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  1. #26
    Bettyboo's Avatar
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    09-06-2024 @ 10:31 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by Passing Through
    Of course, given the extraordinary Russophobia which seems to have entirely drowned the so-called 'liberal' America, that simple fact may be hard for some to discern.
    Quote Originally Posted by chassamui
    In order to apply critical analysis, one must read the propaganda, of both sides. The truth, i.e. Where the smoke is coming from and who placed the mirrors, is somewhere in the middle of all the bias and obfuscation.
    Quote Originally Posted by CaptainNemo
    I don't think RT is any less dodgy than the the BBC/C4/Guardian/Indy/NYT/WashPo/HuffPo sort of media.
    Three good comments.

    A binary approach to issues/news/ideas, unfortunately, is extremely common.

  2. #27
    Thailand Expat
    chassamui's Avatar
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    I wonder if RT is setting itself up to be the default replacement for what Al Jazeera once promised to be?

  3. #28
    Bettyboo's Avatar
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    09-06-2024 @ 10:31 AM
    I got so bored of the BBC propaganda that I probably read RT more often these days.

    Aren't the Saudis trying to close down Al Jazeera?

    The internet, ironically, seems to have crucified the quality of most online news outlets. But, that's a whole other story...

  4. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bettyboo View Post
    I got so bored of the BBC propaganda that I probably read RT more often these days.

    Aren't the Saudis trying to close down Al Jazeera?

    The internet, ironically, seems to have crucified the quality of most online news outlets. But, that's a whole other story...
    How about exploring sources that are less mainstream without an agenda?

  5. #30
    Bettyboo's Avatar
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    09-06-2024 @ 10:31 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by thaimeme
    How about exploring sources that are less mainstream without an agenda?
    Everyone has an agenda... But, regarding less mainstream, yes, that's good, although with Google and such controlling search engine algorithms, one does have to make an effort beyond a few button presses.

  6. #31
    I'm in Jail

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    Funny you should mention the left wing, Chas.

    Wasn't it Paulson and Bernanke that got slated for bailing out the banks and starting QE.,and they were bringing socialism to the USA.

    Think it went something like they were Tampering with the Free market system,
    Quote Originally Posted by chassamui View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Cold Pizza
    Dan Glazebrook is a freelance political writer who has written for RT, Counterpunch, Z magazine, the Morning Star, the Guardian, the New Statesman, the Independent and Middle East Eye, amongst others.

    His first book “Divide and Ruin: The West’s Imperial Strategy in an Age of Crisis” was published by Liberation Media in October 2013. It featured a collection of articles written from 2009 onwards examining the links between economic collapse, the rise of the BRICS, war on Libya and Syria and 'austerity'. He is currently researching a book on US-British use of sectarian death squads against independent states and movements from Northern Ireland and Central America in the 1970s and 80s to the Middle East and Africa today.
    No left wing radicalism there then.

  7. #32
    I'm in Jail

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    Jeff how about providing some links for us to explore, oops Jeff has left the thread rather sharpish.

    Quote Originally Posted by thaimeme View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Bettyboo View Post
    I got so bored of the BBC propaganda that I probably read RT more often these days.

    Aren't the Saudis trying to close down Al Jazeera?

    The internet, ironically, seems to have crucified the quality of most online news outlets. But, that's a whole other story...
    How about exploring sources that are less mainstream without an agenda?

  8. #33
    I'm in Jail

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    So you're still peaking in the forum Betty.

    John Pilger had a great read about Greece.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bettyboo View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Chico
    Pity Betty ain't still around he could gloat.

    It has been very obvious from the Greek pensioners and 'workers' paying for the Greek Elite and French/German bankers country mansions, to the British taxpayers paying for the Bank executives' (and their crony politician friends') third home in Monaco, to the British pension funds being stolen by Lords of scum, that this entire banking/political fiasco has been designed to rape the masses, yet again.

    The article is well written and the details expressed have been proven correct over the last decade, nevermind the actually wealth redistribution in the US and UK that has been thoroughly detailed over the last 30 years.

