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  1. #101
    I am not a cat
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    Must do three years to be exempt. It was all organized through the school. I would think pretty much every school has the option to do it. If you do less than three years your conscription time can be cut, but not exempt. Starting age 15.

  2. #102
    I'm in Jail

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    I'm Dead
    ^ Ok thanks.

  3. #103
    I'm in Jail

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    That's cheered me up, two TDers posting and helping.

  4. #104
    Thailand Expat AntRobertson's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nidhogg View Post
    I will have one. My son just came back from his last ever Ror Dor army cadet training (5 days in the field).

    He is now officially exempt from conscription.

    That is good news.

    If it weren't the Thai army I'd say that conscription or some kind of compulsory service wouldn't be the worst idea in the world. But it is so they can get fucked, my kids aren't doing it.

  5. #105

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    A good hazing never hurt anyone.. oh hang on

  6. #106
    Thailand Expat David48atTD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AntRobertson View Post
    ... my kids aren't doing it.
    Ant, how do you stop it happening?

    I'm assuming they are Thai Citizens (Dual Citizens of Australia's South East Islands)

  7. #107
    Thailand Expat AntRobertson's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by David48atTD
    I'm assuming they are Thai Citizens (Dual Citizens of Australia's South East Islands)
    You mean the capital of Australia? Correct.

    Quote Originally Posted by David48atTD
    Ant, how do you stop it happening?
    Get them the hell out of dodge.

    Conscription age is 21 I believe? Can't see any reason they'd still be here by then really.

  8. #108
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dillinger View Post
    A good hazing never hurt anyone.. oh hang on
    Been my nightmare for three years. But, he was going through (mostly) with his class mates. He is a personable lad, who make friends easily ( translation: not a dickhead like his dad).

    He never said a bad word about the regular army guys who were doing the training. My take is they were tough but fair, and he speaks of them with grudging respect. It seems the issue of him being luk krung was never raised, and indeed it seemed most people respected that he was not taking an easy way out.

    As a left hander he was put in a new troup on this last training. Something to do with gun safety, they put all the lefties in one group. Caused him some concern on the first night, but he aced it, as i said a personable boy.

    He told me the story of a group of half french boys who tried to play the i do not speak thai schtick and the army guys took no notice of that shit and got them to do the same stuff also. The boy also told me you could do the i am sick schtick, and you could go to the nurses tent with no fallout.

    All in all, i was quite surprised how decent it was, and yes. I was prepared to drag him out at the first sign of shit.

    You do have to keep up on the paperwork though. That side i am less clear on. A few trips back to the home province to file proper details etc.

  9. #109
    I'm in Jail

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    25-02-2024 @ 11:45 PM
    Sounds like a good outcome Nid and perhaps gives the lad a different perspective on the future re careers i.e. fuk doing that for a game of soldiers i'd much rather be a ..... whatever it may be.

  10. #110

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    Quote Originally Posted by nidhogg View Post
    All in all, i was quite surprised how decent it was, and yes
    The cases we've seen about recruits on the wacky news in Thailand will be few and far between really.

    One thing I've always admired about Thais is the respect I see from the kids and youth (unlike the little shits from the UK) and the way most go on to become the equivalent of a pension, although is that just the girls

    How's your son loving not going there anymore?
    Will he need to do a monkhood soon?

  11. #111
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    I've been away from home for a few days and have missed my evenings with the dogs.

    I'm heading back to Korat just now and the wife just called. I got her to hold her phone by Dan's ear (our 13 year old) and she started whining, yelping and licking the wife's phone.

    It's cheered me right up! It's nice to be missed.

  12. #112
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mendip View Post
    I'm heading back to Korat just now and the wife just called. I got her to hold her phone by Dan's ear (our 13 year old) and she started whining, yelping and licking the wife's phone.
    That's because your wife's got a new case for her phone.

  13. #113
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    I think that I'm naturally cynical and grumpy so am an infrequent visitor to this thread... the 'Daily Moan' much better fits my personality.

    But... despite losing most of my fish the last couple of days to oxygen deficiency, even I must admit that four great things have happened today. Great things can come from adversity, as they say...

    1. I went to Singapore last week and for a while today it looked as though my daughter was going to be excluded from her (very expensive) school for 14 days from my return due to imposed self-quarantine procedures. It also looked as though my mates kid was also going to be excluded since we share transport... me the driver. I was on my way to pick the kids up when the school phoned to say they had decided it only counted from the 24th... when the education guy in Bangkok made the declaration. I did a U-turn and came back home... result!

