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  1. #1
    Thailand Expat armstrong's Avatar
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    The Long Term Effect of Boarding School

    With boarding schools allowed to open in Thailand and most day schools still waiting for the greenlight, an interesting article on the dangers of boarding.

    The ex-boarder may appear socially confident, but may have a deep and permanent lack of trust in loving relationships as a lasting repercussion to the repetition of loss. It can replay in adult relationships, and manifests in anticipation of rejection and fear of abandonment by later attachment figures. This may lead to emotional withdrawal and as an adult they may, against their own desires and emotional needs, prematurely cut off from intimate relationships.

  2. #2
    Thailand Expat Saint Willy's Avatar
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    30-04-2022 @ 02:44 AM
    What a load of hogwash.

  3. #3
    Thailand Expat armstrong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Saint Willy View Post
    What a load of hogwash.
    There's some very compelling evidence.

  4. #4
    Thailand Expat Saint Willy's Avatar
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    moose65's Avatar
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    by the seaside.
    I dunno, I went to a "good" boarding school in Sydney, it taught me to spell and that I must have been an exceptionally ugly child as I was not molested like so many others that went to unnamed school.

  6. #6
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    I will not even bother to read the article linked in the first post because I agree with SW about it being a load of crap.
    I can only speak about my personal experience in this area.
    My daughter attended boarding school from the age of 10 (Primary Yr5 in WA) through to completing Yr 12 at age 17.
    She spent almost 8 years as a boarder and I have nothing but praise for the school and how they look after the all the students.
    It was an all girls school which I think was beneficial to her and most of the other students there.
    In the media private schools are quite often accused of "buying" the best students to promote themselves but I found the school she attended to be almost the opposite and they never pushed the students but instead provided encouragement and support to be the best they could be.
    She is now, unfortunately like a lot of folk on here, a teacher and has a family and is (in my opinion) a very well adjusted person.

    I suppose I should also say they she has grown up and spent nearly all her life without the presence of her mother who died when she was only 2 years old.
    So I believe if there was any detrimental effect from attending boarding school long term she had good reasons for it to manifest itself but it never has.

  7. #7
    Thailand Expat armstrong's Avatar
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    Well you didn't read it so it might have said exactly that.

  8. #8
    Thailand Expat armstrong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Saint Willy View Post
    Will you continue to follow me about the forum this evening, or will you go to bed soon?

  9. #9
    Thailand Expat armstrong's Avatar
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    . The elite tradition is to send children away at a young age to be educated. But future politicians who suffer this 'privileged abandonment' often turn out as bullies or bumblers. A psychotherapist explains why
    Why boarding schools produce bad leaders | Nick Duffell | The Guardian

  10. #10
    Edmond's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by armstrong View Post
    boarding schools
    The poor kids.

  11. #11
    Hangin' Around cyrille's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ootai View Post
    I will not even bother to read the article
    Catholic by any chance?

  12. #12
    Edmond's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ootai View Post
    an all girls school
    Gender segregated schools, another loada shyte if ya ask me, which nobody did, so carry on.

  13. #13
    Hangin' Around cyrille's Avatar
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    Could be worse.


  14. #14
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    I have heard that they are rather poorly represented on the forum, intellectually speaking.

  15. #15
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    I went to boarding school and I think there is an element of truth in the article. I really enjoyed my time there, started when I was 9 and was captain of the rugby and soccer teams. However, there was definitely a sense of abandonment, especially having to travel across the country on my own at the start and end of each term.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by armstrong View Post
    Well you didn't read it so it might have said exactly that.
    I have now read it and it didn't say "that", whatever that is.

    I did however gain some insight from the comments.

    I don't really think people who went to boarding school are the only ones who suffer from these issues but if you want to be a victim you will find something somewhere to hang your hat on as the cause of your misery.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by cyrille View Post
    Catholic by any chance?
    No I am not Catholic but what has that got to do with anything.
    If you are insinuating that Catholics have a mortgage on causing emotional trauma then you are perhaps stereotyping a little.
    Maybe the problems with attending boarding school has more to do with the Teachers.

    Are you a teacher cyrille?

  18. #18
    Thailand Expat armstrong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ootai View Post
    I have now read it and it didn't say "that", whatever that is.

    I did however gain some insight from the comments.

    I don't really think people who went to boarding school are the only ones who suffer from these issues but if you want to be a victim you will find something somewhere to hang your hat on as the cause of your misery.
    Well at least you are a little bit more informed now.

  19. #19
    I'm in Jail

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    Quote Originally Posted by Edmond View Post

    I have heard that they are rather poorly represented on the forum, intellectually speaking.
    No. I've heard there are educated polymath posing here.

  20. #20
    Thailand Expat taxexile's Avatar
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    i always thought boarding schools were more for the convenience of parents who couldn't be bothered to bring up their children than for the well being of the children.

    it just isnt right to remove children from the warmth of the home environment.

  21. #21
    I'm in Jail

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    Personally speaking if I was offered an expat role that required me to put my nippers in boarding school
    Then I'm 100% sure I wouldn't take the gig. Can't stand to be away from my wee's been bad enough with all this fifo work. Sudan etc. Away from them for months. No thanks. I've hung up my boots since back in oz. . It's not all about the money.

  22. #22
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    My daughter ges to an all girls school (not boarding) here and Im pleased with the results.
    its a catholic school also, and the penguins do a stand up job

  23. #23
    moose65's Avatar
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    by the seaside.
    Quote Originally Posted by taxexile View Post
    i always thought boarding schools were more for the convenience of parents who couldn't be bothered to bring up their children than for the well being of the children.

    it just isnt right to remove children from the warmth of the home environment.
    for Myself and my Siblings it was simply my Fathers way of offering us a decent education.
    the local school in the small non event of a country town we lived in did not offer up much in this regard.
    many of the local graziers sent their kids away for the same reason.

    i think it is a good option in certain circumstances.

  24. #24
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    ^ Indeed... our case, it was because my parents were forever moving and it gave us a stable environment. I think leaving home at 9 years old was a bit young though.

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