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  1. #26
    Thailand Expat terry57's Avatar
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    07-12-2022 @ 03:12 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by bowie View Post
    Yup... very large and distinct difference between vacationing in Thailand and living here
    The trick to that my friend is to jump on a plane and go of somewhere for a while.

    Works wonders Bra.

    Travelling in South East Asia is a blast even if ya been there ten times before.

    Book into a Hotel for a few weeks and just pleb around.

    Good fun innit.

    Come back this shit house all refreshed.

  2. #27
    Thailand Expat tomcat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by terry57 View Post
    Come back this shit house all refreshed.
    ...nah, come back to discover the shit machine has been on full tilt in your absence...

  3. #28
    Thailand Expat terry57's Avatar
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    07-12-2022 @ 03:12 PM
    Tax is on a downer again .

    Clinical depression and anxiety is a bitch eh.

    The only happy day in tax's life was when he was best girl at his Mums funeral.

  4. #29
    Thailand Expat taxexile's Avatar
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    ^^thanks: this thread need a little rancid bile...
    always happy to oblige.

  5. #30
    Thailand Expat taxexile's Avatar
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    Tax is on a downer again .

    Clinical depression and anxiety is a bitch eh.

    The only happy day in tax's life was when he was best girl at his Mums funeral.
    nonsense terry, its just that i dont wear my rose tinted specs 24/7.

  6. #31
    Thailand Expat Pragmatic's Avatar
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    Last but who gives a shit.
    Quote Originally Posted by terry57 View Post
    Best of all is the constant 24/7 display of sexy arsed drop dead gorgeous bitches that is displayed on Silom.

    You munters that live up cuntry under rocks miss out on that part eh.
    You fail to realize that most of them 'sexy arsed bitches' come from under the same rocks as us up norf. Plenty more of those bitches up here. We ain't missing nuffin.

  7. #32
    I'm in Jail

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    Tez, don't want to come over all Syb but don't you mean return to the east? Oz ain't civilsed enough to be in the west too, and your fauna is pretty fuk'd up too eh bra, getcha sum a dat up ya fukos.

  8. #33
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    Who gives a shite, go stay go stay
    Tv whingers never stop arguing about this

  9. #34
    กงเกวียนกำเกวียน HuangLao's Avatar
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    The usual comparative competition.

  10. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by taxexile View Post
    what they should be saying is that they are fed up as living as a disadvantaged ethnic minority in a third world corrupt military dictatorship that makes their continued presence here dependent on them complying with some ridiculous police state regulations that seem purposely designed to make their life as difficult and inconvenient as possible.

    for foreigners the attractions and freewheeling easygoing lifestyle that made thailand such an attractive destination 20 years ago are being rapidly demolished as it becomes just another box ticking "computer says no" compliance obsessed state where arbitration and fair play are totally non existent.
    bingo, perfectly summed up

    you have to wonder why certain expat worms, not to name names here, can survive in this place long term when it's clear the locals don't want them

  11. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by terry57 View Post
    The trick to that my friend is to jump on a plane and go of somewhere for a while.

    Works wonders Bra.

    Travelling in South East Asia is a blast even if ya been there ten times before.

    Book into a Hotel for a few weeks and just pleb around.

    Good fun innit.

    Come back this shit house all refreshed.
    yeah, we have all been doing this, but guess what, it gets old very quickly, did it for 10 years

  12. #37
    Thailand Expat armstrong's Avatar
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    I moved to Thailand at 26. I closed all my bank accounts and sold/gave away everything I owned except for a small box in my brothers loft. I left my winter coat in Heathrow airport after i cleared customs which thinking about maybe caused a bomb scare. I could do my job here or in the UK but I earn more here and have something that passed as a pension. If I went back then it's all gone tits up.
    I'd like to see what morning looks like
    Don't wanna drink pint after pint
    I wanna wake up without feeling sick
    But I can't cuz I'm a drug-abusing alcoholic

  13. #38
    Days Work Done! Norton's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bowie View Post
    Repatriation – what would it take?
    55 years to the day living in Asia repatriating never crossed my mind. Will have to give it some thought. Back later after coffee.

  14. #39
    กงเกวียนกำเกวียน HuangLao's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Norton View Post
    55 years to the day living in Asia repatriating never crossed my mind. Will have to give it some thought. Back later after coffee.

    I understand - most wouldn't comprehend this connection as we might.

  15. #40
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    I've always been one those home is where is the hat is, I'll go anywhere and live anywhere, 10 years in Thailand and only reason I bailed was to get my daughter educated in UK with no plan other than that, ended up living in UK for last 10 years in area I'd never set foot in before. Will no doubt return to Thailamd in the near future but will it be full time, doubt it solely because a case of been there done that and living there full time holds zero appeal but that's not to say it wont happen, next move is solely at the wifes discretion and she has to think of a daughter who wont follow her so a 6 month here and 6 month there is most likely scenario but back to the OP question if living there full time what would make me leave, basically fuck all as I never played the immigration game and never would so basically doesn't affect me, always happy with Non O or B multi entry visas in my 10 years and in and out every 3 months, and would live same way again providing that option was still open.

