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  1. #1
    Mr Lick's Avatar
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    UK - Child abuse claims: Evidence of '20 prominent figures'

    There is evidence at least 20 prominent paedophiles - including former MPs and government ministers - abused children for "decades", a former child protection manager has claimed.

    Peter McKelvie, whose allegations led initially to a 2012 police inquiry, said a "powerful elite" of paedophiles carried out "the worst form" of abuse.

    He said the network extended into both the House of Lords and the Commons.
    The government has already announced two reviews into claims of abuse.

    Home Secretary Theresa May told the House of Commons the first review would be a wide-ranging inquiry - similar to the inquiry into the Hillsborough disaster - led by an independent panel of experts on law and child protection.

    The second review - which is to be led by head of the NSPCC Peter Wanless - would cover how police and prosecutors handled information given to them, she told MPs.

    'Worst' abuse

    Following the announcements, Mr McKelvie - giving his first television interview for 20 years - told the BBC he believed there was evidence to link a number of former politicians to an alleged paedophile network.

    "I would say we are looking at upwards of 20 (people) and a much larger number of people who have known about it and done nothing about it, who were in a position to do something about it," he said.

    Mr McKelvie said some of those who were alleged to have abused children had now died.

    He told the BBC he had spoken to victims over "many, many years" and that children - "almost exclusively boys" - were moved around like "a lump of meat".
    They had been subjected to the "worst form of abuse", including rape, he said.

    Mr McKelvie was a child protection manager in Hereford and Worcester and worked on the conviction of paedophile Peter Righton - a former consultant to the National Children's Bureau.

    Righton, who is now dead, was also a founding member of the Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE), before he was convicted of importing child pornography.

    However, Mr McKelvie told the BBC that the evidence discovered in the case went much further than simply Righton.


    Mr McKelvie - who had access to documents relating to paedophile networks linked to the Righton inquiry - said he told police in 2012 there were seven boxes of potential evidence being stored by West Mercia police.

    He said the evidence included letters between Righton and other alleged paedophiles.

    In 2012, Mr McKelvie took his concerns to Labour MP Tom Watson, who then raised the matter in Parliament, prompting a preliminary police inquiry in 2012 that became a formal inquiry in 2013.

    His interview comes after footage emerged of a former Conservative MP suggesting to the BBC in 1995 that party whips might not disclose certain behaviour of colleagues including that "involving small boys."

    Tim Fortescue, who was a senior whip in Sir Edward Heath's government from 1970-73, claimed that MPs would "come and ask if we could help and if we could, we did".

    Meanwhile, Greater Manchester Police has also said there will be a wider inquiry into allegations of a cover-up involving paedophile abuse at Knowl View residential school - a school linked to the late MP Cyril Smith - in Rochdale in the 1980s and 1990s.

    Why has this come up now?

    Labour MP Simon Danczuk last week called on Leon Brittan to say what the then home secretary did with documents he was passed in the 1980s containing allegations about powerful figures and paedophilia.

    What happened to the files?

    Lord Brittan passed them to Home Office officials. A 2013 review found 114 documents were unaccounted for. The review found the minister had acted appropriately.

    What did the papers allege?

    The allegations, compiled by Tory MP Geoffrey Dickens, were set to "blow the lids off" the lives of powerful child abusers, the MP's son has said. The late Mr Dickens said he planned to expose eight such figures.

    Read more: 1980s child abuse claims explained

    Announcing the reviews after weeks of increasing questions about how past claims of child sex abuse were handled, Home Secretary Mrs May said the review headed by Mr Wanless would be assisted by a senior legal figure.

    She said it would focus on concerns the Home Office failed to act on allegations of child sex abuse contained in a dossier handed over in the 1980s by former Tory MP Geoffrey Dickens

    The government would "do everything we can to allow the full investigation of child abuse and the prosecution of its perpetrators", she said.

    Prime Minister David Cameron vowed that the investigation into how public bodies handled abuse claims would "leave no stone unturned".

    Meanwhile, Mr Watson told BBC Radio 4's The World at One there were "too many incidents" of inquiries being closed down or not opened.

    He welcomed the government's setting up of two reviews, but said: "We just don't know what went on in the 70s and 80s and 90s and without the right powers, we're never going to know."

