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    Thailand Expat DrWilly's Avatar
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    Leaving a school well: Mark Isley vs ISK (Rwanda)

    Teacher's version of events.
    Detained in Rwanda, Seeking Your Support

    The following is from Rhonda Isley:
    I know this is a long post. However, it is vital to gain Mark’s freedom. A full reading is appreciated. To be clear, this is an issue with the International School Kigali (ISK) administration and Board for choosing not to do what is right. The issue is NOT with the Rwandan authorities. The Rwandan authorities have been respectful and have treated Mark extremely well.For the past 7 months my husband, Mark Isley, has been detained in Rwanda, accused by ISK of a criminal act. In the words of ISK:
    “….your malicious act of massively deleting teaching materials, student work, college prep students’ letters of recommendation and other documents necessary for university acceptance; by so doing, you not only frustrated efforts of seamlessly undertaking the handover process to another contractor, but also jeopardized the future of your students vis-d.-vis their academic future.”
    Mark was accused of this crime on November 10, 2021 but continued to work at ISK thru January 31, 2022. The school administration never questioned Mark about missing files. On March 1, charges were filed against Mark. He was later sentenced to 3 years in prison with 2 years suspended and a 2,000 USD fine. Fortunately, results of his trial in August determined there was no evidence of harm to students or their futures in any way and the civil suit suing him for 10,000 USD related to this was dropped. However, Mark still faces another 2-3 years of detainment while navigating the judicial system to address the deletion of files issue. The evidence shows Mark did not access any files on the day in question, however, he did use his email account.For context
    • November 9, 2021 Mark was fired by ISK without cause
    • November 15, 2021 Mark was rehired by ISK and worked until January 31, 2022
    • February 4, 2022 Mark filed a labor dispute case against ISK with the Inspector General’s office
    • March 1, 2022 Inspector General determined Mark had a valid case and moved it forward to the Labor Court
    • March 1, 2022 charges were filed against Mark indicating he committed the unlawful act on November 10, 2021. The files in question date back to 2019 and constituted old homework assignments submitted by students via Google Classroom. There were no files relating to letters of recommendation or other documents necessary for university acceptance, no students’ future was jeopardized and Mark met with his replacement teacher prior to his departure to ensure a smooth handover. Any college recommendations that were written were submitted as requested to universities
    • July 31, 2022 at midnight, a civil suit was filed against Mark suing him for 10,000 USD.
    • August 1, 2022 (8:00 am) Mark’s criminal trial took place in which the civil suit charges were allowed to be presented as part of the case.
    • August 29 Mark was sentenced to 3 years in prison with 2 years suspended and a 2,000 USD fine
    • August 29 the civil suit suing Mark for 10,000 USD was dismissed due to no evidence indicating students were harmed in any way

    Points raised by Mark’s attorneys during the criminal proceedings on Monday, August 1 were as follows:
    1. If Mark committed this act on November 10, why did ISK rehire him on November 15 and why did ISK never question Mark about any missing documents while he was employed prior to filing criminal charges 4 months later?2. What evidence is there of malicious intent? Mark was rehired Nov 15, performed his duties without incident or complaint from ISK and was never informed there was a problem stemming from Nov 10. The first communication Mark received was on March 1 indicating there was a problem with files. 3. There were no files deleted. All files in question were stored on the ISK server, on the student resource platform, on the College Board website and shared with students. The evidence provided was a simple spreadsheet. 4. RIB investigation indicated there was no evidence on Mark’s personal laptop that he had accessed the files in question on November 10.5. The spreadsheet presented as evidence did not show any documents relating to teaching materials or college letters of reference that would jeopardize a student’s future.6. There was no evidence, or any students identified, as being harmed by the deletion of any files. On the contrary, there is evidence Mark submitted recommendations when asked and all students who applied for university received acceptances.7. There was no evidence of “frustrated handover” of any responsibilities.
    8. On November 10, 2021 other administrators had access to Mark’s email account creating a situation in which other people had access to all documents in question.9. The timing of criminal charges being filed in March, coinciding with notification from the Labor Inspector General certifying the labor dispute case Mark had filed in early February against ISK, would be moving forward in the judicial system seemed too coincidental.My thoughts in response to the verdict:
    We were quite surprised at the verdict as again:

