Horrifying scenes at Calais 'Jungle' as woman migrant slashes her wrists after police grab her male companion: Refugees brandish metal bars and hurl rocks at bulldozers on second day of violence

Standing next to a man on the roof of a camp dwelling in the 'Jungle' campsite in Calais, the woman warned police not to approach - but cut herself (pictured top and bottom left) when officers moved forward and arrested her male companion. She too was then detained and although she remained conscious during her arrest (centre), her condition was not immediately known this afternoon. The dramatic standoff came as around 100 makeshift homes in the so-called 'Jungle' were torn to the ground or burnt yesterday (top right), and bulldozers are set to continue their work all this week. It has led to riots and disorder that required French forces to deploy tear gas (bottom right) as well as increased attempts by migrants trying to get to Britain as quickly as possible.

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