I've never been a great fan of cooking show on TV. What is more boring than watching aunt Annie cooking her favorite beef stew on TV? Jamie Oliver or Nigella Lawson was a bit more fun, and there was this guy who tried to bring science in the kitchen .... still nothing that can compete with Top Gear.

But now they add a new twist : competition. Again I believe it came from Japan with Iron Chef. And now we have Top Chef, Master Chef and even Junior Master Chef !!!!

I've to say I've been kind of addicted lately and as a consequence gained a few pounds. Because first it makes me hungry to watch all this food. And then instead of just making a plain fried egg, I've now to cook "oeufs brouilles" with a lot of butter and cream. I can't just peel a mango, now I've to cut it in small cubes of equal size ...

It's getting crazy, I'm going soon to regret the Teutuls .....