    • no evidence of malice was presented
    • no evidence of student harm was presented
    • no evidence that the documents in question had anything to do with student college applications or recommendations
    • no evidence that Mark’s laptop accessed the documents in question
    • no acknowledgment that the documents in question, in fact, were never missing as all documents are automatically stored in 4 places: 1. on the school server 2. with individual students in their Google Drives 3. on the school learning management system, Google Classroom 4. on the College Board AP website

    Mark is being detained in Rwanda with no opportunity to work in order to support himself. As a 65-year-old man with no health insurance and no family in the country to support his medical needs we are seeking a timely resolution to this process. It is our belief the charges filed by ISK are false charges being used as an intimidation and retribution tactic against Mark because he filed a labor dispute case against ISK. Any support that can be provided, on behalf of Mark, is appreciated. Our goal is to have Mark return to the US to regain his health, rebuild his professional reputation, spend time with his 8-month-old grandson and reconnect with family. We are simply bewildered that a 65-year-old career educator with no history of claims against him would be sent to prison by a school for a crime so unsubstantiated.Mark’s life remains in limbo, with no opportunity to work, no healthcare, nowhere to go, no one there for him, except a lawyer, to take his side. While he navigates the next 2-3 years, we hope your support can help gain his freedom with the charges dropped. Mark and I ask for your support:

    1. Contact the International School of Rwanda ([email protected][email protected][email protected]) to ask:

    • Why are they trying to send one of their teachers to prison in a foreign country without clear evidence of a crime when they have the ability to support Mark in his appeal to have the case dismissed?
    • How does ISK justify sending a teacher to prison for harming students and their futures when a judge has already determined there was no harm to students, or their futures and there is no evidence of wrongdoing?

    1. Contact your international educator colleagues to raise their awareness level of how teachers are treated at this school in case they are considering recruiting at this school

    As educators, we believe it is imperative to look out for each other as moving to a new school and new country requires a huge leap of faith and trust. We must all demand of ourselves, and our administrative colleagues, respect for ethical treatment so we can continue to enjoy the wonderful professional, and personal, opportunities of our international lives.

    Please contact me directly (
    [email protected]) if you have any questions as we want you to feel confident when asked to support a cause.

    School's version.

    Leaving a school well: Mark Isley vs ISK (Rwanda)-screenshot-2022-09-16-6-30-a
    Leaving a school well: Mark Isley vs ISK (Rwanda)-screenshot-2022-09-16-6-30-a

  2. #2
    Thailand Expat DrWilly's Avatar
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    *If you are just finding this now, this is #Part3FreeMarkIsley. If you want more context, you can find #Part1FreeMarkIsley post and #Part2FreeMarkIsley post with more details below. (via Facebook)

    WOW….you are all phenomenal. I have now witnessed the power of social media and I am in awe. The support that has been generated has been humbling, to say the least. I do not have the words to express my level of gratitude on behalf of Mark. It is not over yet, however, the door to communication has been opened and we are hopeful for Mark’s return.

    I am aware of a recent posting by ISK and would like to thank them for creating an opportunity for communication. In the past 7 months, we have offered 6 times to share in discourse to bring this to resolution in a way that would not become a public spectacle as this never should have gotten this far. A simple conversation back in November such as, “hey we store everything on the cloud so nothing is lost but do you know how some documents disappeared from the drive?” would have solved everything right then. Especially since ISK was in the process of moving to a new campus and setting up a new server. In other words, there is agreement….this is regrettable. No innuendo is implied here. It is just sad that it took an army of people asking questions to get us to this point.

