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Thread: God?

  1. #101
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    Quote Originally Posted by Looper View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by ENT
    Ever felt as if someone's looking at you? Or looked at someone from behind, or at a cat or dog or child only for them to turn around towards you? It's because they're aware of you staring at them, aware of you extending and projecting chi at them. Simple. Electrical energy discharging from one liquid crystal bio-form to be picked up and responded to by another....awareness on another level.
    So when you talk about energy you are not talking about energy as it is defined by science. You are talking about some pseudo-magical kind of mind-reading magical ki-transference kind of woooooo!!! kind of energy.
    I'm on about the same energy as any scientist talks about chappy, it's all electrical, altered, boosted and diminished either chemically or physically in the human body and beyond.

    You keep insisting that I wax lyrical on your childish view and pet fear of (wooooo!) magic, myth and mystery, while ignoring the patently obvious and scientifically accepted view that all bio-forms are liquid crystal structures.

    Go read up your first year geo-chemistry to start with then dip into some first year biology and molecular biology (all readings can be found on the net through diligent searching) and then understand how a liquid crystal bio-form works.

    Is there any scientific evidence of this liquid crystal magical electrical bio-form energy mind-reading hoo-doo transference?

    Or is it perhaps just a romantic notion from parapsychology that sounds kind of interesting in a wooooo!! mystical kind of way?
    There's no reliable scientific study done of chi that I'm aware of, although energy transfer from one material form to another is an accepted commonplace event.

    Stand close enough to an electrical field and you'll induce an electrical charge from it into your own electrical field. Touch the source and you'll likely get electrocuted if grounded. Induced transfer of electrical energy is now used to re-charge car batteries or to power up lights and other electrical devices.

    Years ago the very idea that electricity could transfer the human voice via radio was regarded as charlatanism.

    Maybe you believe in creationism or the flat earth theory of universal existence, or conversely, that nothing exists beyond a linear reality based on what you've been told to believe or seen in movies.

    Maybe your views of alternative realities are derived from woooo! woooo! movies, they're bizarre enough! You keep using the words woooo! and mystery, mystical and romantic to describe what obviously disturbs you, maybe your insecurities are based on the need for concrete explanations that don't change over time. Does the idea of parallel realities scare you? Do you need to be in control?

    I've news for you, ...scientific theory and explanations change,....constantly, over time, nothing is finally "proven", only currently accepted.

    Are you able to produce a single scientific study that demonstrates that people can actually tell whether somebody else is looking at them from behind or not?
    Not looked yet, probably in some psychology research papers if you look on the net.Recent research re Tai Chi;
    A study investigating the effects of Tai Chi Chuan: individuals with traumatic brain injury compared to controls....

    Tai Chi was associated with significant improvement on all VAMS, except fatigue(mood score) with decreases in sadness, confusion, anger, tension, fear and increases in energy and happiness.

    More scientific articles re. Chi in the links.
    A Comprehensive Review of Health Benefits of Qigong and Tai Chi

    Research has demonstrated consistent, significant results for a number of health benefits in RCTs, evidencing progress toward recognizing the similarity and equivalence of Qigong and Tai Chi.
    Qui gong, reiki, acupuncture, acupressure, Aikido, ki-Aikido and Tai Chi are all based on understanding the harmonious flow of chi (energy/life force) through the body.
    Charts and diagrams more than 2,000 years old used by the above practitioners indicate the human nervous and circulatory systems (meridians) with their 'nodes' or pressure points.

    Fifty years ago massage, physiotherapy, hypnosis and other alternative healing techniques were completely dismissed by western empirical scientists, but are now part and parcel of modern healing therapies.

    Martial arts in the 1940's was not much more than wrestling, until after WW2 when Japanese POW's were forced to teach their American captors their martial arts techniques of karate, aikido and judo, all scientifically based on the human anatomy and its natural functions.

    The inherent energy of (in this case) a human is directed along the easiest path through the body to improve harmonious well being of a person in pain or ill health, or can be diverted, impeded or re-directed to create maximum discomfort to one's opponent in martial contest.

