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  1. #51
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    09-01-2017 @ 07:38 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by quimbian corholla View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by billy the kid
    just noticed a thin white thread like substance starting to cover over the top of the brew. looks nasty and fear it's all heading for the bog.
    Doesn't sound good, but before you throw it out have a very little taste, it might have become vinegar which you could use. Can you post up a pic for the resident expert brewologist here?

    Hmm, its a bit like phoning the Doc and saying I don't feel so clever whats up with me? , at a rough guess it reads like its some sort of fungus growth if you leave a pot of jam out with the top on it soon grows a white fungus like growth on the top , the problem is if you put the yeast in while the water is still hot it just kills the yeast , I have started some 10 Litres of Pineapple this morning and its going like the clappers , before putting it in a demi john I always use a big plastic container with a good lid with a weight on top for the first 2 days of fermentation as many times its so vigorous it just blows the plastic bag off the demi john like an erupting volcano!, in most cases fermentation should only take about 7 days or so depending on how much sugar you use , once its in the demi john it takes about 3 weeks for all the sediment to go to the bottom ,I siphon it off into another clean demijohn top it up and put the screw top on , I really wish I could help but without seeing it ,bit hard to tell , what makes it even harder I have never ever come across something like that before ,the best thing to do in my opinion is taste it ,if its sweet or sweetish the yeast has not worked , loads of advice on Google ,forget all the fancy ingredients , Sugar,water,yeast and the fruit or juice of your choice ,if I was Billy I would try just a small batch of say 5 litres as an experiment ,by the sounds of things the first try ain't turned out right , but I was just the same when I started out many moons ago , the grape fruit juice in cartons is just the job for a beginner, loads video's on Google on how to go about it , once you get in to it its as easy as falling off a log

  2. #52
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    09-01-2017 @ 07:38 AM
    Hey QC, something like this recipe would suit Billy down to the ground ,personally I would use at least a half kilo of sugar if I was making a full gallon ,Apple and grape are the best as the others may stay cloudy or are not suitable same as citrus juice , 1 heaped teaspoon of yeast is quite sufficient , just put the yeast in a half glass of luke warm sugar water ,stir it up cover it with cling film and after 20 minutes or so you will observe it frothing up ,just pour the juice into a container with a top on then add the yeast solution and stir ,put the top on and put a weight on , leave for a full day and then bottle it leaving about 2 inches from the top ,apply the small plastic bag and seal it with a couple of rubber bands ,after about 2 hours or so it will start fermenting quite vigorously ,put the bottle in a basin for the first couple of days as it may start frothing out of the bottom of the plastic bag and then you will finish up with a mess on the floor! good luck Billy !

  3. #53
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    09-01-2017 @ 07:38 AM
    Cupid stunt! I forgot to put the recipe in How To Make Wine In Just One Week

  4. #54
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    19-11-2016 @ 07:57 PM
    cheers for the advice piwanoi.
    i was told to leave the lid loose at the beginning and this may be causing the problem
    also adding yeast to the hot water
    yes it's a fungus growing but it smells ok today and so i will leave it for another 10 days before siphoning into the demi johns.
    for every 2 pound bag o sugar i used one heaped tablespoon o yeast< which went into hot water>. all in all 3 bags of sugar. i'm guessing there was 15/18 kilo of fruit.
    more yeast and a lil sugar was added later into the coool mix.
    now i'm just gonna wait and see
    could still be a merry xmas.
    sorry no have pics.