  16. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by armstrong View Post
    I moved to Thailand at 26. I closed all my bank accounts and sold/gave away everything I owned except for a small box in my brothers loft. I left my winter coat in Heathrow airport after i cleared customs which thinking about maybe caused a bomb scare. I could do my job here or in the UK but I earn more here and have something that passed as a pension. If I went back then it's all gone tits up.
    I was basically same age 25 after a divorce in UK jumped on a plane to Indonesia to see the old man who had been based there since late 70s with just a large sports bag, had signed everything over to x wife and had only got a few grand to my name. Stayed in Jakarta about 3 weeks and thought I'd bum about for a few months before going back to UK, got a flight to Thailand, knew fuk all about the place bar what i read on the flight on a guidebook I picked up in Jakarta airport and ended up staying 10 years back flying back for the odd court case.....

  17. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by HuangLao View Post
    I understand - most wouldn't comprehend this connection as we might.
    'The fuck would you know you phony?. An American, living in America, who's convinced himself he's a Chinese philosopher living off-grid in SEA. Get help, and some Roscoe's fried chicken, and come to grips with the fact that FOJ doesn't mean great post, please tell us more oh wisened one.

  18. #43
    On a walkabout Loy Toy's Avatar
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    As soon as my youngest daughter is ready for University I am out of here so she can finish her studies in Australia.

    I hope by that time my new business is well established and other matters have been settled.

    I am actually looking forward to restarting my life in Australia.

  19. #44
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    ᠮᠣᠩᠭᠣᠯ ᠤᠯᠤᠰ
    I'd have to be terminally ill to want to return-actually fvck that, they can come to my deathbed in the sun. Morbid, but the only way I see myself repatriating is if the fam insist on taking the urn back home to scatter. It won't be my choice, and I'm cool with that.

  20. #45
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    top of soi 2
    good question. been here 20 years, and ill die here, but the bit between now and then i dont know.
    old dear will get older and i'd be tempted to go back for a few years at that point

  21. #46
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    Having both kids living in California is perfect for me. I can visit anytime I want and enjoy. My life is here though. Lived out in short pants and a t-shirt. I like it that way. Friends and family I love the most are happy to come here and visit me..

  22. #47
    I'm in Jail

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    Quote Originally Posted by Loy Toy View Post
    As soon as my youngest daughter is ready for University I am out of here so she can finish her studies in Australia.

    I hope by that time my new business is well established and other matters have been settled.

    I am actually looking forward to restarting my life in Australia.
    Same same. Made the decision to relocate back to oz in january. Still enjoy Laos and have zero immigration/visa problems. / money problems. The main thing is to get my mixed race kids an education otherwise they will be fucked here. Going to keep the gaff here for when i get back in about 10 years time. For sure i will miss the place but it will still be here when i get back. Gonna borrow terrys camper and go fishing

  23. #48
    I'm in Jail

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    Quote Originally Posted by Loy Toy View Post

    I am actually looking forward to restarting my life in Australia.
    So which city will you be gracing with your beery-breathed presence ?

  24. #49
    Thailand Expat terry57's Avatar
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    07-12-2022 @ 03:12 PM
    I spend about 5 seconds past fukpence thinking about going bak to Australia full time.

    It's always the same when i go back on my bi-annual trips. I see my mates doing exactly the same things with their fat ugly wifes who they don't like much anymore but can't divorce the fukers because they will end up skint. Thats the good part.

    The only happy ones are the fookers who are single the married shitters are barely hangin on to life the poor fukers.

    I really have zero sympathy for them because they married the fookers eh. Tossers are never free until the Bint kicks off and then they regain their fookin life.

    Poor coonters usually die first though and their bint spends all the SUPA on some Jamacan jigalow with a ten foot cock. Fooked innit. ????

    Seen an old Aussie bint doin just that in KL last week. Ugly as fook she was with this laughin smilin Sambo. Nearly made me spew it did, fooking disgraceful it was. Jesssusss.

    Myself would just fook the horrible old bint off and take the financial fall. Life is short eh tossers, ya gota get into it.

    When back in Aussie i spend 1000 buks a week having a great old time doin me road trips, buying a few bags of top wack mull and cartons of Coopers Sparkling Ale and seeing me cousins and mates and shit like that eh.

    I spend on Average 8 - 12 weeks there depending on how the weathers holding up and that determines my fook off date.

    Once it chills down im out of there and once it heats up im out of there. Those fookin flies are coonts eh.

    Yer, i enjoy my time back mainly because of my road trips but besides that it's like this.......

    Get me the fook away from those petrol sniffin coons and get me back to Asia where Coons dare not go and the bitches are fookin awesome.

    Yer fukos, that how it rolls innit.

    Cheers shitters.

    Love yas all eh.
    Last edited by terry57; 08-09-2019 at 12:22 PM.

  25. #50
    Thailand Expat Storekeeper's Avatar
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    Off the top of my head the main thing that would make me bail again after I return would probably be any long term major medical issue. Can’t beat having the Naval Hospital just 10-15 minute up the road.

    Other than that planting permanent roots could be a bigger challenge than I think after what will have been a 40 year time span of bouncing every 2-4 years.

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