This surely deserves a thread of it's own.

When Sinovac's efficacy is being questioned in Chile, Indonesia and elsewhere, where Sinovac-immunised people have contracted Covid variants, why has the Prayut cabinet kept ordering more and more of this Chinese vaccine instead of pursuing superior doses elsewhere?

How come the Government Pharmaceutical Organization (GPO), whose board members are associated with the Bhumjaithai Party under Health Minister Anutin Charnvirakul, seem hellbent on importing this vaccine, while seemingly being reluctant when it comes to procurement of the US-made vaccines that are reported to have more efficacy?

.... But if there is fishy business involved, the possibility of criminal lawsuits must come into the picture. Are people dying and succumbing to the virus because of policy shenanigans?

Is there a jab cover-up in Thailand? (

Whilst this Editorial from the BP stops short of suggesting that any Cabinet Minister who is a member of the BJP faction of the current junta would ever resort to corruption, there may be an issue with certain policy discrepancies.

It is also a real pity that the sole mandated manufacturer of AZ in Thaland, 'Siam Bioscience', appears not to be able to manufacture it.