I'd made up some tahini a few days ago, as part of a homemade hummus I was trying. I had loads of tahini left over so couldn't resist a go at this recipe which is a form of 'millionaires shortbread'.

First up was making the biscuit base. Mixing plain flour and caster sugar before adding very cold and small cubed butter.

This was rubbed together to form something similar to bread crumbs.

A couple of egg yolks added, and everything mixed together to form a dough.

Then it was spread out and pressed down into a lightly oiled and wax paper lined baking tin.

Into the oven for 30 minutes until it had turned golden brown, then allowed to cool.

Time to start on the caramel.

In a saucepan, melted some butter, to which brown soft sugar was added.

Once the sugar had melted, cream was added slowly, all the time stirring. Brought to the boil and then simmered for 5 minutes until it starts to assume that caramel thickness.

Then, removed from the heat, the tahini and a spoonful of vanilla essence was added before pouring over the biscuit.

This went into the fridge for about an hour, after which I started on the chocolate topping. Nothing simpler, good quality cooking chocolate broken up in a bowl and placed in a saucepan half full of water. Put on heat until all the chocolate has melted.

The caramel taken out of the fridge, chocolate poured on top, then a dribble of tahini added. I used a chopstick to make a kind of pattern on the top.

Then sprinkled some chopped pistachio nuts over it before putting back in the fridge.

Once the chocolate had hardened, I was able to slice it up.

For later......