Yeah, well, possibly not the most PC of threads, but what the hell, I need to get some crap off my chest.

So, What do I hate about the Germans:

1. They think they are great drivers, but they are just as dumb as everyone else, so it makes for more spectacular crashes.
There is a roundabout, a block away from where I live. There is an accident there almost every day. The record is an accident at 3 juctions of the 5 junction roundabout at the same time. Clueless, so clueless the Dutch put kerbs on the lanes to stop Germans being German!

2. Christianity...going to church does not mean you are a good Christian! You need to practice what is preached to you each Sunday, not simply turn up! I see this all the time, hell, sometimes they are fighting for parking spots to get into the church! The meaning of Christianity appears to have gone down the drain with only the mechanical obedience of turning up left. (...and no it is not the same in the UK as I witnessed over Christmas)

3. Smiling: Just do it! There is no need to go about your whole life being a squarehead without any happiness and laughter.

4. Food. So English food is famed as not being the best, but at least you can eat it. Jeez, I've thrown up at the smell of some of the German food put in front of me. Besides, they have very limited meat products that include pork, pork, pork and pork. Thank goodness there are muslim shops where i can get lamB!

5. Supermarkets: sell the cheapest, crapiest food they can find and with the shortest sell by date you can imagine. You have to dig through the "sell by Yesterday" crap to get to the stuff that lasts a week or so every time.

You think Thailand is bad...Hell, I know places worse, much, much worse...