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  1. #51
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    The cat's getting stoned!

  2. #52
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    28-10-2019 @ 03:54 AM
    I have one cat, it's job is to kill the mice and rats that want to invade My home.
    I go on holiday to Italy, Thailand, Deutsland, France and Wales.
    Lock him outside the home, and await our return,
    Cat survives, the outdoors even in the middle of winter.
    Cat clever, soft neighbours feed him while We are away.
    Oh our cat did Kill " Cock Robin"
    Cats do not LOVE You.

  3. #53
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  4. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by wasabi View Post
    I have one cat, it's job is to kill the mice and rats that want to invade My home.
    I go on holiday to Italy, Thailand, Deutsland, France and Wales.
    Lock him outside the home, and await our return,
    Cat survives, the outdoors even in the middle of winter.
    Cat clever, soft neighbours feed him while We are away.
    Oh our cat did Kill " Cock Robin"
    Cats do not LOVE You.
    This is wrong on so many levels, I won't even begin.

  5. #55
    patsycat's Avatar
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    08-11-2017 @ 09:54 PM
    Davey, i have had two reds in all the years that i have been on this Forum. And both of them have come from you!!

    This is a thread about cats, if you don't like cats don't read it.

    I imagine you are a pitbull mix type of guy anyway.

    Anyway, cats are awesome!! I miss mine every day. But circumstances beyond me had me having to give Jimmy away to a nice family with a garden where he can live his last years happily. He is 14 now. Lives in the country and even has a garden shed with a couch in it for his naps. Better than living in a flat on the 4th floor.

    They sporadically e mail me piccies.

    And yes, cats do love you. But not in the sloppy way dogs do.

  6. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by patsycat
    yes, cats do love you. But not in the sloppy way dogs do.
    I agree with this part though. I know my cats love us they show it all the time, not far from dogs just in more subtle ways most times. Ours go out of their way to cuddle, being cats they do it mostly on their terms, but it's unmistakable and also selective but there is a hierarchy within the group just like dogs and they recognize us as the "big" cats they want to socialize with.

    Like with dogs I generally like them all it's the owners that I find intolerable due to their lack of knowledge, consideration & indifference for others and understanding. It's kind a like when you meet someone and they shove their ugly baby in your face and tell you how cute they are and insist you agree with them, "ah look how cute OUR baby is!" .

    No he's not cute at all, glad you think so though and that thing hanging out of his nose is not at all cute either and neither is his wailing cry for you to feed him. He's YOUR child so please don't impose him on others expecting them to feel the same way you do just BECAUSE he's a baby.

  7. #57
    I am in Jail

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    02-11-2014 @ 11:06 PM
    I think we have gone into another ball park here!

    Cats nor Dogs know sweet F.A about the human emotion that we call love.

    One species is very LOYAL ( key word ) often described as mans best friend whilst the other is merely a lodger who chooses its digs depending on whats on the plate!

    In the U.K if you happen to run over either species the law states that you only have to stop and report one,I wonder which one

  8. #58
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    Dave, loyalty can be and is often about Love.. I'm certain, and I am one who usually argues projecting human emotions on animals, that our domestic pets do experience what in an animals sense can be described as love for their owners/keepers. There have also been credible studies done that prove this to be true.

    Where I differ is when compassionate people try to throw out that a soi dog for example, is "suffering" with the lives they live. That soi dog which was most likely born into that condition has no concept of suffering any more than the Wildebeast that gets consumed alive by a crocodile. It just knows it needs to survive and that there is always a chance that presents itself that it may not due to predators, but suffering NEVER enters it's mind, only survival and reproduction or if it has mange, that it itches, so I'll scratch it, such is my life.

    It was late so I left it short, but there is no doubt they feel remorse for behavior they know to be wrong, they mourn a pet friend loss, a human keepers loss etc., loneliness, and obviously anger towards someone attempting to do them or their "pack" harm which is how they think of their human keepers..
    Last edited by FloridaBorn; 14-05-2014 at 11:38 PM.

  9. #59
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    Scientifically speaking, there is no doubt that cats have emotions and a self, like us. They don't have our level of self-reflective thought and thus a very developed self, but they certainly have emotions, and love is a prime one.

    An easy read on this subject is Damazio's Self Comes to Mind.
    Cycling should be banned!!!

  10. #60
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    16-05-2022 @ 02:00 AM
    Cats don't love?? Ironically this just happened yesterday and was caught on security cams. This cat is my hero, without hesitation and mighty quickly I might add, she (turns out it's a she which explains even more, maternal instincts and all that) charges at this dog that is attacking a young boy and kicks the shit out of him, once she gets her bearings after running into him, then she even has the nads (or not ) to run after him to give him some more bollocking but the dog hightails it, the coward! Takes after a little boy but not a full grown feline!! She then runs back to check the boy immediately, it makes my eyes leak. I can't stop watching even though I hate that this little boy got mauled like that, the cats actions are just stunning!! That dog was so aggressive and just tearing at that little boys leg without hesitation, all of that cats actions are instinctive, calculated and deliberate, buy that cat a live mouse to play with!!.. What a hero!!

    There is other footage with interviews and stuff and that's a beautiful cat and obviously loves this little boy.

