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  1. #1
    david44's Avatar
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    Really interesting ?

    Chart shows 'what the British say, what they really mean, and what others understand' | Home News | News | The Independent

    There's some great pix below
    A chart that claims to show the differences between what British people say, what they really mean - and what non-British people understand by it - is being shared widely on social media.

    But what is behind its success?

    The three-part table was first reported in 2011, and is split into three columns. It details examples such as, "I hear what you say", a phrase commonly used by British people in a range of social and business situations.
    Contrary to what Britons think they are saying, however, what they really mean when they use the expression is, "I disagree and do not want to discuss it further" - according to the chart.

    And as for what people from outside of Britain understand, it's another translation entirely.

    The chart claims that rather than picking up on a lack of enthusiasm, non-native English speakers or those from other parts of the EU or beyond are actually likely to take Britons at face value and assume they are saying, "I accept your point of view".

    And rather than realising that when British people murmur, "That's not bad" - and really mean "That's good" - non-Brits think they've done a terrible job.

    What's more, the chart claims the phrase "very interesting", when spoken by a British person, really means "This is clearly nonsense" - while a fellow European would read it as, "they are impressed".
    Quote Originally Posted by taxexile View Post
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