  5. #55
    Pronce. PH said so AGAIN!
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    Quote Originally Posted by billy the kid
    i was told to leave the lid loose at the beginning and this may be causing the problem also adding yeast to the hot water
    yes it's a fungus growing but it smells ok today and so i will leave it for another 10 days before siphoning into the demi johns.
    for every 2 pound bag o sugar i used one heaped tablespoon o yeast< which went into hot water>. all in all 3 bags of sugar. i'm guessing there was 15/18 kilo of fruit.
    more yeast and a lil sugar was added later into the coool mix.
    now i'm just gonna wait and see
    For my first, and so far only, stab at brewing something I started from this page (but I cut the ingredients in half because I was sure it was going to fail):

    Hawaii-five-whoah! How to make easy pineapple wine - Two Thirsty Gardeners

    except I didn't have the citric acid so I used half a lemon and I skipped adding the tea because hey, why waste a good teabag? And I used bread yeast. The only reason I chose that page was because I got a giggle out of the way it was written, any page about brewing that includes a "Polynesian war paddle" is a winner in my book.

    I was extremely careful to make sure everything that was used was carefully sterilised though (I used a VERY dilute solution of chlorine in water for it) and the result is not that bad considering and quite potent, it has a noticeable kick.

    Don't be disheartened Billy, even my little batch has been a fun experiment and good talking point when I have friends over for dinner and give them a bit to try.

    Now I just have to decide what to have a go at next.

  6. #56
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    09-01-2017 @ 07:38 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by billy the kid View Post
    cheers for the advice piwanoi.
    i was told to leave the lid loose at the beginning and this may be causing the problem
    also adding yeast to the hot water
    yes it's a fungus growing but it smells ok today and so i will leave it for another 10 days before siphoning into the demi johns.
    for every 2 pound bag o sugar i used one heaped tablespoon o yeast< which went into hot water>. all in all 3 bags of sugar. i'm guessing there was 15/18 kilo of fruit.
    more yeast and a lil sugar was added later into the coool mix.
    now i'm just gonna wait and see
    could still be a merry xmas.
    sorry no have pics.
    Yeah Billy FFS don't write it off ,as the base brew can often be "rescued", the idea of keeping the lid on your receptacle pretty tight is to stop any insects etc from getting in as the smell is irresistible , you are certainly on the right track ,and as they say "god loves a trier " , as I said to QC its somewhat difficult to pass advice when I cannot see "the patient" the wine I make is quite often fermented out after 7 days or so , then its waiting for it to clear and removing the sediment which should take no more than a month ,then you can wait those desperate 2/3 months for it to mature , even then its rather young but what the hell!

  7. #57
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    24-04-2023 @ 02:34 PM
    A lid does not prevent oxygen getting into the container, use a plastic bag and elastic band in your attempt to make it airtight. The use of fruit juice is questionable because who knows what chemicals are added before it is packaged ? Make your wine making as simple as possible and use only fruit, sugar, water and yeast. Ensure that the fruit is washed and that the container is clean. The white stuff is a sign that you can safely chuck it all out. Don't use that particular container again until it has been sterilised.

  8. #58
    Pronce. PH said so AGAIN!
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    I have just noticed an extremely egregious error in the title description of this section of the forum:

    Thailands Wine Cellar For all the Booze related threads, be it Thai Singha Beer, Sangsom Whiskey, Sangthip, Mekhong, Lao Khao, Fancy making your own Yah Dong? Of course not forgetting the old favourites like American bourbons and Scotch Whiskeys.

    Now, setting aside that SaengSom is actually a rum which doesn't matter because it is a vile potion anyway but 'Scotch Whiskeys'?? Really?

    It's Whiskies goddammit!

  9. #59
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    09-01-2017 @ 07:38 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by can123 View Post
    A lid does not prevent oxygen getting into the container, use a plastic bag and elastic band in your attempt to make it airtight. The use of fruit juice is questionable because who knows what chemicals are added before it is packaged ? Make your wine making as simple as possible and use only fruit, sugar, water and yeast. Ensure that the fruit is washed and that the container is clean. The white stuff is a sign that you can safely chuck it all out. Don't use that particular container again until it has been sterilised.
    Quite correct Can123 ,it does not prevent air getting in, but just for the first couple of days its advisable to put your product in a container as the initial fermentation is often quite violent and it may just blow the plastic bag off the top off the Demijohn with the brew all over the floor ,I have seen this more times than enough over the years , once it "settles down " then as you rightly say put it in the demi john with a small plastic bag over the top and apply the couple of rubber bands , many times I could here the escaping gas fizzing away !, as far as fruit juice goes if it says preservative free there is no problem at all, over the years I have made really knockout wine with Juice , and of course as I said in an earlier post keep it as simple as possible that's the secret in closing when useing a plastic container with a top on , before transferring to the demi john I have never had any wine spoiled in all the 30 years or so I have been making it.