    A few points for clarification and not for argument:
    1. There is documentation from our lawyers that the verdict does not read “3 years suspended sentence” but reads as was stated in the earlier posting
    2. At no time was it stated that Mark was currently in prison, the statement was that he had been detained since March..again, there is documentation he has not been allowed to leave Rwanda, legally.
    3. Mark has been detained in Rwanda since March. He was attempting to return home for a family funeral when he was stopped at the airport and has been detained since then.
    4..There is nothing false or defamatory that I posted…everything is documented fact.

    The postings never called anyone out and the postings were not designed to create a public argument or for folks to take sides. It is always unfortunate when people choose to take sides without having all of the facts. The postings were informational regarding Mark’s plight and simply requested others to ask the questions we had been asking for 7 months in hopes of gaining some type of response.

    When we become a society that is not allowed to question injustice then we should all be scared. What happened to being able to ask for help or raise awareness of an issue without creating divisive arguments?

    I am glad ISK is so convinced that Mark can leave at any time–please, one of you contact Mark and offer him a ride to the airport. Until then, we will keep raising awareness of yet another example of how teachers are treated in today’s world and focus on Mark’s ability to return home. Does anyone really think a person would remain in a foreign country with no friends or family around, no opportunity to work, no healthcare and under such stress if they did not have to? We stayed quiet for 7 months and followed the process but there comes a time when enough is enough.

    Thank you for your messages of support…keep it going and I will keep you updated on the facts as this process unfolds. Again, we are thrilled to know ISK is so supportive of Mark’s ability to return home. Those who are so publicly convinced that Mark can leave at any time, we look forward to your supportive role in gaining the legal documents necessary for Mark’s departure.

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    Thailand Expat DrWilly's Avatar
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    ISK is committed to honest, transparent, and fact-based conversations. The misinformation campaign from a former director has left us no choice but to discredit these fabrications. ISK has backed up each response with documented evidence, unlike our cyber bullies. We know teachers would want students to fact-check, to investigate, and to demand evidence from a person when the farce is difficult to believe.

