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  1. #1
    david44's Avatar
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    Rishi Sunak will this afternoon call a surprise early election for July 4th

    BBC expects announcement at 505 uk time

    Sunakset and match

  2. #2
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    03-06-2024 @ 06:12 PM
    This unexpected move has certainly set the stage for an interesting political contest, aptly captured by your phrase “Sunakset and match” – a play on words indicating a decisive victory, much like in a tennis match. The election campaign is expected to be a significant event, with all parties gearing up for the upcoming polls.

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    03-06-2024 @ 06:12 PM
    where is my post?

  4. #4

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    I'm surprised there's no banter about the British election.

  5. #5
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    The UK press seems to think it is a foregone conclusion unless Starmer stuffs up, the debate is can they deliver and who will be the standard bearer of teh right, Farage, Coutinho, Truss unlikley, Patel, Braverman and Badenoch keen if re-elected, If enough moderate Tories are re elected I think they will pick Penny Mordaunt.

    Rishi Sunk will have to console himself with his 780 million, ex PM circuit and a few billion when his father in law croaks
    Quote Originally Posted by taxexile View Post
    your brain is as empty as a eunuchs underpants.
    from brief encounters unexpurgated version

  6. #6
    Thailand Expat
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    ^ Life is a cruel mistress.

    All I inherited when my mother-in-law 'croaked' was the funeral fees.

  7. #7
    Hangin' Around cyrille's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 39TG View Post
    I'm surprised there's no banter about the British election.
    Most Brits who post here are tories.

    They have their fingers in their ears and are singing very loudly.

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    Quote Originally Posted by cyrille View Post
    Most Brits who post here are tories.

    They have their fingers in their ears and are singing very loudly.
    Yes, that makes sense. I understand there aren't many Tories in the UK nowadays.

  9. #9
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    ^ I would have never really thought of myself as a Tory, I abhor those privaledged Etonian toffs and all they stand for,

    But also, the thought of wishy washy Starmer in charge worries me greatly. Where will tax go?

    Sadly, the best orators appear to be in 'Reform'. Farage and Tice are both very good speakers (imho... etc) however much you loathe their politics or loathe them as people.

    I am no longer on the Electoral Role in the UK and I'm quite glad about that, I really wouldn't have a clue who to vote for this time around.

  10. #10
    Thailand Expat taxexile's Avatar
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    socialism never works. their idealistic plans for a more equal/fair society invariably leads to a painful and depressing levelling down and a stifling of the ambition, incentives and drive that opens up opportunity, makes a country richer and moves it forward.

    starmer is weak and no leader, others seem to pull the strings and although he will be prime minister i dont think he will last long. the unions, the real left and the increasingly powerful islamist, trans poofter and green lobbies will ensure he is deposed and the country will follow wales and scotland down the toilet into a dystopian, nasty, divisive, much poorer and intolerant future. animal farm springs to mind.

    farage the great disruptor has certainly livened things up and his intervention will ensure an even greater labour landslide, with all that entails. it was the split in the labour party in 198?, when the execrable SDP was born, that allowed the wonderful thatcher government to be so radical. labour were washed up. there was privatisation, tax cuts, council house sales – and britain ran ahead of the rest of europe in moving the balance of power from the state to the public, but now the kind of huge majority that farage now offers starmer and his crew would give them an incredible opportunity to move that dial back towards more suffocating state control, especially if the more extreme cabals of the party are given any power – accelerating the bankrupting net zero agenda and moving on the recent illiberal trends seen across the rest of europe. their huge majority would give them unprecedented political control, which it will use to full effect.

    without an effective opposition the government would be less of a democracy and more of a dictatorship.

    i will be in thailand next week and wont receive my postal voting forms in time, but even i, as a life long tory, would find it hard to vote tory this time, but i could never vote labour, whatever coats they wear they cannot hide their toxicity, their envy of success always assuming it is gained by deceit and corruption but never by honesty and hard work, and their unstated aim of killing all that drives a nation forward.

    the tories have made too many mistakes for me to vote for them with any enthusiasm, but in this ugly contest of an election, they are still the least bad option.

    only violent revolution can save the uk now! but thats not the tory way.

    r.i.p england.
    Last edited by taxexile; Yesterday at 04:56 PM.

