights, or Violent Scenes.

  25. #25
    DrB0b's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by blackgang View Post
    [the going price for child bombers was $7,000 to $14,000 - huge sums in Pakistan, where per-capita income is about $2,600 a year.
    "[Mehsud] has turned suicide bombing into a production output, not unlike [the way] Toyota outputs cars"
    I had no idea that Toyota's were made from children Makes me glad I've got a Honda Civic.

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