    If the best retort by some is: but the writer is a Communist, then the propaganda machine is working well and the elites will keep the moneytrain rolling in for the foreseeable future.

  9. #34
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    QE was a simple mechanism whereby governments through their Central banks bailed out the financial institutions so that they could offset losses and in turn re-inflate asset values by re-introducing liquidity into the market place thus keeping the world spinning on its axis.
    Putting it crudely, governments sold cheap money to the banks who then sold it onto foreign markets at a higher rate thus restoring their own finances enabling them to make even more profits through money re-invested in selling debt to the High Street creating yet another bubble. The wall of QE money washed over SE Asia, the ME and S.America. Now that it has stopped there are repercussions for those countries which sucked up all that credit. Most of it was denominated in $US so volatility in that currency can be a bugger for many.

    RT is a very dangerous medium in that whereas other media outlets tend to operate on the basis that their primary function is to deliver a news product and capture market share for enhanced revenue, the Russian agency is solely a propaganda machine for Putin and serves his interests. As any decent propagandist will always tell you it is far more effective to spread your message if you conceal the kernels of deceit within a nice fluffy coat of truth. It is excellent at doing it but no one of any intelligence would ever, ever accept the organisation as anything other than a tool for Putin.

    The inflation of stock market indices and property values is simply a reaction to zero interest rates which were manufactured by governments so that the banks could recover the Trillion of $ they lost in the crash. If one thinks of the zero interest rate environment as an induced coma for the banks then the QE was the blood/plasma transfusion to make sure the patient built up their strength when consciousness resumed.

    The world needs banks and there it is.

  10. #35
    I'm in Jail

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    Quote Originally Posted by Seekingasylum View Post
    QE was a simple mechanism whereby governments through their Central banks bailed out the financial institutions so that they could offset losses and in turn re-inflate asset values by re-introducing liquidity into the market place thus keeping the world spinning on its axis.
    Putting it crudely, governments sold cheap money to the banks who then sold it onto foreign markets at a higher rate thus restoring their own finances enabling them to make even more profits through money re-invested in selling debt to the High Street creating yet another bubble. The wall of QE money washed over SE Asia, the ME and S.America. Now that it has stopped there are repercussions for those countries which sucked up all that credit. Most of it was denominated in $US so volatility in that currency can be a bugger for many.

    RT is a very dangerous medium in that whereas other media outlets tend to operate on the basis that their primary function is to deliver a news product and capture market share for enhanced revenue, the Russian agency is solely a propaganda machine for Putin and serves his interests. As any decent propagandist will always tell you it is far more effective to spread your message if you conceal the kernels of deceit within a nice fluffy coat of truth. It is excellent at doing it but no one of any intelligence would ever, ever accept the organisation as anything other than a tool for Putin.

    The inflation of stock market indices and property values is simply a reaction to zero interest rates which were manufactured by governments so that the banks could recover the Trillion of $ they lost in the crash. If one thinks of the zero interest rate environment as an induced coma for the banks then the QE was the blood/plasma transfusion to make sure the patient built up their strength when consciousness resumed.

    The world needs banks and there it is.
    SA never heard of the tech markets.?

    Apple, Google, Vodafone, crowd funding, Agreeit, EE, O2, Weve the list goes on.

    We could always start our own co-operatives.

    Banks need money, so they need People to invest in their banks and products we will no longer need banks in the future.

    Should you require insurance etc go to say a website that compares products, don 't need a bank for their inflated prices.

    Presently banks in the US, after all the buy outs have a 70% share of the banking sector.

    let's take a couple of examples

    since 2007 JP Morgan, for example, are now worth over 2.3 trillion

    Barclays bought lehman for 350 million and made a 2 billion profit

    Anyway, The USA govt were opposed to socialism until they near to nationalized the banking system and then went back to be a capitalist centre of the world.

    3 million Americans lost their homes

    Job losses over a 2 year period.