  11. #11
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    You really are spouting nonsense these days tax.

    It was Blair who galvanised the economy and opened it up to greater efficiency by widening access to the labour market maximising profits while generating more revenue spent on modernising the NHS and public services. The problem was, no one thought the private sector could have been so reckless in abandoning ethics while grasping greater profits for the rich and greedy. The stupid blamed socialism for the bankster crash and there it is.

    Actually, the hybrid coalition worked well and increased pensions in line with other western countries, its most notable achievement, its worst, the stupid austerity programme that crippled the middle class.

    Camerons promise to hold the referendum destroyed the Tory party and gave birth to the Brexitory rabble whose successive administrations have been a bye word for incompetence, cronyism and corruption while destroying the countryÂ’s infrastructure, the NHS, the Armed Forces, the Civil Service and making Britain a laughing stock.

    And its latest iteration is a farce of immigrant coons each vying to be seen as more jingoistic racist than the other.

    Labour represent decency, prudent financial management, responsible capitalism while maintaining social responsibility and a welcome return to collective cabinet responsibility in partnership with a resurgent civil service reclaiming its pride as a Rolls Royce organisation much restored after the depredations of that fucking Trumpian loon, Cummings, and his Clown mentor, BoJo the Fuckwitted.

  12. #12
    Hangin' Around cyrille's Avatar
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    Sunak now in the for leaving the D-Day commemoration early to do a tv interview.

    Since calling the election in torrential rain Sunak's 'campaign' has been a comedy of errors.

  13. #13
    Thailand Expat taxexile's Avatar
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    Labour represent decency, prudent financial management, responsible capitalism while maintaining social responsibility and a welcome return to collective cabinet responsibility
    not with a 300 seat majority. the unions will call the shots

    they will go full stalin!

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    Quote Originally Posted by taxexile View Post
    not with a 300 seat majority. the unions will call the shots

    they will go full stalin!
    The unions as a force do not constitute a shadow government Tax. ItÂ’s not the 1970s anymore you silly little dinosaur.

    Labour should achieve a majority and we can get back to real government.

    The past 8 years has seen Britain descending into a morass of dysfunction where nothing works properly any more: the privatised rail system is utter shite and receives more public subsidy than in nationalised days, the Courts system has been destroyed with trials taking up to two years to be heard, the prisons are grossly overcrowded and in disrepair, overrun with pests, the probation service has ceased to exist in any meaningful sense, the education system is collapsing with teachers leaving in droves and schools literally collapsing, roads are third world, the civil service has been stripped of resources and so underpaid that recruitment is now a problem, and local councils everywhere are nearing bankruptcy.

    The Brexitory party has fucked the UK in every imaginable way but the Brexit boys, their shills and cronies have all done very well out of it. Except they too have now all withered away into ignominy, a grotesque clique of perverts, swindlers, charlatans and proven liars.

    Fuck ‘em, Tax.

    I prophesied that Brexit would destroy the Tories and make them unelectable and it has now come to pass!

    The problem is, Britain is in the crapper, losing £100 billion annually in trade and headed for even leaner times as the currency remains devalued and after 8 years is pretty much anchored at its reduced level permanently.

    Penny Mordaunt is a political lightweight, and intellectually lazy whose reputation for sloth was renown in her ministries. Nice hair though.

  15. #15
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    Agreeing with much of SA's analysis means my meds are in over drive or he's actually on the money.I guess we'll know what those who can bothered to vote think soon.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mendip View Post
    ^ I would have never really thought of myself as a Tory, I abhor those privaledged Etonian toffs and all they stand for,

    But also, the thought of wishy washy Starmer in charge worries me greatly. Where will tax go?

    Sadly, the best orators appear to be in 'Reform'. Farage and Tice are both very good speakers (imho... etc) however much you loathe their politics or loathe them as people.

    I am no longer on the Electoral Role in the UK and I'm quite glad about that, I really wouldn't have a clue who to vote for this time around.

    Hitler was perceived as a fine orator as indeed was Mussolini.

    Tice is a racist, ill educated and an uncouth lout whose inability to organize even a fucking erection has had him binned already by Farage who pushed him out a few days ago such was his utter incompetence.

