I know engaging in schadenfreude (taking pleasure in the misfortune of others) is a guilty pleasure and misanthropic mindset but I recently came across an unsought and unsolicited brief bio of a lad I knew in my teens.He was considered by the like-aged girls of Truro to be the most handsome chap of our,shared, age group- looking at this accolade congenitally and with particular reference paid to the depleted,moribund, gene pool from which he sprung it was something of a dubious honorific title.

He really, really preened and adored the attention.He was said to have considerable talent as a footballer and was rumoured to have been considered for trials with soccer giants Plymouth Argyle (think Delaware's second tier NFL team level of shiteness North Atlantic cousins) knew this and had the most conceited, raging ego imaginable. He acted in a particularly spiteful,mean, two faced manner to all those around him.

The last I'd heard of him he'd landed a menial- but considering the economic realities of being a teenager in one of England's most deprived counties- livable employment at his step father's/mothers new fuckbuddys business.

He'd completely slipped my mind but learning of the fact that (1)he's still earning minimum wage in a job so skill-less an ape or illiterate, Indian peasant could/would/will render him redundant.(2) is still living with the bland, generic 4/10 girl he was dating at age 15 filled me with elation! I've never been promiscuous but such an arrogant, conceited filled prick being stuck at low single figures sexually including teenage bus stop dry humping trysts fills me with a feeling that everything in life finds a balance....Ying and Yang... beauty and the beast, the bullying hurtful "top boy" becomes the economically and psycho-sexually bereft looser