l see your single

Quote Originally Posted by misskit View Post
whale shark
and raise you two "endangered fin whales".

Australian destroyer drags TWO dead whales into US port in San Diego


"The carcasses of two endangered fin whales floated up to the surface after the Australian destroyer HMAS Sydney docked in San Diego Harbor, following missile tests off the coast of California.

One of the whales was about 65 feet (20 meters or so) long and the other about 25 feet (7.6 meters), according to the US Navy, which said it was “disheartened this incident occurred,” as it takes “marine mammal safety seriously.”

Fin whales are considered an endangered species, with an estimated population of only 100,000 or so worldwide, about 3,200 of them off the West Coast of the US. The second-largest cetacean species after the blue whale, fin whales can be found off San Diego year-round.

This is their “intense feeding time,” biologist John Calambokidis, of the Cascadia Research Collective in Washington, told San Diego’s KGTV."


Australian destroyer drags TWO dead whales into US port in San Diego (VIDEO) — RT USA News

estern military sonar unable to see a 20m long whale and it's calf!