    What I find incomprehensible is how someone like you Mendip could possibly think Tice was fit to govern a country with a nuclear arsenal and a legacy in foreign affairs respected by half the globe.

    Surely you could not be that stupid or unaware?

    And there is a reason why that glib gobshite Farage has failed to win election after eight attempts: he is a joker, an incompetent who has not managed anything more than a telephone trade or a hookup with an ugly whore in his entire life, a man who thinks politics is simply all about throwing stones into a pond and betting on the ripples, a man whose rhetoric is unburdened by facts, truth or wisdom.

    Mendip, Farage is a cvunt.

    I'm amazed you could be so stupid and taken in by his verbiage.
    Last edited by Seekingasylum; Yesterday at 07:25 PM.

  17. #17
    Thailand Expat taxexile's Avatar
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    The past 8 years has seen Britain descending into a morass of dysfunction where nothing works properly any more: the privatised rail system is utter shite and receives more public subsidy than in nationalised days, the Courts system has been destroyed with trials taking up to two years to be heard, the prisons are grossly overcrowded and in disrepair, overrun with pests, the probation service has ceased to exist in any meaningful sense, the education system is collapsing with teachers leaving in droves and schools literally collapsing, roads are third world, the civil service has been stripped of resources and so underpaid that recruitment is now a problem, and local councils everywhere are nearing bankruptcy.

    The Brexitory party has fucked the UK in every imaginable way but the Brexit boys, their shills and cronies have all done very well out of it. Except they too have now all withered away into ignominy, a grotesque clique of perverts, swindlers, charlatans and proven liars.

    Fuck ‘em, Tax.

    I prophesied that Brexit would destroy the Tories and make them unelectable and it has now come to pass!
    you have been making these "read all about it" prophecies for years, and not one of them has come to pass. brexit, dollar, pound, euro, wars, pestilence plague and famine, you think you have got it all figured out. whereas the fact is you know zilch, bupkes, diddly squat! and i wouldnt like to rely on you for winners at ascot. nostradamus you aint!

    fact is the whole of europe is in a mess, both economic and social, and not just the uk. there are strikes in germany, eu wide shortages of labour and produce, the cost of living is painful, france is on the verge of an uprising, illegal immigrants are raping and stabbing all over the eu, and russia is growling. public services are failing there too, maybe not as much as in the uk, but failing they are.

    covid and ukraine are the cause of most of the troubles, granted the uk government has not been up to the task of late but brexit has little to do with it. had brexit been grasped firmly things would be very different, but the tories have stupidly moved to the left and as a result will be wiped out.

    britain has been engaged in a kind of civil war over brexit, mainly because the left hang on to europe more through a hatred of the tories than anything else. few in the labout camp speak a european language or moved to work in europe whenit was possible and even fewer know anything about its constitutional structure or the legal acquis that tightly controls it. the lefts pro eu sentiment is based mostly on easy travel, a healthy uk service industry staffed with euros, a hatred of the anti eu tories and little else, a labour government may ameliorate that at first, but once starmer gets on his knees in brussels and tries to suck euro-cock, and gets thoroughly reamed, much of this sentimental lefty euro love will swiftly evaporate and maybe then they will start to see the benefits of brexit and take advantage.

  18. #18
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    Brexit has led to, inter alia,: uncontrolled immigration, the loss of £100 billions annually in trade, a £ that has been devalued by 20% since 2016, the diminution of Britain's status globally, the alienation of an entire new generation denied the opportunity of unfettered travel and employment among 27 neighbouring states, an increase in costs across the economy, the destruction of the agricultural industry, the curtailment of the restaurant industry and has resulted in a crisis in employment among NHS Trusts.

    Tax, you really are of Trumpian levels of stupidity.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seekingasylum View Post
    Brexit has led to, inter alia,: uncontrolled immigration, .
    how so?

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seekingasylum View Post
    What I find incomprehensible
    what i don't find incomprehensible is how a Norvern Oirish serf ended up pigeon holing himself in whore town Thailand, you are a comedy gift. Carry on

  21. #21

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    I think Sunak was really disrespectful to the Americans. The Brits used to be really good at international diplomacy. Those days have long gone.

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