  2. #2
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    barrylad66's Avatar
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    21-08-2022 @ 01:43 AM
    squeaky bum time i think...

  3. #3
    RIP pseudolus's Avatar
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    Mass cover up time more like. Will they out Ted Heath, strip him of his honours? That McAlpine pedo bastard who had all the smutty kiddie pictures but said "they were art" and used the establishment, filled with other pedos, to turn the accusation into a nice money spinner for him in his out of court settlements?

    I doubt it. I bet they give the job of leading the inquiry to a Pedo just to make sure nothing comes out to stop their fun.

  4. #4
    Thailand Expat Jesus Jones's Avatar
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    22-09-2017 @ 11:00 AM
    I hate to say it but Alex Jones has been reporting these wrongdoings for years. Mainstream didn't listen and abused him for it.

    He will be called a nutjob for his next reports until the useful fools read it in the mainstream a few years later.

  5. #5
    RIP pseudolus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jesus Jones
    I hate to say it but Alex Jones has been reporting these wrongdoings for years. Mainstream didn't listen and abused him for it.
    Indeed. He got it from a book written 20+ years ago by someone else who is called a nutjob. Funny how these crazy whacko nutjob conspiracy theorists are so often proven to be right?
    Last edited by pseudolus; 08-07-2014 at 12:41 PM.

  6. #6
    Hangin' Around cyrille's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jesus Jones
    I hate to say it but Alex Jones has been reporting these wrongdoings for years. Mainstream didn't listen and abused him for it.
    Unfortunate choice of words.

  7. #7
    Mr Lick's Avatar
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    25-09-2014 @ 02:50 PM
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr Lick
    The government would "do everything we can to allow the full investigation of child abuse and the prosecution of its perpetrators", Theresa May said.

    An unfortunate and worrying quote form the Home Secretary. Overseeing the investigation of the very establishment one is employed by is never a good idea.

    The Chilcot Inquiry is to be watered down. Expect the same here.

  8. #8
    RIP pseudolus's Avatar
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    Would you let any of maggie's cabinet babysit your kids?

    I wouldn't.

  9. #9
    Thailand Expat harrybarracuda's Avatar
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    The squeakiest bum of all has to be Leon Brittain's. He was all but outed in the '80s.

    Anyway, for those that want to know what the core of the investigation will focus on, read it and weep:

    UK Establishment Closes Ranks as Organised Child Sex Abuse Network Leads Back to No. 10 | Scriptonite Daily

  10. #10
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    Today @ 05:19 PM
    Problem with all this is that it is too damn late. Too many of the protagonists involved in concealing the sexual abuse of children during the relevant period are dead. Chains of evidence are broken, testimony will be uncorroborated and any investigation will be undermined as a consequence. Where names are known but evidence is weak, the threat of libel or slander will be omnipresent.

    Look what happened when McAlpine was erroneously cited as a child molester. I knew that he was witting to the fact that Thatcher's PPS, Peter Morrison, was buggering boys all over London, Chester and North Wales and colluded in covering it up but he intimidated his wrongful accusers into silence. Sure there was no evidence he was involved but he was party to covering it all up and should have been vilified for it.

    Hypocrites all.

  11. #11
    . Neverna's Avatar
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    If there "is evidence at least 20 prominent paedophiles" abused children for "decades"", why not give the evidence to the police instead of having two reviews? Is the idea just to bury it all for a few decades?

  12. #12
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    Albert Shagnastier's Avatar
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    That's a horrible choice of babysitters

  13. #13
    Mr Lick's Avatar
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    The inquiry is off to a typically dodgy start.

    Butler-Sloss: I won't quit as head of abuse inquiry

    Baroness Butler-Sloss said work on the child sex abuse review would begin as soon as possible

    Related Stories

    The retired judge appointed to chair a child abuse review has insisted she will not quit - as the PM claimed she was the right person for the job.

    Elizabeth Butler-Sloss was chosen by the home secretary to head the inquiry into allegations of historical abuse.

    But Labour's Simon Danczuk said her position was tainted because her late brother, Sir Michael Havers, was Attorney General in the 1980s.

    Downing Street said the peer "commands widespread respect and confidence".