  10. #60
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    19-11-2016 @ 07:57 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by can123
    Don't use that particular container again until it has been sterilised.
    i did sterilise the plastic bin before using it. even the fruit went into a weak mixture of sterilising fluid and then in normal water.
    leaving the lid loose attracted tiny flies and a few got in there but have since scooped them out when removing the squashed fruit after 6 weeks.

    Quote Originally Posted by can123
    white stuff is a sign that you can safely chuck it all out.
    well i will give it a try as it smells ok
    not what i wanted to read

  11. #61
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    24-04-2023 @ 02:34 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by billy the kid
    well i will give it a try as it smells ok
    not what i wanted to read
    Try to cut down on the number of tiny flies. Zero flies is best !

  12. #62
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    19-11-2016 @ 07:57 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by piwanoi
    Yeah Billy FFS don't write it off ,
    goin with this advice

    if you don't hear from me after xmas there'll be no hard feelings.

  13. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by billy the kid View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by piwanoi
    Yeah Billy FFS don't write it off ,
    goin with this advice

    if you don't hear from me after xmas there'll be no hard feelings.
    No, of course not and I'm sure the boys around here will have a collection for a nice wreath for you. Will the flies be attending the funeral ?

  14. #64
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    09-01-2017 @ 07:38 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by can123 View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by billy the kid
    well i will give it a try as it smells ok
    not what i wanted to read
    Try to cut down on the number of tiny flies. Zero flies is best !
    As no doubt you know already and others should be aware of this little pest is the home made wine makers #1 enemy

  15. #65
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    09-01-2017 @ 07:38 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by can123 View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by billy the kid
    well i will give it a try as it smells ok
    not what i wanted to read
    Try to cut down on the number of tiny flies. Zero flies is best !
    We all have to learn ,there are thousands of recipes out there but not many warnings of this little bar steward ,the home made wine makers nightmare , if Billy has made a mistake and in no way am I saying he has until we get the final diagnosis from him ,it was (1) making a large initial batch and (2) not being aware of the dreaded vinegar fly ,one mistake does not mean the mean the end ,call it an expensive lesson and move on to better things for the future , here is some more info Those Dreaded Flies - The Importance of Protecting your Wine | Wine making | Creative Connoisseur

  16. #66
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    19-11-2016 @ 07:57 PM
    [QUOTE="piwanoi"]making a large initial batch and (2) not being aware of the dreaded vinegar fly ,one mistake does not mean the mean the end ,call it an expensive lesson and move on to better things for the future.

    not too expensive as i got the fruit free in the back garden.
    my djoo pal who believes the sun shines out of his arse said a few flies wouldn't do any harm so i'll be offering him the first bottle
    I'll pass on the wreath if it's needed.

    yes next time will check for a better mix regarding how much fruit to use.
    Cheers guys.

  17. #67
    or TizYou?
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    I used to make some really nice wine when I was living in Saudi.
    Just used a 20 liter plastic jerry can.
    18 litres of grape juice, 2 kgs of sugar, add a tea bag ( for the tanin, it really makes a difference ). Use proper brewers yeast, baking yeast will work, but the results are never as good.
    For an airlock, I used to just stretch a condom over the jerry can spout. Get ones without spermicide, 'cos the spermicide might kill the yeast.
    As soon as the condom deflates, your brew is ready to bottle.