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    ISK FAQ about Rhonda Isley's unsupported claims on Social Media
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    ISK FAQ about Rhonda Isley's unsupported claims on Social Media
    ISK commits to open, transparent and factual communication. We will not respond to unsolicited claims, innuendo, or unsubstantiated accusations. ISK presents this information, fact checked and backed up with actual documents. Without factual documentation, it is easy to provide misinformation.
    Rhonda Isley claims the school is not doing the right thing.Misinformation: Her husband, Mark Isley, did not do the right thing and was convicted in a case brought by the National Public Prosecution Authority (Rwanda) of deleting over 3000 documents and files and misappropriating school data which included from ISK’s Google drive, student work, university application documents and curriculum guides. Mark also deleted vital student information to the CollegeBoard/AP server which impaired proper handover to a supply teacher that put student AP exams at risk. The school did the right thing by finding out what he did and contacting the authorities to help in the investigation and assist in the recovery of the data.
    Rhonda Isley claims this case is not because of the Rwandan authorities.Misinformation: The case was in fact brought by the National Public Prosecution Authority (Rwanda)because a crime* was committed. A school does not prosecute criminal cases and the school did not make the decision to prosecute Mark Isley. Once the prosecutor began the case, ISK had no involvement whatsoever and has no legal or procedural rights to intervene. *Law No. 058/2021 of 13 October 2021 Relating to the Protection of Personal Data and Privacy
    Rhonda Isley claims: Fortunately, the results of the trial in August determined that there was no evidence of harm to the students or their futures, and the civil suit for 10K related to this was dropped.Misinformation: The only reason there was no harm done to students after Mark Isley deleted student information was that the school had to undertake extensive efforts and spend significant time and money to recapture the data that Mark Isley tried to destroy. Given that Mark Isley was already convicted by the authorities, the school made the decision not to spend more time and money pursuing a civil case against Mark Isley. Our efforts will remain focused on the students. From The Court's Preliminary Conviction Statement: “The court found that MARK Andrew Isley was convicted of a crime and should be sentenced to three years in prison and a fine of 1,500,000 Frw because the crime was brutal and has an impact on the students' education because it will be difficult for them to get other education.” Translated from Kinyarandan: “Urukiko rurasanga MARK Andrew Isley icyaha yerezwe cyamuhamye akwiye guhanishwa igihano cyo gufungwa imyaka itatu no gutanga ihazabu y’amafaranga 1.500.000Frw kuko icyaha yagikoranye ubugome kandi kikaba gifite ingaruka ku myigire y’abanyeshuri kuko bizabagora kubona izindi fashanyigisho.” *Ref. N° RP 00807/2022/TB/GSBO dated 29th August, 2022
    Rhonda Isley claims: Her husband, Mark Isley was fired/terminated by ISK.Misinformation: Rwanda is a country that protects employee rights and makes it impossible to ‘fire’ an employee on the spot. The Rwandan Labor Code* provides clear guidelines on terminating an employee. If ISK did terminate Mark Isley, he would have this official Labor Board paperwork and three clear warning letters on ISK’s letterhead. He has not produced any evidence of these as they do not exist. He does not have any official termination letter from ISK. Mark was not officially told to come to campus to collect his personal belongings, but his wife was as she resigned that day with immediate effect. When asked for evidence of this, Mark produced a text from an employee who did not have the authority to allow anybody on campus. The ISK administration or the School Board did not request him to collect his belongings. Mark Isley emailed the school that he was sick and would be taking the next few days off. Following his sick leave, he returned to school. He asked to renegotiate his contract, which ISK honored, and extended insurance and housing for his wife. ISK honored the amended contract until Mark Isley resigned without proper notice on January 31, 2022.*LAW N° 51/2001 OF 30/12/2001 ESTABLISHING THE LABOUR CODE.
    Rhonda Isley claims: The trust and ethical behavior of ISK was broken. Misinformation: Mark Isley deleted files and attempted to destroy school data. He brought this on himself. No one within the international school community is above the law. ISK abided by the law, but Mark Isley did not thus, neither did the school betray anyone’s trust nor did ISK compromise any of its ethical values. Mark Isley had a duty of care to the students which he betrayed.
    Rhonda Isley claims: Mark was not the person who committed the crime.Misinformation: the investigation from the Rwandan Investigation Bureau(RIB) and Liquid Telecom, conducted by searching the Isleys’ Laptops and tracing their network use provided the details of the crime that occurred at their residence in Kigali and by nobody else.From The Court's Preliminary Conviction Statement: “The court also finds a sign provided by Liquid Intelligent Technologies that shows the location and the names of the owners of the IP address used to commit the crime. It shows that on 10/11/2021 Mark Isley had access to the email and deleted the files in question and that he used Rhonda Isley Lella Isley's laptop. type MACBOOK AIR 13' 2018 of his wife and it was possible for him to see evidence, so the evidence provided by the prosecution is sufficient to prove the crime of accessing information stored in a computer or computer network.” Translated from: “Urukiko rusanga nanone ikimenyetso cyatanzwe na Liquid Intelligent Technologies igaragaza Location ndetse n’amazina ya nyiri IP Address yakoreshejwe hakorwa icyaha bigaragaza ko tariki ya 10/11/2021 ko Mark Isley yarafite access kuri Email agasiba ibyo aregwa ndetse akaba yarakoresheje Laptop ya Rhonda Isley Lella Isley Laptop type MACBOOK AIR 13' 2018 y’umugore we kandi bikaba byarashobokaga ko ayibona, bityo ibimenyetso byatanzwe n’ubushinjacyaha birahagije mu kumuhamya icyaha cyo kwinjira mu makuru abitse muri mudasobwa cyangwa mu rusobe rwa mudasobwa.”*Ref. N° RP 00807/2022/TB/GSBO dated 29th August, 2022
    Rhonda Isley claims: Mark Isely has been detained over the past seven months.Misinformation: Mark Isley was never detained in any prison while awaiting charges leveled by the National Public Prosecution Authority against him. Since his conviction, after paying the court fees, Mark Isley has been free to leave the country anytime he wants. He has chosen not to, while his wife mounts a social media campaign full of untruths and falsehoods about ISK. A school cannot detain anyone, only legal authorities can do that.From The Court's Preliminary Conviction Statement:Orders MARK Andrew Isley to pay Rwf 10,000 representing the court fees considering that he remained free during the hearing of his case.Rhonda Isley claims: Mark was accused by ISK of a criminal act.Misinformation: The National Public Prosecution Authority (Rwanda) brought the criminal charges, not the school. The school had no say in the prosecutor’s decision to bring the criminal case against Mark Isley. And Mark Isley was convicted of a crime by the state prosecutors, not the ISK leadership or Board.
    Rhonda Isley claims: Mark was accused (of a crime) on November 10, 2021. Mark worked at ISK through January 31, 2022, and the school never questioned Mark about the missing files. Misinformation: The truth is that the school did not realize how the files became missing until the investigation was completed indicating Mark Isley’s involvement. This has been proven and supported with evidence following the investigation. Mark Isley never told the school that he accessed and deleted school files.It was only when the investigation was completed, and the school found out about Mark Isley’s role in all this, that Mark Isley resigned from his job on 31 January 2022 without proper notice. Following his resignation, Mark Isley deleted additional files and information on the CollegeBoard/AP servers in January 2022. He actually was found guilty of deleting files on two separate occasions, months apart.