    September 2008 – 433,000 jobs lost
    October 2008 – 489,000 jobs lost
    November 2008 – 803,000 jobs lost
    December 2008 – 661,000 jobs lost

    January 2009 – 818,000 jobs lost
    February 2009 – 724,000 jobs lost
    March 2009 – 799,000 jobs lost
    April 2009 – 692,000 jobs lost
    May 2009 – 361,000 jobs lost
    June 2009 – 482,000 jobs lost
    July 2009 – 339,000 jobs lost
    August 2009 – 222,000 jobs lost
    September 2009 – 199,000 jobs lost
    October 2009 – 202,000 jobs lost
    November 2009 - 64,000 jobs created
    December 2009 - 109,000 jobs lost

  11. #36
    In Uranus
    bsnub's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seekingasylum
    RT is a very dangerous medium in that whereas other media outlets tend to operate on the basis that their primary function is to deliver a news product and capture market share for enhanced revenue, the Russian agency is solely a propaganda machine for Putin and serves his interests. As any decent propagandist will always tell you it is far more effective to spread your message if you conceal the kernels of deceit within a nice fluffy coat of truth. It is excellent at doing it but no one of any intelligence would ever, ever accept the organisation as anything other than a tool for Putin.
    Mic drop.

  12. #37
    Thailand Expat

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    Quote Originally Posted by Chico View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Seekingasylum View Post
    QE was a simple mechanism whereby governments through their Central banks bailed out the financial institutions so that they could offset losses and in turn re-inflate asset values by re-introducing liquidity into the market place thus keeping the world spinning on its axis.
    Putting it crudely, governments sold cheap money to the banks who then sold it onto foreign markets at a higher rate thus restoring their own finances enabling them to make even more profits through money re-invested in selling debt to the High Street creating yet another bubble. The wall of QE money washed over SE Asia, the ME and S.America. Now that it has stopped there are repercussions for those countries which sucked up all that credit. Most of it was denominated in $US so volatility in that currency can be a bugger for many.

    RT is a very dangerous medium in that whereas other media outlets tend to operate on the basis that their primary function is to deliver a news product and capture market share for enhanced revenue, the Russian agency is solely a propaganda machine for Putin and serves his interests. As any decent propagandist will always tell you it is far more effective to spread your message if you conceal the kernels of deceit within a nice fluffy coat of truth. It is excellent at doing it but no one of any intelligence would ever, ever accept the organisation as anything other than a tool for Putin.

    The inflation of stock market indices and property values is simply a reaction to zero interest rates which were manufactured by governments so that the banks could recover the Trillion of $ they lost in the crash. If one thinks of the zero interest rate environment as an induced coma for the banks then the QE was the blood/plasma transfusion to make sure the patient built up their strength when consciousness resumed.

    The world needs banks and there it is.
    SA never heard of the tech markets.?

    Apple, Google, Vodafone, crowd funding, Agreeit, EE, O2, Weve the list goes on.

    We could always start our own co-operatives.

    Banks need money, so they need People to invest in their banks and products we will no longer need banks in the future.

    Should you require insurance etc go to say a website that compares products, don 't need a bank for their inflated prices.

    Presently banks in the US, after all the buy outs have a 70% share of the banking sector.

    let's take a couple of examples

    since 2007 JP Morgan, for example, are now worth over 2.3 trillion

    Barclays bought lehman for 350 million and made a 2 billion profit

    Anyway, The USA govt were opposed to socialism until they near to nationalized the banking system and then went back to be a capitalist centre of the world.

    3 million Americans lost their homes

    Job losses over a 2 year period.

    September 2008 – 433,000 jobs lost
    October 2008 – 489,000 jobs lost
    November 2008 – 803,000 jobs lost
    December 2008 – 661,000 jobs lost

    January 2009 – 818,000 jobs lost
    February 2009 – 724,000 jobs lost
    March 2009 – 799,000 jobs lost
    April 2009 – 692,000 jobs lost
    May 2009 – 361,000 jobs lost
    June 2009 – 482,000 jobs lost
    July 2009 – 339,000 jobs lost
    August 2009 – 222,000 jobs lost
    September 2009 – 199,000 jobs lost
    October 2009 – 202,000 jobs lost
    November 2009 - 64,000 jobs created
    December 2009 - 109,000 jobs lost
    Err, and your point is?

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