    After the early 1950s western military hand to hand combat took a leap forward, incorporating the principles indicated by Tai Chi and by extension other Japanese martial arts, which were quickly taken up by western martial artists.

    A form of Aikido is now used by both police and military forces, all based on early Chinese observations of the flow and function of Chi in the human body.

    Yes sometimes someone will catch you in the periphery of their vision or turn and look at you only to find that you are looking at them. Then you are momentarily caught in each other's gaze. This is momentarily uncomfortable since each of you knows that you are pondering the other's gaze wondering about the other's intention and then one of you looks away.
    No peripheral vision is necessarily involved in that I've described, the person or animal being focused on usually has their back to you, or is not aware of your presence and intention.

    When stalking game, for instance, even when down wind from the quarry, the animal can sense the hunter's presence and will turn to look, but if nothing is seen or smelled or heard, it will continue grazing or moving or rest at ease.

    The momentary discomfort of being caught in another's gaze is not the magical transference of ki or kirlian coronal energy; it is simply the natural discomfort of being caught in the gaze of another creature.
    The discomfort you allude to occurs before you see who's fixing their attention on you.

    Your reaction and discomfort is the result of an evolutionary process. Hundreds of thousands of years of predatory experience has taught us that being the object of attention of a stranger or another creature is something to be mildly concerned about since other creatures are self-interested agents. If they are measuring you up then it is possible that they are doing so with the idea of interaction to their benefit which may involve eating, cheating, fighting or fucking you. That is why you feel the fleeting shiver of discomfort.
    You deliberately avoided the point I made, that awareness of another's surreptitious interest in one occurs before turning to look in their direction.
    It has nothing to do with peripheral vision.
    It's not a fleeting shiver of discomfort, but a full on awareness that one's an object of interest for one reason or another.

    Some call it the sixth sense, intuition.
    Trying to explain the phenomenon (which you accept as a reality) away as just an evolutionary process is a little simplistic. Of course it's an evolved process.

    Your colourful magical ki coronal quantum rainbow energy beams might be another more imaginative explanation but Occam's razor says that the burden of proof is on you.
    Man, what a load of guff!! All that is only in your mind. I have no magical theory to offer.

    Ki has nothing to do with magic, and your concept of it is deluded, totally.

    Remember, you're just a liquid crystal, and all your thoughts, theories, beliefs and words are simply transfers of electrical energy.
    Last edited by ENT; 15-11-2016 at 12:51 PM.

  2. #102
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    deleted dbl post.
    Last edited by ENT; 15-11-2016 at 12:39 PM.

  3. #103
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    14-12-2023 @ 11:54 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by Looper View Post

    sometimes someone will catch you in the periphery of their vision or turn and look at you only to find that you are looking at them. Then you are momentarily caught in each other's gaze. This is momentarily uncomfortable since each of you knows that you are pondering the other's gaze wondering about the other's intention and then one of you looks away.
    By coincidence, this happened to me just the other day, for the first time in ages.

    I haven't seen a lady I know in 2 years. I used to know her very well, and thought I recognized her from behind at a supermarket. Her hair, body shape, posture and approximate age really made it look like her.

    I was at least 7 metres away and scrutinizing her very intently, trying to pick up clues, when she turned and looked directly at me.

    At the time I realized another possible explanation though : the cashier could have looked towards me with a surprised look because I was looking so intently.....and she could have followed his gaze.

    However I have, as have we all, experienced the same thing with no explanation.
    Last edited by Latindancer; 15-11-2016 at 05:47 PM.

  4. #104
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    Quote Originally Posted by ENT
    You keep insisting that I wax lyrical on your childish view and pet fear of (wooooo!) magic, myth and mystery
    Its not a fear it is a disdain. You are making casual references to science and electricity to gain some credibility and then wandering of on a pseudo-mystical claim about telepathic transference energies of which there is not a shred of evidence.

    Lets take one of your claims.

    You say that people can telepathically detect when another human being is looking at them from behind.

