Will you be watching the brief 7 day non stop fawning coverage? Tampon man will promise to be a defender of something and keep the chavs in order.

Rather like the soapies extreme unction and widely oriental potentates invited to the bun fight

I expect to be on the Rhine twixt the sausage schmuggling sourkrauts and the cheese eating yellow breasts at that period

Street parties and lashing of grovel, enjoy.

Will Canadians and Anzacs be prostrating themslAves before Chuck and Camy too?

Good for Tourism and take folks mind of the regime and miserable food and weather for a while.

Bull fighting and bounty hunting illegal landers , Love Island bonkathon, a new Big Bruvva would surely garner equal peak viewing, or City versus Arsenal?

Unlike Hilary's leg up Everest by the sherpas ,announced on morning of the last coronation Prince Randy's latest peak will unlikely great the dawn.

Yet another ank holday for the feckless shirkers and new collection of fist day covers for Phil Atta Lists,

When you look at this shower makes you realize how superior the fully German lot were.

For US viewers Meghan's dress or no show will no doubt preoccupy the bimbo newscasterttes fill the column inches as Andy tries to sort his column inches.

At no point will having an unelected head of Church be questioned let alone bumping off the ex who is forever in our hearts or until a better story waves the flags.