    Rhonda Isley claims: In the past 7 months, we have offered 6 times to share in discourse to bring this to resolution in a way that would not become a public spectacle as this never should have gotten this far.Misinformation: ISK met with the Isleys twice in February moderated by the Gasabo District Labour Inspector and once in March also with the same Labour Inspector, but the Isleys did not show up. The lawyers on both sides met with the ISK Board Chair and Director once in May/22 at ISK, and the Board Chair met with Mark Isley and his lawyers again in May/22. ISK received no invitation from Rhonda Isley for any type of discussion since she resigned without notice in November 2021. Our only form of invitation was a notice she was suing the school for wrongful dismissal. The case was settled.
    Rhonda Isley claims: Mark won his case with the Labour Inspector.Misinformation: The labour inspector meetings were held as Mark Isley was suing ISK for wrongful dismissal following his decision to resign in January/22. The Labour Inspector meeting is for Conciliation (mediation). They are legally non-binding. There is no win or lose. In the end, the case was suspended due to Mark Isley’s criminal case. There is no final conciliation as the sessions were not completed.
    Rhonda Isley claims: I have reached out to ISK and asked them to share where they are getting their information about Mark Isley's ability to just leave whenever he wants so we could work cooperatively in resolving this. I have not received a response.Misinformation: Rhonda Isley wrote on Facebook that she reached out to ISK this week. ISK has no evidence of this. Our legal representative was not contacted, ISK’s Board Chair was not contacted and the Directors have not been contacted. Had she contacted us, we would have responded through our lawyers as there is a potential pending appeal on the criminal conviction of her husband, Mark Isley. ISK is NOT appealing this case.
    Rhonda Isley claims: Our lawyer advised us to submit the appeal due to the 1 year prison term and the 2,000 fine in order to challenge the prison sentence. Misinformation: the court statement is clear: the prison term of 3 years was SUSPENDED with a 2 year probationary period notwithstanding, the fines and court fees must be paid. If the Isleys appeal, this decision would mean the matter is reopened and Mark Isley would once again not be allowed to leave the country. The courts are backed up so it could be months before an appeal date is set. ISK has already stated that the school will not appeal the decision. Mark Isley may leave Rwanda as soon as he pays his fines/fees. There are no “court papers” necessary or any action by ISK needed. These decisions are for Mark Isley to make, not ISK. The Isley’s lawyer’s name, phone number and email address are all part of the public court records.
    Rhonda Isley claims: This was the worst case scenario for anyone at an international school.Misinformation: While we do understand this is an emotional statement, ISK will always protect students. It is how the system is supposed to work. If a teacher deletes files and destroys school information, that teacher should not be surprised when caught and has to accept the consequences of his actions. A worst-case scenario at a school is when a teacher decides to delete files and let students suffer the consequences.
    Rhonda Isley claims: Mark still faces 2-3 years of detainment.Misinformation: The sentence was suspended. Mark Isley is free to go anywhere in Rwanda or the world. There are no restrictions on his travel. To our knowledge, Mark Isley has always retained his passport. Like many countries, people accused of a felony are often prevented from traveling if deemed a flight risk. With his case over and his sentence suspended with a 2 year probationary period, there is no obvious reason for Mark Isley to remain in Kigali once he pays his fine of $2010 usd. Mark will not serve a year as Rhonda Isley wrote as part of her misinformation campaign. Probation means, to go 2 years without committing an additional crime in Rwanda, one will not serve prison time in Rwanda . If one commits a new crime within the 2 year period, one will go to prison for the entire original sentence and potentially the new crime.From The Court's Preliminary Conviction Statement: “Ordered that MARK Andrew Isley be sentenced to three years imprisonment suspended for two years.” Translated From: “Rutegetse ko MARK Andrew Isley asubikirwa igihano cyo gufungwa imyaka itatu mu gihe cy’imyaka ibiri.”*Ref. N° RP 00807/2022/TB/GSBO dated 29th August, 2022
    Rhonda Isley claims: The evidence shows that Mark did not access any files on the day in question, however he did use his email account that day.Misinformation: The evidence and the court ruling actually show the opposite. For reasons unknown to us, Mark Isley decided to access student files and other school data through his email account and delete them (this is how Google Workplace works). RIB and Liquid Telcom investigated and determined it was Mark Isley using the computer at his residence. The authorities who brought the case considered the evidence- including how he accessed the files - and at the conclusion of his trial, he was convicted of a crime.From The Court's Preliminary Conviction Statement: “It has confirmed that MARK Andrew Isley was found guilty of hacking in a computer or computer network.” Translated from: “Rwemeje ko MARK Andrew Isley ahamwa n’icyaha cyo kwinjira mu makuru abitse muri mudasobwa cyangwa mu rusobe rwa mudasobwa.”From The Court's Preliminary Conviction Statement:The prosecution relied on the statements of the plaintiff, witnesses, the report of Liquid Telecommunication Rwanda and the document on the laptop and asked for punishment. Defendant MARK ANDREW ISLEY pleaded not guilty to the charges and said he was lied to. Court found MARK Andrew Isley guilty of hacking into computer or computer network, punishable imprisonment for three (3) years and a fine of 1,500,000 Frw, but the imprisonment is suspended for two years. Translated from:”Ubushinjacyaha bwashingiye ku mvugo z’urega, abatangabuhamya, raporo ya Liquid Telecommunication Rwanda n’inyandiko ifatira laptop ndetse bumusabira igihano. MARK ANDREW ISLEY waburanye wunganiwe yahakanye icyaha aregwa avuga ko bamubeshyera.”From The Court's Preliminary Conviction Statement: “The court also finds a sign provided by Liquid Intelligent Technologies that shows the location and the names of the owners of the IP address used to commit the crime. It shows that on 10/11/2021 Mark Isley had access to the email and deleted the files in question and that he used Rhonda Isley Lella Isley's laptop. type MACBOOK AIR 13' 2018 of his wife and it was possible for him to see evidence, so the evidence provided by the prosecution is sufficient to prove the crime of accessing information stored in a computer or computer network.” Translated from: “Urukiko rusanga nanone ikimenyetso cyatanzwe na Liquid Intelligent Technologies igaragaza Location ndetse n’amazina ya nyiri IP Address yakoreshejwe hakorwa icyaha bigaragaza ko tariki ya 10/11/2021 ko Mark Isley yarafite access kuri Email agasiba ibyo aregwa ndetse akaba yarakoresheje Laptop ya Rhonda Isley Lella Isley Laptop type MACBOOK AIR 13' 2018 y’umugore we kandi bikaba byarashobokaga ko ayibona, bityo ibimenyetso byatanzwe n’ubushinjacyaha birahagije mu kumuhamya icyaha cyo kwinjira mu makuru abitse muri mudasobwa cyangwa mu rusobe rwa mudasobwa.”*Ref. N° RP 00807/2022/TB/GSBO dated 29th August, 2022
    Rhonda Isley Claims: The Embassy was not willing to become involved as the situation was seen as an issue between employee and employer.
    ISK has no information to support this claim and has not been in contact with the Embassy.

