Today I went on a little bike ride.

I took Eddo Cheddo's advice and decided to try these new fangled disc brakes. The punter was asking $85 for this GT. I offered him $70 and my haggling skills must be improving as I did not even have to engage my 'slow walk back to teh Jaag' tactic before he accepted.

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I took Chitty's advice and got some spanky prostate protector shorts too. Thought I would go for standard jack black to contrast with my Mother's Pride pasty pins.

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She nimbly forded this rock bed as a shox test. I then got her up to 50kmh on a downhill on the hardtop and she was as smooth as a whistle. And Eddo was on the money too, as these shiners pull the rig up quicker than a rimjob on a dime.

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The local fauna were impressed. Nice ear colouration on this bewt

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No you can't get back in. You're too big. Its time you found your own place!

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Shut that fookin' gate!

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