We've all spent time in Asia and some of the more far-flung corners of the world, so have no doubt been offered some of the more exotic cuts of meat at times (I'm sure many long-noses would also consider our very own black pudding and haggis as being a bit extreme too), so what are your best and worst?

I've eaten the following:

The rats that they grill and sell on the road between Pathum Thani and Ayutthaya
Snake (cobra, python and a little one that they have in Cambodia and walk around selling it on the streets)
Mouse deer
Monitor lizard
Chicken sushi
Loads of insects
Sheep's balls in the Egyptian Sahara
The ear of the pig at a Chinese New Year's dinner (I was their guest, so I got the "prize" cut of meat. Having tasted it, I think they were having me at it ).

The best:

Monitor lizard, but loads of bones

The worst:

Bat. They had to boil it first for 30 minutes to get rid of the strong, almost chemical, taste. It was still awful when they eventually stir-fried it with Chinese 5 spice, so I dread to think what it could have tasted like.

There are no doubt more, but that's all that I can remember at the mo. Apart from a dinner invite to Chitty's, I'm willing to give most things a go when it comes to food.
