Tried ziplining for the first time yeterday...These runs are booked in advance with no refund and someone couldn't make it in the original foursome, so I got to go for free...I would not pay $115.00 for 6 runs...

It's the highest freestyle zipline in Canada at 381 feet above the canyon...This is BC (British Columbia), in a wee town called Peachland, nestled in the Okanagan Valley, aka God's Country...

Nothing to worry about compared to Thailand's shaky safety standards...

Very professional "tool box meeting" in a teepee with a total of 8 participants...Step into your harness, don your helmet, and it's time to fly...

Not much to it, but I dropped my bucket list in the middle of the highest run...

Does it still count?...Or even make a sound if nobody hears it?...