    You say that it is spooky the way that you can get a funny feeling sometimes and look round and somebody is looking at you. So what about the 99 other times that you don't get a spooky feeling and don't look round but actually somebody is looking at you, sometimes they will even be thinking about you or passing comment on you to another individual but somehow your magic chi energy is not working on those 99 other occasions. How do you explain that? Or if you want to deny it then where is the study showing statistically that people actually can tell when somebody is looking at them from behind? If that is true it surely must be a remarkable fact about the nature of human telepathic psychology. It surely must have piqued the interest of at least one scientific person who surely must have conducted a study. So where is this study?

    We both know the answer: There is no study because what you are doing is trying to infer 'scientific' fact through intuition and hunches and spooky subjective feelings about consciousness and then saying it is a fact. It is not a fact.

    Human intuition is flawed in many ways. Lets take one example.

    We are born with an intuitive sense of how gravity works which is honed by our evolutionary experience. Things fall down, Things stick to the earth. But that is not a true picture of how gravity works. Scientific analysis reveals how flawed human instinctive intuition is. Newton gave us a better model of gravity in the 17th century and Einstein trumped it in the 20th century.

    Human intuition is often flawed. One other way in which human intuition is flawed is in self-perception about the nature of consciousness.

    You say that you intuitively feel that your consciousness is made up of 'spooky' magical chi energy powers and that they can magically reach out to other minds and commune through the ether telepathically but you are wrong. Your brain cannot do this. Your brain is an evolved cognitive organ. It does not possess special properties to telepathically discern the thoughts of others who may or may not be standing behind you and may or may not be looking at you. Your intuition tricks you because on the 1 time out of a hundred that it turns out to be correct you impute that this is a general spooky truth about consciousness but you are wrong. It is not.

    Unless you want to demonstrate otherwise with a peer reviewed scientific paper proving the facticity of this spooky property of human consciousness?

  5. #105
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    Quote Originally Posted by Looper View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by ENT
    You keep insisting that I wax lyrical on your childish view and pet fear of (wooooo!) magic, myth and mystery
    Its not a fear it is a disdain. You are making casual references to science and electricity to gain some credibility and then wandering of on a pseudo-mystical claim about telepathic transference energies of which there is not a shred of evidence.

    Lets take one of your claims.

    You say that people can telepathically detect when another human being is looking at them from behind.
    I said no such thing. Telepathy wasn't mentioned.

    You say that it is spooky the way that you can get a funny feeling sometimes and look round and somebody is looking at you.
    Liar again.
    I said no such thing. There's nothing spooky about it.

    So what about the 99 other times that you don't get a spooky feeling and don't look round but actually somebody is looking at you, sometimes they will even be thinking about you or passing comment on you to another individual but somehow your magic chi energy is not working on those 99 other occasions. How do you explain that?
    Somebody's probably looking at you in the way you say. There's no magic chi energy as you put it.

    Or if you want to deny it then where is the study showing statistically that people actually can tell when somebody is looking at them from behind? If that is true it surely must be a remarkable fact about the nature of human telepathic psychology. It surely must have piqued the interest of at least one scientific person who surely must have conducted a study

    Scientists Prove That Telepathic Communication Is Within Reach
    Read more: History, Travel, Arts, Science, People, Places | Smithsonian

    Conscious Brain-to-Brain Communication in Humans Using Non-Invasive Technologies
    PLOS ONE: Conscious Brain-to-Brain Communication in Humans Using Non-Invasive Technologies

    Reviewed in;
    Mental Telepathy is Real.

    We both know the answer: There is no study because what you are doing is trying to infer 'scientific' fact through intuition and hunches and spooky subjective feelings about consciousness and then saying it is a fact. It is not a fact.
    You're once more wrong, way off beam,you're living in the psychological dark ages, mate, read the articles I've referred to, above.

    Human intuition is flawed in many ways.

    Lets take one example.
    We are born with an intuitive sense of how gravity works which is honed by our evolutionary experience. Things fall down, Things stick to the earth. But that is not a true picture of how gravity works. Scientific analysis reveals how flawed human instinctive intuition is. Newton gave us a better model of gravity in the 17th century and Einstein trumped it in the 20th century.
    What scientific analysis of instinctive human intuition are you on about? Ever read one on the topic?

    And what was Newton's explanation for the apple falling on his head...and how did Einstein's theory expand on that and then casually disprove the existence of instinct and intuition?

