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  1. #26
    Harbinger of Doom

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    Quote Originally Posted by Immigrunt View Post
    Also because its national budget is relatively tiny.
    At the moment it's about 6% of GDP, which is pretty respectable. It's not a lack of money which causes Thailand's problems

  2. #27
    I'm a pain in the arse
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    ^ I mean the GDP and tax take is tiny in comparison to where I'm from.

    If my parents had sent me to a top level private school and'd had a miserable couple of decades because of struggling to do so, I wouldn't be happy as an adult.

  3. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Immigrunt
    From your descriptions it sounds like they are very similar. I'd be all for spending some time finding a good cheaper international school than going for the default expensive one, like buying a Toyota instead of a Mercedes.
    Not at all. You get a credentialed teacher with experience in their own country with a good international school. You could easily get a "Joe Blow" off the street in a cheaper school. I have been run around enough to tell you this is a fact.

    For education here you get what you pay for. Who gives accreditation to a lower tier school? In general nobody so you paid for nothing.

  4. #29
    Thailand Expat OhOh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Passing Through
    Like all the things, it all depends on the answers to a thousand questions.
    The OP seems quiet!

    Quote Originally Posted by aging one
    For education here you get what you pay for.
    Thailand is no different then?

  5. #30
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    I must add though, I did not really worry about education until after primary school. My kids learned to read and write Thai and had a wonderful and enriching primary school experience here. The first school choice is very important indeed here.

  6. #31
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    Last but who gives a shit.
    Originally Posted by aging one
    For education here you get what you pay for.
    True. I know I keep harping on about it but the private schools buy the cheapest American English packages they can get in BKK compiled in the Philippines. This crap is then taught to the children who's parents think they speak good English. It's just a business and a scam IMO. But in saying that it's still better than sending your kids to the government schools. Private schools where I live only teach privately up to 11-12 years old and then it's government high schools thereafter.

  7. #32
    Harbinger of Doom

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    who's parents think they speak good English.

  8. #33
    I'm a pain in the arse
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    Quote Originally Posted by aging one View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Immigrunt
    From your descriptions it sounds like they are very similar. I'd be all for spending some time finding a good cheaper international school than going for the default expensive one, like buying a Toyota instead of a Mercedes.
    Not at all.

    For education here you get what you pay for.
    Buy a Mercedes and you'll pay a high price, both for the brand name snob value and for importing something from a developed country.

    Buy a top tier international school education and it's exactly the same, only you're paying for a brand name school and high teacher salaries of imported teachers.

  9. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Immigrunt View Post
    From your descriptions it sounds like they are very similar. I'd be all for spending some time finding a good cheaper international school than going for the default expensive one, like buying a Toyota instead of a Mercedes.
    Currently I am spending 34,000 baht per term at a private school in Udon. That is not a huge amount of money for the education he is receiving IMO. I looked at several popular private schools and decided on this one because it has been rated the best in English for seven years in a row now. My son likes the school very much and enjoys going every day and enjoys learning. The plan is to keep him there until he is thirteen and then put him in the best University prep school in the area. I have set aside a good sum of money and do not plan to use it for anything else.
    Last edited by rickschoppers; 31-03-2017 at 04:41 PM.

  10. #35
    Harbinger of Doom

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    ^^ Perhaps I'm wrong but you give an extremely strong impression of being deeply ignorant about Thai schools.

  11. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by aging one View Post
    I must add though, I did not really worry about education until after primary school. My kids learned to read and write Thai and had a wonderful and enriching primary school experience here. The first school choice is very important indeed here.
    AO, since you have two daughters in US Universities, what were the most important things they did to get accepted? Was an education in Thailand really enough?

  12. #37
    Thailand Expat YourDaddy's Avatar
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    Yes, I am quiet. I must admit I came to Thailand without any long term plan whatsoever. I will say it outright that I am doubtful I could afford sending my kid to international school.

    Anyway, my situation is this.

    Wife 36 years old no kids, salary 50,000 a month. Very good job security.

    Me 43, no kids salary from Canada between 60,000-80,000 a month. Very bad job prospects and it could blow any day and I could be earning 0.

    Wife bought and paid off a townhouse before we met, so no monthly lodging expenses whatsoever. She also gets a pretty decent health insurance through her company which I am also allowed to use (although benefits only being at 50%).

    Wife has no desire to move to Canada. She has everything she wants here. She is very loso, not pretentious at all. Our monthly expenses are ridiculously low and almost everything gets saved. I think raising a kid in Thailand would be a mistake.... she doesn't think so. I don't trust this country. I think it's bad. I was an immigrant to Canada myself after narrowly escaping civil war and often wonder why I decided to move to 3rd world again. I like free Canadian healthcare and most doctors are not idiots.

    On the other hand I can't go back to Canada. Price of real estate has risen dramatically. I would not be able to afford to buy or rent a 2 bedroom condo in Toronto (I do own 1 bedroom 65% paid off). I could probably afford to buy a house somewhere far, far in the boonies. One of the biggest mistakes I made was to take up a useless music degree which only cost me money and gave me no job prospects whatsoever.

    Another thing is if we do have a kid wife is likely to inherit a large chunk oh valuable land (she is from the South) which would probably make our kids life comfortable.
    Last edited by YourDaddy; 31-03-2017 at 02:29 PM.

  13. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Immigrunt
    Buy a top tier international school education and it's exactly the same, only you're paying for a brand name school and high teacher salaries of imported teachers.
    So you have experience in education here? You have been to observed or had your child or children in lower tier schools, met the admin and teachers? Then done the same for an upper tier school?

