Are we a forum of total pissheads or not? I've changed my drinking habits completely in recent years, mainly because of a scare with my liver, but I wonder how many of you drink now like I used to?

Medical opinion in the UK suggests that a 'safe' level of drinking per week is something like 20 - 30 units of alcohol (with guys at the higher end and girls at the lower end). A rough guide to alcohol units is as follows:

* A pint of ordinary strength bitter/lager/cider = 2 units
* A pint of strong bitter/lager/cider = 3 units
* A 175ml glass of red or white wine = 2 units
* A (UK) single pub measure of spirits = 1 unit
* An alcopop = 1.5 units
* A can of beer or lager = 1.5 units