    Rhonda Isley has asked other educators “to ask the school why the school is trying to send one of their teachers to prison in a foreign country without clear evidence of a crime when they have the ability to support Mark in his appeal to have the case dismissed. Misinformation: The National Public Prosecution Authority brought a criminal case against Mark Isley for deleting and misappropriating school data, not ISK. Mark Isley got caught and was convicted. He is not exempt from the law. The school will not support lawbreakers. The argument that this was a miscarriage of justice is both disingenuous and distasteful, especially when there have been well-documented miscarriages of justice in the international school community against teachers in foreign countries, such as false accusations of sex abuse against two teachers in Jakarta. Such cases merit support from all within the international community. This case most definitely is not one of them.
    Rhonda Isley claims: How does ISK justify sending a teacher to prison for harming students and their futures when a judge has already determined there was no harm to students and no evidence of wrongdoing.Misinformation: Harm to students was only avoided due to the school’s significant efforts and hiring of experts to recapture the information. Fortunately, the school was successful, with no help from Mark Isley. Mark Isley has, to date, never admitted to any wrongdoing. Therefore, the school’s successful recovery efforts do not dimmish or excuse Mark Isley’s criminal conduct.From The Court's Preliminary Conviction Statement: “The court found that MARK Andrew Isley was convicted of a crime and should be sentenced to three years in prison and a fine of 1,500,000 Frw because the crime was brutal and has an impact on the students' education because it will be difficult for them to get other education.” Translated from Kinyarandan: “Urukiko rurasanga MARK Andrew Isley icyaha yerezwe cyamuhamye akwiye guhanishwa igihano cyo gufungwa imyaka itatu no gutanga ihazabu y’amafaranga 1.500.000Frw kuko icyaha yagikoranye ubugome kandi kikaba gifite ingaruka ku myigire y’abanyeshuri kuko bizabagora kubona izindi fashanyigisho.”
    *Ref. N° RP 00807/2022/TB/GSBO dated 29th August, 2022