    You're talking pure speculative nonsense, they both did nothing of the sort.

    Human intuition is often flawed. One other way in which human intuition is flawed is in self-perception about the nature of consciousness.
    There you go again, involving your (as you claim) flawed subjective point of view and reasoning in trying to explain intuition and instinct as it relates to consciousness, which you so far have claimed to be no more than a function of brain, disregarding entirely all the other sensory organs we possess that input to the brain all the necessary information that builds up our awareness, and consciousness.

    You say that you intuitively feel that your consciousness is made up of 'spooky' magical chi energy powers and that they can magically reach out to other minds and commune through the ether telepathically but you are wrong
    I said nothing of the sort! You've exaggerated and lied, putting words in my mouth that only you are aware of. You're not in touch with reality mate, otherwise you wouldn't misrepresent what others say as you've just done. Pathetic.

    Your brain cannot do this. Your brain is an evolved cognitive organ. It does not possess special properties to telepathically discern the thoughts of others who may or may not be standing behind you and may or may not be looking at you
    The brain is something you don't seem to know much about.
    Organically it's housed in the cranium, but by neural extension it inhabits the whole body. Other sensory organs feed it information, as do a myriad chemical signals from your endocrine glands and systems.
    Read the above articles re. telepathy that I've referenced, they may help you understand what you're talking about.
    Your intuition tricks you because on the 1 time out of a hundred that it turns out to be correct you impute that this is a general spooky truth about consciousness but you are wrong. It is not.
    Again read the above referenced articles re. intuition

    Unless you want to demonstrate otherwise with a peer reviewed scientific paper proving the facticity of this spooky property of human consciousness?
    References already given. Please read them.

    (PS. I bet you've never stalked or hunted either, nor used your intuition in searching or even taking so called 'calculated risk', eh chappy. You ought to go out pig hunting one day, or even rabbiting with a .22, it'd be a real eye-opener for you, hell you may get to recognize what instincts and intuition really are all about! )

  6. #106
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    Do you go "rabbiting" a lot, ENT?

  7. #107
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    I used to.

  8. #108
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    19-11-2016 @ 07:57 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by ENT
    transfers of electrical energy
    Placing your thumbs into your ears lightly; other fingers spread over your forehead.
    You will hear a lil motor humming away between the ears.
    Under the right conditions this lil motor can morph into a fully blown orchestra.
    The only piece of music that mimics this is on Dark side of the Moon. Track 2.
    An instrumental.
    Whoever wrote that piece must have had something similar happen to them
    that happened to me.
    Try to imagine the best stereo inside your head playing this piece.
    For me the experience lasted about 2 or 3 hours.
    And it was amazing.
    Of course the main in all this is Attention.
    Energy yes; inside projecting outwardly; outwardly coming back.
    Feeding off each other.

  9. #109
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    Beethoven was deaf.
    Many reckon that he heard the music of heaven.

    When I put my fingers in my ears as you suggest, Billy, all I get is a roaring noise as my blood rushes through my cranial circulatory system, I can even hear my pulses in the jugular veins and carotid arteries, (what a beat, man!), and the smaller capillaries pitch towards high tenor and descant.

    Hmmm, nothing mystical about that though.

  10. #110
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    Today @ 01:49 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by ENT
    I said nothing of the sort! You've exaggerated and lied, putting words in my mouth that only you are aware of. You're not in touch with reality mate, otherwise you wouldn't misrepresent what others say as you've just done. Pathetic.
    So have you or have you not claimed that human beings can tell whether or not another human being standing behind them is looking at them?

    If this were true it would be an amazing discovery that would stun the scientific and medical community and be the subject of detailed neurological research and front page covers on the lancet and yet there is not a single article covering this shocking and amazing feature of the human psyche.

    We either can or cannot tell if someone is looking at us from behind so which is it and if it is the former then where is the evidence?

    Or is it a secret feature which only you and a select few are party to (and only when the solar wind is blowing in the right direction and the astrological auras are correctly aligned) but you have deigned to share your secret knowledge with the TD denizens out of generosity of spirit?

  11. #111
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    Has anyone mentioned Hitler yet?