    Baroness Butler-Sloss was announced on Tuesday as head of a wide-ranging probe into how allegations of abuse by politicians and other powerful figures in public institutions such as the NHS, the church and the BBC in the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s were handled.

    MPs and victims claim she is too close to the establishment, particularly as Sir Michael was Attorney General at the time of the alleged paedophile scandal.

    Sir Michael Havers, pictured here in 1965

    But Alison Millar, the lawyer who represents alleged victims of child abuse, said she doubted her clients would think Lady Butler-Sloss was the right person for the job, especially given the connection with her brother.

    Sir Michael faced criticism after he sought to stop Tory MP Geoffrey Dickens from naming in Parliament a top diplomat - Sir Peter Hayman - as a paedophile in the early 1980s.

    But Lady Butler-Sloss said she was unaware of her brother having any role, as attorney general, in the paedophile controversy in the 1980s.

    "I know absolutely nothing about it," she told the BBC. "If people think I am not suitable then that's up to them."

    Alison Millar of Leigh Day Solicitors: ''The inquiry has to have the confidence of survivors''

    Asked if she would consider her position or make further comment if calls continued for her to stand down, she added: "I am certainly not going to be talking to the BBC or anyone else about this any further."

    Her nephew, the actor Nigel Havers, told BBC Radio 4's The World at One, that he knew his aunt well and he was sure that if she felt there was any chance of bias, she would not have taken on the job.

    The former Chariots of Fire and Coronation Street actor, added that she had "had no political ties" to his father and knew nothing about the alleged events in the 1980s in Parliament.

    Nigel Havers: "People are hacked off with politicians arguing about everything"

    A Number 10 spokesman rebuffed suggestions the peer would be unable to investigate all areas of the abuse inquiry because of her brother's involvement in the controversy as Attorney General in the early 1980s.

    The spokesman declined to say whether the PM was aware of her brother's position prior to her appointment, adding: "His view is she commands widespread respect and confidence."

    The suitability of Lady Butler-Sloss did not come up at Prime Minister's Questions, although the remit of her planned inquiry did.

    In response to a question from Labour leader Ed Miliband at Prime Minister's Questions, David Cameron said it "may well be time" to back calls by the NSPCC's Peter Wanless - in charge of a separate review into how the Home Office responded to child sex abuse allegations in the 1980s - to make covering up abuse a criminal offence.

    Earlier Mr Danczuk, who has investigated child sex abuse allegations against former Liberal MP Cyril Smith, said the revelations of a family connection with Sir Michael meant Lady Butler-Sloss' position was compromised.

    'Cover-up' offence?

    "I think the government should think again in terms of who they have appointed for this position," he said.

    "I think she should consider her position. I find it quite surprising that neither she nor the government realised her relationship with her brother was connected to Geoffrey Dickens.

    "It beggars belief that that wasn't considered in the first place."

    BBC News - Butler-Sloss: I won't quit as head of abuse inquiry

  14. #14
    Flaming Carrot's Avatar
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    "Abusers have often been themselves abused and have absorbed abuse as being correct behavior" is "apples are often yellow"; "everybody who's ever been abused will be an abuser" would be "all yellow fruits are apples" - pears, lemons and plums beg to differ. Not everybody who's ever been abused will abuse, and not everybody who abuses has been abused.

    The key part is whether the abused person does indeed think that the abuse is what's standard, normal, or even the best and most appropriate way to demonstrate love / caring / raise a child / treat a partner. Those who know it's not will be a lot less likely to do it to others.

    I guess this is speaking from personal experience.

  15. #15
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    13-06-2022 @ 06:02 PM
    'In 2009, Cliff Richard said: "I've always maintained I'm the most radical rock-and-roll singer Britain has ever seen. I was the only one who didn't spit or swear or sleep around. I didn't do drugs. I didn't get drunk. I didn't indulge in soulless sex. And I've always felt comfortable with the decisions I've taken."'

    I wonder how long Cliff's Barbados residency and his super-injunction will hold out against these Elm Guest House 'Kitty' rumours?

  16. #16
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    If you ask if he is a woofter he will tell you his stock answer

    " Jesus loves everyone "

    next question ?