  18. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by TizMe View Post
    I used to make some really nice wine when I was living in Saudi.
    Just used a 20 liter plastic jerry can.
    18 litres of grape juice, 2 kgs of sugar, add a tea bag ( for the tanin, it really makes a difference ). Use proper brewers yeast, baking yeast will work, but the results are never as good.
    For an airlock, I used to just stretch a condom over the jerry can spout. Get ones without spermicide, 'cos the spermicide might kill the yeast.
    As soon as the condom deflates, your brew is ready to bottle.
    I have tried both bakers and brewers yeast and found little difference personally , the yeast you really need is proper wine makers yeast as it has a higher tolerance to alcohol , bakers and brewers gets killed off pretty quickly whilst using proper Wine yeast I have made excellent wine up to 13% alc , I have tried in vane to find a source here in Thailand ,if I recall correct I have made Wine here with bakers yeast up to 9 % alc , I am unable to test it nowadays as the dog chewed my Alcometre and I am unable to get another here in Thailand , but the latest wine I have made has a bit of a "kick" to it after dropping a pint or so for me there is something fascinating about the hobby , and as you are aware the basic ingredients are readily available here , plus the temperature is well nigh perfect for fermenting ,so unlike England , for me its always nice to read some ones experiences like yours and The condom (quite original) bit brought a smile to my face too

  19. #69
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    Tiz me This is what I was writing about , here its called a vinometre , but its exactly the same as what I used to have

  20. #70
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    Thislittle video shows how easy it is to test the alcohol content in your product with the Vino meter /Alco meter

  21. #71
    Pronce. PH said so AGAIN!
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    Quote Originally Posted by piwanoi
    I am unable to test it nowadays as the dog chewed my Alcometre
    Listen pal, you aren't fooling anybody; "The dog ate my homework" didn't work in school and it won't wash here either, just confess that you lost it/trod on it or whatever.

    We won't give you detention or lines.

  22. #72
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    09-01-2017 @ 07:38 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by quimbian corholla View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by piwanoi
    I am unable to test it nowadays as the dog chewed my Alcometre
    Listen pal, you aren't fooling anybody; "The dog ate my homework" didn't work in school and it won't wash here either, just confess that you lost it/trod on it or whatever.

    We won't give you detention or lines.
    Quite true QC, we took in a flea infested little stray about 3 years ago and some how she got hold of it and splintered it , my fault of course as I must have put it down so she could get hold of it ,but its a handy piece of Kit to have no doubt about it, I'm going to Email my kids to get one for me for Xmas as my Son is arriving Nov 8th ,I think its part of the fun when making a new "brew" to see what kind of a "wallop" there is in the finished product .

  23. #73
    Pronce. PH said so AGAIN!
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    Quote Originally Posted by piwanoi
    Quite true QC
    I wasn't doubting your word, just joshing with you.

    A nifty little gizmo to have to be sure. Now you've got me wondering if something similar could be botched together from an old alcohol thermometer....

  24. #74
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    09-01-2017 @ 07:38 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by quimbian corholla View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by piwanoi
    Quite true QC
    I wasn't doubting your word, just joshing with you.

    A nifty little gizmo to have to be sure. Now you've got me wondering if something similar could be botched together from an old alcohol thermometer....
    I can't see why not as they are almost identical ain't they, the perfect test for it would be to put some shop bought wine what has the Alc Content written on the Bottle.

  25. #75
    Pronce. PH said so AGAIN!
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    Quote Originally Posted by piwanoi
    I can't see why not as they are almost identical ain't they, the perfect test for it would be to put some shop bought wine what has the Alc Content written on the Bottle.
    Good suggestion. I have a couple of mercury thermometers that I wouldn't mind sacrificing and using a shop wine would give a rough baseline.

    Snapping off the bulb should be easy and using boiling water and a wire tied around the top and then dipping into ice water will hopefully get the top to crack cleanly off, I'm just a bit concerned about the mercury. I know there's not much in them but it's nasty stuff.

    Anybody have any ideas of how best to dispose of it (red will be awarded to the first person who says 'drink it' )?

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