  12. #112
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    Quote Originally Posted by Looper
    We either can or cannot tell if someone is looking at us from behind so which is it...
    Apparently, you've never made the experience/observation, does this mean nobody else has neither?

  13. #113
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    Quote Originally Posted by ENT
    I said nothing of the sort! You've exaggerated and lied, putting words in my mouth that only you are aware of. You're not in touch with reality mate, otherwise you wouldn't misrepresent what others say as you've just done. Pathetic.
    So have you or have you not claimed that human beings can tell whether or not another human being standing behind them is looking at them?

    If this were true it would be an amazing discovery that would stun the scientific and medical community and be the subject of detailed neurological research and front page covers on the lancet and yet there is not a single article covering this shocking and amazing feature of the human psyche.
    It'd stun your mind for sure, that wouldn't take much.
    Others, less blinkered than you are more aware of the phenomenon and current research on mind to mind contact.

    Detailed neurological research is already underway in the field.
    Why and how you're able to avoid seeing any mention of research (past and present) on the topic is anyone's guess. Selective cognizance maybe? Just don't want to know?

    We either can or cannot tell if someone is looking at us from behind so which is it and if it is the former then where is the evidence?
    What you're asking about is termed "intuition".
    Intuition is an innate human ability, in fact most animals rely on it.

    Interesting articles on "gut feeling" (intuition) here'

    How precisely intuition meshes in with logical thought and empathy(another human ability) to give rise to hunches, as in being aware of being observed by another (what you erroneously term telepathy, a different process) is being further investigated.
    Current research (referenced above) shows that gut feeling, or intuition, is likely a more valid evaluatory ability for decision making and survival than logical thought.

    More evidence is in published papers accessible on the net.

    Or is it a secret feature which only you and a select few are party to (and only when the solar wind is blowing in the right direction and the astrological auras are correctly aligned) but you have deigned to share your secret knowledge with the TD denizens out of generosity of spirit?
    Your sarcasm cuts nothing loopy, just misses your intended point.

    Is that last sentence Awstrayliyn? Would you care to rephrase it and make some sense?
    Bear in mind;
    Deigned, = to reluctantly undertake something, to condescend.

    I've already given a link to research on mind to mind communication, you obviously haven't even bothered to read the article,

    Scientists Prove That Telepathic Communication Is Within Reach

    Read more: History, Travel, Arts, Science, People, Places | Smithsonian

  14. #114
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    30-09-2023 @ 02:09 PM
    some great posts on here ref human/animal perceptions. good on you posters. bit like ive never experienced it, it doesn't exist. for those that experience it, it does. i experience such feeling all the time. i call it astute. being aware of my surroundings. for me perfectly normal. nerdy types seem to miss out on it.

  15. #115
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    Quote Originally Posted by lob View Post
    some great posts on here ref human/animal perceptions. good on you posters. bit like ive never experienced it, it doesn't exist. for those that experience it, it does. i experience such feeling all the time. i call it astute. being aware of my surroundings. for me perfectly normal. nerdy types seem to miss out on it.
    Yup. Some folks are simply not aware of much more than what turns them on, any experience or ideas outside the normaloid square is just too "spooky" for them, leaves them insecure.

    The 'sixth sense', intuition and hunches are also part and parcel of the creative instinct,....artists, actors, musicians all rely on their intuitive hunches to lead them through to more creative self-expression, as do investigators and even auditors in their search for missing information, and researchers would be lost without following through on their intuition.

  16. #116
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    Today @ 01:49 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by ENT
    What you're asking about is termed "intuition".
    Intuition is an innate human ability, in fact most animals rely on it.
    What you are terming intuition is nothing more than the brain making decisions based on normal sensory input and making you do things subconsciously.

    Glancing round to catch someone looking at you is based on peripheral awareness of other people or simply awareness that there are people around or that there is a possibility that there are people around. If you are in a certain mood then you might feel more suspicious than usual and glance round occasionally and ... hey presto occasionally somebody is looking at you.

    That is simply the law of averages at work and you then read magical powers into it which is one of the roots of human mysticism.