    2. Our latest dog, Yogi, has always been a bit frigid and hates to be touched, but to be fair has never shown the slightest bit of aggression. All of our dogs have ticks (hebs) at the moment and after I'd managed to pick up Yogi and sit him on my lap he was as good as gold while I plucked his ticks off and plopped them in a glass of Hong Thong.. No problem at all and no sign of aggression. He even let me pluck out a few big ticks from inside his ears using my wife's eyebrow tweezers with no complaint at all (no complaint from him, that is). I was so pleased, and since this bonding session he's been a lot more open to being touched. The daughter's sworn to secrecy and the wife will never know, so all is good.

    3. Tonight I was watching yet another episode of Dad's Army on Youtube (yes... that's Korat for ya...) when I realised that my daughter was singing along to the theme tune and knows all the words...

    "Who do you think you are kidding Mr Hitler, if you think we're on the run ..."

    I was so proud... there can't be many kids in Korat who can do that!

    4. Before shutting up tonight, as usual I went outside to check on the dogs and the gardener was waiting for me and gave me a huge glass of his Ya Dong! He knows I'm pissed off about all our fish dying and he wanted to cheer me up. That was nice!

    What a day of cheer!

  14. #114
    I'm in Jail

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    25-02-2024 @ 11:45 PM
    ^ see its not all doom and gloom, its just easier to focus on the bad bits at times. Yogi i assume is the wrinkly one with the expressive look focused on your sundowner of an evening. Great dog and one i'd have.

    I have proper Victor Meldrew moments occasionally and when across in Thailand the Mrs just gives me a look, the one that says wtf have you got to complain about...the penny drops and the drama in a tea cup disappears - she's right, in the west we worry about a lot of insignificant shit and she's largely immune to it

    she's on a role and we've offloaded another place, it was a "?" if we were going to hold on to it but no complaints, just that its the place i put up the car port xmas time - still no worries it was a trial run and we got the money back.


  15. #115
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    I carn't believe how cheap tinned food is!

    I've managed to nearly destroy the suspension on my car and fill every cupboard , nook and cranny in the house with a wide selection of various canned food for £100.
    Must have 250 cans of Aldis finest now, maybe Covid19 would be a preferable alternative but hey ho

  16. #116
    Thailand Expat David48atTD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mendip View Post
    ... I'd managed to pick up Yogi and sit him on my lap he was as good as gold while I plucked his ticks off and plopped them in a glass of Hong Thong...
    Don't waste good Hong Thong (oxymoron I know) ... we just chick them in the pond.

    Pla Nin are surface feeders

  17. #117
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    Posting for balance. Had a fairly shitty day, topped offf by really bad toothache. I hate dentists, but went back to my established one. As said elsewhere, she is a fucking witch. One minor injection, started root canal. No pain. Need to remember to balance my loathing for dentists with how gentle and good she is. Old Thai lady. An absolute witch. Beautiful lady.

  18. #118
    I'm in Jail

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    Quote Originally Posted by nidhogg View Post
    No pain. Need to remember to balance my loathing for dentists with how gentle and good she is. Old Thai lady. An absolute witch. Beautiful lady.
    Nid, did she take her dentures out?

    Little things make me happy, nope not me dick, but new potato season - loves em i does, just hope CORVIN19 doesn't ruin the crop or Brexit ruin next years!!

  19. #119
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    A mate has got a more bodged house than I.
    Never thought I'd see the day

  20. #120
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    Managed to clear a headache and hangover. .
    Left with strict instructions to forage for Loo roll from my daughter.
    Hangover from hell, I sourced the holy trail....

    A Bells Scotch pie!!!

    Oh and a few rolls, she'll get a funny surprise when she goes to bed tonight...
    Daily or weekly cheer-20200311_090107-jpg

    Daily or weekly cheer-20200311_090827-jpg

  21. #121
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    25-02-2024 @ 11:45 PM
    those fookin toilet rolls have about 50 sheets / roll, the only surprise she'll get is how quick she gets through them, oh and the pie you forgot to pick up from her bed when she lays on it.

  22. #122
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    I get to fly back on Sunday, 9 days early. Let's hope the Thais let me in (unlike the Indians) and the plane is less than half full...

    So where can you pick up these face face masks? Does swampy have them?

  23. #123
    Thailand Expat lom's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Troy View Post
    So where can you pick up these face face masks? Does swampy have them?
    They are available somewhere and sold out somewhere and where somewhere is 9 days later is impossible to guess.
    Aren't they available in Germany, don't you want to wear one on the plane?

  24. #124
    I am not a cat
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    Quote Originally Posted by Troy View Post
    I get to fly back on Sunday, 9 days early. Let's hope the Thais let me in (unlike the Indians) and the plane is less than half full...

    So where can you pick up these face face masks? Does swampy have them?
    You got more chance getting them there than here to be honest.

  25. #125
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    It would be cheaper to go to a WW2 memorabilia shop and get a gas mask.

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