  17. #17
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    15-05-2023 @ 10:57 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr Lick
    similar to the inquiry into the Hillsborough disaster - led by an independent panel of experts on law and child protection.
    Which means the pervs have got 20 years to die or do a cover up.

  18. #18
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    The cover-up will continue, all the way to the top.

    Note that many of those abusers named have been well received, even decorated at Buckingham Palace, while the occupants of Highgrove as well as 10 Downing St. have also warmly hosted paedophiles.

    Such is the British establishment, as many of the Royal household frequent Portugal (a country that doesn't legislate against paedophilia) on regular jaunts, hob-nobbing with its upper classes who are also often portrayed as "kiddy-lovers".

    "Portugal is a paedophiles' paradise," said Mr Namora, now a lawyer campaigning on behalf of the Casa Pia victims. "If all the names come out, this will be an earthquake in Portugal. There is a massive, sophisticated network at play here - stretching from the government to the judiciary and the police.

    "The network is enormous and extremely powerful. There are magistrates, ambassadors, police, politicians - all have procured children from Casa Pia. It is extremely difficult to break this down. These people cover for each other, because if one is arrested, they all are arrested. They don't want anyone to know."

    Why Portugal is a haven for paedophiles

    There's far more to be revealed when the North Wales boys' home victims finally recieve the justice they deserve.

    Lord Alistair McAlpine may be dead (one of several lords McAlpine) but that family's infamy reaks.

  19. #19
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    15-05-2023 @ 10:57 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by ENT
    Why Portugal is a haven for paedophiles
    That is some fukked up shit.

    Let's just hope that things are slowly changing and that at least some of the scum are brought to justice around the world.

  20. #20
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    03-10-2022 @ 11:24 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by Albert Shagnastier View Post

    That's a horrible choice of babysitters

    The guy on the left is Geoffrey Dickens MP. His dossier on pedos was submitted and ignored 20 years ago.
    Geoffrey Dickens - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    He was our local MP in the early 80's and was a pretty decent bloke.

  21. #21
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    Baroness Butler Sloss was unaware of sir Michael Havers' role in the DPP prosecution of the Paedophile Information Exchange members??? Her brother? Both of them of the same generation? Both of them carved out a career in the law? Both of them lived in London? Both of them attended the same family gatherings?

    Is she senile now and has simply forgotten?

  22. #22
    Mr Lick's Avatar
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    660 arrested in paedophile inquiry

    The operation focussed on internet users who access child abuse images

    More than 600 suspected paedophiles have been arrested as part of a six-month operation targeting people accessing child abuse images online.

    The National Crime Agency said the 660 arrested included doctors, teachers, scout leader, care workers and former police officers.

    More than 400 children have been safeguarded, the agency said.

    Arrests were made across the United Kingdom and the majority who had no previous contact with police.

    The NCA said 39 of those arrested were registered sex offenders.

    NCA Deputy Director General Phil Gormley said: "Some of the people who start by accessing indecent images online go on to abuse children directly. So the operation is not only about catching people who have already offended - it is about influencing potential offenders before they cross that line

    "We want those offenders to know that the internet is not a safe anonymous space for accessing indecent images, that they leave a digital footprint, and that law enforcement will find it".

    BBC News - 660 arrest over accessing online child abuse images

  23. #23
    I'm in Jail

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    14-12-2023 @ 11:54 AM
    All this and the Rolf episode ...
    Just goes to show how power corrupts....though many people may well have entered positions of power in order to commit pedophilia.

    Sociopaths, the lot of them. No real empathy with other human beings....though they are very cunning and know how to APPEAR empathic.

  24. #24
    Molecular Mixup
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    09-06-2019 @ 01:29 AM
    660 arrested in paedophile inquiry
    2% of the population is homo.
    So if you believe that gays are no more likely to be paedophiles than heterosexuals,
    then you would expect there to be about 14 gays among the arrested.
    Right ?
    you know the answer.....
    I bet at least half of the 660 are bent.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegent View Post
    Baroness Butler Sloss was unaware of sir Michael Havers' role in the DPP prosecution of the Paedophile Information Exchange members??? Her brother? Both of them of the same generation? Both of them carved out a career in the law? Both of them lived in London? Both of them attended the same family gatherings?

    Is she senile now and has simply forgotten?

    Both, and she's a liar.

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