    You think your intuition is based on magical chi powers but it is not. It is based on combining normal sensory input to drive instinctive behaviour. The subconscious suspicion that there is a possibility that someone is watching you gives you a tingly feeling of suspicion. On the occasions on which it turns out to be true you are then subject to positive feedback confirmation of your delusion about magical moon-beam chi powers.

    You think about the tingly feeling you had which caused you to look and you wrongly attribute that to magical auras of kirlian energy; but that is not what caused you to look, it was just the combination of normal sensory input (tiny sounds or movements of which you are barely even consciously aware) and your brain's subconscious calculations about the possibility of being watched and your mood at the time.

    Nobody is denying that the tingly feeling you associate with your magical 'intuition' exists. Nobody is denying that people occasionally get a tingly feeling and look round to find somebody watching them. Where you are going wrong is inferring a magical power that is driving this effect. There is no magical power; it all comes down to the combined use of your regular 5 senses and your mood at the time (i.e. suspicious, nervy, alert, drowsy, relaxed).

    If it were really possible to know whether someone was looking at you from behind using magical telepathy brain beams then it would be a measurable phenomenon but it is not.

    Yes it feels funny but it does not require a supernatural explanation. If it does not require one then if you want to give it one you need to provide evidence but you cannot.

  17. #117
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    Quote Originally Posted by Looper View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by ENT
    What you're asking about is termed "intuition".
    Intuition is an innate human ability, in fact most animals rely on it.
    What you are terming intuition is nothing more than the brain making decisions based on normal sensory input and making you do things subconsciously.
    Processing detailed information through sensory input is the opposite of intuition which processes patterns of information on deeper subconscious levels.

    Glancing round to catch someone looking at you is based on peripheral awareness of other people or simply awareness that there are people around or that there is a possibility that there are people around. If you are in a certain mood then you might feel more suspicious than usual and glance round occasionally and ... hey presto occasionally somebody is looking at you.
    No way. Peripheral vision doesn't come into intuitive perception of being watched surreptitiously by another who's outside of one's field of vision.

    People casually look at others all the time, which is not the same as deliberate interest in someone.

    That is simply the law of averages at work and you then read magical powers into it which is one of the roots of human mysticism.
    Interestingly, you keep insisting on calling intuition "magical powers".
    That makes me think that your a left brained thinker, words vs non-verbal intuitive thinking.

    You think your intuition is based on magical chi powers but it is not. It is based on combining normal sensory input to drive instinctive behaviour.
    Wrong once again.
    Why keep insisting that I believe chi is "magical"? It's certainly not.

    The subconscious suspicion that there is a possibility that someone is watching you gives you a tingly feeling of suspicion. On the occasions on which it turns out to be true you are then subject to positive feedback confirmation of your delusion about magical moon-beam chi powers.
    Nothing to do with a subconscious suspicion. Intuition is an evaluatory process more akin to inspiration than suspicion, which is analytical.
    Again, you insist on projecting your repressed beliefs/fears of "magical moon-beams", the existence of which I know nothing.
    Maybe you could explain how they work for you.

    You think about the tingly feeling you had which caused you to look and you wrongly attribute that to magical auras of kirlian energy; but that is not what caused you to look, it was just the combination of normal sensory input (tiny sounds or movements of which you are barely even consciously aware) and your brain's subconscious calculations about the possibility of being watched and your mood at the time.
    What tingly feelings? What magical auras? Total rubbish!
    As Ive already pointed out, evaluation of information through normal sensory input
    is the opposite of intuition, not the same process at all.

    Nobody is denying that the tingly feeling you associate with your magical 'intuition' exists. Nobody is denying that people occasionally get a tingly feeling and look round to find somebody watching them. Where you are going wrong is inferring a magical power that is driving this effect. There is no magical power; it all comes down to the combined use of your regular 5 senses and your mood at the time (i.e. suspicious, nervy, alert, drowsy, relaxed).
    Once more, you keep insisting on putting words in my mouth that I'm not the author of. Why do you do that?

    Of course there's no magical power in intuition, it's a deep psychological process not reliant on sensory input. It's not dependent on mood either, you can't change the information by changing your mood.

    How many times do you need to be told that?