    I hope I can get this vid up but at least I'll leave the link..

    Pet cat saves boy from dog that was attacking him (with video) (UPDATED)
    Last edited by FloridaBorn; 15-05-2014 at 10:27 AM.

  11. #61
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    Holy crap! I may have to post an entire thread on that cat, no one is checking it out? It's flipping incredible!

  12. #62
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    Wasn't she the Queen of the day? But, each to their own. Some people like dogs and others love cats. Recently we have had some sort of sad story in my family and my 86 year old mum has been a bit sad. My nephews deaf chocolate labrador has stuck to her all day the other day, how lovely is that. She found it so theraputic just to stroke his silky ears.

    I remember 10 years ago when my dad died, i had four cats wrapped around me.... They know when you are sad, and nobody is going to tell me otherwise

  13. #63
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    08-11-2017 @ 09:54 PM
    I just read on a Swiss forum that the dog in question was put down

  14. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by patsycat View Post
    I just read on a Swiss forum that the dog in question was put down
    Actually not sure he has been put down yet it has been too early I believe. I saw that posted in the comments section too but not sure it has been confirmed. Usually law requires them to be quarantined and monitored for 2 weeks see if they develop rabies etc. but if that dog is not ill it needs to be put down, that's such a vicious and unprovoked attack it is absolutely shocking. It could have been so much worse and it was bad enough, the little guy seems to be taking it all in stride though and that's encouraging to see.

    One of those rare cases I can see where the cat being outside has paid dividends..

  15. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by patsycat View Post
    Wasn't she the Queen of the day? But, each to their own. Some people like dogs and others love cats. Recently we have had some sort of sad story in my family and my 86 year old mum has been a bit sad. My nephews deaf chocolate labrador has stuck to her all day the other day, how lovely is that. She found it so theraputic just to stroke his silky ears.

    I remember 10 years ago when my dad died, i had four cats wrapped around me.... They know when you are sad, and nobody is going to tell me otherwise
    There's no question of the perceptibly & compassion of animals, they use them here in the nursing homes and call them comfort animals as they perceptively know when a person is about to finally pass on and the pets go to the given patients room and alert by laying and staying with them until they pass, which is usually rather quickly, within 24 hours or less.

  16. #66
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    I can't believe all the moron dog owners spouting their usual mantra ie " no such thing as a bad dog just bad owners " wtf ? I have had dogs in the past and loved them , but if they were ever involved in an unprovoked attack on a kid or any person actually then I'm sorry it's curtains fido . This effing thing needs stringing up with piano wire vicious kunt !

  17. #67
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    The first time i was on Koh Samui, i was having a wee drinky poo in a bar people watching. A cat jumped on my lap and curled up and fell asleep.

    How odd is that, i think it smelt my skirt which smelt of my cats thousands of miles away and felt protected or something.

    They are intriging critters. It's the way they look at you, with those big green eyes as if you never existed. And then get all lovey dovey. Doing that paw making pastry act.

    Cats don't slobber.
    Last edited by patsycat; 17-05-2014 at 06:37 AM.

  18. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by patsycat View Post
    The first time i was on Koh Samui, i was having a wee drinky poo in a bar people watching. A cat jumped on my lap and curled up and fell asleep.

    How odd is that, i think it smelt my skirt which smelt of my cats thousands of miles away and felt protected or something.

    They are intriging critters. It's the way they look at you, with those big green eyes as if you never existed. And then get all lovey dovey. Doing that paw making pastry act.

    Cats don't slobber.
    Every Cat I have encountered in Thailand has been a feral wild vicious pest!

    My wife is Thai I have lived in Thailand and the Thais do not treat animals like us Europeans.

    Therefore the domestic animals are not safe to touch as a rule!!!!!!!

    Your over doing it with this Patsy as usual

  19. #69
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    Early one morning, I stood on a snake in the kitchen.It was a Krait. Thankfully, the wifes cat had nailed it and it was as dead as a dodo.

  20. #70
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    Be that as it may, LC, they are all out to get you....

  21. #71
    Hangin' Around cyrille's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FloridaBorn
    Ironically this just happened yesterday and was caught on security cams.
    How is it 'ironic'?

  22. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by Little Chuchok
    Early one morning, I stood on a snake in the kitchen.It was a Krait. Thankfully, the wifes cat had nailed it and it was as dead as a dodo.
    I bet you crapped yourself for the second or 2 it took you to realize it was dead. Half asleep, step on something, look down, SNAKE! Krait!!!, ermmmm, oh, it's dead, phew...

  23. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by cyrille View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by FloridaBorn
    Ironically this just happened yesterday and was caught on security cams.
    How is it 'ironic'?
    Does that words definition escape you? If so I'll explain but if not go back and read the previous posts before I found the video and posted it, then all should be clear.. Curious though, is that ALL you managed to take away from the video?

  24. #74
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    23-06-2014 @ 11:45 AM
    According to my cat - it is not the killing - it is the hunt that he likes. He often shows me his prey before he eats it.

  25. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by patsycat
    i think it smelt my skirt which smelt of my cats thousands of miles away and felt protected or something.
    Patsy this is a disturbing revelation, do you ever wash your clothes??

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