    Rhonda Isley is asking other educators, who know none of the above facts to contact other colleagues, to question ISK and ISK’s recruitment.This is a textbook case of using social media to misdirect and mask guilty conduct. Hopefully, educators know not to jump on a thoughtless social media bandwagon without the facts. This is what teachers try to teach students, and teachers in the international school community would be well advised to think and ask questions before piling on defamatory social media posts.
    We hope this document answers any outstanding questions and strongly encourages Rhonda Isley and others to stop the online and judicial harassment of the children, the community, the teachers, and the administrators of the International School of Kigali. ISK remains happy to talk to any colleagues in the international school community should they have questions about this case and our school. However, we will not entertain opinions without documented facts to back these up. ISK does not support or engage in cyberbullying.
    Considerations Definitions:Cyberbullying or cyberharassment is a form of bullying or harassment using electronic means. Cyberbullying and cyberharassment are also known as online bullying. It has become increasingly common, especially among teenagers, as the digital sphere has expanded and technology has advanced.[1] Cyberbullying is when someone, typically a teenager, bullies or harasses others on the internet and other digital spaces, particularly on social media sites. Slander: the action or crime of making a false spoken statement damaging to a person’s reputation.Defamation: a statement that injures a third party’s reputation which is a tort that includes both libel(written statements) and slander.#freemarkisley#freemarkisleyFAQs#part1freemarkisley#part2freemarkisleyfrom the #part3freemarkisley#markisleyisfree

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    Luang Prabang (again!!)
    Fcuk!! Reminder to self not to delete any school files, no matter how trivial they might appear...

    But did he delete any files? and if so, why? It's not clear (he says, they say etc)

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