    If it were really possible to know whether someone was looking at you from behind using magical telepathy brain beams then it would be a measurable phenomenon but it is not.
    Intuition's a measurable phenomenon as well you know, you simply keep insisting on projecting your belief that anything outside of the square of your left brained thinking process must be attributable to beliefs in "magical telepathy" or some other unexplainable force.

    Yes it feels funny but it does not require a supernatural explanation. If it does not require one then if you want to give it one you need to provide evidence but you cannot.
    Evidence is there, check the references given.
    The puzzle is why you keep insisting that chi or intuition is supernatural.
    Last edited by ENT; 16-11-2016 at 11:43 PM.

  18. #118
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    Quote Originally Posted by ENT
    Processing detailed information through sensory input is the opposite of intuition which processes patterns of information on deeper subconscious levels.
    I say that intuition is a process whereby the brain comes to a conclusion about something with out conscious reflection. i.e. we just feel that something is the case. I say that that is an entirely normal internal process that occurs within your brain at a subconscious level.

    When your brain makes an intuitive assertion about something it is doing so subconsciously using sensory input through the normal 5 senses and also access to past experiences and also situational awareness about your surroundings recorded in the recent past and is also influenced by your mood which could be edgy or calm etc.

    This is an entirely natural mental ability and uses cognitive functionality of the brain that is known and understood by science.

    Do you agree that your brain operates using only the sets of information I have described above or do the assert that the brain has access to a magical sixth sense involving chi energy fields and magical auras of kirlian force fields?

    If you don't like my description of what you seem to be suggesting then put it in your own words but the key question is do you agree (with science) that the brain only has access to memories and sensory input through the normal 5 senses or do you believe that the brain has access to information from another pathway or pathways?

    If it is the latter then can you give an approximate description of this other pathway or pathways and any evidence as to their existence?

    Specifically what information do you think your brain is gathering when you magically become aware of someone looking at you from behind?

  19. #119
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    Quote Originally Posted by Looper View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by ENT
    Processing detailed information through sensory input is the opposite of intuition which processes patterns of information on deeper subconscious levels.
    I say that intuition is a process whereby the brain comes to a conclusion about something with out conscious reflection. i.e. we just feel that something is the case. I say that that is an entirely normal internal process that occurs within your brain at a subconscious level.
    As I've said.

    When your brain makes an intuitive assertion about something it is doing so subconsciously using sensory input through the normal 5 senses and also access to past experiences and also situational awareness about your surroundings recorded in the recent past and is also influenced by your mood which could be edgy or calm etc.
    Not so. Your moods have little to do with intuition.

    This is an entirely natural mental ability and uses cognitive functionality of the brain that is known and understood by science.
    Not so. Intuition's only partly understood by science, as my previous posts' references have indicated.

    Do you agree that your brain operates using only the sets of information I have described above or do the assert that the brain has access to a magical sixth sense involving chi energy fields and magical auras of kirlian force fields?
    Your brain uses more than the five senses you've mentioned, it utilizes information from other organs in the body, and the commonly known five senses function on more levels than we're currently used to referring to.

    The sense of touch, for instance is only one end of a spectrum of tactile sensation, including the sensation of sound by skin or bone, and the multiple wavelengths of light we're not visually aware of, or the ear's reactions to air pressure waves that aren't of the right wavelength to be heard normally.

    Why do you insist on mentioning magic, are you cuckoo, or just still in the dark ages?
    High voltage gas chromatography photography or Kirilian photography shows electrical energy fields surrounding plants, animals and inanimate matter, no surprise, and chi energy is of the same energy as is all your static electrical energy field, your magnetic energy field and the electrical discharges between the neurons in your brain.

    If you don't like my description of what you seem to be suggesting then put it in your own words but the key question is do you agree (with science) that the brain only has access to memories and sensory input through the normal 5 senses or do you believe that the brain has access to information from another pathway or pathways? If it is the latter then can you give an approximate description of this other pathway or pathways and any evidence as to their existence?
    Loaded question, as science certainly does not claim that. The brain has access to far more info than just memory (in any form) and info from 5 senses only, the sixth sense, intuition is something else you want to ignore as a sense, and as I've said above, other organs deliver more info to the brain as well.