    So it your way then your kid can graduate from a Thai uni and get a job at 25,000 baht a month. Sounds like a plan stan.
    Last edited by aging one; 31-03-2017 at 03:08 PM.

  14. #39
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    Your wife wants a kid, what do you want? Are you ready for the 20 year minimum responsibility or will your wife's family support you both. You being the sperm supplier with the long nose and hopefully a paler skin tone.?

    Quote Originally Posted by YourDaddy
    I don't trust this country. I think it's bad.
    What about the Thais, is that your opinion of them?

    Quote Originally Posted by YourDaddy
    I like free Canadian healthcare
    Thai government health care is pretty free. In my experience their skills are adequate for the clients basic health.

    Quote Originally Posted by YourDaddy
    On the other hand I can't go back to Canada
    You can you, just choose not to. You are receiving a salary from Canada but don't work there. Presumably you are "working" from Thailand.

    I suggest prior to inseminating your "wife" you look at how you might support your expanding family when she stops working after the baby is born.

    Or will you continue to receive the Canadian salary whilst caring for the baby when your "wife" returns to her work.

    Do you have any plans in your life or are you just allowing others to point and squirt you?
    Last edited by OhOh; 31-03-2017 at 02:59 PM.
    A tray full of GOLD is not worth a moment in time.

  15. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by rickschoppers
    AO, since you have two daughters in US Universities, what were the most important things they did to get accepted? Was an education in Thailand really enough?
    Rick I will send you a PM. RayFairy a poster on here reds me with profanity laden messages every time I post about them. I am rather sick of him. Your plan for the son sounds excellent.

  16. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by OhOh View Post
    Your wife wants a kid, what do you want? Are you ready for the 20 year minimum responsibility or will your wife's family support you both. You being the sperm supplier with the long nose and hopefully a paler skin tone.?
    Actually it's me that brought it up and she said "serious? u want?"

    No intention moving to a village and living with the family, hence the OP.

  17. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by aging one View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Immigrunt
    Buy a top tier international school education and it's exactly the same, only you're paying for a brand name school and high teacher salaries of imported teachers.
    So you have experience in education here? You have been to observed or had your child or children in lower tier schools, met the admin and teachers? Then done the same for an upper tier school?
    Something similar. Sorry if you were unlucky with the lower tier ones.
    Quote Originally Posted by aging one View Post
    So it your way then your kid can graduate from a Thai uni and get a job at 25,000 baht a month. Sounds like a plan stan.

    So you have
    My partner graduated from a Thai university and earns a large salary as an associate professor requiring neither a top tier school or foreign university to do so.

    You can't buy intelligence and talent.

  18. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by YourDaddy
    Me 43, no kids salary from Canada between 60,000-80,000 a month. Very bad job prospects and it could blow any day and I could be earning 0.
    Quote Originally Posted by YourDaddy
    Wife has no desire to move to Canada.
    Quote Originally Posted by YourDaddy
    I think raising a kid in Thailand would be a mistake
    Quote Originally Posted by YourDaddy
    I don't trust this country. I think it's bad.
    Is it presumtious of me to say, based on this post, that the answer is a very obvious no?

  19. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by Immigrunt
    My partner graduated from a Thai university and earns a large salary as an associate professor requiring neither a top tier school or foreign university to do so.
    We are not on the same page at all cheers.

  20. #45
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    It's not impossible that there are OK state schools near you. They do exist but they are a little rare.

    I think raising a kid in Thailand would be a mistake.... she doesn't think so
    That's not especially surprising. In my experience, although many Thais are aware that the education system is sub-standard, very few have a sound grasp of just badly it is failing.

  21. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by YourDaddy View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by OhOh View Post
    Your wife wants a kid, what do you want? Are you ready for the 20 year minimum responsibility or will your wife's family support you both. You being the sperm supplier with the long nose and hopefully a paler skin tone.?
    Actually it's me that brought it up and she said "serious? u want?"

    No intention moving to a village and living with the family, hence the OP.

    Point being - you think too much. Your wife will tell you when you are ready to start a family.

  22. #47
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    You shouldn't have a kid unless you both really want one. Not fair to the child.

  23. #48
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    My partner graduated from a Thai university and earns a large salary as an associate professor requiring neither a top tier school or foreign university to do so.
    S/he may be stunningly intelligent but sadly, the shittiness of the Thai education system is so all pervasive that having the title of associate professor means absolutely nothing at all. Any halfwit who puts in the hours can get an academic title here. It's really not something to boast about.

    You can't buy intelligence and talent.
    As private education has shown for some time, that's not exactly true. Many of the people I went to school with would, had they not gone to a fairly expensive English private school, have ended up working in dead-end jobs doing nothing and going nowhere. Instead they've got money coming out of their ears, and are a lot more intelligent and talented than they would otherwise have been.
    Last edited by Passing Through; 31-03-2017 at 03:47 PM.

  24. #49
    Thailand Expat YourDaddy's Avatar
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    Council flat. Thanks suckers!

    Did you ever post under initials AA?

  25. #50
    Harbinger of Doom

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    I think raising a kid in Thailand would be a mistake.... she doesn't think so.
    Although many Thais are well aware of the sub-standard nature of the education system, sadly not many realise just how stunningly shit it really is. That said, if your problem is with education (rather than just a general feeling of unhappiness about bringing up a child in Thailand, which I would certainly understand), there may be OK state schools near you. They do exist and although they might not be in the frame for any international awards, they might do the job (depending on what the job is.)

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