    Hormonal messaging between glands and organs of the body feed the brain along with non-visual (by our eyes) light, non-sonic air waves, and consciously imperceptible tactile sensations, as do our senses of smell and taste, most of which is subliminally sensational.

    Specifically what information do you think your brain is gathering when you magically become aware of someone looking at you from behind?
    As I've said before, there's no magic, only electrical movement around chemical reactions in space.

  20. #120
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    19-11-2016 @ 07:57 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by ENT
    Hmmm, nothing mystical about that though.
    No, i was in charge most of the time.

  21. #121
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    Quote Originally Posted by ENT
    The sense of touch, for instance is only one end of a spectrum of tactile sensation, including the sensation of sound by skin or bone, and the multiple wavelengths of light we're not visually aware of, or the ear's reactions to air pressure waves that aren't of the right wavelength to be heard normally.
    Quote Originally Posted by ENT
    High voltage gas chromatography photography or Kirilian photography shows electrical energy fields surrounding plants, animals and inanimate matter, no surprise, and chi energy is of the same energy
    So are you saying that when you know that somebody behind you is looking at you it is because your regular 5 senses pick up this information but at ends of the sensory spectrum that are outside conscious awareness or are you saying that it is because your brain can pick up this information using methods not connected with the regular 5 senses such as Kirlian electrical energy fields or magical chi energy?

    Whereabouts on your anatomy are the receptors for this new secret Kirlian aura sixth sense because sometimes I think my ring-piece twitches a little bit when I get that tingly feeling that somebody somewhere might be looking at me or thinking about me or walking over my grave.

  22. #122
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    Bunthrik Ubon

    For those interested, this lecture will make you think, not too hard on the brain cells.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Looper View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by ENT
    The sense of touch, for instance is only one end of a spectrum of tactile sensation, including the sensation of sound by skin or bone, and the multiple wavelengths of light we're not visually aware of, or the ear's reactions to air pressure waves that aren't of the right wavelength to be heard normally.
    Quote Originally Posted by ENT
    High voltage gas chromatography photography or Kirilian photography shows electrical energy fields surrounding plants, animals and inanimate matter, no surprise, and chi energy is of the same energy
    So are you saying that when you know that somebody behind you is looking at you it is because your regular 5 senses pick up this information but at ends of the sensory spectrum that are outside conscious awareness or are you saying that it is because your brain can pick up this information using methods not connected with the regular 5 senses such as Kirlian electrical energy fields or magical chi energy?
    Yes. No magic involved, it's all perfectly natural.

    Whereabouts on your anatomy are the receptors for this new secret Kirlian aura sixth sense because sometimes I think my ring-piece twitches a little bit when I get that tingly feeling that somebody somewhere might be looking at me or thinking about me or walking over my grave.
    All your nerve endings are potential receptors for electromagnetic energy, as is most of your skin surface.

    Synapse and Neuron cells sending electrical chemical signals

    There's nothing new or secret about the info, you just need to read up more on the function of the nervous system and stop watching all that schmaltz entertainment you get on tv, videos etc, its all pure imagination designed to suck in chaps like you.

    As for your eternal struggle with your sexual arousal problems, I'd seek medical advice and book in to a session of counseling with a competent psychiatrist used to dealing with sex addiction cases.

    He/she may come to the conclusion however that you do in fact have a contagious sexually transmitted problem if you mention that tingly feeling you have in your genitals.

  24. #124
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    19-11-2016 @ 07:57 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by ENT
    all I get is a roaring noise as my blood rushes through my cranial circulatory system, I can even hear my pulses in the jugular veins and carotid arteries,
    All that stuff that courses through the arteries and veins.
    Do you think it has a transmittable quality.
    A lot of history pumping around in there.

  25. #125
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    Quote Originally Posted by billy the kid
    All that stuff that courses through the arteries and veins.
    Do you think it has a transmittable quality.
    Just remember to keep your receptor squeaky clean to pick up those faint signals.

    I recommend a good polishing with Aloe Vera baby wipes but don't flush them as they clog up the sewerage system.

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